OBX Dance Athlete and Parent Handbook

OBX Dance Athlete and Parent Handbook Our mission is to build self­confidence, self­discipline, team building, and everlasting friendships through cheerleading. We pride ourselves on setting high standards for our coaches, athletes, and parents. We are dedicated and committed to training our athletes to achieve their goals and to believe in themselves on and off the cheerleading mat. WELCOME TO FAME ALL­STARS! Welcome to FAME All­Stars!!! 12 years strong and counting. We are excited that you have chosen to be a part of our program and hope that you have a long and rewarding relationship with the FAME Family. Over the last 12 years, FAME All­Stars has established itself as one of the top nationally ranked programs in the county. To date our teams have accumulated over 400 National Titles, 100 State Titles, and 50 Grand Champion Titles, 51 bids to the Cheerleading worlds, along with numerous tournaments in the World. Along with numerous other impressive speciality awards. By attending some of the most competitive and prestigious tournaments in the World, our athletes and teams have made a name for our program and have solidified FAME All­Stars a successful and respected program that ranks among the nation’s elite. Another amazing you’ll find about FAME All­Stars is our World Class Staff. We have the most loyal, talented, credentialed, and experienced coaches in North Carolina who are dedicated to seeing our athletes through to reach their fullest potential. FAME Coaches are more than just cheerleading coaches. They are mentors and positive role models for our athletes, and take pride in watching our athletes grow each day in life and cheerleading. Although FAME is one of the largest programs in the country, we a FAMILY. Above all else, we pride ourselves on having a wholesome, positive, and encouraging environment where the cheerleaders LOVE to be! We strongly value sportsmanship, dedication, integrity, caring, and FUN! When you come to FAME you will train in a top notch facility, be instructed by amazing coaches, and become part of one of the top programs in the country for a lower cost than most of our competitors. We are excited to welcome you to the FAME Family! How to Register for FAME ALL-STARS for the 2015-2016 Season
Read the Entire Handbook and Financial Agreement for the 2015-2016 Season. Sign agreement page.
Complete Tryout Form and athlete profile
Fill out medical release waiver
Pay Registration Fee for the 2015-2016 Season
Registration Fees
Registration April 1-22nd
$100---Early Bird Registration Fee
Registration Fee $70
Includes Evaluation Fee $30
Registration after April 22nd
$145--Registration Fee
Includes Yearly Registration Fee $115
Includes Evaluation Fee $30
May 18th
Dance Team Evaluations
6:30-8:00 PM
Registration Checklist​
(All items below should be collected and turned in together) _____ Return Registration/Emergency Release Form _____ Return Tryout Form _____ Return Athlete Profile _____ Read online handbook and return agreement page _____ Registration Fee Payment 1 ATHLETE RULES OF CONDUCT
★ No profanity or abusive language.
★ Refrain from using social networking, messaging services or electronic media to distribute
negative or inappropriate information that could be detrimental to yourself, your family, and
the FAME brand or reputation in any way. This is ground for immediate dismissal from the
★ If an extracurricular activity interferes with our mandatory practices or competitions, you will
have to choose which activity you will continue.
★ Each team will be assigned other teams to watch at competitions, you are required to watch
your assigned teams.
★ Remain mindful that your decisions, whether you are actually wearing anything displaying the
FAME brand or logo at the time or not, affect and can be a negative reflection of yourself,
your parents, fellow teammates, coaches, staff, and the entire FAME program. Athletes
should take pride in wearing “FAME colors” and conduct themselves accordingly to uphold the
legacy of FAME.
★ Athlete’s are expected to wear FAME practice wear on the correct night of practice
★ Accept both constructive criticisms, along with praise for a job well done
★ Not participate in gossip. This includes internal gossip about other FAME athletes and external
gossip about other cheerleading programs and their athletes. Problems shall be addressed
and received directly, and parents should not listen, participate or instigate any idle, worthless
★ Show good sportsmanship and class at ALL times.
★ Attitude is everything. If an athlete has a foul attitude, we will place him/her to a
non-competitive program, such as a class until improvements are made. Until then, a
replacement will be put in position.
★ Not bully. This includes all forms such as electronic, verbal, physical, mental, media based,
monetary, etc.
★ Use social networking and electronic media as a means of publishing and spreading the
word of FAME in a positive and appropriate manner.
★ Under no circumstances should you enter the practice area at the FAME gym or any warm-up
area at any competition.
★ Do not try to yell or get your child’s attention on the floor during practice at the FAME gym or
any warm-up area at any competition.
★ Understand that the parent viewing area is open as a privilege not a right. If the viewing
area becomes a parent issue, FAME has the right to close the area at anytime without prior
★ If you threaten to quit or pull your child from the program, you may be dismissed from the
program immediately.
2 ★ Never speak or approach a competition official such as a judge
★ Your opinion regarding practice and routine construction does not count. Please respect the
decisions the coaching staff at FAME make. We have years of experience and will make the
best decisions for the entire team/program.
★ Please do not call or text a staff member during practice. Or after hours as well, the staff
needs to have their personal time from work. Thank you in advance for respecting this rule.
★ If you threaten to quit or pull your child from the program, you will be asked to leave
immediately. This is unacceptable behavior that will not be tolerated.
★ Please do not punish your child with practices and competitions. At that time you are
punishing the entire team/program.
★ Please be aware that FAME is privately owned and operated and should parents or
cheerleaders engage in behavior that is unbecoming of a representative of FAME, we reserve
the right to remove parents or cheerleaders from the program temporarily or permanently.
​Team Rep is a parent who is the liaison between the coach and the parents. If you are interested in
this responsibility and would like to be considered for the position, please inform DeMarcus Johnson.
There is one rep per team. Team Reps are not involved in gym decisions, coaching or accounting
issues. if you choose to be a team representative, you will be responsible, but not limited to, the
following duties:
➢ Roll call at all team practices, competitions, and special events.
➢ Communication with parents and athletes via email, text, phone.
➢ Developing team specific announcements, emails, and reminders.
➢ Individual team Social Media set-up and maintenance.
➢ Team management at competitions from arrival time to release time.
➢ Collecting and distributing FAME program t-shirts
➢ Organizing and preparing team outing and team bonding activities.
The FAME brand is a highly recognized and TRADEMARKED brand nationwide. You cannot create or
sell your own FAME clothing. The FAME logo, FAME pro shop apparel, and any other items associated
with FAME All-Stars are only allowed to be purchased through the gym or through the official FAME
online Pro-Shop at ​
. Parents/Family/Friends ​
are NOT ​
authorized to create, sell, or
purchase non-authorized apparel. All ideas for apparel must be emailed and approved by
Practices are MANDATORY. Being an athlete on a team at FAME is a commitment. Athletes are
required to notify their team rep and coach if they are missing for any reason and receive their
approval to miss practice. An “absent request” form must be filled out prior to the missed practice.
One unexcused absence = $25 fine. If an athlete is absent from practice for any reason, whether
3 excused or unexcused, he or she is responsible for learning ​
routine changes made in their
absence, before the next practice.
Summer practices...we realize that families vacation during the summer break months. Please
communicate these dates directly with your coach. Attendance at practice is critical to your athlete’s
progress and integral to the success of the team and athlete’s should be at practices during the
summer season. Coaches are prepared to spend a lot of time tumbling and stunting during these
practices. While every effort should be made to attend practices, all practices become ​
after choreography camp.
You are NEVER allowed to miss practice two weeks before an event for ANY reason. Only DeMarcus
has the discretion to approve an absence during this time. Failure to attend practice will result in your
child being removed from his/her position until further notice. In the case of a family emergency, you
must notify your coach and team rep as soon as possible to inform them of your situation.
Church is an understood priority at FAME and with many of our families. We will schedule around
most common church times however, absences related to church youth groups, speakers, retreats,
etc., will be unexcused.
Illness: You must attend practice when you are sick, if you are not contagious. You are not required to
participate; however, you must be physically present. In addition, when absences due to illness you
will be required to provide a doctor’s note with detailed information regarding the illness, treatment
and length of recovery. This includes dental, medical and any other health related issue that may
prohibit a student from participating.
Injury: In the event that an athlete is injured you should notify your coach of the happening of such
injury immediately. Thereafter, you should continuously update coaches as soon as possible with all
information concerning doctor’s prognosis, estimated length of recovery, potential for surgery, and
any change in circumstance affecting their ability to perform the physical skills required to fulfill their
role on the team.
★ We will re-choreograph routines based on the athlete’s injury and length of recovery. Once
the individual has fully recovered, he or she may or may NOT be choreographed back into the
routine. All injured athletes must continue to pay fees in full.
Inclement Weather Policy: Every reasonable attempt will be made to open our business on regular
scheduled practice days. However in the event of severe weather conditions, the gym will decide
whether to open or not. Notification will be posted on FAME facebook page, twitter, and on the
Prior to each competition, athletes and parents will be given the following set of team specific times
for competition:
➔ Arrival time- when you must be present at the competition venue
➔ Meet time- when your team is required to meet with team rep and congregate at a
specific place designated by the team reps. Team reps will take roll as the athletes
prepare to walk to warm-ups. Athletes must leave all backpacks, purses, make-up,
warm-up jackets and pants etc., with parents at this time.
4 ➔ Warm-up time- the time the event hosting company has scheduled the team to
➔ Performance time- the time when the team is scheduled to perform
➔ Award time- the time of the awards ceremony that you team has been scheduled to
receive it’s award. If you do not attend your awards ceremony please make
arrangements with your team rep ​
prior ​
to awards so they can hold your medal, jacket,
etc. If arrangements are not made we cannot guarantee the item will be received. It is
important to stay for all awards ceremonies.
➔ Release time- when you are officially dismissed and allowed to leave the competition
◆ From your arrival time to your release time, every athlete is required to watch
and support all FAME teams except the scheduled time that his or her team is
to be warming up. Athletes may not leave the competition before their
respective release time without prior approval from DeMarcus Johnson.
★ Practice Dress Code
○ Athletes must wear the correct color of practice clothes and cheer shoes must be
worn at every practice.
○ Practice clothes may sometimes shrink and athletes will likely grow throughout a
season. FAME staff may require an athlete to purchase larger sized practice shorts or
tops, should the fit become extremely unflattering or inappropriate.
○ Hair must be pulled up, out of your face, in a high ponytail.
○ Please wear ASSIGNED gear to practice (No jeans or jean shorts)
○ NO jewelry to practice. FAME All-Stars assumes NO responsibility of lost jewelry or any
★ Competition Dress Code
Athletes may wear:
○ Athlete’s must arrive performance ready: Full uniform with assigned competition
sports bra and skirt. All hair and makeup must be COMPLETE before entering the
competition venue. DO NOT LEAVE the hotel room without your hair being
competition ready. That means hair styled in a high ponytail, FAME bow, ​
NO glitter.
○ Upon arrival to competition, you may wear your uniform with jacket over it.
■ You may either wear your skirt under your pants (​
under no circumstances
ever may your skirt be worn over your pants​
) or you may bring your skirt on a
hanger or in a bag until it’s time to put it on.
■ All “dressing” and “changing clothes” must be done in a restroom, not the
FAME room, hallway or any other public place because FAME athletes are
always to be 100% ready-to-go.
○ You must wear athletic shoes at the competition at all times. (Absolutely NO Uggs or
flip-flops etc)
○ You are not allowed to wear jewelry at any time during competition days.
All monthly payments (all-star program, classes, etc.) will be drafted through our online system
iClassPro. ​
FAME will no longer allow athletes who have not met their previous season financial
commitment to participate in Team Selection. ​
You are required to fill out our draft form.
5 ★ Payments are due on the 1st of each month, all payments made after the 10th will have a
$15.00 late charge added to the account per month the invoice is late.
★ You will receive a monthly statement on the 25th of each month. Please make sure to keep
your email address updated and current.
★ If your account becomes more than 1 month delinquent, your account will be sent to
collection, and your child will not be able to participate until your account is brought up to
★ It is your responsibility to keep up with your account
★ During ALL gym closings and breaks FULL gym fees still apply. Class and monthly tuition can
not be prorated for any reason.
★ Tuition, Choreography, Camp, Competition fees or clothing are non-refundable.
★ Understand that our expenses must be paid on time and we expect the courtesy of payment
from parents on time.
★ FAME requires a 30 day written notice if your child will be leaving the program. This notice
should be emailed to DeMarcus at ​
[email protected]​
★ If you quit the team prior to a competition you will NOT be refunded any competition fees. It
takes a lot of hard work on behalf of the coaches and the team members to get a routine
ready for competition. We register for competitions beginning in the summer to receive the
best rates. If you child decides to quit, we must find a replacement and train them to be ready
to compete. Therefore, competition fees are not refundable even if your cheerleader leaves,
prior to a competition.
FAB (FAME All-Star Boosters) and Fundraising
★ If you need help in these tough economical times to pay for your child’s tuition and fees than
FAB might be the thing for you! We work places from local Tides and Admirals games, all the
way to special events such as NASCAR and Indy Races at the Richmond International Raceway
and many things in between. You will be required to work a specified amount of shifts per
quarter to be eligible for payouts, but you will reap the rewards when you see just how much
it can help. We do have one rule you should know; you will be required to have FUN! Space is
limited and there is a membership fee and required uniform (T-Shirt and Hat/Visor) that you
will purchase through FAB. If you have questions about becoming a member or visit us online
at www.leaguelineup.com/FAB
★ A different fundraiser will be presented every 5-6 weeks. Your fundraising profits will be
directly posted to your account. This involves extra work outside of cheer. However we have
seen people pay for their whole year through fundraising and FAB events! Information for
individual OBX fundraisers will be sent home. Everyone is strongly encouraged to participate
in Casino Night at the end of summer!
★ Any SURPLUS of credits from FUNDRAISERS will be applied towards FAME All-Star Classes,
Teams and Merchandise.
★ Refund Checks will not be issued in the event of a surplus.
“We have gone to a couple of gyms in our area over time and we are very pleased with FAME. My
daughter has been able to excel in a sport she loves and create lifetime friendships. I’m excited to
see what next season brings!” ​
-Sondra H, Point Harbor
Privates are an excellent opportunity for FAME athletes to grow and excel their skills. While we value
the results they provide they must be conducted in the following way.
★ All privates will be set up through individual instructors and are not set up through the gym.
★ Payments for Privates are paid directly to the coach.
ALLOWED TO DO PRIVATES until the balance is paid in full
★ Additional items such as apparel, camps, etc. may not be purchased or participated in if you
have a balance on your account. Accounts must be paid first before getting any of the “extra”
● Memorial Day Weekend: May 22 - 25
● Father’s Day: June 21
● Independence Day Break: July 3 - 12
● Summer Break: August 16 - 23
● Labor Day Weekend: September 4 - 7
● Thanksgiving Break: November 23 - 29 (there may be practices during this time)
● Christmas Break/New Years: December 1 - Jan 2 (there may be practices during this time)
● Spring Break: March 27 - April 3 (there may be practices during this time)
○ August 3 - 5
■ Each team will have 2-3 days of choreography during this time frame. Exact
time/days will be emailed when team rosters for the new season are
announced. Tiny will learn throughout summer and fall months during
★ Walk Thru Day: Thursday, May 28
○ 6:00-7:30 PM (VIP) and 7:30-9:00 PM (Regular)
★ Welcome Party: Friday, May 29 (FAME OBX)
○ Food, movies, games, program wide bonding, and FUN! Drop is at 6:30 PM, pick-up is
no later than 8:30 AM.
★ Holiday Party: Saturday, December 11
★ Team Pictures: Late January
★ Year-End Celebration: Late April/May
On Wednesday, May 27, team placements will be posted after 5 PM on our website at
On our website, under the “Registration...OBX” tab.
A private tryout can be held for $55. Email ​
[email protected]​
to set it up.
No. All of the team at FAME All-Stars are “good” teams! Everyone has a place hee. Tumbling is not a
requirement. it is something you will learn with our talented and highly qualified staff.
“FAME All-Stars has given my daughter a wonderful opportunity to be a part of the all-star world!
The skills and confidence she has gained as a person have helped her grow in every aspect. The staff
has been knowledgeable and very compassionate with every skills level that FAME provides. My
daughter absolutely LOVES being apart of this program and being apart of the FAME cheer family!
Any parent or athlete looking for the opportunity to build their cheer skills and be part of a
Nationally ranked program should consider FAME All-Stars! It’s the best!
-Aleca M, Grandy
“My three daughters have been apart of FAME for three years. During this three years, all three
have gained much ore than cheerleading skills. Their self confidence has soared! They have seen the
benefits of working hard and being part of a team. The friendships they have made will last a
lifetime! Also because of the experienced staff, my girls skill levels have increased significantly. My
oldest will be competing at worlds for her 2nd time. We, as a family are so thankful for our time at
FAME All-Stars OBX and Virginia Beach.”
-Chris and Susan C, Harbinger
I have been so happy with FAME. Their coaches are dedicated and really take the time to know
your child and help them at the level they are at while pushing them to be better! I really like how
there are multiple coaches per team so there is not much wasted time at practice. The coaches are
serious and have high expectations and the teams respect them, so they rise to those expectations.
There are also team building activities which really bring the team together as a family.”
-Valerie M, Kitty Hawk
“My daughter originally joined FAME in 2011. We found FAME to be a much more structured and
organized facility than others we had dealt with in the past. FAME has very talented and
experienced coaches who display themselves as positive role models! My daughter has built
self-confidence and set many goals for herself that she continues to work towards. I would highly
recommend FAME All-Stars to anyone seeking a cheerleading program that will bring their child to
his/her fullest potential.”
-Jenny B, Elizabeth City
Early Bird Registration (April 1-22)
Registration (After April 22)
Tiny Tots/Mini’s
Youth, Junior, and Seniors
Crossovers (to another dance)
Tiny Tots/Mini’s
Youth, Junior, Seniors
$15 Monthly Discount (Youth-Senior only)
$200 (costume, make-up and shoes included)
Practice Wear
Team T-Shirt
$25 (Due in November)
​ade in $100 Monthly Installments beginning in June
Approximately $600
Approximately $200
PLEASE NOTE: The above season fees DO NOT include warm-ups, merchandise items, tumbling
classes, training camps/clinics and competition travel/lodging expenses.
(The person you refer cannot have taken classes or been on an All-Star team at any of our gyms.)