Birth Announcements

Birthline of Loveland
of Loveland
save lives
of the unborn
of Loveland)
1528 N.Birthright
Lincoln Ave.,
N. Lincoln
Loveland, CO 80538
April 2013
Birth Announcements
Birthline of Loveland Newsletter
Birthline honors volunteers at dinner
Inside this issue:
A perfect Mother’s Day gift 1
Volunteers honored
Prayer Corner
Gratitude extended
Director’s Letter
Board openings
Many ways to give
Directors and Staff
Louise Link, President
Jane Muhlenbruch-Yee, Secretary
Diane Bakel
Matt Busch
Frederique Grim
Joe Grim
Lindsey Jones
Rachel Konda-Sundheim
Dick Link
Dee Holt, executive director
Going Green
Please help Birthline go
green and save postage by
receiving your newsletter
electronically. Just e-mail
Dee at [email protected] and we will
add you to the e-mail list.
Birthline of Loveland Board President Louis Link (right) addresses the organization’s many volunteers at an appreciation dinner in November.
he Birthline of Loveland board of directors recognized more than 30
volunteers at the November appreciation dinner at Grace Community
Birthline’s board members and executive director prepared the meal and
presented award certificates along with the new Birthline logo necklaces.
Deacon John Volk from St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Johnstown
gave the invocation and an inspiring program about saving the unborn. Alex
Shepherd from the Grace Praise and Worship Band led the group in song.
Special guests included Ed and Jane Ketterer, who helped start the organization more than 32 years ago and recently served on the board.
Give a Mother’s Day gift that saves little lives
irthline’s Mother’s heart pendant-necklace,
which beautifully symbolizes a mother’s
and her baby’s hearts intertwined and inseparable, is the perfect Mother’s Day gift for only $20.
To make a purchase, go to or visit the Birthline
office. The 1-inch pendant-necklace is available
in silver, gold and antique brass.
The purchase saves lives by providing mothers
and their unborn babies with the services they
desperately need.
Page 2
Birth Announcements
Prayer Corner
by Lindsey Jones
o our Dearest Lord, we lift up a prayer for
those who have no voice for themselves
or any kind of defense for themselves. Please, oh King, be
their voice and their great defender! Rise up and protect
the lives of the unborn and their right to be born, for we
know how valuable their lives are and how precious they
are to You. Jesus, may You open the eyes of those who do
not see the immense value of these little ones’ lives. May
You work through us to reveal the great importance of
these little ones and to save them. Amen.
5K Run for Orphans
Birthline is partnering with Northern
Colorado Christian Alliance for Orphans in its annual Run for Orphans
5K. The event is set for May 11 at The
Ranch in Loveland. Please visit to sign
up or become a sponsor.
Birthline extends gratitude to generous benefactors
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in
Fort Collins provided a financial
contribution to help pay Birthline’s rent again last year.
Birthline thanks Colorado First
Foundation and FirstBank for
giving it an opportunity to participate in Colorado Gives Day.
Lifespring Covenant Church women deliver layettes to Birthline.
Birthline’s board members and
executive director participated in
the recent Sanctity of Life weekend sponsored by the Timberline, Resurrection Fellowship
and Grace Community churches.
These churches have made generous contributions to life.
The Council of Catholic Women at St. John the Evangelist Church in Loveland once again turned its January meeting into a baby shower, collecting baby clothes, diapers and other baby items for Birthline’s newborns and new moms.
Under the leadership of Jennifer Hanna, LifeSpring Covenant Church women donated and assembled 27
beautifully wrapped layette boxes for Birthline’s new moms. The gifts include handmade Care Bears with
their own outfits and matching blankets.
To the anonymous donor who gave $5,000: may God bless you for giving so abundantly.
Page 3
Birth Announcements
Director’s Letter by Dee Holt
t Birthline we use the “love” approach with all of
our clients. This means that God is our source
and LOVE is our method of serving some beautiful
young girls and men throughout the year. During the
recent Sanctity of Life weekend I had the privilege of
attending one of our local supporting churches. What
an amazing thing it is when we get to see firsthand
how Birthline has blessed the lives of those in need.
One woman shared that when she was very young, she was going to get
an abortion because she didn’t know of any other alternative. Because of
the information we provided to help her with her decision, she chose not
to go through with her abortion. Then she walked away and a while later
came back with the most precious little ballerina by her side. She told me
that “this is the best gift I could have ever been given outside of Jesus my
Lord.” She just beamed with pride for her dancing little girl and she understood the depth of her decision to give life to her baby.
This and other testimonies were all gifts to my life and more confirmation
that we are doing exactly what God would have us do for His Kingdom.
There is such an eternal significance when it’s all tied up with Christ Jesus our Lord and we have great joy at Birthline in sharing His ministry.
“We love because He first loved us.” ~ I John 4:19
Right: Birthline
board member
Dr. Rachel KondaSundheim is
thrilled with the
baby items donated by the
Council of Catholic Women at St.
John the Evangelist Church.
Openings on
Birthline board
everal of Birthline’s board
members’ time on the
board has come to a close after
many years of devoted service,
although they will continue to
serve in other ways.
The board is seeking individuals to serve who have a heart for
the unborn and to help their
mothers and loved ones. Candidates who also have experience
in marketing, fundraising and
social media are encouraged to
apply by contacting Dee at
(970) 663-2671.
Birthline expands
hours, services
Birthline has expanded its
hours to include Wednesday
mornings. The office is now
open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,
and 1-4 p.m. on Thursday.
This is possible because new
volunteers have come forward
and current volunteers continue to share their time and
love for the unborn.
Birthline is also now offering
post-abortion lay counseling
for women and men dealing
with the pain of an abortion.
Left: Louise Link (left), Birthline board president, and
Lindsey Jones, board member,
run the organization’s booth at
the Sanctity of Life event at
Grace Community Church.
Show you like us on
Birthline of Loveland
1528 N. Lincoln Ave., #200
Loveland, CO 80538
(970) 663-2671
Guiding Principle
It is the right of every
pregnant woman to
give birth and the right
of every child to be
irthline welcomes new volunteers Debra Miller
and Ruby Noble.
Birthline board member Dr.
Rachel Konda-Sundheim
(center) presents Birthline
founders Ed and Jane Ketterer with gifts of gratitude at
the volunteer dinner in November.
Donate to Birthline
New and current volunteers recently completed training that
included information
about office procedures, sharing of actual experiences and
learning about adoption as an option.
Donation Box
ou have the opportunity to help SAVE the
lives of babies and rescue mothers in crisis.
Birthline is in need of:
 Prayers
 Volunteers for office reception duties and lay
 Newborn winter onesies
 Maternity clothes
 Baby clothes, newborn to size 2 (gently used
and new)
 Diapers in sizes newborn, 3 and 4
 Financial contributions – donate by check or