AAMP’S Run/Walk in the Park 5K Saturday, June 13, 2015 Race begins at 9:00AM – Kitchell Park, Pana IL All runners and walkers are welcome to participate! ENTRY FEES 5K Run/Walk 5K Run/Walk ADULT: Student (K-12): $20 thru May 25; $30 on race day $15 RACE DAY REGISTRATION & INFORMATION 7:30AM – 8:30AM at Chautauqua Building in Kitchell Park, Pana IL ** Contact Erica Matthews for more information (217) 825-4605 SHIRTS Short sleeve t-shirt guaranteed to first 100 registrants by Monday, May 25th. Race day registrants will receive as available. PROCEEDS All proceeds benefit the Autism and Movement Project, a local dance therapy class designed for Autism, special needs and any child looking to improve speech, behavioral, social and motor skills. CHECKS PAYABLE: Autism and Movement Project Mail to: Erica Matthews 507 S State St Pana, IL 62557 **PRE-REGISTRATION IS RECOMMENDED ENTRY FORM/WAIVER (Please Print) (circle one) Male Female Last Name First Name Street Address City MI State Zip Phone Number Email: Birthdate Age on Race Day RACE ENTERING: (circle one) 5K Run 5K Walk T-Shirt Size: (circle one) Youth- Small Med Large Adult- Small Med Large XL XXL WAIVER – (Please read carefully) Waiver of legal liability: By signing below, I for myself, my executors, administrators and assignees do hereby release and discharge from liability the City of Pana, County of Christian, State of Illinois, Autism and Movement Project, all sponsors, timers, directors and volunteers, and organizers of the AAMP 5K Run/Walk, all other persons associated with the event or otherwise, and their representatives, successors and assignees for any and all injuries suffered by me in this event, however incurred or sustained. I attest and verify that I have knowledge of the risks involved in this event and I am physically fit and sufficiently trained to participate in the event. All persons under the age of 18 must have parent or guardian signature. Signature Date
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