Objectives • Describe the two primary models of light. (38.1) 38 • Explain how the energy of a photon is related to its frequency. (38.2) • Describe what the photoelectric effect suggests about the way light interacts with matter. (38.3) • Explain what causes light to behave like a wave and what causes light to behave like a particle. (38.4) • Describe what de Broglie suggested about all matter. (38.5) • Describe electron orbits according to de Broglie’s theory of matter waves. (38.6) • Explain what determines the radii of the electron orbits in the Bohr model of the atom. (38.7) THE ATOM AND THE QUANTUM .......... THE ATOM AND THE QUANTUM THE BIG IDEA Material particles and light have both wave properties and particle properties. T he final unit of this book is about the realm of the unimaginably tiny atom. This chapter investigates atomic structure, which is revealed by analyzing light. Light has a dual nature, which in turn radically alters our understanding of the atomic world. The next chapter covers the structure of the atomic nucleus and radioactivity, and the concluding chapter is about the nuclear processes of fission and fusion. • Describe the laws governing subatomic interactions. (38.8) • Explain what determines predictability in orderly systems. (38.9) This chapter can, with some discussion of atomic spectra, stand on its own as a continuation and conclusion of Chapter 17, The Atomic Nature of Matter. For a short course, Chapter 10 followed by this chapter should work quite well. It is background for Chapters 39 and 40, but is not a prerequisite. 766 discover! How Can Waves Behave as Particles and Particles Behave as Waves? 1. Draw a square with sides of approximately 5 cm. 2. Draw a second square of the same size on top, but slightly displaced to the side, of the first square. 3. Form a cube by connecting the two squares with straight lines connected to the corresponding vertices. 4. Stare at the cube until you observe a change in the drawing. 766 Analyze and Conclude 1. Observing Describe any changes you observed in the appearance of the cube. 2. Predicting Do you think you would observe similar changes when viewing other figures or objects? 3. Making Generalizations Suggest other situations in which there are two equally valid points of view. discover! MATERIALS FIGURE 38.1 EXPECTED OUTCOME Students will observe that they can see two different aspects of the cube, but not simultaneously. In the old planetary model of the atom, the electrons orbit the nucleus like little planets around a tiny sun. ANALYZE AND CONCLUDE 1. After some time you observe two different aspects of the cube. 38.1 Models ...... CHECK 2. Yes, when the brain is presented with sensory information from a figure that may be decoded in two equally satisfactory ways. 3. Under certain circumstances, light behaves as if it were a wave, but under other conditions it exhibits particle-like properties. 38.1 Models Teaching Tip Don’t overdo history here if physics is your game. The history is more interesting to those already familiar with physics. Through the centuries there have been two primary models of light: the particle model and the wave model. ...... Nobody knows what an atom’s internal structure looks like, for there is no way to see it with our eyes. To visualize the processes that occur in the subatomic realm, we construct models. Figure 38.1 shows the planetary model—the one that most people think of when they picture an atom—in which the electrons orbit the nucleus like planets going around the sun. This was an early model of the atom suggested by the Danish physicist Niels Bohr in 1913. We still tend to think in terms of this simple picture, even though it has been replaced by a more complex model in which the electrons are represented as clouds spread throughout the interior of the atom, as shown in Figure 38.2. We will see that the planetary model of the atom is still useful for understanding the emission of light. Models are assessed not in terms of their “truthfulness,” but in terms of their “usefulness.” Models help us to understand processes that are difficult to visualize. A useful model of the atom must be consistent with a model for light, for most of what we know about atoms we learn from the light and other radiations they emit. Most light has its source in the motion of electrons within the atom. Through the centuries there have been two primary models of light: the particle model and the wave model. Isaac Newton believed light was composed of a hail of tiny particles. Christian Huygens believed that light was a wave phenomenon. The wave model was reinforced more than a century later when Thomas Young demonstrated that light exhibited constructive and destructive interference. Later, James Clerk Maxwell proposed that light is an electromagnetic wave and a part of a broader electromagnetic spectrum. The wave model gained further support when Heinrich Hertz produced radio waves that behaved as Maxwell had predicted. This seemed to verify the wave nature of light once and for all. But Maxwell’s electromagnetic wave model was not the last word on the nature of light. In 1905 Albert Einstein resurrected the particle theory of light. CONCEPT pencil or pen, paper CONCEPT CHECK FIGURE 38.2 In the current model of the atom, electrons are spread out in waves or clouds. Teaching Resources • Reading and Study Workbook • PresentationEXPRESS • Interactive Textbook • Next-Time Question 38-1 • Conceptual Physics Alive! DVDs Atoms What are the two primary models of light? CHAPTER 38 THE ATOM AND THE QUANTUM 767 767 38.2 Light Quanta 38.2 Light Quanta Key Terms quantum (pl. quanta), photon, Planck’s constant Teaching Tip Recall that different colors of light have different frequencies—red lowest and violet highest. Below red is the infrared (IR) part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and above violet, the ultraviolet (UV). State that these different frequencies have corresponding energies—red lowest and violet highest. Summarize this by writing the proportion E ~ f and state that the energy of a packet of light energy, a photon, is directly proportional to its frequency. For: Links on Max Planck Visit: www.SciLinks.org Web Code: csn – 3802 Ask Why do photographers use red light in their darkrooms? The low-energy photons in red light do not affect photographic film. Teaching Tip State that the ratio of the energy of light E to its frequency f is always the same: 6.67 3 10]34 J?s, or Planck’s constant, abbreviated h. The proportion is expressed as an exact equation, E 5 hf. ...... The energy of a photon is directly proportional to the photon’s frequency. CONCEPT ...... CONCEPT How is the energy of a photon related to its CHECK Teaching Resources • Reading and Study Workbook • Problem-Solving Exercises in Physics 19-1 CHECK frequency? FIGURE 38.3 The energy of a photon of light is proportional to its vibrational frequency. RED PHOTON LONG WAVELENGTH LOW FREQUENCY • PresentationEXPRESS • Interactive Textbook 768 Einstein visualized particles of light as concentrated bundles of electromagnetic energy. Einstein built on the idea of a German physicist, Max Planck, who a few years earlier had proposed that atoms do not emit and absorb light continuously, but do so in little chunks. Each chunk was considered a quantum, or a fundamental unit. (The plural of quantum is quanta.) Planck believed that light existed as continuous waves, just as Maxwell had asserted, but that emission and absorption occurred in quantum chunks. Einstein went further and proposed that light itself is composed of quanta. One quantum of light energy is now called a photon. The idea that certain quantities are quantized—that they come in discrete (separate) units—was known in Einstein’s time. Matter is quantized. The mass of a gold ring, for example, is equal to some whole-number multiple of the mass of a single gold atom. Electric charge is quantized, as all charge is some whole-number multiple of the charge of a single electron. Other quantities such as energy and angular momentum are quantized. The energy in a light beam is quantized and comes in packets, or quanta; only a whole number of quanta can exist. The quanta of light, or of electromagnetic radiation in general, are the photons. Photons have no rest energy. They move at one speed only—at the speed of light! The total energy of a photon is the same as its kinetic energy. The energy of a photon is directly proportional to the photon’s frequency. This relationship is illustrated in Figure 38.3. When the energy E of a photon is divided by its frequency f, the quantity that results is known as Planck’s constant, h. This quantity is always the same, no matter what the frequency. The energy of every photon is therefore E = hf. This equation gives the smallest amount of energy that can be converted to light of frequency f. Light is not emitted continuously, but as a stream of photons, each with an energy hf. 768 BLUE PHOTON— SHORT WAVELENGTH HIGH FREQUENCY 38.3 The 38.3 The Photoelectric Effect Photoelectric Effect Einstein found support for his quantum theory of light in the photoelectric effect. The photoelectric effect is the ejection of electrons from certain metals when light falls upon them. These metals are said to be photosensitive (that is, sensitive to light). This effect is used in electric eyes, in the photographer’s light meter, and in picking up sound from the soundtracks of motion pictures. Key Term photoelectric effect Demonstration FIGURE 38.4 The photoelectric effect depends on the frequency of light that shines on the metal. Explanation of the Photoelectric Effect The photoelectric effect is illustrated in Figure 38.4. Energy from the light shining on the metal plate gives electrons bound in the metal enough energy to escape. Investigators discovered that high-frequency light, even from a dim source, was capable of ejecting electrons from a photosensitive metal surface; yet low-frequency light, even from a very bright source, could not dislodge electrons. Since bright light carries more energy than dim light, it was puzzling that dim blue or violet light could dislodge electrons from certain metals when bright red light could not. Einstein explained the photoelectric effect by thinking of light in terms of photons. The absorption of a photon by an atom in the metal surface is an all-or-nothing process. Only one photon is absorbed by each electron ejected from the metal. The number of photons that hit the metal has nothing to do with whether a given electron will be ejected. If the energy in the photon is large enough, the electron will be ejected from the metal. But if the energy in the photon is too small, then the electron is not ejected. The intensity of light does not matter. From E = hf, the critical factor is the frequency, or color, of the light. Since each blue or violet light photon carries enough energy to free an electron from the metal, a few photons of blue or violet light can eject a few electrons. But hordes of red or orange photons cannot eject a single electron. Only high-frequency photons have the energy needed to pull loose an electron. Support for the Particle Model of Light The energy of a wave is spread out along a broad front. For the energy of a light wave to be concentrated enough to eject a single electron from a metal surface is as unlikely as for an ocean wave to hurl a boulder off the beach with an energy equal to the energy of the whole wave. CHAPTER 38 think! Will high-frequency light eject a greater number of electrons than lowfrequency light? Answer: 38.3 Light travels as a wave and hits as a particle. THE ATOM AND THE QUANTUM 769 Show a simulated photoelectric effect with a tennis ball in a small shallow box. The tennis ball represents an electron. Toss a lightweight foam ball (painted red) at the tennis ball to show that it does not have enough energy to knock the tennis ball out of the box. Then toss a heavier ball (painted blue) into the box and out the tennis ball pops. The red ball represents a photon of red light—a small KE. The blue ball represents a photon of blue or violet light—a greater KE. Explain that high-energy photons knock electrons from the material whereas low-energy photons don’t. Simulate the work function of the material by adjusting the depth of the box with slabs of material that cover its bottom. A deepset ball is more difficult to dislodge than one resting on a slab that is nearly as thick as the box is deep. There is a lot of confusion in the minds of many people about the wave-particle duality—more than is warranted. It so happens that light behaves like waves when it travels in empty space, and like particles when it interacts with solid matter. It is a mistake to insist it must be both a particle and a wave at the same time. What something is and what it does are not the same. 769 Demonstration The photoelectric effect suggests that light interacts with matter as a stream of particle-like photons. The number of photons in a light beam controls the brightness of the whole beam, but the frequency of the light controls the energy of each individual photon. Experimental verification of Einstein’s explanation of the photoelectric effect was made 11 years later by the American physicist Robert Millikan. Every aspect of Einstein’s interpretation was confirmed, including the direct proportionality of photon energy to frequency. It was for this (and not for his theory of relativity) that Einstein received the Nobel Prize. ...... Light quanta, electrons, and other particles all behave in some ways as if they were lumps and in other ways as if they were waves. CONCEPT CHECK What does the photoelectric effect suggest about the way light interacts with matter? 38.4 Waves as Particles FIGURE 38.5 Stages of the exposure of film to light reveal the photon-by-photon production of a photograph. The approximate numbers of photons at each stage were a. 3 ⫻ 103, b. 1.2 ⫻ 104, c. 9.3 ⫻ 104, d. 7.6 ⫻ 105, e. 3.6 ⫻ 106, and f. 2.8 ⫻ 107. Light behaves like waves when it travels in empty space, and like particles when it interacts with solid matter. Figure 38.5 is a striking example of the particle nature of light. The photograph was taken with exceedingly feeble light. Each frame shows the image progressing photon by photon. Note also that the photons seem to strike the film in an independent and random manner. ...... Show the actual photoelectric effect by placing a freshly polished piece of zinc on a charged electroscope and illuminate it with an open carbon arc lamp (no glass lens). To focus the beam, use a quartz lens (it will transmit UV radiation). Show that a positively charged electroscope will not lose its charge when the light shines on the zinc plate, but a negatively charged electroscope will quickly discharge in the same light. Electrons are ejected from the zinc surface. Block UV with a glass plate and the discharge ceases. Go further if you have a quartz prism and pass the light through a slit, then through the prism, and onto the zinc. Show that the negatively charged electroscope discharges only when the portion of the spectrum beyond the violet end strikes the zinc plate. CONCEPT What causes light to behave like a wave? CHECK Like a particle? ...... The photoelectric effect suggests that light interacts with matter as a stream of particle-like photons. CONCEPT CHECK Teaching Resources • Problem-Solving Exercises in Physics 19-2 • Laboratory Manual 100 a b c d e f 38.4 Waves as Particles ...... Light behaves like waves when it travels in empty space, and like particles when it interacts with solid matter. CONCEPT CHECK 770 770 38.5 Particles as 38.5 Particles as Waves Waves Common Misconception If something is a wave, it can’t be a particle, and vice versa. If waves can have particle properties, cannot particles have wave properties? This question was posed by the French physicist Louis de Broglie in 1924, while he was still a student. His answer to the question earned him a Ph.D. in physics, and later won him the Nobel Prize in physics. FACT Waves can exhibit characteristics of particles and particles can exhibit characteristics of waves. A beam of electrons behaves like a beam of light. a. The diffraction of an electron beam produces an interference pattern. b. The fringes produced by a beam of light are very similar to those produced by the beam of electrons. a b De Broglie suggested that all matter could be viewed as having wave properties. All particles—electrons, protons, atoms, marbles, and even humans—have a wavelength that is related to the momentum of the particles by wavelength h momentum ...... where h is, lo and behold, Planck’s constant again. The wavelength of a particle is called the de Broglie wavelength. A particle of large mass and ordinary speed has too small a wavelength to be detected by conventional means. However, a tiny particle—such as an electron— moving at typical speed has a detectable wavelength.38.5 It is smaller than the wavelength of visible light but large enough for noticeable diffraction. A beam of electrons, interestingly enough, behaves like a beam of light. It can be diffracted and undergoes wave interference under the same conditions that light does, as shown in Figure 38.6. An electron microscope makes practical use of the wave nature of electrons. The wavelength of electron beams is typically thousands of times shorter than the wavelength of visible light, so the electron FIGURE 38.7 microscope is able to distinguish details thousands of times smaller A scanning electron microscope than is possible with optical microscopes. Figure 38.7 shows a fly’s allows you to see this fly’s head in striking detail. head as seen with a scanning electron microscope. CONCEPT CHECK What did de Broglie suggest about all matter? Teaching Tip Give the pronunciation of de Broglie as duh-BRO-lee. Teaching Tip Planck’s constant surfaces again in the de Broglie formula relating the wavelength of a “matter wave” to its momentum. Like light, matter traveling through space has wave properties. We don’t ordinarily notice the wave nature of matter, only because the wavelength is so extremely small. Teaching Tidbit Max Planck was president of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics in Berlin in 1930. Although Planck remained in Germany while Hitler was in power, he openly protested the Nazi’s treatment of his Jewish colleagues and consequently was forced to resign his presidency in 1937. Following World War II, he was reinstated as president, and the institute was renamed the Max Planck Institute for Physics in his honor. De Broglie suggested that all matter could be viewed as having wave properties. ...... FIGURE 38.6 CONCEPT CHECK Teaching Resources • Reading and Study Workbook • PresentationEXPRESS • Interactive Textbook CHAPTER 38 THE ATOM AND THE QUANTUM 771 771 38.6 Electron Waves 38.6 Electron Waves If your students are nonplussed by the wave–particle duality, explain that we try to interpret everything in terms of what we see and experience around us. What exists outside our range of observation, whether it be particles within an atom or life forms in some distant galaxy, may not fit our expectations based on ordinary experience. Teaching Tip The possible energy levels for an electron in an atom can be compared to steps on a staircase: One can rest either on the third or fourth step (level) but not on the third-and-one-half stair (level). There are no in-betweens. (However, unlike stairs, atomic energy levels are not evenly spaced.) FIRST SHELL SECOND SHELL FIGURE 38.8 In the Bohr model of the atom, the electron orbits correspond to different energy levels. Teaching Tidbit Louis de Broglie’s doctoral thesis about the wave nature of matter was so radical that his professors were uncertain about accepting it. After asking Einstein about it, and gaining Einstein’s approval, the thesis was accepted. Five years later de Broglie’s thesis won him the Nobel Prize. Bohr Model Explanation of Atomic Spectra An electron can be boosted by various means to a higher energy level. This occurs in gas discharge tubes, like those that make up neon signs. Electric current boosts the electrons of the gas to higher energy levels. As the electrons return to lower levels, photons are emitted. The energy of a photon is exactly equal to the difference in the energy levels in the atom. The characteristic pattern of lines in the spectrum of an element corresponds to electron transitions between the energy levels of the atoms of that element. By examining spectra, physicists were able to determine the various energy levels in the atom. This was a tremendous triumph for atomic physics. One of the difficulties of this model of the atom, however, was reconciling why electrons occupied only certain energy levels in the atom—why, in effect, they were at discrete distances from the atomic nucleus. This was resolved by thinking of the electron not as a particle whirling around the nucleus but as a wave. De Broglie’s Theory According to de Broglie’s theory of matter waves, electron orbits exist only where an electron wave closes in on itself in phase. The electron wave reinforces itself constructively in each cycle, just as the standing wave on a music string is constructively reinforced by its successive reflections. The electron is visualized not as a particle located at some point in the atom, but as though its mass and charge were spread throughout a standing wave surrounding the nucleus. The wavelength of the electron wave must fit evenly into the circumferences of the orbits, as illustrated in Figure 38.9. FIGURE 38.9 De Broglie suggested electrons have a wavelength. a. Electron orbits exist only when the circumference of the orbit is a whole-number multiple of the wavelength. b. When the wave does not close in on itself in phase, it undergoes destructive interference. 772 The planetary model of the atom developed by Niels Bohr, illustrated in Figure 38.8, was useful in explaining the atomic spectra of the elements and why elements emitted only certain frequencies of light. An electron has different amounts of energy when it is in different orbits around a nucleus. An electron is said to be in a different energy level when it is in a different orbit. The electrons in an atom normally occupy the lowest energy levels available. 772 Teaching Tip The matter– wave concept gives a clearer picture of the electrons that “circle” the atomic nucleus. Instead of picturing them as tiny BBs whirling like planets, the matter–wave concept suggests we see them as smeared standing waves of energy—existing where the waves reinforce, and nonexistent where the waves cancel (Figures 38.9 and 38.10). FIGURE 38.10 In this simplified version of de Broglie’s theory of the atom, the waves are shown only in circular paths around the nucleus. In an actual atom, the standing waves make up spherical and ellipsoidal shells rather than flat, circular ones. Teaching Tip Explain that if the distance around the orbit (the circumference) equals an integral number of wavelengths, then the orbits have the discrete radii described by Bohr. The paper-clip analogy in the text illustrates this concept. Both artists and scientists look for patterns in nature, finding connections that have always been there yet have been missed by the eye. According to de Broglie’s theory of matter waves, electron orbits exist only where an electron wave closes in on itself in phase. ...... The circumference of the innermost orbit, according to this model, is equal to one wavelength of the electron wave. The second orbit has a circumference of two electron wavelengths, the third three, and so on. This is illustrated in Figure 38.10. Orbit circumferences are whole-number multiples of the electron wavelengths, which differ for the various elements (and also for different orbits within the elements). This results in discrete energy levels, which characterize each element. You can also think of a “chain necklace” made of paper clips. No matter what size necklace is made, its circumference is equal to some multiple of the length of a single paper clip.38.6 Since the circumferences of electron orbits are discrete, it follows that the radii of these orbits, and hence the energy levels, are also discrete. This view explains why electrons do not spiral closer and closer to the nucleus when photons are emitted. Since each electron orbit is described by a standing wave, the circumference of the smallest orbit can be no smaller than one wavelength—no fraction of a wavelength is possible in a circular (or elliptical) standing wave. In the still more modern wave model of the atom, electron waves move not only around the nucleus, but also in and out, toward and away from the nucleus. The electron wave is spread out in three dimensions. This leads to the picture of an electron “cloud,” shown previously in Figure 38.2. CONCEPT CHECK Teaching Resources • Reading and Study Workbook • Laboratory Manual 101 • PresentationEXPRESS ...... CONCEPT How did de Broglie’s theory of matter waves CHECK • Interactive Textbook describe electron orbits? CHAPTER 38 THE ATOM AND THE QUANTUM 773 773 38.7 Relative Sizes 38.7 Relative Sizes of Atoms of Atoms Common Misconception The heavier the atom, the larger its size. The radii of the electron orbits in the Bohr model of the atom are determined by the amount of electric charge in the nucleus. For example, the single positively charged proton in the hydrogen atom holds one negatively charged electron in an orbit at a particular radius. In helium, with two protons in the nucleus, the orbiting electron would be pulled into a tighter orbit with half its former radius since the electrical attraction is doubled. This doesn’t quite happen, however, because the double-positive charge in the nucleus attracts and holds a second electron, and the negative charge of the second electron diminishes the effect of the positive nucleus. FACT The heavier the atom, the greater its nuclear charge and the greater the number of electrons in outer orbits. The stronger electrical attraction of the electrons to the nucleus causes the heavier atoms to be not much larger in diameter than the lighter ones. Teaching Tip Draw a model of the hydrogen atom on the board. Then place a second positive charge in the nucleus and explain that the force on the electron will double. This doubled force will pull the size of the orbit (wave or particle) in tighter. The double charge will also hold an extra electron and we have helium. So it is understandable that helium is a smaller atom than hydrogen (no wonder it leaks so readily through balloons!). Similarly, uranium’s innermost orbits (wave model or particle model) are close to the nucleus, and the uranium atom is only about three times the diameter of the hydrogen atom. +1 +2 +3 +4 Hydrogen Helium Lithium Beryllium +10 Neon FIGURE 38.11 Teaching Tip Mention that elements shrink in size as one goes from left to right in the periodic table. Fluorine, for example, is considerably smaller than the atoms that precede it in its row. Because of its smallness it is able to penetrate the enamel of teeth, and once inside, add strength to the teeth like steel girders strengthening a building. The orbital model of the atom is illustrated for some light and heavy atoms. Note that the heavier atoms are not appreciably larger than the lighter atoms. 774 774 +11 +12 Sodium Magnesium +80 Mercury This added electron makes the atom electrically neutral. The two electrons assume an orbit characteristic of helium. An additional proton added to the nucleus pulls the electrons into an even closer orbit and, furthermore, holds a third electron in a second orbit. This is the lithium atom, atomic number 3. We can continue with this process, increasing the positive charge of the nucleus and adding successively more electrons and more orbits all the way up to atomic numbers above 100, to the synthetic radioactive elements.38.7 As the nuclear charge increases and additional electrons are added in outer orbits, the inner orbits shrink in size because of the stronger electrical attraction to the nucleus. This means that the heavier elements are not much larger in diameter than the lighter elements. The diameter of the uranium atom, for example, is only about three hydrogen diameters even though it is 238 times more massive. The schematic diagrams in Figure 38.11 are drawn approximately to the same scale. The concept that an atom can be understood only with a mathematical model instead of a simple physical planetary model is very hard for high school students to grasp. The question “But what does it look like?” is hard to leave unanswered. “Like a wave cloud” is a partial answer. The concept of uncertainty that goes hand in hand with quantum mechanics is also a difficult one to accept. Waves help here too, because a wave has no fixed position. FIGURE 38.12 The model of the atom has evolved over time. a. In the Bohr model, the electrons orbit the nucleus like planets going around the sun. b. De Broglie’s idea of a wave following along an orbit was an important stepping stone toward the current model. c. In the current model of the atom, the wave model, the electrons are distributed in a “cloud” throughout the volume of the atom. The radii of the CHECK electron orbits in the Bohr model of the atom are determined by the amount of electric charge in the nucleus. ...... Each element has an arrangement of electron orbits unique to that element. For example, the radii of the orbits for the sodium atom are the same for all sodium atoms, but different from the radii of the orbits for other kinds of atoms. When we consider all the elements, we find that each has its own distinct orbits. The Bohr model of the atom solved the mystery of the atomic spectra of the elements. It accounted for X-rays that were emitted when electrons made transitions from outer orbits to innermost orbits. Bohr was able to predict X-ray frequencies that were later experimentally confirmed. He calculated the ionization energy of the hydrogen atom—the energy needed to knock the electron out of the atom completely. This also was verified by experiment. The Bohr model accounted for the general chemical properties of the elements and predicted properties of a missing element (hafnium), which led to its discovery. The Bohr model was impressive. Nonetheless, Bohr was quick to point out that his model was to be interpreted as a crude beginning, and the picture of electrons whirling like planets about the sun was not to be taken literally (a statement to which popularizers of science paid no heed). His discrete orbits were conceptual representations of an atom whose later description involved a wave description. Still, his planetary model of the atom with electrons occupying discrete energy levels underlies the more complex models of the atom today, which are built upon a completely different structure from that built by Newton and other physicists before the twentieth century. This is the structure called quantum mechanics. Figure 38.12 shows how the model of the atom has evolved over time. CONCEPT think! What fundamental force dictates the size of an atom? Answer: 38.7 ...... • Reading and Study Workbook • Problem-Solving Exercises in Physics 19-3 • Transparency 92 CONCEPT What determines the radii of the electron orbits in CHECK Teaching Resources • PresentationEXPRESS the Bohr model of the atom? • Interactive Textbook • Next-Time Question 38-2 CHAPTER 38 THE ATOM AND THE QUANTUM 775 775 38.8 Quantum 38.8 Quantum Physics Physics Key Terms quantum mechanics, quantum physics The more that physicists studied the atom, the more convinced they became that the Newtonian laws that work so well for large objects such as baseballs and planets (in the “macroworld”) simply do not apply to events in the microworld of the atom. Whereas in the macroworld the study of motion is called mechanics, or sometimes classical mechanics, the study of the motion of particles in the microworld of atoms and nuclei is called quantum mechanics. The branch of physics that is the general study of the microworld of photons, atoms, and nuclei is simply called quantum physics. While one can be quite certain about careful measurements in the macroscopic world, there are fundamental uncertainties in the measurements of the atomic domain. For the measurement of macroscopic quantities, such as the temperature of materials, the vibrational frequencies of certain crystals, and the speeds of light and sound, there is no limit in practice to the accuracy with which the experimenter can measure. But subatomic measurements, such as the momentum and position of an electron or the mass of an extremely short-lived particle, are entirely different. In this domain, the uncertainties in many measurements are comparable to the magnitudes of the quantities themselves. The subatomic interactions described by quantum mechanics are governed by laws of probability, not laws of certainty. This notion is difficult for many people to accept. Even Einstein did not accept this.38.8 If you continue to study physics, you will likely encounter quantum mechanics some time in the future. Scientists and philosophers are still pondering the real meaning of quantum mechanics. It’s a fascinating subject. Teaching Tip Distinguish between classical physics and quantum physics: Classical physics is primarily physics before 1900 and involves the study of familiar things such as the forces, motions, momenta, and energy of massive particles that behave in a predictable manner in accord with Newton’s laws. For this reason classical physics is often called Newtonian physics. After 1900 it was found that Newtonian rules simply don’t apply in the domain of the submicroscopic. This is the domain of quantum physics, where everything is “grainy” and where values of energy, momentum, position, and perhaps even time, occur in lumps, or quanta, all governed by probabilities rather than certainties. Teaching Tip Clarify what is meant by quantum (plural quanta)—a quantity that occurs or changes only in elemental “lumps.” The total weight of a bag of pennies is quantized in the sense that its weight is a whole multiple of the weight of a single penny. Electric charge is quantized, because the charge on any body is a wholenumber multiple of the charge of a single electron (quarks notwithstanding). A chunk of gold is quantized in that it is made of a whole number of gold atoms. Energy, angular momentum, and perhaps even time are composed of “lumps.” Everything is made of “quanta.” 776 ...... CONCEPT What laws govern the interactions described by CHECK quantum mechanics? 38.9 Predictability and Chaos When we know the initial conditions of an orderly system we can make predictions about it. For example, in the Newtonian macroworld, knowing with accuracy the initial conditions lets us state where a planet will be after a certain time, where a launched rocket will land, and when an eclipse will occur. In the quantum microworld, we can give odds where an electron is likely to be in an atom, and calculate the probability that a radioactive particle will decay in a given time interval. Predictability in orderly systems, both Newtonian and quantum, depends on knowledge of initial conditions. 776 ...... The subatomic interactions described by quantum mechanics are governed by laws of probability, not laws of certainty. CONCEPT CHECK ...... Some systems, however, whether Newtonian or quantum, are not orderly—they are inherently unpredictable. These are called “chaotic systems.” Turbulent water flow is an example. No matter how accurately we know the initial conditions of a piece of floating wood as it flows downstream, we cannot predict its location later downstream. A feature of chaotic systems is that slight differences in initial conditions result in wildly different outcomes later. Two identical pieces of wood just slightly apart from each other at one time are vastly far apart soon thereafter. Weather is chaotic. Small changes in one day’s weather can produce big (and largely unpredictable) changes a week later. Meteorologists try their best, but they are bucking the hard fact of chaos in nature. This barrier to good prediction first led the scientist Edward Lorenz to ask, “Does the flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas?” Now we talk about the butterfly effect when we are dealing with situations where very small effects can amplify into very big effects. CONCEPT CHECK Teaching Resources • Concept-Development Practice Book 38-1 38.9 Predictability and Chaos Teaching Tip Explain that the science of chaos is not at all “chaotic.” What makes it interesting is that chaos has some predictable features. Teaching Tip Tell your students to watch for the tendency of junk scientists to attribute anything weird to quantum mechanics. What determines predictability in orderly systems? Physics of Sports If you and a friend, sitting on snowboards at the top of a perfectly smooth ski slope, push off from positions close together with about the same velocity, you’ll follow similar paths and end up near each other at the bottom of the slope. This is orderly behavior. Small differences in conditions at the beginning result in small differences in conditions at the end. But if the ski slope is full of hundreds of moguls (bumps) you’ll likely find, after bouncing and jouncing down the slope, that you and your friend wind up many meters apart—no matter how close your initial conditions. This is chaotic behavior. Small differences in conditions at the beginning are likely to result in large differences in conditions at the end—so much so that you can’t predict where you’ll end up. Interestingly, chaos is not all hopeless unpredictability. If you and your friend compare notes after your rides down the moguled slope, you might find that you had some very similar experiences. Maybe you skirted around the sides of many moguls in just the same way. Maybe you never went straight over the top of a mogul. So there is order in chaos. Scientists have learned how to treat chaos mathematically and how to find the parts of it that are orderly. Predictability in orderly systems, both Newtonian and quantum, depends on knowledge of initial conditions. ...... Chaos on the Slopes CONCEPT CHECK Teaching Resources • Reading and Study Workbook • PresentationEXPRESS • Interactive Textbook CHAPTER 38 THE ATOM AND THE QUANTUM 777 777 REVIEW Teaching Resources • TeacherEXPRESS • Virtual Physics Lab 34 38 REVIEW For: Self-Assessment Visit: PHSchool.com Web Code: csa – 3800 • Conceptual Physics Alive! DVDs Atoms Concept Summary • Through the centuries there have been two primary models of light: the particle model and the wave model. • • The energy of a photon is directly proportional to the photon’s frequency. The photoelectric effect suggests that light interacts with matter as a stream of particle-like photons. Light behaves like waves when it travels in empty space and like particles when it interacts with solid matter. De Broglie suggested that all matter could be viewed as having wave properties. According to de Broglie’s theory of matter waves, electron orbits exist only where an electron wave closes in on itself in phase. The radii of the electron orbits in the Bohr model of the atom are determined by the amount of electric charge in the nucleus. The subatomic interactions described by quantum mechanics are governed by laws of probability, not by laws of certainty. Predictability in orderly systems, both Newtonian and quantum, depends on knowledge of initial conditions. • • • • • • 778 •••••• 778 Key Terms •••••• quantum (p. 768) photon (p. 768) Planck’s constant (p. 768) photoelectric effect (p. 769) quantum mechanics (p. 776) quantum physics (p. 776) think! Answers 38.3 Not necessarily. The answer is yes if electrons are ejected by the high-frequency light but not by the low-frequency light, because its photons do not have enough energy. If the light of both frequencies can eject electrons, then the number of electrons ejected depends on the brightness of the light, not on its frequency. 38.7 The electrical force. ASSESS 38 ASSESS Check Concepts 1. A visualization of a concept; particle and wave 2. A granular or discrete unit; charge of an electron, photon of light Check Concepts •••••• Section 38.1 9. Does the photoelectric effect support the particle model or the wave model of light? 1. What is a model? Give two examples for the nature of light. 3. A photon 4. Basic constant of nature; h 5 energy/frequency 5. Blue, higher frequency 6. Ejection of electrons in some metals by light Section 38.2 7. Violet light has more energy per photon. 2. What is a quantum? Give two examples. 8. Yes, it has more photons. 9. Particle Section 38.4 10. What causes light to behave like a particle? Section 38.5 3. What is a quantum of light called? 4. What is Planck’s constant, and how does it relate to the frequency and energy of a quantum of light? 5. Which has more energy per photon—red light or blue light? Section 38.3 6. What is the photoelectric effect? 7. Why does violet light eject electrons from a certain photosensitive surface, whereas red light has no effect on that surface? 8. Will bright violet light eject more electrons than dim light of the same frequency? 11. a. Do particles of matter have wave properties? b. Who was the first physicist to give a convincing answer to this question? 12. As the speed of a particle increases, does its associated wavelength increase or decrease? 13. Does the diffraction of an electron beam support the particle model or the wave model of electrons? 10. Light behaves like a particle when it interacts with solid matter. 11. a. Yes b. Louis de Broglie in 1924 12. Decreases, since momentum increases 13. Wave model 14. Same 15. It can have only certain energies. 16. Constructive interference for allowed levels 17. Wave; only certain standing wave patterns are allowed. Section 38.6 18. Greater nuclear charge pulls electrons tighter and closer together. 14. How does the energy of a photon compare with the difference in energy levels of the atom from which it is emitted? 19. Greater nuclear charge pulls electrons tighter and closer together. 15. What does it mean to say that an electron occupies discrete energy levels in an atom? 16. What does wave interference have to do with the electron energy levels in an atom? CHAPTER 38 38 CHAPTER THE ATOM ATOM AND AND THE THE QUANTUM QUANTUM THE 779 779 779 20. Study of motion in the microworld of quanta 21. Not at the same time; there is always a fundamental uncertainty. 22. Knowledge of initial conditions 38 ASSESS (continued) Think and Explain 23. Diffraction, interference, and polarization; photoelectric effect 24. Bright red light may have many photons and a great amount of total energy, but red light has too little energy per photon. 17. Does the particle view of an electron or the wave view of an electron better explain the discreteness of electron energy levels? Why? Think and Explain •••••• 23. What evidence can you cite for the wave nature of light? For the particle nature of light? 24. A very bright source of red light gives off much more energy than a dim source of blue light, but the red light has no effect in ejecting electrons from a certain photosensitive surface. Why is this so? 25. UV photons are more energetic than photons of visible light. 26. Protons are held within an atom’s nucleus and thus proton ejection takes millions of times more energy than electron ejection. 27. a. Frequency determines the kinetic energy of the ejected electrons. b. Brightness of the light determines the number of electrons ejected. Section 38.7 18. Why is a helium atom smaller than a hydrogen atom? 19. Why are the heaviest elements not appreciably larger than the lightest elements? 28. No; white light is a mixture of photons of many frequencies. Section 38.8 29. Higher-frequency green light 20. What is quantum mechanics? 25. Why is it that for certain materials ultraviolet light induces the photoelectric effect and visible light does not? 30. Ultraviolet light has the highest frequency and therefore a photon of it has the greatest energy. 21. Can the momenta and positions of electrons in an atom be measured with certainty? 26. Why does light striking a metal surface eject only electrons, not protons? 27. a. In the photoelectric effect, does brightness or frequency determine the kinetic energy of the ejected electrons? b. Which determines the number of ejected electrons? 31. Red light must have the greater number of photons to add up to the same energy that the green light has. 32. Doubling the wavelength of light halves its frequency. Light of half its original frequency has half the original energy per photon. 33. Ultraviolet has the higher frequency and so its photons have greater energy. Cell damage depends on the energy of the individual photons absorbed. 780 Section 38.9 22. What information is necessary to make predictions about an orderly system? 780 28. We speak of photons of red light and photons of green light. Can we speak of a single photon of white light? Why or why not? 34. Lower speed means lower momentum and longer wavelength. 38 ASSESS 29. Which laser beam carries more energy per photon—a red beam or a green beam? 30. Which photon has the most energy—one from infrared, visible, or ultraviolet light? 31. If a beam of red light and a beam of green light have exactly the same energy, which beam contains the greater number of photons? 32. If we double the frequency of light, we double the energy of each of its photons. If we instead double the wavelength of light, what happens to the photon energy? 33. Suntanning produces cell damage in the skin. Why is ultraviolet light capable of producing this damage while infrared radiation is not? 34. Electrons in one electron beam have a greater speed than those in another. Which electrons have the longer de Broglie wavelength? 35. a. The more-massive proton has more momentum. b. The electron with its smaller momentum has the longer wavelength. 36. Does the de Broglie wavelength of a proton become longer or shorter as its velocity increases? 37. We do not notice the wavelength of moving matter in our ordinary experience. Is this because the wavelength is extraordinarily large or extraordinarily small? 38. The equation E = hf describes the energy of each photon in a beam of light. If Planck’s constant, h, were larger, would photons of light of the same frequency be more energetic or less energetic? 39. When do photons behave like waves? When do they behave like particles? 40. A friend says, “If an electron is not a particle, then it must be a wave.” What is your response? (Do you hear “either or” statements like this often?) 41. Why will helium leak through an inflated rubber balloon more readily than hydrogen will? 35. An electron and a proton travel at the same speed. a. Which has more momentum? b. Which has the longer wavelength? 36. By de Broglie’s formula, as velocity increases, momentum increases, and thus wavelength decreases. 37. Small; wave effects are noticeable only when the wavelength is comparable to the size of obstacles and openings. 38. More energetic, for photon energy is directly proportional to h. (The size of h determines the scale of the quantum world.) 39. Photons behave like waves when in transit. They behave like particles when being emitted or absorbed. 40. We don’t know if an electron is a particle or a wave. We know it behaves as a wave when in transit and behaves as a particle when incident upon a detector. It is an unwarranted assumption that it must be either a particle or a wave. 41. Helium is smaller than hydrogen—for two reasons. A helium atom is smaller than a hydrogen atom because its electrons are more tightly pulled in by the doublecharge nucleus. Helium gas is also made up of single atoms whereas hydrogen gas is composed of diatomic molecules (two atoms per molecule). Teaching Resources • Computer Test Bank More Problem-Solving Practice Appendix F CHAPTER 38 38 CHAPTER THE ATOM ATOM AND AND THE THE QUANTUM QUANTUM THE 781 781 • Chapter and Unit Tests 781
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