HFT 2223 Human Relations/Supervisory Developement Valencia College West Campus COURSE SYLLABUS Instructor: Scott Richardson, MA Office: Phone: 407-‐415-‐2433 Summer 2015 HFT 2223-‐31901 Wednesday E-‐Mail: 6PM-‐ 8:50PM Office Hours: Term: Section Class Meeting Days: [email protected] Class Meeting Hours: Class Location: Wednesday 6PM -‐ 8:50PM (In class or by Appointment) Valencia College West Campus Building 9-‐129 I. II. Valencia College Course Catalog Description Provides basic skills and knowledge of supervision with specific examples in the hospitality industry. It details the characteristics and responsibilities of an efficient and effective supervisor with emphasis placed on such management skills as solving problems, motivating employees and improving employee performance Course Outline • Supervisor as a manager • Supervisor as a leader • Planning, organizing, and goal setting • Communicating effectively • Equal opportunity Laws and Diversity • Recruitment, selection, and orientation • Performance effectiveness • Motivation • Supervising teams, teambuilding, and coaching • Employee training and development • Conflict Management, Resolution, and Prevention • Discipline 1 III. IV. V. • Decision making and control • Delegating Specific Objectives: 1. Analyze the general process of management and interpret how the planning, organizing, coordinating, staffing, directing, controlling, and evaluation functions help achieve organizational goals. 2. Summarize leadership styles, suggest when they should and should not be used, and compare the relationship between job performance and leadership style. 3. Apply motivational techniques and strategies, analyze motivational problems and examine programs to improve morale. 4. Interpret a Job Description and a Job Specification regarding a certain position. 5. Identify various methods to simplify job performance. 6. Relate performance standards to the performance review process and outline the common errors that are found in employee evaluations. 7. Identify the various sources of recruits for hotel, restaurant, and club employees. 8. Practice an employment interview following recommended guidelines. 9. Identify the various training techniques available to hospitality industry supervisors. Course Prerequisites None Course Credits This is a 3-‐credit course. Required Texts and Materials Supervision in the Hospitality Industry 7th Edition John R. Walker and Jack E. Miller ISBN 978-0-118-07178-6 VI. Format Face to Face/Classroom: Combination of lectures, class discussions, and student projects. 2 VII. Course Requirements and Grading The combined scores obtained on the following determine the final course grade: Total Percent of Final Assessment Points Grade Attendance/Participation 200 25% Examinations 3 Multiple Choice Exams (100 pts. per) 300 37.50% Comprehensive Final Exam (Multiple Choice) 300 37.50% TOTAL 800 100% Grading criteria: The following scale will be used: 700-‐800 = A 600-‐699 = B 500-‐599 = C 400-‐499 = D 300-‐399 = F Attendance records, graded tests, and other assignments in this course will be available upon request during classroom hours. Students can access their scores throughout the semester using the “Grades” function of Blackboard. Please note that scores returned mid-‐semester are unofficial grades. If you have a question or concern, please ask in a timely manner to avoid “last-‐minute” disputes. The student should resolve grade issues with the Instructor (via email, telephone, or in-‐person) within 3 business days after grades are posted. Failure to address an issue regarding posted grades within 3 business days will result in the grade standing as recorded. VIII. Course Policies: Grades Attendance & Class Participation Attendance and class participation are required. Attendance will be tracked and recorded. In addition, each student must make an effort to participate in the class discussions. The Instructor works under the premise that students read the assigned material and completed any activities prior to class. You cannot participate if you do not attend! Each class that is missed, you will lose 20 points off your overall attendance grade. In the summer semester, students who miss more than 2 classes for any reason will be withdrawn from the course. 3 Tardiness and early departures are disruptive to the class and students are expected to arrive on time and remain until the Instructor excuses the class. Should you have a need to depart class prior to the scheduled closing time, please see the Instructor in advance. Students, who are late for 3 classes, will be considered one absence. Students will be held responsible for all material covered in class. It is your job to read all the chapters that we are going to cover in this summer course. Should you miss any class, it is also your responsibility to obtain notes, assignments, etc. from another student. Exam Policy There will be 4 exams during the course, including the final exam. All exams will consist of multiple-‐choice questions. All exams will be administered during classroom time. Some questions might involve basic math and may require use of a calculator. Cell phones may NOT be used as calculators. The material covered on the exams will include topics from the assigned readings, lectures, in text case studies, discussions and guest speakers (if any). The final exam will be comprehensive and cover material from the entire semester. The exams are scheduled in advance and no make-‐up exams will be given without proof of acceptable documentation. Make-‐up exams are NOT guaranteed. Documentation must be provided by the student and is subject to review by the Instructor and/or the administration to determine if the proof is indeed acceptable as determined by Valencia College standards and policies. If an exam is missed and circumstances do not warrant a make-‐up exam, the student will receive a zero for that exam. Late Work Policy Typically, there will be little to no homework given. However, if there is any assigned, there will also be a deadline. No work is accepted after stated deadline, no matter the reason. Please keep this in mind. Extra Credit Policy Extra credit opportunities may be offered periodically throughout the semester; however this at the discretion of the Instructor and there is no guarantee of extra credit assignments. No extra credit opportunities will be offered after June 30th, 2015. If extra credit is offered, the specific requirements, point values and deadlines for extra credit assignments will be discussed in class. Extra credit assignments must be submitted by the deadline; there are no exceptions to this policy. Withdrawal Policy The withdrawal policy date for the semester is July 10th, 2015. If students withdraw before this date, they will receive a “W”. Please refer to Valencia College Catalog and/or Atlas for specific information on the Withdrawal policy 4 IX. X. Course Policies: Student Expectations Professionalism Policy Per College policy and classroom etiquette, mobile phones, iPads, iPods, computers, etc. must be silenced during all classroom lectures. Those not heeding this rule will be asked to leave the classroom immediately so as to not disrupt the learning environment. Please arrive on time for all class meetings. Students who habitually disturb the class by talking, arriving late, etc., and have been warned may suffer a reduction in their final class grade. Students who prefer to take notes on a laptop may do so; however, students using laptops must sit in the front row and ensure that the screen is used for notes from this class only. Backpacks, bags, purses and all other materials extraneous to this class (such as newspapers, magazines or other textbooks) must be closed and placed on the floor. Water bottles may be brought into the classroom, but please do not “dine” during class. Please remove any paper or plastic materials when departing. It is expected that students’ body language will indicate a state of conscious awareness and that students will stay alert (and awake) during classroom time with attention directed at designated speaker, whether that be the Instructor, a guest speaker or fellow students. Disability Access “Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a letter from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss specific needs with the professor, preferably during the first two weeks of class. The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities (West Campus SSB 102, Ext.1523).” Academic Conduct Policy Each student is expected to do his or her own work, unless otherwise specified. It is expected that you cite any and all works in all assignments. Cheating will not be tolerated and will result in an automatic “F” on that exam or assignment. Depending on the severity of the infraction, your grade for the course may be an “F”. Important Dates to Remember Please note the following important dates and times. Deadlines related to class assignments are tentative and can be changed at the discretion of the Instructor. No Show Reporting: May 18-‐22, 2015 Drop/Refund Deadline: May 18th, 2015 Withdrawal Deadline: July 10th, 2015 Final Examination: (this date is set) July 29, 2015 5 Course Calendar Week 1 Date 05/13/15 2 05/20/15 3 4 5 6 7 05/27/15 06/03/15 06/10/15 06/17/15 06/24/15 8 07/01/15 9 10 11 12 07/08/15 07/15/15 07/22/15 07/29/15 Reading Schedule and Learning Activities Syllabus, introductions, and expectations. Ch. 1 The Supervisor as a Manager Ch. 2 The Supervisor as a Leader Ch. 3 Planning, Organizing, and Goal Setting Ch. 4 Communicating Effectively Exam 1 Review Exam 1 (Covers Ch. 1-4) Ch. 5 Equal Opportunity Laws & Diversity Ch. 6 Recruitment, Selection, and Orientation Ch. 7 Performance Effectiveness Exam 2 Review Exam 2 (Covers Ch. 5-7) Ch. 8 Motivation Ch. 9 Supervising Teams, Teambuilding, and Coaching Ch. 10 Employee Training and Development Ch. 11 Conflict Management, Resolution, and Prevention Exam 3 Review Exam 3 (Covers Ch. 8-11) Ch. 12 Discipline Ch. 13 Decision Making and Control Ch. 14 Delegating Final Exam Review Comprehensive Final Exam at 6PM. Disclaimer Changes in the syllabus & schedule may be made at anytime during the course per instructor discretion. 6
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