Timetable for March/April 15 - Featherston Community Centre

Serving the South Wairarapa
March/April Weekly Timetable
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Mah Jong
Gold coin koha
Drop In Knitting & Crafts
Gold coin koha
Footprints in Featherston
Gold coin koha
Juesday Art
Gold coin koha
Wairarapa Community Law Centre:
Outreach Clinic
South Wairarapa Labour Party
Gold coin koha
Featherston Beautification Group
Gold coin koha
Featherston Menz Shed Group
Gold coin koha
Problem Gambling Support
Outreach Clinic
Ukulele Classes
Gold coin koha
Pathways Workwise
appointment required
Coffee Morning
$3 donation & $1 for raffle
(Contact us if this day does not suit)
Southern Exposure
On Arrowfm 92.7:
Recording & broadcast from Centre
Book Group
Gold Coin koha
Feldenkrais: Move with Ease
Pat Hamilton
06 308 9729
Del Bennett
06 308 9418
Julia Reed
06 216 9929
Julia O’Neale
06 308 8977
06 377 4134
Ken Stokes
06 308 9962
Jan Thurston
06 308 6263
Richard Burgess
06 308 6545
0800 208 4278
6:30pm – 9:30pm
7:00 – 8:00pm
2nd Monday monthly
10:00am – 1:00pm
11:00am – 3:00pm
2nd Tuesday monthly
7.00 – 8.00pm
1st Tuesday Monthly
7:00pm – 8:30pm
3rd Tuesday monthly
7:00 – 8:00pm
3rd Tuesday monthly
1:00 – 3:00pm
2:00pm - 3:00pm
10:00am – 2:00pm
10:30am – 12 noon
1st Thurs of the month
10:30am - 2:30pm
Broadcasts 3rd Sunday &
following Thursday Monthly
Noon – 2pm
1st Thursday monthly
05:45pm – 6:45pm
7:30pm – 8:30pm
9:00am – 10:00am
10:00am – 12:00noon
1st & 3rd Friday monthly
12:00noon – 3:00pm
9:15am – 10:15am
11:00am – 6:30pm
7:00pm – 9:00pm
$10 per session
Sit & Be Fit
$2 per session
Needlework & Craft Drop-in
Gold coin koha
Quilting & Knitting Drop-in
Gold coin koha
Feldenkrais: Move with Ease
Scrapbooking Saturday
$4 koha per person
Narcotics Anonymous
Rona Huggins
06 308 6252
06 370 3815
Age Concern Wairarapa
06 377 0066
Lucy Cooper
021 08165617
Contact Lucy for rec. times
Sheridan Evans
06 308 9059
Rupert Watson
06 308 9686
Odette Rowe
021 180 9452
Keiko Nojima
06 308 8536
May Brown 06 308 6912
Virginia Kunz 06 308 8392
06 308 8239
Rupert Watson
06 308 9686
Shona Pillar
06 307 7714
0800 628 632
Also available at the Centre by appointment throughout the month
CARE NZ: Contact: Wairarapa Community Services: 0800 208 4278
Trudi Betschart Counselling (MNZAC): 021 0450 491
Snita Ahir-Knight, Child and Adolescent Therapist (ANZASW, SWRB, HCPC, PTI)
[email protected] 0220462095
Alastair Scott MP for Wairarapa: Contact: 0800 687 596
-------------If you would like to run a class/workshop, hire a room for an ongoing event or a special occasion, or rent office
space, phone (06) 308 8239 and discuss the options we have available for you.
-------------------------------------------------14 Wakefield St, Featherston
Ph: 06 308 8239
[email protected]