:.e014 g.% x CPPS '?tif,,n -rf!%?, $*u.. ,,*s t-s* &Yffi;ff€'**BBffi 3 ,u i?* #'i: S&&..s *B fu * &"#€' c*' rd n:. ". *r€h. -a*B ?& re yT'ffiffiYffi"HXB st ?fu* ffi -3 * s: :: *i Em€erg?ffi**s yx#t *#€e ;*rffiyt r;tr Drug Delivery Systems: From Drug-Discovery, Pre-formulation, Formulation and Technological Approaches for Poorly Soluble Drugs and Protein L4-L5 November 2OL4 PULLMAN Surabaya City Centre ORGANIZING COMMITEE Advisor Chair Person Vice Chair Person : Dean of Faculty of pharmacy Universitas Airlangga : Dra. Esti Hendradi, M.Si., ph.D, Apt. : Helmy yusuf, M.Sc., ph.D, Apt. Scientific Committee: Prof. Dr. Widjisoeratri, DEA, Apt. Prof. Dr. Siswandono, M.S.,Apt. Prof .Dr. Tutuk Budiarti, M.S.,Apt. Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Muhammad yuwono, M.S.,Apt. Dr. Achmad Radjaram, Apt. Drs. Hadi Purwono, ph.D, Apt. Drs. Marcellino Rudyanto, M.Si., ph.D Apt. Dr. Juni Ekowati, M.Si, Apt. Dr. DwiSetyawan, M.Si, Apt. Helmy Yusuf, M.Sc., ph.D, Apt. Social Programme: Drs. Bambang Widjaja, M.Si, Apt. Dra. Retno Sari, M.Sc, Apt. Dr. Riesta Primahastinastiti, M.Si, Apt. Maria Lucia Ardhani, ph.D, Apt. Melanny Sulistyowati, M.Sc, Apt. Secretariat : Dewi Melani Hariyadi, M.phil., ph.D, Apt. Febri Annuryanti, M.Sc, Apt. M. Faris Adrianto, M.Farm, Apt. Dra. Tutiek Purwanti, M.Si, Apt. Dra. Tristiana Erawati, M.Si, Apt. Abhimata P, S.Farm, Apt. Saadun Treasury: Dra. Noorma Rosita, M.Si, Apt. Dra. Dewi lsadiartuti, M.Si, Apt. Exhibition : Drs. Sugiyartono, M.Si, Apt. Drs. A. Toto Poernomo, M.Si, Apt. I nformation Technology Team Deddy, Sfarm. , P-76 Sitvia Dwi Damavanti P-77 Sreedharan Nair P-78 Sudheer Moorkoth-P P-79 Susiyartono P-80 Suko Hardiono Anioxidant and AntimicrobiaI Activities of The Extracts ol Abetmoschus manihot, L. Medik Leaves Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: CtinicaI manifestations, treatment patterns and outcome Devetopment of a Stabitity lndicating RP-HPLC Method Compatibl.e with LC-MS/MS for Effaverinz lnftuence of EMCOMPRESS Concentration on The Physicat Properties ofTablet Containine Lactobaciltus soo. And Guava Leaves Extract Efforts to Produce 1-(BenzoyLoxy)Urea As Anticancer Candidate The lnfluence of Hydroxy Group of Ortho (o) And Para (p) Positions on Methytbenzoate Against Synthesis of Hydroxybenzohidrazide Derivatives ln Vitro Anticandidiasis Activity of Citronelta Herb (Cymbopogon P-81 Suzana P-82 Svarmatina P-83 Titiek Martati-P P-84 Tutiek Purwanti NiosomaI Svstem Usins Soan 20 and Soan 60 Formutation and Characterization of Juice of Lime Ge[ Using CMC-Na P-85 [Jswatun Chasanah-P P-86 Va[entina Yurina Base Nigel.l.a Sative Extract Reduce RenaL NOX4 Level of Diabetic Type 2 Wistar Rats Model P-87 Vasantharaiu 5 G-P P-88 Vasudev Pai-P P-89 Vijayanarayana Kunhikatta P-90 Vina Atvionita Soesilo P-91 Wimzv Rizov P-92 Wiwin Herdwiani P-93 Ros Sumarny P-94 Yola Desnera Putri P-95 Yuli Ainun Naiih P nardus L.) Antioxidant Activity Test of Bee Propotis Extract (Apis metlifera L.) Using DPPH (1,1-diphenyt-2-pikrithidarzit) Free Radicats Scavenging Activity Physicat Characteristics and Penetration of Diclofenac Sodium BioanatyticaI method deve[opment and vatidation of AminophyLLine in rat plasma using RP-HPLC - An application to preclinica[ oha rmacok inetics ln-vitro anti-oxidant and acetytcho[inesterase inhibition assay of Punica sranatum (oeel) and Gmelina arborea (bark) extracts ldentification of risk factors associated with mortatity and deve[opment of mortatity prediction mode[ for hospitat-acquired nner r mon ia Hepatoprotective Activity of Bidens pitosa L. on Rat Cytotoxic Activity Assay Against Hela Cet[ Lines of Novel Anticancer Drus: N-(Phenyl.Carbamoy[) lsobutiramide Cytotoxic Effect of ALL The Part Cinnamon Ptant to WiDr Cett Line fot Getting a MedicinaI P[ants as PotentiaI Chemoprevention of ColorectaI Cancer Antioxidant Study of Cosotvent So[ution of Mangosteen (Garcinia mansostana L.) Rind Extract in Rats bv Usine MDA Parameter Formulation Of Shower Ge[ as An Antiseptic From Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Mansosteen's Rind (Garcinia mangostana L.) Kinetics Study Cocrystatd Ketokonazo[e-Succinic Acid Prepared With Slurry Method Based on Powder X.Ray Diffraction(PXRD) Construction of Recombinant lmmunotoxin Anti-EGFRvl I SCFV::HPR Fusion Protein and lnducib[e Expression in Pichia Pastoris as A Tareeted Drue Candidate lnu[in Determination of Yam Bean Tuber (PACYRRHIZUS EROSUS L.) From Different Al.titude Areas usinp TLC Densitometrv OraI Antidiabetic Drug Prescribing Profi[es ln SeveraI Pharmacies Located ln West Reeion of Surabava The Potency Of Canarium Oi[ (Canarium lndicum) As A Materia[ For Structured Lioid Production I P-96 Yutiawati Adireia P-97 Yuni Retnaninstyas P-98 Yunita Nita Hamidah Rahman FORMULATION AND CHARACTERIZAIION OF JUICE OF ttME GEt USING CMC-Na BASE Uswatun Chasanah*, lnayah*, Esti Hendradi** * University of Muhammadiyah Malang, ** Airlangga University u.chaso nah @ya h oo.co.i d Lime (Citrus ourantifoliol is one of the plants that are used as cosmetics. The juice of lime contained citric acid that acts as an antioxidant. This study was conducted to determine the concentration of juice of lime on gel formulated with CMC-Na base that has the best of physical characteristics, pH, release of acid citric from gel preparations and acceptability. The evaluations were included organoleptic, viscosity, pH and release of acid citric from gel base. The result of organoleptic observations on the gel of juice of lime, gel with dosage levels of LOyo,2oyo,and3O%o,all have softtexture and clear; the lemon smellthat sharper is a gelofjuice of lime dosage levels of 3O%; and the more concentration of the juice of lime, then, more yellow in color. Result of One-Way Anova test analysis for viscosity gel showed that the goal of juice of lime with dosage level of 30% has a higher viscosity. Meanwhile, the outcome of the test release of citric acid from gel base, of all three levels is no dissimilar. Acceptability for all forpulas were above 63%. For ease of flattelled and cold sensation, the highest is the goal of juice of lime dosage level of 30%, meanwhile easy to clean is the goal of juice of lime dosage level of 2O%. Based on the result, the best formula is a gel of juice of lime with dosage levels of 30%. Keywords:, juice of lime (Citrus aurantifotial, gel, CMC-Na
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