One-step Fusion Cloning Kit Description 1. Preparation of Linearized Vector The one-step Fusion Cloning Kit is designed for fast, directional cloning of DNA fragment into any vector at any site. It can simplify and accelerate your experiments without requiring PCR product cutting with restriction enzymes allowing flexible options for restriction enzyme sites when linearizing the vector. Additionally, the linearized vector and PCR product can be cyclized in only 30 minutes at 37 ℃. Compared to the conventional cloning method, the 15 base tract is added at the ends of PCR primers corresponding to the ends of the linearized vector. The vector linearization is necessary for proper DNA fusion reaction and can be generated using restriction enzymes or long and accurate PCR. In order to increase fusion efficiency and decrease background, we recommend linearizing the vector by double restriction enzyme digestion for 2 hours or overnight if desired. Components B22611 (40 rxns) Contents Fusion Enzyme (µL) 5 x Fusion Buffer (µL) Linearized Control Vector - 2.7kb (µL) Control DNA Fragment - 500bp (µL) User Manual B22612 (100 rxns) 40 80 5 5 100 Yes Yes After digestion, purify the linearized vector using a DNA gel extraction kit for high purification efficiency to increase the chances of a successful fusion reaction. 2. PCR Primer Design Example of primers designed for Fusion cloning PCR primers must contain 15-20 bp sequences that are homologous to the end of the vector. Consider the following parameters: 200 5 5 3. Fusion Cloning Reaction Storage One-step Fusion Cloning Kit should be stored at -20 °C. Protocol Overview 1.Generate a linearized vector 2.PCR amplification of the insert Set up the following fusion cloning reaction by mixing the following reagents. Spin down briefly after each addition to collect the reagents at the bottom of the tube. Linearized Vector Insert Fusion Enzyme 5 x Fusion Buffer ddH2O 20-100 ng 10-100 ng 1 µL 2 µL Variable 10 µL RE digestion, PCR, ... Gene-specific primers with 15bp extension homologous to vector ends 2:1 molar ratio of insert: vector presents the highest fusion efficiency. The optimal quantity of vector and insert is as follows: Linearized Vector: [0.01 * the length of vector (bp) ] ng Insert: [0.02 * the length of insert (bp) ] ng Positive Control Reaction 3. Set up the fusion cloning reaction One-step Fusion Cloning Kit Incubation at 37°C for 30 minutes 4.Transformation Clone screening Linearized Control Vector (2.7kb) Control DNA Fragment (500bp) Fusion Enzyme 5 x Fusion Buffer ddH2O 0.5 µL 0.5 µL 1 µL 2 µL 6 µL 10 µL Fusion Reaction Conditions: Incubate at 37 °C for 30 minutes (optimal time), then place on ice. Immediately proceed to the transformation step or store the reaction tubes at –20°C. Order & Inquiry Order & Inquiry Tel: (713)732-2181 Fax: +1-866-747-4781 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +49-89-46148500 Fax: +49-89-461485022 E-mail: [email protected] 4. Transformation 1. Add 100 µL competent cells to the fusion reaction mixture 2. Mix gently and Incubate on ice for 30 minutes 3. Heat shock at 42°C for 60 seconds 4. Transfer on ice for 2 minutes 5. Add 500 µL SOC or LB antibiotic free medium 6. Incubate at 37°C for an hour 7. Spread 100 µL culture to LB plate containing the appropriate antibiotic. 8. Incubate the plate at 37°C overnight We strongly recommend the use of competent cells with a transformation efficiency ≥ 1 x 108 cfu/µg. If the efficiency is lower than the recommended amount, centrifuge the culture, resuspend the pellet in 100 µL medium, and then, spread the entire suspension. About 16 hours later, pick individual monoclones from the LB plate and incubate with liquid LB medium in 37°C shaker overnight. The next day, to determine the presence of the insert, perform PCR screening and plasmid extraction. Troubleshooting Please review the following for trouble-shooting options. Alternatively, feel free to contact Biotool technical support directly with any technical difficulties. Problem No or few colonies obtained Large numbers of colonies contain no insert Clones contain incorrect insert Potential Cause(s) Suggestion(s) Primer sequences are incorrect Check primer sequences to ensure the overlap correct PCR product is not pure or the DNA concentration is low Use a different method to purify your PCR product again Transformation contained too much fusion reaction mixture Make sure the volume of reaction mixture is no more than 10 % of competent cells Repeat transformation experiment with efficient Low transformation competent cells efficiency of competent cells (efficiency ≥ 1 x 108 cfu/ug) Wrong antibiotic used or too much antibiotic in the LB medium Choose plates with the appropriate concentration of the correct antibiotic The linearization of vector is incomplete Repeat digestion of vector with more time and gel purify Contamination of plasmid in PCR fragment When amplifying from a plasmid, the PCR product must be purified LB plates are too old or the antibiotic resistance is incorrect Make sure that your LB plates are fresh and the antibiotic resistance is correct PCR products contain nonspecifically amplified fragments Optimize the PCR reaction to improve the specificity or screen more colonies for the correct clones Order & Inquiry Order & Inquiry Tel: (713)732-2181 Fax: +1-866-747-4781 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +49-89-46148500 Fax: +49-89-461485022 E-mail: [email protected]
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