ELLEN WONG ellenhtwong.com [email protected] EXPERIENCES ARCHITECTURAL INTERN 05. 2014 - 08. 2014 Asymptote Architecture LLC, Long Island City NY Prepared and revised architectural drawings (plans, sections, elevations, presentation documents) Built physical models Modeled digital 3-D models schematic designs and site Project types: Cultural, Residential DESIGNER 05. 2013 - 12. 2014 Francis Bitonti Studio, Brooklyn NY EDUCATION RENSSELEAR POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Bachelor of Architecture expected grad., May 2017 Assisted NewSkins workshop Summer 2013, Winter2014 Participated in design of 3-D printed products, furniture, and interior space Prepared 3-D printing files and operated 3-D printers Researched on 3-D printing materials and technology WEBSITE EDITOR RPI School of Architecture, Troy NY Performed regular updates on school of architecture website TEACHING ASSITANT, Farzam Yazdanseta Studio RPI School of Architecture , Troy NY Assisted in first-year architecture studio OFFICE ASSISTANT RPI School of Architecture (Dean’s Office), Troy NY Prepared mailing lists and excel spread sheets 01. 2014 - pres. Spring 2015 08. 2012 - pres. AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS Architecture Faculty Award Excellence in Graphic Design & Presentation Rensselaer Leadership Award Honor Award (MechanicAves) Honorable Mention (Gleam) Publication (Sucker Punch website) RPI School of Architecture, Spring 2013 RPI School of Architecture, Spring 2014 RPI, 2012-2015 Morpholio Pinup Design Competition 2014 Morpholio Pinup Design Competition 2014 http://www.suckerpunchdaily.com/2014/02/12/mechanicaves/ SKILLS 2D/ 3D/scripting Visualization Fabrication Analysis Language Rhino 4.0/5.0, autocad, maya, Python, grasshopper, revit(basic) Adobe creative suite(Ps, Ai, Id), Maxwell, vray (for Rhino) 3-D Printing, Laser cutting, CNC milling, woodshop power tools Ecotect, Green Building Studio, Vasari English,Chinese Mandarin & Cantonese REFERENCES Francis Bitonti, Francis Bitonti Studio, Principal, Brooklyn NY [email protected] | francisbitonti.com Faculty at RPI, Pratt Casey Rehm, Studio Kinch, Principal, Los Angeles CA [email protected] | studio-kinch.com Faculty at Sci-Arc Fleet Hower, Fleet Hower LLC, Principal, Brooklyn NY Faculty at RPI [email protected] | fleethower.com
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