Preliminary Port Recovery Plan Schedule 4: proposed Land and Water Regional Plan - Specific Changes Sought 1. The specific provisions of the preliminary draft Lyttelton Port Recovery Plan that the Te Rūnanga and ngā Rūnanga submission relates to are: Provision Page # Policy 10.41 108 2. The Te Rūnanga and ngā Rūnanga submission is that: Support or oppose Support with amendment s 3. Changes sought to the preliminary draft Lyttelton Port Recovery Plan (Te Rūnanga and nga Rūnanga changes sought are shown in bold, underlined and italics, deletions are shown in strikethrough): Reasons Amendment is provided as part of the implementation of Action 7 and the following objectives and policies of the Canterbury Regional Policy Statement: Objective 8.2.1 (Increasing knowledge of the coastal environment and its resources), Objective 8.2.4 (Preservation, protection and enhancement of the coastal environment), Objective 8.2.6 (Protection and improvement of coastal water) and Policy 8.3.1 (Improving understanding of the coastal environment), Policy 8.3.2 (Providing for the integration of management of natural and physical resources and activities in the coastal environment), Policy 8.3.3 (Management of activities in the coastal environment) and Policy (Regionally Significant 8.3.6 Infrastructure). Te Rūnanga and ngā Rūnanga Schedule 4: proposed Land and Water Regional Plan - Specific Changes Sought 10.4.1 The recovery of Lyttelton Port is provided for by expediting activities associated with the repair, rebuild and reconfiguration of the Port, while managing the effects on the environment and ensuring the integrated management of Whakaraupo/Lyttelton Harbour considering its many uses and values. 1. The specific provisions of the preliminary draft Lyttelton Port Recovery Plan that the Te Rūnanga and ngā Rūnanga submission relates to are: Provision Page # Rules 10.5.1 108/ 2. The Te Rūnanga and ngā Rūnanga submission is that: Support oppose Support 109 or 3. Changes sought to the preliminary draft Lyttelton Port Recovery Plan (Te Rūnanga and nga Rūnanga changes sought are shown in bold, underlined and italics, deletions are shown in strikethrough): Reasons The conditions are appropriate to control potential effects on the environment. 10.5.1 An activity within the areas shown on Map 10.1 as Area A or Area B, which involves any one or more of: (a) the use of land for: i. the excavation of material; ii. the deposition of material onto or into land or into groundwater, and any associated discharge into groundwater; iii. vegetation clearance or earthworks within the riparian margin (defined for the purposes of this rule as any land within 10 metres of the bed of a river, lake or wetland boundary); iv. the installation and use of building foundations; (b) the discharge of sediment-laden water generated from earthworks into a surface waterbody, or onto or into land where it may enter a surface waterbody; and (c) the taking of water for the purposes of dewatering or land drainage, and the associated discharge of that water into a surface waterbody, or onto or into land where it may enter a surface waterbody; is a permitted activity, provided the following conditions, as applicable, are met: Earthworks, deposition and excavation of material 1. Erosion and sediment control measures are implemented and maintained throughout the duration of the works to minimise erosion and the discharge of sediment laden water to surface water; or onto or into land where it may enter surface water. 2 Te Rūnanga and ngā Rūnanga Schedule 4: proposed Land and Water Regional Plan - Specific Changes Sought 1. The specific provisions of the preliminary draft Lyttelton Port Recovery Plan that the Te Rūnanga and ngā Rūnanga submission relates to are: Provision Page # 2. The Te Rūnanga and ngā Rūnanga submission is that: Support oppose or 3. Changes sought to the preliminary draft Lyttelton Port Recovery Plan (Te Rūnanga and nga Rūnanga changes sought are shown in bold, underlined and italics, deletions are shown in strikethrough): Reasons 2. Any material deposited into groundwater, or onto or into land within 1 metre of groundwater shall only be previous in situ material from the same location, uncontaminated fill (soil, rocks, gravels, sand, silt, clay), concrete, cement, grout, steel or timber foundation piles, or inert building materials. 3. Earthworks involving below ground soil disturbance do not occur on any area which is identified as a landfill. 4. There is no discharge of any cement, concrete, grout, or water containing cement, grout, or concrete, into any surface waterbody, or beyond the property boundary. Geotechnical investigations 5. The bore is used only for the purposes of geotechnical investigations and is decommissioned by filling with clean material and compacted or sealed at the surface to prevent contaminants entering the bore. 6. Information on location, bore logs and intended uses is submitted to the Canterbury Regional Council within 20 working days of drilling the bore. Dewatering, sediment-laden water and land drainage 7. For Area A, the discharge is only sediment and water; 8. The taking and discharge of land drainage water and the site dewatering water onto or into land or into surface water does not result in river bed or river bank erosion. 9. The discharge shall not result in any of the following: a. The production of conspicuous oil or grease films, scums or foams, or floatable or suspended materials; 3 Te Rūnanga and ngā Rūnanga Schedule 4: proposed Land and Water Regional Plan - Specific Changes Sought 1. The specific provisions of the preliminary draft Lyttelton Port Recovery Plan that the Te Rūnanga and ngā Rūnanga submission relates to are: Provision Page # Rule 10.5.2 109/ 2. The Te Rūnanga and ngā Rūnanga submission is that: Support oppose Support 110 or 3. Changes sought to the preliminary draft Lyttelton Port Recovery Plan (Te Rūnanga and nga Rūnanga changes sought are shown in bold, underlined and italics, deletions are shown in strikethrough): Reasons The ability for the council to retain discretion on these activities where they are not permitted is supported. b. Any conspicuous change in colour or visual clarity; c. d. Any emission of objectionable odour; or The capability of causing significant adverse effects on aquatic life. 10.5.2 Within the area shown on Map 10.1, an activity in Area A or Area B which does not comply with one or more of the conditions of Rule 10.5.1, or in Area C, which involves any one or more of: (a) the use of land for: i. the excavation of material; ii. the deposition of material onto or into land or into groundwater, and any associated discharge into groundwater; iii. vegetation clearance or earthworks within the riparian margin (defined for the purposes of this rule as any land within 10 metres of the bed of a river, lake or wetland boundary); iv. the installation and use of building foundations; (b) the discharge of sediment-laden water generated from earthworks into a surface waterbody, or onto or into land where it may enter a surface waterbody; and (c) the taking of water for the purposes of dewatering or land drainage, and the associated discharge of that water into a surface waterbody, or onto or into land where it may enter a surface waterbody; is a restricted discretionary activity. The exercise of discretion is limited to the following matters: 4 Te Rūnanga and ngā Rūnanga Schedule 4: proposed Land and Water Regional Plan - Specific Changes Sought 1. The specific provisions of the preliminary draft Lyttelton Port Recovery Plan that the Te Rūnanga and ngā Rūnanga submission relates to are: Provision Page # 2. The Te Rūnanga and ngā Rūnanga submission is that: Support oppose or 3. Changes sought to the preliminary draft Lyttelton Port Recovery Plan (Te Rūnanga and nga Rūnanga changes sought are shown in bold, underlined and italics, deletions are shown in strikethrough): Reasons 1. For Area A or Area B, the effect of not meeting the condition or conditions of Rule 10.5.1 and any mitigation measures to minimise that effect. 2. For Area C, the nature of any contaminants present, their effects on the receiving environment and any mitigation measures to minimise those effects. Notification Pursuant to sections 95A and 95B of the RMA, an application for resource consent under this rule will be processed and considered without public or limited notification. Note that limited notification to affected order holders in terms of section 95F of the RMA will be necessary, where relevant, under section 95B(3) of the RMA. 5 Te Rūnanga and ngā Rūnanga Schedule 4: proposed Land and Water Regional Plan - Specific Changes Sought
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