NBAE 554, Fall 2008 NBAE 5540 : International Finance Lecture 3 : Exchange Rates Basics and the Real Exchange Rate Professor Gordon Bodnar © Gordon Bodnar, 2008 Exchange Rate Basics Bilateral exchange rate: z a relative price of two currencies, A and B f z exchange rate denotes units one currency to equal the other A is numeraire currency and B is base currency quotation notation f market (oral) quote notation: exchange rate is B – A (or B : A) one unit of the base currency (currency B) converts into the given number of units of the numeraire currency (currency A) GBP – USD = 2.01; 1 GBP trades for 2.01 USD » this is the notation of the quote you will see from trader and on trading sites on the web f mathematical ratio method: exchange rate is A / B number of units of numeraire currency (currency A) per unit of base currency (currency B) XR(USD/GBP) = 2.01; it takes 2.01 USD to trade for 1 GBP » this is the notation of the quotes used in text books and most financial formulas NBAE 5540: Lecture 3, Slide # 2 1 NBAE 554, Fall 2008 Exchange Rate Movements XR terminology z in the notes I will use the mathematical quotation method USD price of GBP = XR(USD/GBP) key issue is to always know what is the base currency the base currency is the currency for which the XR is a price so in words: XR(USD/GBP) (or oral quote GBP-USD) is » the exchange rate is always in units of the numerator currency » USD price of GBP, price of GBP in terms of USD, GBP against (or versus) USD, etc z exchange rate movements f terminology for decrease in USD/GBP rate: this is a depreciation of the GBP ==> price of GBP in terms of USD falls (USD price of GBP falls), ==> fewer USD to buy a GBP ==> more GBP to buy a USD ==> price of the USD in terms of GBP rises (GBP price of USD rises) this is also necessarily an appreciation of the USD NBAE FNCE5540: 731: Lecture 3, 2, Slide # 3 Daily Exchange Rate XR(USD/GBP) 1995:1 - 2008:6 2.25 This series is the price of the pound in terms of dollars depreciation of GBP (appreciation of USD) 1.75 appreciation of GBP (depreciation of USD) 1.5 1/2/08 1/2/07 1/2/06 1/2/05 1/2/04 1/2/03 1/2/02 1/2/01 1/2/00 1/2/99 1/2/98 1/2/97 1/2/96 1.25 1/2/95 USD/GBP 2 NBAE FNCE5540: 731: Lecture 3, 2, Slide # 4 2 NBAE 554, Fall 2008 Daily Exchange Rate XR(JPY/USD) 1995:1 - 2008:6 150 depreciation of JPY ((appreciation pp of USD) 140 appreciation of JPY (d (depreciation i ti of USD) 120 110 100 This series is the price of the dollar in terms of yen 90 1/2/08 1/2/07 1/2/06 1/2/05 1/2/04 1/2/03 1/2/02 1/2/01 1/2/00 1/2/99 1/2/98 1/2/97 1/2/96 80 1/2/95 JPY/USD 130 NBAE FNCE5540: 731: Lecture 3, 2, Slide # 5 Measuring Exchange Rate Changes Calculating percentage changes in currencies f By definition the % appreciation of currency A against currency B will not equal the % depreciation of currency B against currency A Example: XR(CAD/USD)0 = 1.00 XR(CAD/USD)1 = 1.50 f USD has appreciated and the CAD has depreciated the USD changed by : (1.50 - 1.00) / 1.00 = 50% against the CAD 50% appreciation » %Δ formula = (New – Old)/Old or New/Old - 1 the CAD has changed by: [(1/1.50) - (1/1.00)]/(1/1.00) = -33.3% against the USD z 33% depreciation problem is more serious for bigger changes NBAE FNCE5540: 731: Lecture 3, 2, Slide # 6 3 NBAE 554, Fall 2008 Korean Won in 1997 and 1998 2500 1960 1500 1210 1000 846 500 12/1/1998 11/1/1998 9/1/1998 10/1/1998 8/1/1998 7/1/1998 6/1/1998 5/1/1998 4/1/1998 3/1/1998 2/1/1998 1/1/1998 12/1/1997 11/1/1997 9/1/1997 10/1/1997 8/1/1997 7/1/1997 (1960/846) – 1 = 132% appreciation of USD this is NOT a 132% depreciation, but a 57% depreciation of the KRW f 6/1/1997 i 1997 th in the USD appreciated i t d against i t th the KRW b by 132% f 5/1/1997 f 4/1/1997 2/1/1997 3/1/1997 0 1/1/1997 W/USD KRW 2000 (846/1960) – 1 = 57% depreciation of KRW in 1998 the KRW appreciated by 62% against the USD this is not a 62% USD depreciation against KRW, just a 38% decline NBAE FNCE5540: 731: Lecture 3, 2, Slide # 7 Other Measures of Exchange Rates Looking at bilateral rates is problematic z it does not assess the overall strength or weakness of a currency f f overall strength or weakness of a currency is better measured by an Effective Exchange Rate (EXR) most common form is a trade-weighted exchange rate index trade-weighted foreign currency value of the dollar at time t would be calculated as: λ N ⎛ XR(FCk /USD) t ⎞ ⎟⎟ EXR(FC/USD )t = ∏ ⎜⎜ k =1 ⎝ XR(FCk /USD) 0 ⎠ k » λ, are weights based upon relative trade flows (Σλ = 1) » N is number of countries in the index f example: for N = 2 (with weights = 1/2 for each FC) EXRt = [(XR(FC1/USD)t /XR(FC1/USD)0]1/2 x [(XR(FC2/USD)t / XR(FC2/USD)0]1/2 weights λ can be based upon any breakdown as long as Σλ = 1 » for example: a company might use relative foreign sales as weights NBAE FNCE5540: 731: Lecture 3, 2, Slide # 8 4 NBAE 554, Fall 2008 Effective USD Index XR(FC/USD) 95:1 - 08:6 Effectiv ve Value of USD (2000 = 100) 120 110 appreciation of the USD depreciation of the USD 100 90 80 This is a trade-weighted average USD XR against the major other developed country currencies 70 1/2/08 1/2/07 1/2/06 1/2/05 1/2/04 1/2/03 1/2/02 1/2/01 1/2/00 1/2/99 1/2/98 1/2/97 1/2/96 1/2/95 60 NBAE FNCE5540: 731: Lecture 3, 2, Slide # 9 Trade Weighted Value of USD 1973 - 2008 160 Major Currencies (Developed Markets) 120 100 80 60 Other Important Trading Partners (Emerging Markets ) 40 20 Jan-07 Jan-05 Jan-03 Jan-01 Jan-99 Jan-97 Jan-95 Jan-93 Jan-91 Jan-89 Jan-87 Jan-85 Jan-83 Jan-81 Jan-79 Jan-77 Jan-75 0 Jan-73 Index value of USD XR(FC/US SD) (avg 2000 = 100) 140 NBAE 5540: Lecture 3, Slide # 10 5 NBAE 554, Fall 2008 Spot Exchange Rates Spot rate z the exchange rate quoted by market makers for current transactions f reflects the current market price for exchange of currencies z my notation = S(∗/∗)t value date f actual delivery is not immediate currencies are generally exchanged two days after transaction is agreed » value date is one day later for Western hemisphere currencies and USD this is to allow for trade clearing and record keeping special rules for holidays and weekends » value dates generally move forward in time NBAE FNCE5540: 731: Lecture 3, 2, Slide # 11 Exchange Rate Quotations As relative prices exchange rates can be quoted in different ways z "European p terms" f units of foreign currency per dollar » S(CHF/USD) = 1.0565 z S(JPY/USD) = 102.33 "American terms" f units of dollars per foreign currency » S(USD/GBP) = 1.9509 S(USD/EUR) = 1.4614 z in the interbank market all currencies are officially quoted in European terms expect for British pound, Australian dollar, New Zealand dollar, and Euro » they are quoted in American terms quotes in the brokers market and all futures contracts are in American terms NBAE FNCE5540: 731: Lecture 3, 2, Slide # 12 6 NBAE 554, Fall 2008 Official US XRs as Posted by FED MONETARY UNIT Apr. 14 COUNTRY *AUSTRALIA DOLLAR REAL BRAZIL CANADA DOLLAR YUAN CHINA, P.R. *EMU MEMBERS EURO DOLLAR HONG KONG INDIA RUPEE YEN JAPAN MEXICO PESO DOLLAR *NEW ZEALAND SOUTH KOREA WON SWEDEN KRONA FRANC SWITZERLAND TAIWAN DOLLAR POUND *UNITED KINGDOM VENEZUELA BOLIVAR * U.S. dollars per currency unit. 0.9229 1 6795 1.6795 1.0207 6.999 1.5827 7.7912 39.86 100.87 10.4788 0.7876 979.3 5.94 0.9975 30.31 1.9816 2.1446 Apr. 15 Apr. 16 0.9245 1 6845 1.6845 1.0181 6.9945 1.5801 7.7931 39.83 101.33 10.484 0.7842 991.3 5.9512 1.0019 30.25 1.9627 2.1446 0.9396 1 672 1.672 1.0021 6.992 1.5978 7.7935 39.89 101.4 10.4616 0.7911 989.1 5.8751 0.9979 30.24 1.9756 2.1446 NBAE FNCE5540: 731: Lecture 3, 2, Slide # 13 Source: Federal Reserve Board Bid-Ask Quotations Market makers always quote a bid and ask price the bid and ask are spread around the “true value” of the XR the spread is the remuneration received for making the market » this is usually assumed to be the midpoint GBP CAD EUR JPY Financial Times London closing prices bid offer midpoint 1.9014 013 015 1.1012 010 013 1.4394 392 396 102.725 700 750 f bid price offer price 1.9013 1.1010 1.4392 102.700 1.9015 1.1013 1.4396 102.750 % b/a spread 0.0111% 0.0230% 0.0322% 0.0468% the bid and ask (offer) prices are reported only as the last few digits of the standard quote dealers assume the “big numbers” are known note each currency has a specified number of digits in its standard quote » GBP, CAD, and EUR are 4 digits after decimal, JPY is only 3 bid-ask spreads as % of midpoint are very small compared other most financial markets » round trip transaction costs (buy then sell) are 1 – 5 basis points NBAE FNCE5540: 731: Lecture 3, 2, Slide # 14 7 NBAE 554, Fall 2008 Dealing with Bid / Ask Quotes Market makers always give a bid and ask price » the bid (ask) is the price at which they will buy (sell) the base currency f the quote for the XR(JPY/USD) rate are 102.700 – 102.750 » the bid-ask spread is the difference (50 points or “pips” for yen) f the base currency for these quotes are the USD, so … z you can buy USD from (sell JPY to) the market maker at 102.750 you can sell USD to (buy JPY from) the market maker at 102.700 3 steps for getting bid-ask spreads price right 1. which currency are the quotes a price for? 2. are you buying or selling that currency? 3 you get screwed! (pay the less desirable price => buy high - sell low) 3. f ex: USD/EUR is 1.4515 / 1.4525 and you want to buy USD100 these quotes are actually prices for EUR in your transaction you will be selling EUR (buying USD) you would like to sell EUR at high price (1.4525) but must sell to dealer at low price 1.4515 » it will cost you EUR Z x USD1.4515/EUR = USD100; Z = EUR68.89 NBAE FNCE5540: 731: Lecture 3, 2, Slide # 15 Forward Exchange Rates Forward rates z a quoted price for the exchange of currencies at some specified date in the future f f this is a price offered today for a transaction at a particular date in the future standard forward rates are quoted for 7, 30, 60, 90, 180, and 360 days but can be tailored to any date my notation = F(∗/∗)t,k » k period ahead forward rate available at at time t z value dates for forwards are similar to spot f delivery on a k-day forward transaction is typically k days after the value date for the current spot transaction there are special cases for holidays and month ends » best to always ask for value date NBAE FNCE5540: 731: Lecture 3, 2, Slide # 16 8 NBAE 554, Fall 2008 Quotation of Forward Rates Outright forward bid/ask quotation f 2 prices similar to the spot price bid and ask rates at which to buy from or sell to the market maker in the future, in this case 90 days F(CHF/USD) t, 90 = 1.1629 / 1.1647 » you buy (sell) Swiss francs against US$ in 90 days at 1.1629 (1.1647) Swap forward quotation f provides the number of pips (points) to add/subtract from the spot bid or ask quote to obtain the outright forward quotes seeing the CHF quotes above in swap form would be: S(CHF/USD)t = 1.1652 / 1.1660 and F(CHF/USD) t,90 = 23 / 13 in swap form, the swap points are either added (if in ascending order relative to the slash) or deducted (if in descending order) from the current bid and ask spot quotes » these swap quotes give the same prices as the outright forwards above because they are subtracted (descending relative to slash) bid = 1.1652 – 0.0023 = 1.1629; ask = 1.1660 – 0.0013 = 1.1647 NBAE FNCE5540: 731: Lecture 3, 2, Slide # 17 The Forward Premium A common measure in the international money markets is the forward premium on a currency z it is the % difference between forward and spot price f expressed in annualized percentage terms ⎡ F(A/B) t,k − S(A/B) t ⎤ ⎛ 360 ⎞ Annualized k-Day ⎟ ⎥⎜ Forward Premium on B = ⎢ S(A/B) ⎝ k ⎠ ⎣ ⎦ t using this measure, currency B is said to be at a premium when this term is positive or at a discount if this term is negative » the forward premium is a measure of how much more expensive a currency is for transaction in the future » a premium (discount) on B implies a discount (premium) on A f if forward rate is more than 1 year ahead, (N = years in future ) Annualized N-year Forward Premium on B = ⎡ F(A/B) ⎢ ⎣ S(A/B) t, n t ⎤ ⎥ ⎦ (1/N) −1 NBAE FNCE5540: 731: Lecture 3, 2, Slide # 18 9 NBAE 554, Fall 2008 Triangular Arbitrage and Cross Rates There are many ways of moving between currencies f f go directly from one currency to another go through a third currency these alternative imposes restrictions on prices that limit “triangular arbitrage” z Example: S(USD/GBP) = 1.9550 and S(USD/EUR) = 1.4475 what is the cross rate: S(EUR/GBP)? f f since USD1 => GBP0.5115 and USD1 => EUR0.6908, we can set up triangle that imposes that EUR0.6908 = GBP0.5115 USD1 S(USD/GBP) = 1.9550 GBP 0.5115 f S(USD/EUR ) = 1.4475 EUR 0.6908 S(EUR/GBP) = 1.3505 this can also be done with bid-ask spreads to define maximal bid – ask spread for the cross rate NBAE FNCE5540: 731: Lecture 3, 2, Slide # 19 PPP and the Real Exchange Rate Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) f z a concept regarding the equilibrium value of a currency based upon it purchasing power in different locations economists i use three h concepts off PPP 1. for individual goods - The Law of One Price 2. for general price levels - Absolute PPP 3. in first difference form for relating exchange rate changes to inflation rates - Relative PPP The Law of One Price in the absence of frictions, arbitrage should ensure that the price of identical products measured in a single currency will be the same in all countries PABig Mac = S(A/B) x PBBig Mac example: PUSDBig Mac = S(USD/GBP) x PGBPBig Mac = S(USD/EUR) x PEURBig Mac » in reality this holds only for homogenous commodities with low transportation costs NBAE FNCE5540: 731: Lecture 3, 2, Slide # 20 10 NBAE 554, Fall 2008 Economist Big Mac Standard The hamburger standard (6/05) Big Mac Prices in local in USD currency United States USD 3.06 $ $3.06 Switzerland CHF 6.33 $5.05 Euroland EUR 2.93 $3.58 Britain GBP 1.89 $3.44 Japan JPY 252 $2.34 Canada CAD 3.30 $2.63 Brazil BRL 5.94 $2.39 South Korea KRW 2503 $2.49 Australia AUD3.25 $2.50 China CNY 10.51 $1.27 $ Russia RUR 42 $1.48 z z Implied PPP Actual Local Currency Local Currency Rate XR 6/9/05 under(-) or misalignment % (FC/USD) (FC/USD) over(+) valuation 4/25/00 2.06 1.255 64% 39% 0.950 0.819 16% -5% 0.613 0.549 12% 20% 81.7 107.5 -23% 11% 1.07 1.255 -14% -23% 1.93 2.489 -22% -34% 817 1005 -19% 8% 1.06 1.30 -2% 18% 3.43 8.27 -59% -52% 13.7 28.5 -52% -45% in 2005, the USD is overvalued against most currencies other than the European ones while the CAD and BZR have strengthen since 2000, the most undervalued currencies, China, and Russia, remain significantly so f for more on the Big Mac index see the Economist website NBAE 5540: Lecture 3, Slide # 21 Purchasing Power Parity Absolute PPP (APPP) f identical baskets of consumer goods in two countries will have exactly the same price (in a given currency) generally ll economists i t consider id the th b basket k t off goods/services d / i th thatt comprise the CPI or WPI (PPI) baskets in each country Example: Let CPIA = PA and CPIB = PB f price of A basket changed into B should buy B basket S(A/B) ⋅ PB = PA => S(A/B) ⋅ (PB/PA) = 1 f the number of currency B it takes to buy the basket of goods in country B can be traded to buy the basket of goods in country A when this is true we say that both currencies have the same purchasing power this does not hold constantly in the data problems » baskets of goods looked at differ across countries » location of consumption might matter for price » ability to arbitrage goods/services is slow compared XR movements NBAE FNCE5540: 731: Lecture 3, 2, Slide # 22 11 NBAE 554, Fall 2008 Purchasing Power Parity Relative PPP (RPPP) f this is absolute purchasing power parity in relative form assumes that absolute purchasing power might not hold exactly but if error changes slowly » level of prices measured in a single currency may not be equal, but relation holds when looked at in difference form theory allows prices of goods in different countries to differ » possibly due to taxes, transaction costs, and transportation costs, etc z so S(A/B) ⋅ (PB/PA) = K ≠ 1, but = K all periods f so applying a percentage change operator (taking logs): %ΔS(A/B) + %ΔPB - %ΔPA ≈ 0 f thus %ΔS(A/B) ≈ %ΔPA - %ΔPB = inflation differential the change in XR will be equal to the difference in inflation rates » where %ΔP is the country’s (CPI or WPI) inflation rate f implication of RPPP: the currency of the country with the higher inflation rate depreciates by the relative inflation difference NBAE FNCE5540: 731: Lecture 3, 2, Slide # 23 The Real Exchange Rate We examine PPP via the real exchange rate, R f this is the nominal exchange rate adjusted by the relative prices R(A/B)t = S(A/B)t / [PtA/PtB] = S(A/B)t · [PtB/PtA] f the real exchange rate has units of price of B goods relative to the price of A goods (though we can also think in terms of currency units) since the price info we generally have is indexed (CPI, WPI), we often see the real exchange rate expressed in index form indexed with respect to itself at some base period (rationally chosen) R(A/B)t z z = S(A/B)t [PB /P A ]t S(A/B) ( )0 [PB /P A ]0 R(A/B)Index = 1 at base period (time 0) R(A/B)Index > 1 => real appreciation of B, real depreciation of A f B goods have become more expensive relative to A goods z INDEX bad for producers of B goods, good for producers of A goods R(A/B)Index < 1 => real depreciation of B, real appreciation of A f B goods have become less expensive relative to A goods bad for producers of A goods, good for producers of B goods NBAE FNCE5540: 731: Lecture 3, 2, Slide # 24 12 NBAE 554, Fall 2008 Calculating Real Exchange Rates Example Time 0 Time 1 S(A/B) 1.50 1.25 R(A/B)t = S(A/B)t ⋅ [PB /P A ] t PA 103 119 (15.5%) R(A/B) t INDEX R(A/B) t = PB 118 156 (32.2%) R(A/B) ( )0 Calc: R(A/B)0 = 1.50 · (118/103) = 1.72 R(A/B)1 = 1.25 · (156/119) = 1.64 R0INDEX = 1.72/1.72 = 1.00 R1INDEX = 1.64/1.72 = 0.95 f f in nominal terms currency B changed against A by -16.6% over the period (1.25/1.50 – 1) in real terms currency B change against A by -5% over the period (1.64/1.72 - 1) » some of the nominal depreciation of B was offset by higher inflation f determine the APPP level for S(A/B) at time 1 find hypothetical value of S(A/B)1 such that R(A/B)1 = R(A/B)0 S(A/B) 1 · (P1B/P1A) = S(A/B)0 · (P0B/P0A) = 1.72 = 1.50 · (118/103) / (156/119) = 1.31 to maintain the same real rate exchange rate at time 1 the spot rate at time 1 would need to have been S(A/B) = 1.31 NBAE FNCE5540: 731: Lecture 3, 2, Slide # 25 USD/EUR Real Exchange Rate Index (using WPI) 1973:6 - 2008:4 1.4 EUR overvalued against USD (Euro goods dear) With Rindex at 1.24 at 4/08, the EUR is over-valued against USD relative to 6/73 using WPI 1 In 2001, the EUR is undervalued against the USD by 20% but it appreciates in real terms by over 50% by 2008 0.8 EUR undervalued against USD (Euro goods cheap) Jun-07 Jun-05 Jun-03 Jun-01 Jun-99 Jun-97 Jun-95 Jun-93 Jun-91 Jun-89 Jun-87 Jun-85 Jun-83 Jun-81 Jun-79 Jun-77 Jun-75 0.6 Jun-73 USD/EUR RXR Index (June 1973 - 1.00) 1.2 NBAE FNCE5540: 731: Lecture 3, 2, Slide # 26 13 NBAE 554, Fall 2008 Relation between RXR and PPP Law of one price and the RXR f using the prices of any specific goods, the real exchange rate should always be equal to 1 R(A/B)t = S(A/B)t ⋅ PtB/PtA = 1 for prices of any good Absolute PPP and the RXR f using prices for a basket of goods, the real exchange rate should be equal to 1 R(A/B)t = S(A/B)t ⋅ PtB/PtA = 1 for prices of the baskets of goods » need not hold true for each good independently » not necessarily true if using price index data (then Rt = R0 = k, but RINDEX = 1 ) Relative PPP and the RXR f the real exchange rate need not be equal to one, but its changes must be equal to zero R(A/B)t = S(A/B)t ⋅ PtB/PtA ≠ 1, but ΔR(A/B) = 0 NBAE 5540: Lecture 3, Slide # 27 Inflation Adjusted Exchange Rates Another way to see the same thing is to compare actual XRs S(A/B) to inflation adjusted XRs, Z(A/B) create inflation adjusted rates by adjusting a benchmark spot XR for realized relative inflation since the benchmark time period 1. assume a base period (i.e., time zero), and set S(A/B)0 = Z(A/B)0 this is often a rate at which we believe APPP holds 2. create Zt, for t = 1,…,T by adjusting Z0 for relative inflation of currency A to currency B over the period 0 to t Z(A/B)t = Z(A/B)0· (P0B/ P0A)/(PtB/ PtA) = Z(A/B)0· (PtA/ P0A)/(PtB/P0B) » can use either CPI inflation or WPI (PPI) inflation f this series of Z(A/B)t rates are the exchange rates that maintain the same real exchange rate as existed at time zero we can then plot these inflation-adjusted XRs (the series of Z(A/B)) against the realized spot rates to measure misalignment this tells us the same thing about under/over-valuation as the real index but in units of S(A/B) rather than index units » allows identification of what APPP XR is at any point in time NBAE FNCE5540: 731: Lecture 3, 2, Slide # 28 14 NBAE 554, Fall 2008 USD/EUR Inflation-Adjusted and Nominal Exchange Rates 1.60 Inflation Adjusted XR (IAXR) suggests equilibrium value for EUR is around USD1 25 USD1.25 both WPI and CPI adjusted 73:6 – 08:04 1.50 Nominal XR 1 40 1.40 USD/EUR 1.30 IAXR(CPI) 1.20 1.10 IAXR(WPI) 1.00 Assumed initial equilibrium for June 1973 0.90 (results in average deviation of only 1.5% for WPI, -3% for CPI) 0.80 Jun-07 Jun-05 Jun-03 Jun-01 Jun-99 Jun-97 Jun-95 Jun-93 Jun-91 Jun-89 Jun-87 Jun-85 Jun-83 Jun-81 Jun-79 Jun-77 Jun-75 Jun-73 0.70 NBAE FNCE5540: 731: Lecture 3, 2, Slide # 29 USD/BRL Inflation-Adjusted and Nominal Exchange Rates 94:6 – 08:4 1.2 1 BRL followed WPI rates until 2003 Since then has seen significant real appreciation 0.8 0.6 date of Real Plan 6/94 BRL 1 = USD 1 starting point of baseline real valuation 0.4 IAXR(CPI) ( ) IAXR(WPI) Jun-07 Jun-06 Jun-05 Jun-04 Jun-03 Jun-02 Jun-01 Jun-00 Jun-99 Jun-98 Jun-97 Jun-96 Jun-95 0.2 Jun-94 USD/BRL NXR Jan 1999 devaluation. slight overshooting b t adjustment but dj t t to t restore “Real Plan” PPP level NBAE FNCE5540: 731: Lecture 3, 2, Slide # 30 15 NBAE 554, Fall 2008 Brazilian Inflation-Adjusted versus Nominal Exchange Rates 1973 - 2008 1.0E+12 1.0E+11 RXR(CPI) 1 0E+10 1.0E+10 RXR(WPI) NXR 1.0E+8 1.0E+7 Here despite more than 100 billion times more inflation than the USD, the USD/BRL rate is at a level that produces the basically same real value today as in June 1973. 1.0E+6 1.0E+5 PPP works especially well in highly inflationary environments. Note because of high inflation for BRL, one currency unit today in June 1973 would be worth 1.4 x 1012 reals today 1.0E+4 1 0E+3 1.0E+3 1.0E+2 1.0E+1 1.0E+0 Jun-07 Jun-05 Jun-03 Jun-01 Jun-99 Jun-97 Jun-95 Jun-93 Jun-91 Jun-89 Jun-87 Jun-85 Jun-83 Jun-81 Jun-79 Jun-77 Jun-75 1.0E-1 Jun-73 USD/BRL (logarithmic scale) 1.0E+9 NBAE FNCE5540: 731: Lecture 3, 2, Slide # 31 Implications of PPP for Managers Short run analysis z most short run changes in XRs not related to PPP deviations f unless deviations from PPP are large Long run analysis z z PPP a reasonable method for forming long run XR expectations current deviation from PPP should be taken into account for long run analysis of foreign activities f form profit expectations under assumption of return to PPP level over next few years current profitability may be due to current PPP deviation » this will not last for ever » think of it as a temporary situation NBAE 5540: Lecture 3, Slide # 32 16
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