Summer Camp Brochure - First Presbyterian Church

First Presbyterian
Church, Wichita
General Information
Summer Camp 2015
Due to some staff changes and availability this summer, we will be offering just one
week of camp June 15-19. Our camp director this summer will be Lindsey Hellwig;
her cell phone number is (316) 207-8277.
Our Presbytery offers some great camping options for children during the summer,
see page 3 for more information about camp opportunities at Westminster Woods
Location and Transportation
VBS Camp will be held in the First Presbyterian Church building during the morning
(525 N Broadway); after lunch, the children will be transported to Whispering Winds
Camp for games and swimming on a Party Bus. After playing at Whispering Winds,
the bus will bring the children back to First Presbyterian Church for pick-up.
Please note that VBS starts promptly at 9:00 a.m. You may drop off your children
between 8:45-9:00 a.m. Please bring your children into the church building using
the West Entrance (off of Market Street; labeled “Main Entrance” under the brown
awning). The camp staff will have you sign-in and sign-out your children each day
for safety.
Children attending the all-day VBS must bring lunches
which do not need refrigeration. Water and lemonade to
drink will be provided. Snacks will be provided to all
What to Bring
For all camps, campers need sun block, insect repellent, and hats.
They also need a towel and bathing suit for daily swim time. No
sandals or open-toed shoes. Please put names on all clothing and
other items. A letter with more specific information will be sent to
each camper approximately one week before the start of the
camp. Please do not allow children to bring electronic toys to
Registration deadline: May 20
G-Force Vacation Bible School
June 15 – 19
9 am to 4 pm
3yrs olds – Completed 5th grade
Cost is $50 (full day); $30 (half day—9 am to noon)
In G-Force VBS, kids explore how to put their
faith into action. In this mission-focused VBS, kids
experience God’s unstoppable love and discover how
to fuel up and move in and through life with God.
New this year—we will be having the
preschoolers join their older siblings in this VBS week.
They will have their own age-appropriate activities.
You have the option of picking your child up at lunchtime or allowing them to stay for the afternoon. All
preschoolers need to be potty-trained to attend.
The VBS all-day camp option includes afternoon
transportation to Whispering Winds Camp to play and
7:30 am to 9 am
4 pm to 5:30 pm
Cost is $10 for morning or afternoon;
$15 for both/week
Does your job make it difficult to have your
child(ren) participate in camp? Take
advantage of this “latchkey” program
available before and after the regular camp
schedule. During the morning, children will
have crafts; during the afternoon, the
children will be supervised to read books,
watch videos or play quiet games in the
church nursery. Please enter by the West
door (labeled Main Entrance) utilizing the
after-hours door bell.
Oh the fun that is to be had. However, we wish to be clear about our expectations of
children attending our VBS. While specific rules may vary on the class or activity, all
expectations focus on the following goals for our children:
1. Respect for God's Word.
2. Respect for others by practicing respectful speech and behavior. Mean, crude, or
hurtful speech or actions are not acceptable.
3. Respect for self.
Discipline Procedure:
1st Offense Verbal warning and redirection
2nd Offense Time out and/or sit out of a preferred activity
3rd Offense Student and staff contact parent
4th Offense Parent contacted to pick up child from VBS
Severe Discipline Plan:
In the event a child blatantly or maliciously causes a continued or serious disruption,
he or she may be asked to not return to VBS. Parents will be notified and expected to
pick the child up from VBS.
Westminster Woods Camp
Westminster Woods is a Christian based retreat center operated by the
Presbytery of Southern Kansas located in Fall River, Kansas. They offer
4-5 day over-night camps throughout the summer for different ages.
Summer Camp Opportunities for 2015
(Camps are based on the grade entering the next school year)
Family Camp - Friday, May 29th to Sunday May 31st
3rd 4th Grade Camp - Tuesday, June 2nd to Friday, June 5th
5th 6th Grade Camp - Monday, June 8th to Friday, June 12th
7th 8th Grade Camp - Monday, June 15th to Friday, June 19th
High School Camp - Monday, June 22nd to Sunday, June 28th
For more information, see the Westminster Woods website:
2015 First Presbyterian Church Summer
Camp Registration
Name of Child___________________________________________________________________________
Age _______ Date of birth ____________________ Grade completed May 2015 ________________
Address _____________________________________________________________ Zip ______________
Parent(s) name _________________________________________________________________________
Home phone _____________________ Work and/or cell phone _______________________________
Email: __________________________________________________________________________________
Name & Phone of Emergency Contact (parents will be contacted first):
This child is being registered for:
( ) VBS Camp (all-day)
$50 enclosed
( ) VBS Camp (half-day)
$30 enclosed
( ) AM or PM Extended Hours (circle which)$10/wk
( ) both AM and PM extended hours $15/wk
Please include a check or cash with registration or see back page for credit card payment info.
Drop-off/pick-up information:
Who will pick up your child(ren)? ________________________________________________________
Cell phone(s) of pick-up person _______________________Relationship to child ______________
Camp Release
__________________________________ (Child’s name) has my permission to participate in
camp activities, of the First Presbyterian Church of Wichita, KS.
I hereby absolve and release the volunteers and the First Presbyterian Church of
Wichita, KS, and its authorized agents from any claim which might result from an accident
or injury sustained by my child while at Summer Camp. I (acknowledge that medical expenses for my child while involved in these activities are my responsibility, and release the
volunteers and the First Presbyterian Church of Wichita, KS and its authorized agents from
obligation to pay these expenses.
I understand that behavior expectations are in place for the safety of all VBS participants, and my child will be held accountable for their actions. Per the Behavior Expectations outlined, it is my understanding that the VBS director will be in contact with me should
a problem arise. I am willing to pick up my child at my expense should he or she not comply
with the stated expectations outlined on the previous page.
Parent/guardian signature: _________________________________________ Date: ______________
Student signature: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________
2015 FPC Summer Camp Medical Information
Insurance Information
Medical Insurance Carrier ______________________________ Policy # ________________________
Name of Insured _________________________________ ID # __________________________________
Family Physician ________________________________ Phone ________________________________
Allergies: Please list items and describe the symptoms of any allergic reactions.
Foods _______________________________ Medicines ________________________________________
Insects _________________________________ Plants ________________________________________
Other: _________________________________________________________________________________
Symptoms of allergic reactions: _________________________________________________________
Required Treatment: ____________________________________________________________________
Is your child up-to-date on all vaccines including Tetanus? ________________________________
Current Medication (Name & Reason)
Is there any physical/medical condition that leaders should be aware of?
Medical Authorization:
I _____________________________________________________ the parent or guardian of
_______________________________ a minor, born on _____________, give my permission for authorized adult leaders of FPC Children’s Program to administer any first-aid necessary in
the event of an accident until such time as medical help can be obtained (if necessary). In
the event that medical help is needed, I give permission to secure proper treatment and
transport of my child by ambulance, if necessary. I understand that in the event that medical help is needed for my child, every attempt will be made to contact me as soon as it is
Parent/guardian signature ______________________________________________________________
Printed name: ________________________________________________ Date: ___________________
FPC Photo Release
I give First Presbyterian Church permission to include my child_________________________, in
photos used for informational or promotional purposes (display board, church newsletter,
church website, etc.).
Signature _______________________________________________________ Date__________________
Registration Due May 20
Return forms to First Presbyterian Church Wichita
525 N. Broadway; Wichita, KS 67214
Fax (316) 263-3237
Phone (316) 263-0248
Please send payment with your application.
For those wishing to pay with credit card, see
with the summer camp information.
Additional forms can be found on the information table outside the church
office or on the FPC website:
All camp fees are due prior to camp. Scholarships are available;
please see website for a scholarship application.
Scholarship applications must be submitted by May 20.
First Presbyterian Church summer camps are open to all children
regardless of church affiliation.
Whispering Winds Camp Information
9601 W. 73rd St. N. (West of Ridge Road)
Whispering Winds
Camp Lodge
Whispering Winds
Camp Sign
Church phone: (316) 263-0248