Pondering (Meditating) in the Holy Spirit First Christian Reformed Church Sunday May 31, 2015 Pastor Gary Bomhof WE GATHER IN HIS NAME Prelude Gathering to Worship Welcome and Announcements Call to Worship Song: I Know Whom I Have Believed God’s Greeting Time of Friendship Service of Reconciliation Prayer of Confession Song: My Jesus I Love Thee Assurance of Pardon Song: O For A Closer Walk With God Just A Closer Walk With Thee vs 1,2 Message Scripture: Psalm 1; Luke 2:19; Psalm 73:25-28 Message: “Pondering (Meditating) in the Holy Spirit” Pastor Jack Hielema We Respond in Giving, Prayer and Praise Song: Nearer Still Nearer Pastoral Prayer Our Tithes and Offerings: First Church Budget Ministry Calvin Seminary Close Blessing Doxology: Oh Love How Deep Postlude First Church News The Lord in His goodness last night took Winnie Tensen to Himself. Our deepest sympathies extended to the entire Tensen Family Faith Essentials: The last few weeks the sermons have focused on ”spiritual disciplines” like: the great commandment caring for souls, principles of worship, prayer on next Sunday and today “pondering and meditating on the Word through the Holy Spirit. Continue to dwell on God’s Word. It is so enriching. Comfort, Comfort My People: Let us continually encourage one another to pray and to express Christ’s love, particularly to the Bomhof family, the Tensen family and to all who need God’s precious nearness in pain, sorrow, persecution, migration and darkness. How precious is the Lord in all His ways. J.S.H. Nominees from council for office bearers are as follows; for the office of Elder: Gord Klootwyk, Cor Pikkert, Rolanda Lodewyk, Harvey Sypkes, Rob Wagenaar, Dirk van den Brink, Jeff Visser and Rob Stryker. There are 4 positions to be filled. For the office of Deacon: Sharyn Lodewyk, Evelyn Oosterhoff and Larry Schalk. There are 2 positions to be filled. If any member has a valid objection regarding the names presented, please submit it to council in writing. Barring any objections the names as presented will go into a draw June 14th 2015 to fill the offices as needed. Remember the many people who are unable to worship with us regularly due to illness or age including Hermina de Gruyter, Alice de Wit, Lies Harkema, Marge Groeneveld, Henny Oosterhoff, Dicky Mulder, Helen Spanninga, Janet vanderMeulen, Peter Humting, Jannie deBoon, Cor and Pearl Nienhuis, Louis Braaksma and Henk Werkema. Guests: We extend a special welcome to guests who are joining us this morning. Coffee will be served in the social hall after the service. A reminder to the parents there is JamTime (Sunday School) for the children age 3 to going into grade 3. This summer schedule will go until September 6th. FIRST CHURCH EVENTS AND NEWS Gems: A Head Councillor is needed for Gems. We thank Hetty-Ann Stryker for her dedication for so many years. If you are interested or need any information please contact Tyler Westera who is the chair of the Ed team. Welcome to our church: Luan & Raquel Giusti and Mateus Mota Address 306 5516 47A Ave Red Deer AB T4N 3R8 Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Phone: Raquel: 587.377.5780 Luan: 403.352.7313 Mateus: 403.348.3349 YOUTH Young Adults Bible Study has changed days; they will now meet Sundays at 7pm in the council room, studying ‘The Unshakable Truth’. All Young Adults out of high school and beyond are invited. Games Night Tuesday June 2 @ 6:30pm, weather permitting we’ll meet at Kin Kanyon, check Facebook on Tuesday afternoon for the location. YMT meets Wednesday June 3 @ 7:30pm Progressive Dinner today is the last day to sign up for the dinner; sign up sheet is on the Youth bulletin board. The event is for all Youth Grade 6 and up, as well as Young Adults. We’ll meet at the church at 4pm to board the bus and we’ll return about 10pm. BIRTHDAYS May 31 Jack Soley June 01 02 04 05 06 06 07 Kris Haynal Nicholas vanderHoek Cindy Brouwer Linda Veensta Alice Groeneveld Olivia Brouwer Raquel Giust Today 3:30pm 7:00pm 3:30pm 02 03 05 05 06 07 Barb Hessel Allan Andersen Alexander Pandey Dave Wielinga Simon Jones Pat Brouwer NEXT WEEK Friday Afrikaans Service Young Adults Bible Study Michener Hymn Sing STEWARDSHIP NOTES Today’s Tithes and Offerings: First Church Budget Ministry Calvin Seminary Future Offerings 07 14 June Denominational Ministry Shares Shalom Counselling Services SERVING TODAY Greeting: Roland Goulet Helping Hands: Allan Andersen Nursery: Ev Oosterhoff, Brenda OpdenDries, Lindi Bouch, Carlie Stange Coffee Hosts: Karl & Brenda Kranenborg Serving Elder: Karl Kranenborg SERVING NEXT WEEK Greeting: Bill Lodewyk Helping Hands: Dave Tilstra Nursery: Erin Visser, Connie Sypkes, Marissa Stryker,Tori Stryker Coffee Hosts: Benny & Anja Borgman Serving Elder: Dirk vanderBerg Up Coming Events CHURCH CONTACT INFORMATION First Christian Reformed Church 16 McVicar Street Red Deer, AB T4N 0M1 [email protected] Phone: 403-346-5659 www.firstcrcreddeer.org
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