3:15-cr-00329-CRI Date Filed 05/19/15 Entry Number 5 Cri-minal No: Page 1 of 11 3:15-329 General Provisions a. That the defendant devised or intended to devise a scheme to defraud or for obtaining money or property 3:15-cr-00329-CRI by Date Filed 05/19/15 means of Entry Number 5 Page 2 of 11 fraudul-ents pret.enses, false representat ions , or promises that were maEerial; and b. that, for the purpose of execut.ing Ehe scheme. the defendant lransmitted or caused L.o be transmiE.ted by means of wire, radio, or television communication in interstate or foreign commerce any writings, signals, pictures, or signs, sounds. The penalty for this offense i,s: MAX TMUM SENTENCE THIS COUNT FINE OF $25O,OOO (18 U.S.C. S 3571) AND/OR IMPRfSONMENT FOR NOT MORE THAN 20 YEARS AND A TERM SUPERVISED RELEASE OF NOT MORE THAN PLUS A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF $1OO.OO OF 3 YEARS (18 U.S.C. S 3583) (18 U.S.C. S 3013). The Defendant understands and agrees t.hat. monetary penalties Ii.e.. special assessments, rest.it.ution, f i-nes and ot.her paymenE.s required under t.he senlencel imposed by t.he Court. are due immediately and subject to enforcement by the united SEates as civil judgments, pursuant to 18 UsC S 3613. The Defendant also understands t.haL palment.s made in accordance with install-ment schedul_es set by the Court. are minimum payments onfy and do not preclude the government from seeking to enforce t.he j udgment. against other asset.s of the defendant at any Eime, as provided in 18 USC SS 361,2, 3613 and 3664 (m) . .) 3:15-cr-00329-CRI Date Filed 05/19/15 Entry Number 5 Page 3 of 11 The Defendant further agrees to enter into the Bureau of Prisons Inmate Fj.nancj.al Responsibility Program if sentenced t,o a term of incarceration wiCh an unsatisf monetary penalty. The DefendanL furt.her underst.ands that any monetary penafty imposed is bankruptcy A. i-ed not dischargeable in . Special- Assessment: Pursuant t.o 18 U.S.C. S3013, Ehe Defendant must pay a special assessment. of $100.00 for each felony counL for which she is convict.ed. This special assessment must. be paid aE or before the time of t.he guilty pl_ea hearing. B. Restj.tuEion: The DefendanE. agrees to make fuII rest.ituE.ion under 18 U.S.C. S 3556 in an amount Eo be deEermj-ned by the Court. at the time of sentencing, which amount is not limiEed t.o counE (s) t.o which t.he Defendant pled guilty, will include restitution identifiable her scheme pursuant Eo to Ehe but. each and every vicEim who may have been harmed by pat.tern of criminal activit.y, U.S.C. S 3553. The Defendant agrees to cooperate fu11y wj_th the covernment. in identifying all vict.ims. 3:15-cr-00329-CRI C. Date Filed 05/19/15 Entry Number 5 Page 4 of 11 Fines: The Defendant understands t.hat. the Court may impose a fine pursuant to 1B U.s.C. SS 3571 and 3572. 3. The Defendant understands that the obligations of the Government within Ehe Plea AgreemenE. are expressly contingent upon the Defendant's abiding by federal and sEaEe laws and complying with any bond executed in this case. In the event that. the Defendant fails to comply with any of the provisions of this AgreemenE.. either express or implied, Ehe Government will have the right, election, at its sole to void aLl of it.s obligations under t.his Agreement and the Defendant will not. have any right withdraw her plea of guilt.y to the offense (s) Eo enumerat.ed herein. Cooperat.ion and Forfeiture The Defendant. agrees t.o be full-y truthful and forthright with federal-, sEate and local 1aw enforcement, agencies by providing fuI1, compleEe and truthful_ information about. a1f criminal- act.ivities about which she has knowledge. Defendant musE provide debriefings about. fu11. L.hese unlawful- The complet.e and truthful activj.ties and must fu11y disclose and provide truthful information to the covernment. including any books, papers, or d.ocuments or any ot.her 3:15-cr-00329-CRI Date Filed 05/19/15 Entry Number 5 Page 5 of 11 items of evidentiary value to lhe investigation. Defendant musE also testify fulJ-y and truthfully grand juries and at any trials The before any or other proceedings if ca11ed upon to do so by the GovernmenL., subjecE. prosecut j-on f or per j ury f ail-ure of f or not testifying trut.hf ul_l-y. Ehe Defendant to be fuI1y Lruthful Eo The and fort.hright. aE any sEage wil1, at. the sole election of the Government, cause the obligatsions of the covernment within this Agreemen! to become nuI1 and voj-d. !'urther, it expressly agreed that if the obl-igations of the within this Agreement become is Government nuII and void due to the lack of truthfulness on the part of Ehe Defendant, the Defendant undersEands t.hat.: a. the Defendant will not be permitted to wit.hdraw her plea of guilt.y Lo Ehe offenses described above b. all ,' additional charges known to the may be c. filed in the appropriate district; the Government will for Government argue for a maximum sentence the offense !o which the Defendant has pleaded guilty; and Ehe Government will use any and all information and t.estimony provided by the Defendant pursuant to Ehis Agreement, or any prior proffer 3:15-cr-00329-CRI Date Filed 05/19/15 Entry Number 5 Page 6 of 11 agreemenEs/ in the prosecut.ion of the Defendant of all charges . 5. The DefendanE agrees to submj-t tso such pol-ygraph examinations as may be requested by the Government. and agrees thaE any such examinaEions sha11 be performed by a polygraph examj-ner selecEed by the Government. Defendant further agrees that her refusal t.o take or her faifure t,o pass any such polygraph examination to the covernmenE's satisfaction wil-f result, at Ehe Government's sole discretion, in Ehe obligations of the Government within the Agreement becoming nu11 and void. 6. The Government agrees that any self - incriminating informat.ion provided by the Defendant as a resulE of the cooperaEion required by the Eerms of this Agreement., a]though availab]e Eo the Court, will not be used against. Ehe Defendant in determining the Defendant,s applicable guideline range for sent.encj-ng pursuant to the U. S. Sentencing Commj-ssion Guj.detines. The provisions of t.his paragraph shall noE be applied to rest.rj-ct any such information: a. known to t.he covernmenE prior t'o the date of Agreement; concerning the existence of prior convlcLions and sentences,. 3:15-cr-00329-CRI c. Date Filed 05/19/15 Entry Number 5 Page 7 of 11 in a prosecution for perjury or giving a false statement; or in the events the Defendant breaches any of the t.erms of the Pl-ea Agreement.. Provided Ehe Defendant cooperates pursuant to the provisions of this Pfea Agreement, and that. cooperatj-on is deemed by the Government as providing substantial assisEance in E.he investigaEion or prosecution of anot.her person/ the Government agrees tso move the Court for a downward departure or reducEion of sentence pursuant to United States SenEencing Guidelines United Stsates Code, S Procedure 35 (b) . 3553 S5K1 .1, Titl-e 18, (e) or Federal- Rule of Criminal Any such motion by the GovernmenE is not binding upon Lhe Court, and should Ehe Court deny the motion, the Defendant wiff have no right t.o withdraw her plea. Merger and Other Provieiong The Defendant. and the covernment. stipulate and agree to the following for purposes of calculating sentence pursuant to Commission Guidef ines a, the the Defendant.,s United States Sent.encj.ng : The loss amount for the defendant's fraud is between $200,000-400,000; -7- 3:15-cr-00329-CRI Date Filed 05/19/15 Entry Number 5 Page 8 of 11 The Defendant understands that these stipulaL.ions are not binding upon t.he CourE or Ehe Unj-t.ed States probation Office, and that the Defendant has no right to wit.hdraw her pl-eas should these stipulaEions not be accept.ed. Furt.her, the Defendant understands and acknowledges t.hat these stipulations are binding on the covernmenE only in the event t.hat the Defendant. complies with ALL of the terms of this Agreement and does not contest any of Ehe above stipulaEions or any readily provable relevant conducE. The Defendant represenEs to Ehe court t.hat she has met with her attorney on a suf f icj-ent number of occasions and for sufficient period of time to discuss t.he Defendant,s a case and receive advlce; Ehat the Defendant has been Erut.hful with her aEEorney and refaEed all information of which the Defendant. is aware pertaining to Lhe case; that the Defendant and her defenses, if atlorney have discussed possible any, Eo the charges in the Information including the exist.ence of any exculpat,ory or favorabfe evidence or witnesses, discussed t.he Defendant,s right lo a public tri.al by jury or by the Court, the right to the assist.ance of counsel throughout the proceedings, t.he right to call- witnesses in t.he Defendant,s behalf and compel their aetendance at trj-aL by subpoena, the right Lo confront. and cross-examj-ne the government, s witnesses, the 3:15-cr-00329-CRI Date Filed 05/19/15 Defendant.'s right. Eo testify Entry Number 5 Page 9 of 11 in her own behalf, or to remain sil-ent and have no adverse inferences drawn from her silence; and t.hat. t.he Defendant, wilh the advice of counsel/ has weighed Ehe relative benef it.s of a trial by jury or by the Court versus a plea of guilt.y pursuant to t.his Agreement, and has ent.ered this Agreement as a matter of the Defendant's free and vol-untary choice, and not. as a resuft. of pressure or j.nE.imidation by any person. The DefendanE is aware that 18 U.S.C. S 3?42 and 28 U.S.C. S 2255 afford every defendanE certain ri.ghts to contest. conviction and/or sent,ence. Acknowledging those rj-ghts, the Defendant., in exchange for the concessions Government in this a made by Plea Agreement, waives the right Ehe to contest either t.he convj-ct.j-on or Lhe sentence in any direct. appeal or oEher post-conviction action, i.ncluding any proceedings under 28 U.S.C. S 2255. (This waiver does not apply to claims of ineffective assistance of counsel prosecutor:-al- misconduct raised pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 2255 . \ 11 The Defendant waives all right.s, whether asserted directly or by a representat. ive , to requesE. or receive from any department or agency of the United States any records pertaining to the investigation or prosecution of this case, incJ.uding without Iimitation any record.s that may be -9- 3:15-cr-00329-CRI Date Filed 05/19/15 Entry Number 5 Page 10 of 11 sought under the Freedom of fnformation Act, 5 U.S.C. S 552, or the Privacy Act of 1,9'74, 5 U.S.C. S 552a. l-2. The parties hereby agree t.hat. this Plea Agreement contains the ent.ire agreement. of Lhe part.ies; t,hat this supersedes all prior Agreement promlses, representations and statements of t,he partles; that this Agreement shaI1 not be binding on any party until the Defendant tenders a plea of guilty to the court having jurisdict.ion over this mat.ter; that this Agreement may be modified only in writlng slgned by all parties; and that any and all other promises, representations and statements, whether made prior to, contemporaneous wlth or after this Agreement, are nu11 and void. 3:15-cr-00329-CRI Date Filed 05/19/15 Entry Number 5 Page 11 of 11 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Statement of Special Assessment Amount This statement reflects your special assessment only. There may be other penalties imposed at sentencing. This Special Assessment is due and payable at the time of the execution of the plea agreement. (date plea agreement signed)
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