Read the The Flexi `Vine February Edition

ISSUE: 2/2015
The Flexi BIG Bash 2015
Service Users vs Staff
On Monday the 2nd of February in celebration of
Australia Day Flexi Service Users versed Lifestyle
Facilitators and Centre Team staff in the first annual
BIG Bash.
The day was a roaring success with the Service Users
taking out the wickets and victory over the Staff. Final
Score of the day – 76:74.
Page 2: From the CEO
Page 3: Things to Think About
Page 4: Things to Think About cont.
Page 5: Events and Activities
Page 6: Important Info re: Events and Activities
Page 7: On the Ground
The day was concluded with a delicious BBQ lunch
and a proposal for the next SU vs Staff Challenge!
Many photos were captured of the day - if you would
like to see these please make a time with your LF and
Chris/ Kristy to come into the office and view them.
Flexi Queensland
61 723 727 604
(07) 4783 5866
After Hours:
0427 835 866
(07) 4783 5872
Email: [email protected]
Address: 14 - 16 Ross Street
Ayr QLD 4807
I am amazed how quickly the last few months have gone by since the last newsletter – the Christmas break
seems so far away – I hope you all had a restful break with your family and friends.
Over the last few months I have continued to meet with Service Users and families to find out if Flexi
Queensland’s support services are continuing to meet their needs. I cannot emphasise enough how much I wish
to hear from the Flexi community; about what is working well, what needs improvement and any suggestions to
assist with how Flexi Queensland’s services are delivered. If I have not had an opportunity meet with you
recently, please contact the office to make a time to catch up – I am happy to meet at the office or at your family
Since the start of the New Year the Centre Team has been working hard to respond to the many respite requests
from families. Flexi Queensland continues to work closely with Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centre
(CRCC) to provide additional short term funding supports for carers of people with a disability, mental illness or
ageing, under the National Respite Carer Program. If you are a carer and require additional short term respite
supports please contact CRCC on 1800 052 222 and talk about your short term needs, CRCC will then approach
Flexi Queensland to deliver supports.
When referring to NDIS in the last newsletter, I advised that the industry is anticipating the signing off of the NDIS
bi-lateral agreement between the Queensland Government and the Federal Government in early 2015, which will
detail what NDIS will mean for Queenslanders. Unfortunately the State election has delayed this, so in the
meantime Flexi will include general information from the NDIS website in our newsletter, for Service Users and
families to consider.
Since commencing as CEO, the Board of Directors and I have been meeting more regularly, at least once a
month, to discuss the strategic direction of Flexi Queensland and to be informed about the day-to-day operational
decisions made. The Board of Directors are committed to ensuring Flexi Queensland is well placed for the
transition into NDIS with roll out in Queensland to commence 1 July 2016. At the January meeting I was able to
take a group photo of all the Board members for you to “meet” them all.
Sue Collier
Back from Left:
Rick Sparks
Front from Left:
Treasurer: Sue Malaponte
Local Business Owner
Local Bank Manager
Ian Shepherdson
Local Canefarmer
Jane Arthur
Barry Torkington
Vice President: Maryann
Local Business Owner
Local Solicitor
Local Paramedic and
Service User Parent
What is the National Disability Insurance Scheme? (NDIS)
The NDIS supports people with a permanent and significant
disability that affects their ability to take part in everyday
We will work with you to identify supports you need to live
your life. Supports may help you achieve goals in many
aspects of your life, including independence, involvement in
your community, education, employment and health and
The NDIS gives you more choice and control over how,
when and where your supports are provided, and gives you
certainty you will receive the support you need over your
It also focuses on early intervention where getting early
supports can reduce the impact of disability on you or your
For people who access the NDIS (participants)
If you are able to access the NDIS as a participant, we will
look at the supports you currently receive and how well they
are working for you. This may include your family, friends,
mainstream or other community services.
If required, the NDIS will also fund reasonable and
necessary supports that help you achieve your goals such
as therapies, equipment, home modifications, mobility
equipment, taking part in community activities or assistance
with employment.
A plan of supports tailored to your individual needs will be
developed to help you achieve your goals. This could include
your existing supports if you are happy with your
arrangements and if they meet your needs and goals.
For people who need some assistance
Anyone with or affected by disability can ask us for
information and referrals, including families and carers of
people with disability.
This can include better access to information about the most
effective support options, links to local support groups, clubs
and programs, or referrals to relevant community services
and supports.
For families and carers
We work with families and carers to make sure the support
they give can be sustained.
We consider the carer’s role when developing plans with
participants including the support they provide, other
We also recognise some people with disability may want the
support of family and carers to make informed decisions,
and we value their views, knowledge and experience.
Can I access the NDIS?
You need to meet the following requirements:
have a permanent and significant disability that affects
your ability to take part in everyday activities
be aged less than 65 when you first access the scheme
be an Australian citizen, a permanent resident or a New
Zealand citizen who holds a Protected Special Category
live in a trial site location (during the trial)
Use My Access Checker ( to
find out if you might be able to receive assistance from the
NDIS and the next steps.
For people living outside a trial site, existing national and
state-based services and supports will continue until the
NDIS is introduced in your area or extended to your age
Next steps
Once the NDIS has confirmed you can access the scheme,
a planner will arrange to meet with you.
Together, you will discuss your needs, goals and aspirations
and the supports you currently receive.
This may take more than one meeting and you can bring
someone with you for support.
Using this information, your planner will then develop a plan
of supports that best meets your needs and your goals.
Where is the NDIS?
The NDIS is being trialled in the following locations because
it is a big change to the current system and we want to get it
right. The scheme will be rolled out nationally from 2016.
1. Barwon region, Victoria
2. Newcastle and Lake Macquarie areas, New South
South Australia (age 13 and under on 1 July 2014)
Tasmania (for people age 15–24)
Australian Capital Territory
Barkly region, Northern Territory
7. Perth Hills area, Western Australia
For more information
Email: [email protected]
Call: 1800 800 110, 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday
For people with hearing or speech loss
TTY 1800 555 677
Speak and listen 1800 555 727
For people who need help with EnglishTIS 131 450
© National Disability Insurance Scheme Launch Transition Agency
Paving the Way to the NDIS - Ayr Presentation
Nine organisation have been funded by the
Department of Communities, Child Safety and
Disability Services to deliver NDIS (National Disability
Insurance Scheme) participant readiness activities to
help people with disability, their families and carers in
Queensland to get ready for the NDIS. The NDIS is a
new Federal system for ensuring people with disability
have the support they required to engage more fully in
social and economic life.
The Mamre Association (through Pave the Way) are
the identified organisation for the North Queensland
Pave the Way invites people with disabilities and their
families to a presentation about preparing for the
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) which will
begin to roll out in Queensland in July 2016.
Contact Pave the Way on (07) 3291 5800; Toll Free
call 1300 554 402
For details on more Pave the Way presentations and
workshops please visit
To stay up to date with NDIS and roll out
information visit:
00 ring
scrap m
or Kids
In: 9 2 k
0 f or W
Date: Tuesday 10 March, 2015 - 10:00 to 13.00.
Location: Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre, Ayr.
Registrations are Essential
ONLY $41
.00 to go
Professional Development Opportunities Brain Development, Attachment and Trauma, and Youth Mental Health First Aid
Over the next twelve months Flexi employees both
Centre Team and Lifestyle Facilitators will have the
opportunity to attend training with Evolve Interagency
Services around Brain Development, Attachment and
Trauma, and Support Positive Behaviour. The training
will provide staff with a better understanding of how
adverse trauma and attachment has impacted on the
child’s development.
Flexi staff and the Burdekin Community will also have
the opportunity to participate in Youth Mental Health
First Aid training. Burdekin PCYC has a session
scheduled for the 5th and 6th of March - Please
contact Tarja Martin at the PCYC on 4783 1009.
Flexi Qld has a session scheduled for May 2015
further details to be TBA.
Companion Cards
If you have a disability and a lifelong need for
'attendant care support' in order to participate in
community activities and attend venues, the
Companion Card can help you with the costs of getting
out and about with the support of a companion.
Companion Card holders receive a second
‘companion' ticket at no charge at participating venues
and on public transport. The 'companion' ticket is also
exempt from booking fees.
The Companion Card is issued in the name of the
person who has a disability, and is valid for 5 years.
cardholder’s chosen companion may
be a paid or unpaid assistant or carer,
family member, friend or partner.
For more information please visit:
Or pick up a Companion Card Application Form the
Flexi Qld office today.
© Commonwealth of Australia 2013
A companion is any person who accompanies a
cardholder and provides attendant care support. The
Weekly Activity Fees
Every couple of months Flexi staff and Service Users
complete an activity planning session (both Juniors and
Adults) to talk about the activities and events that they
would like to try or attend.
not wish to participate in - in this instance please
contact your DSF to arrange alternative activities or
adjust support times.
Sometimes the weekly activities have a small fee
associated with attending the activity to help cover the
costs of participation/ equipment/ venue hire. Over the
past month we have been working on a process to
make the payment/ and collection of these fees easier
for all involved.
Extra Curricular Activities
For participation in activities at a venue, e.g. Ayr
Swimming Pool, Burdekin Bowls, fee’s can be pre-paid
at the venue for x number of weeks. For Flexi based
activities fees can be pre-paid at the Flexi office OR
fees can be given to the individual to bring along each
Each family will soon receive in the mail a consent
request for activity fees to be billed to co-payment
accounts if they have not pre-paid or provided on the
day of the activity.
Flexi will strive to ensure the information regarding
weekly activities and associated fees is distributed in a
timely manner to assist individuals to plan and budget
their activities or identify if there is an activity they do
We would like to remind families that Flexi Qld is able
to support Service Users in their support time to
engage in community groups or extra curricular
These can include but are not limited to:
Lower Burdekin Landcare
Soccer with Burdekin Football
PCYC Gymnastics
South Pacific Takewondo
Lower Burdekin Scout Group
Air Cadets
Ayr Tennis Association
MARCH 2015
Saturday 7th March – Cowboys vs Roosters - FULL
Saturday 7th March – 2015 Annual Clash of the
Canefields Boxing Tournament
Sunday 15th March – Cowboys vs Knights - 2 places
available. If you are interested in attending this game
please contact Flexi ASAP
APRIL 2015
Friday. 4th April: Easter Saturday. 6th April: Easter
Monday. Please remember community access
supports will not be running in this time. If you are
unsure of your support during these times please
contact the office.
Friday 3rd– 19th April – School Holidays
TBA – Activities will coincide with PCYC and Ayr/Home
Hill Library
TBA – Junior Group trip to Townsville
Saturday 18th April – Cowboys vs Warriors - FULL
Friday 27th March – Burdekin Rooster vs Brothers at
Home. Please speak with your DSF if you are
interested in attending this event or complete the EOI.
Sunday 29th March – Burdekin Barra Rush Weigh In
Please submit an EOI Form
(Expression of Interest) for all
events indicated with EOI and
your DSF will be in touch with you.
community cricket competition. Service Users whom
are interested in playing, training will be part of the
Monday Madness? Activity for the month of March.
SU’s /Parents are to speak with Rhonda about
participation in this event
Friday 24th April – Burdekin Rooster vs Charters
Towers at Home. EOI.
Saturday 25th April – ANZAC Day Public Holiday –
Gallipoli Centenary. Please see local papers for Dawn
Service Information closer to the event.
26th April – Burdekin Auto Festival. EOI.
Saturday 21st April – Canefield Ashes, Home Hill
Cricket Club. Flexi will be nominating a team in this
MAY 2015
Saturday 9th May – Cowboys vs Bulldogs - 1 place
available. If you are interested in attending this game
please contact Flexi ASAP.
Saturday 30th May – Cowboys vs Sea Eagles - FULL
Saturday 30th May – Wilmar Australian Hand Cane Cutting Championships. EOI
Friday 15th May – Cowboys vs Broncos - FULL.
Saturday 16th May – Burdekin Growers Race Day EOI
Please RSVP / Express your interest to the Service Delivery Office as soon as possible for
each activity. A 50% deposit is required to secure your spot. All activity pricing is based on 4
Service Users attending the event. Once all RSVP’s are received Flexi will advise if the final
event price differs from the original quote where less/ more than 4 Service Users have RSVP’d
to attend.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you have spoken to your DSF at the Service Delivery
Office and have identified that you have the hours available to attend any events.
You understand that the following conditions apply if you need to cancel your attendance to an event:
With Notice Cancellation: 2 office days’ notice prior to event 50% reimbursement of activity cost. In
the event that we are able to find someone to attend will get 100% reimbursement.
Short Notice Cancellation: Less than 2 office days’ notice prior to event 0% reimbursement of activity
cost. In the event that we are able to find someone to attend will get 100% reimbursement.
No Notice Cancellation: 0% reimbursement
Other important information:
Everyone must meet at the Hangout 15 minutes prior to the departure time.
Please ensure that you wear appropriate foot wear, bring a coat or jumper, have money to buy dinner and
bring a water bottle, hat and sunscreen (where applicable).
Travel Matrix
To help Service Users and families understand the costing of Flexi Activities and Events Flexi have
developed the below travel matrix. The Matrix displays the costs of one vehicle traveling to Townsville based
on the award unit cost of 78c per kilometer. This cost is then shared across the number of participants
attending the event.
Ticket Costs
Rate per km = $0.78
Ayr - Townsville Return = 200 kms
# of Service User
$ 156.00 $ 78.00 $ 52.00 $ 39.00 $ 31.20 $ 26.00
Also when costing an event Flexi
need to consider covering the cost
of the LFs ticket, this is also
incorporated into event pricing.
I, _______________________________ am interested in attending the following events:
I would like my DSF to please contact me to discuss the event and arrange supports.
Thank you, ______________________________________________
(Service User/ Parent Signature)
Happy Birthday
Historic Steam Train
Master Chef
Andrew celebrated his birthday
with his mates and a slice of cake
at Anzac Park. Happy Birthday
A few of the Flexi Crew jumped on
board for a ride on the historic
Steam Train that visited Ayr/ Home
Hill on Monday the 2nd of
David showing off his talents in the
kitchen with a Shepard's Pie.
Holiday Fun
Fishing at Groper
Arts and Crafts
Holly and Molly having a fun at the
Ayr Library Holiday program.
Jarrod kicking back and casting a
Kendra came in to show the Centre
Team her handy work form the
Junior group activity at the Ayr
Library. Cool dudes!
Flexi is always seeking
contributions to our newsletter—
please see Chris or Kristy to share
you photos and stories.