The F re ce Christia 300 Main Street, Florence, KY 41042 859-647-5000, ext. 550 May 2015 Issue 11 ENOUGH! Stress. Anxiety. Fear. These words capture well the state of mind of many of us in America today. We have witnessed dramatic market losses, the collapse of the world’s largest insurance company, and many bankruptcies and mergers. Every day seems to bring another piece of economic uncertainty. All of us have struggled with these issues at one time or another. They are important issues that we cannot ignore. This is why, between May 31st to June 14th we will be having a church-wide study and worship emphasis called Enough: Discovering Joy Through Simplicity and Generosity. During this time we will explore what the Bible teaches us about financial management through corporate worship and small group study. We’ll hear expert advice and stories about what others have learned by working through financial challenges. Each week, we will provide you with some practical tools you can use to assess your financial situation and develop a financial plan with a biblical foundation. At the conclusion of the emphasis, we will have the opportunity to make personal commitments of our offerings to God through our church in the coming year. We will consecrate these commitments in the worship service Sunday, June 28th during a combined worship service followed by a celebration luncheon. We hope you will join us in the coming weeks as we look at how we can manage our financial resources and truly experience simplicity, generosity and joy. Blessings! Pastor Susan Let’s Get Together! MEMORIAL DAY SERVICE, SATURDAY, MAY 23, 3 PM As we approach Memorial Day, we are called to remember the sacrifices made by those who lost their lives in battle, as well as those veterans who served long ago who may have died recently. But Memorial Day is also a time when we are called to remember the sacrifices of those who came back from war with wounds, both visible and invisible. As faith communities, we are called to love and support these special friends who have given so much. Come and join Florence Christian Church as we worship together on Saturday, May 23 at 3 pm in the Chapel (or perhaps the Meditation Garden, weather permitting). We encourage our members to especially invite veterans from our community to join us. BEEN VISITING OUR CHURCH? If you have been visiting our church, we would like to invite you to our next Discover Gathering scheduled for Sunday, May 24th, right after the 10:30 am service in the Well. This gathering gives us additional time besides Sunday mornings to visit with the pastors and for you to learn more about Florence Christian Church... our history, our beliefs, and our vision for the future. This will be a chance for you to ask questions and find out more about the different ministries that we have that might support you on your journey of faith. We hope you can join us for lunch and conversation. If you can join us, please call Peg to RSVP at 647-5000 ext.550 by no later than Thursday, May 21st, so that we may plan enough food for everyone. Children’s activities and childcare will be provided if needed. Please let us know if you would like care for your children (and their ages) at the time you make your reservations. Let’s Get Together! (2) GARDENING DAY AT FCC! SATURDAY, MAY 9TH At 9:00 am on Saturday, May 9th, the Boy Scouts from Troop 1 will join us to weed, mulch and plant flowers in our church gardens. We need your help, too! Join us in sprucing up our campus and making it look beautiful! God Blessed The World With Special Women Like You! We will be honoring mothers and those who have been like a mother to others on May 10th. Join us for worship!! BETH MOORE AT US BANK ARENA June 26-27, 2015 (Friday - Saturday) Beth Moore is a speaker and author of best-selling Bible studies and other books for women. We’ve participated in a number of her studies at FCC and now we have a chance to hear her in person here in Cincinnati. Cost is $69 for both nights. If you purchase a ticket, be sure to contact Glenna Galbraith (647-5000, ext. 559) for car pool information. All details can be found at Missions & Outreach A NEW MISSION OPPORTUNITY! First Baptist Church of Cold Spring, Prison Fellowship, & Council of Christian Re-entry Ministry are partnering in ministry to children of incarcerated parents and inviting those interested to come and hear how our church can participate in the Angel Tree and/or Bridge Ministry Programs. Brett Core from Prison Fellowship will be speaking at First Baptist, Cold Spring on May 2nd about the Angel Tree and Bridge Ministry Programs for assisting those incarcerated, previously incarcerated, and their families with the daunting task of community reentry after incarceration. Jerry Wallace with CCRM will also be briefly providing information about a new Northern Kentucky mentoring and jobs placement program for those previously incarcerated. Donuts and coffee will be provided at this informational meeting. We look forward to seeing you on May 2nd at 10AM at First Baptist Church, 4410 Alexandria Pike, Cold Spring. Beautiful Way Concludes The decision to bring Beautiful Way Christian to a halt is a painful one. After a year and a half of what has been in many ways a wildly successful new kind of church, the decision not to overcome some obstacles is mine. Since November of 2013, I have consistently practiced transparency and responsibility. Time has only proven to me and I think has become apparent to others that once the mega church trend has run its course, churches in the future will be smaller and much more intentional. I have encountered widespread agreement on that aspect of being a “healing church”. Our Facebook Page has had a following I could have never imagined, and for which I am forever humbled. However, I have learned that with this kind of skilled labor mission, recruiting core leadership at the outset is essential. While Beautiful Way has had a wonderful and supportive collection of people with no church and which have attended with active membership in other churches, I did not recruit, and we still do not have the kind of operational coaching, teaching, and planning leadership which is essential to minister to the many people all around us who need trained community and relationships for healing. I remain committed to this kind of vision which I don’t even call mine, but consider that of Jesus Christ’s. While a plan was in place, and actually was in the process of correcting this blind spot in our vision, other simultaneous and ongoing obstacles have proven a bit overwhelming. Thank you to all of you for your ongoing support. God bless those who will learn from Beautiful Way’s efforts and continue this work from God in the future. Rev. Mike Delaney, Pastor, Beautiful Way Christian Church More Missions & Outreach PILLOW AND HAT PROJECT Throughout the month of April, we have been sewing away making pillows and hats for patients diagnosed with breast cancer. The seat belt pillows keep the patients more comfortable as they travel in cars and the heart pillows just add a little more cushion right after surgery. On Monday, May 18th at 6 pm in the Well, we will gather together to complete the pillows. This project will include some light sewing and stuffing. Please come and join us. You don’t need to have sewing skills to join us. Thank you so much. Caring Meals Ministry May 2015 May 1-15, Ann Howard 859-371-5559 ONE ‘S JUNK...ANOTHER’S TREASURE! May 16-31, Kay Garnett 859-485-1418 If you know of someone in our church family who is ill or in need of a caring meal for any reason, please notify the people above for the time frames listed. Thank you. FCC has had another successful Yard Sale again this year, raising $1852. Thanks to Kay Garnett and Butch Carr for coordinating this event and to all the many folks who donated, gathered, sorted, priced, set up, cleaned up, boxed and packed up, and worked as cashiers and floor helpers. We also thank all the shoppers who came out and purchased items. See you next year! An Invitation to a Missions & Outreach Meeting On Sunday, May 3, 2015, our Missions and Outreach Committee will meet at Noon in the Conference Room. If you would like to join in partnership with this ministry, please come to this meeting. If you have a spark/passion for reaching out to those in need locally (Outreach) and Missions (stepping out beyond the boundaries of the local church), we need YOU. Answering the call to Missions & Outreach is a positive response to Jesus’ invitation to participate in what God is doing (Mt 28:19-20). If you are hearing that call in your own heart, please join us on May 3, 12 pm, Conference Room CREATION CARE, APRIL 2015 “If we perceived Life with reverence, we would stand in awe at the experience of physical Life and walk the Earth in a very deep sense of gratitude.” Gary Zukav “Thoughts from the Seat of the Soul” Rebecca Barnes After Pastor Diana’s Earth Stewardship Sunday message, I hope you were inspired to consider growing your own vegetables. You don’t have to have a big yard – you can participate in a community garden. In Boone County, you can call the Parks & Recreation Department at 334-2117 to get information on their gardens at the Union Pool and at Idlewild Park. Does anyone want to head up a Community Garden at our Harmony Place property? Call Glenna Galbraith (647-5000, ext. 559) if you are interested. If you want to start on a smaller scale, you can plant a simple container garden. My favorite is a salad container garden. Please get your children involved too. They can be responsible for tending, watering, etc. Call the Boone County Extension Office for classes or for more information (586-6101). “To engage women of the church in knowing God, loving God, serving God and to know, love and serve each other.” Pie Day A group of us meet at 9:00 AM on May 6th in the Conference Room to schedule visits with our homebound and members of our congregation who need a little TLC. We bring desserts to divide and share with these folks, but you don’t have to bake to join us. The Listeners Class prepares lovely gift packets that you will deliver to each of these folks along with their baked goodies. We need more men and women who enjoy visiting our church family! ary Deb rah Gr up- I P RTA T DATE A D TUESDAY AY 26TH AT 6"30 P CATI CHA GE t We've begun a new study! We are exploring Barbara Brown Taylor's newest book - ear i g t Wa i the Dar ($11.24/10.68 on This book provides a way to find spirituality in those times when we don't have all the answers. We will meet in the Conference Room in the office wing at 6:30 PM on TUESDAY AY 26TH due to the Memorial Day holiday. OPPORTUNITIES FOR VOLUNTEERS You might be interested in learning more about one of these areas needing volunteers. Check it out, and give the office a call if something captures your interest. LET'S WALK TOGETHER Enjoy the warm weather, the company of good friends, and the health benefits of walking. Let's walk together EACH THURSDAY - 6PM, for approximately one and a half hours, through the Spring, Summer and into the Fall. Come as you are able. All ages and walking abilities are welcome. Our meeting place and walking area is in Central Park/Arboretum. Park in the parking lot next to restrooms just inside the park entrance on your left. If you would like to participate, give me a call or text, 859-801-6540, drop me an email, [email protected], catch me at church, or just show up. Hope to see you on Thursdays! ~ON BECOMING WHOLE~ May is National Mental Health Month! According to the National Institute of Mental Health, in 2012, 18.6% of adults suffered with some sort of mental illness. This is nearly one in five. About 4% had general anxiety disorder; another 6.9% had depression. Depression is defined as a period of two weeks or longer during which there is either depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure, and at least four other symptoms that reflect a change in functioning, such as problems with sleep, eating, energy, concentration, and self-image. We know that as many as 20-50% (depending on the study) of women diagnosed with breast cancer develop depression. Stroke and heart disease increase risk for depression. Young women with depression are twice as likely to suffer from a heart attack or die of heart disease. Depression leads to increase in stress hormones that increase the risk of congestive heart failure. Heart failure patients often become depressed. If you have diabetes — either type 1 or type 2 — you have an increased risk of developing depression. And if you're depressed, you may have a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes. So are you seeing a trend here? Our emotional/mental health and our physical health are intricately woven together. The good news is that diabetes, heart disease, cancer and depression can be treated together. And effectively managing one can have a positive effect on the other. Even more importantly, it is essential for us to practice excellent self-nurturing—body, mind and spirit! For example, we know studies have shown that people with similar anxiety/depression symptoms, when randomized into 2 different groups—one treated with antidepressants and the other with 30 minutes aerobic exercise 4-5 days a week—have similar improvements in mood. Bottom line is that folks who exercise 30 minutes most days of the week are less likely to be depressed and anxious. And this is just the beginning! Join us the first Sunday in May for blood pressure screening as well as anxiety and depression screening. Get a stress dot and learn how to decrease your stress! I Corinthians 6:19-20 ~ “19 … don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, 20 for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body.” Let’s give Spirit a whole, healthy, happy residence. Phyllis Reed, Health & Wellness Ministries Coordinator Florence Christian Church VBS on the Road Saturday, June 20th, 11 AM – 2 PM Save the date to help us with Vacation Bible School on the Road! Once again, we will return to Normandy Green Townhomes and Apartments in Florence, KY to strengthen our relationships with our neighbors. The VBS is open to all children – those connected with our church and those in the community. Our theme is “Oh, The Places God Goes”. As part of this VBS, we will be collecting NEW children’s books to give to our participants – especially Dr. Seuss books for all ages. Donations will be collected through Sunday, June 14th! If you are interested in assisting with VBS, please contact Pastor Diana. Childcare Help Needed! We is looking for a qualified childcare attendant to share God’s love with our youngest children. This position is a contract position paying $10 per hour for actual hours worked. We are seeking a person age 18 and up who is experienced in working with babies and young children, is friendly and outgoing, with a love for children. The minimum hours for this position are 8:30 AM – 12 Noon on Sunday mornings. An additional 2 hours may be available on evenings one night during the school year as well as other evening or weekend hours dependent upon the church calendar. If you or you know someone who is interested, please have them contact Pastor Diana at [email protected] or at (859) 647-5000 Ext. 555. Family “Come On” Summer Party, Sunday, May 17th at 3 PM Join us as we celebrate the end of the school year and the beginning of summer with a pool party at the Rini Home, located at 1529 Vinings Court in Union, KY. We will grill out for dinner! Hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided. You are invited to bring a side dish or dessert to share and drinks for your family. Baptisms, May 24 Please be in prayer for our two young men – Luke Iden and Colin Rini - who are exploring baptism this spring. Please also be in prayer for their mentors – Ron Lewis and Drew Murphy– who are walking alongside them in this time of faith exploration. For those who decide to be baptized, we will celebrate baptisms on Pentecost Sunday, May 24th. Mini-Mission Trip, Lexington, KY, June 2015 This year we will be introducing our older elementary children to a mission experience. With a special overnight mission trip, they will explore how we are connected to the wider Disciples church and how we all can make a difference in the world! If your child has completed 2nd – 5th grade and they might be interested in attending, please speak with Pastor Diana. Youth Summer Mission – A Civil Rights Pilgrimage , Sunday, 5/31 – Saturday, 6/6 This year’s youth summer mission trip for youth who have completed the 6th through 12th grades will be to Montgomery, AL as we explore the Civil Rights Movement of the 50s and 60s and how faith and faith communities calls us to action to continue to confront racism today. We will be hosted by First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Montgomery, AL and work with several wonderful organizations. Registrati f r s a tari ed p w er f att r ey a c py f y ur i sura ce card a d the fa i y p rti f $50 is due by Su day ay 3rd t Past r Dia a" P ease see her f r additi a i f r ati a d f r s" May Worship & Wonder Schedule SUNDAY STORY May 3 TEACHER May 10 The Good Shepherd/Lord’s Supper II The Great Banquet Maleah Rhodes Amy Turner May 17 Ascension Marie Combs May 24 Pentecost Monica Howard May 31 Baptism Jennifer Hern May Sunday School Schedule SUNDAY May 3 STORY WORKSHOP TEACHER Easter Go & Tell No Sunday School Music Workshop Donna Murphy Children perform hand bells in worship. Practice during first 1/2 hour of service. Movie Workshop Ron & Kelly Lewis May 24 Easter Go & Tell Pentecost Art Workshop Clara Justice May 31 Pentecost Game Workshop Susan Mead May 10 May 17 In the Life of our Congregation The Zone Update - May 2015 I cannot express how excited I am about the “New” things happening at the Discover Zone. Our newly formed Advisory Council has had its first meeting and it was a huge success! Thank you to the Triplett's, Lynn Caldwell, Ginny Yahl, Cecil Baker, Susan Bentle, Pastor Diana and the staff and parents who are participating. Your support is invaluable and we look forward to all the things to come. May is Teacher Appreciation Month! If you know a teacher tell them “Thank You” and let them know that they are appreciated! It means so much. Summer registration is now taking place. Currently we are extending our enrollment for Adventure Zone to add another group. This means an additional 14 children from last year in the school age program. Enrollment also continues to grow in the younger classrooms. If we can sustain this enrollment for the summer, then we should have an upswing in the right direction! Blessings, Julie Praying Together For: May 2015 Birthdays 1st 2nd 4th 5th 8th 9th 10th 11th 13th 15th 16th 17th 18th 20th 22nd 25th 27th 30th 31st Donna Murphy Arielle Keller Jessie Stahl Ian Kent, Kristine Garwood, Sierra Stansel Rosemary Newberry, Crosley Kaufman, Freddie Clements, Jared Bowling Kelly Lewis, Kylie Kennedy, Bev Anderson Gregory Hamilton Gary Bentle Nick Combs Kim McCoy Holly Mayerchak Tina Carroll, Evelyn Smith, Mike Triplett, Robert White Tristan Tillman, Carol Hiatt Geovanni Mejia Brenda Sparks, Linda Kraft Nancy Newberry Elizabeth Hern, Steven Kinser Shirley Dunn Katelyn Wade *Barb Bach, *Ben Haines, *Anita Smith, *Jack Burkett, *Mary Hollis, *Marcia Jean Griffin, *Carol and Charles Dawalt, *Bev Anderson, *Karen Schadler *Randy Barker, and Susan & Gary Bentle and t heir family in the recent passing of Susan’s niece, age 33. “May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.” *Permission granted by individual/family for publication. We Care About YOU! Please ask a relative or close friend to contact us at: (859-647-5000, ext. 550) if you are hospitalized. Hospitals will NOT inform us. To Hearts and Hands, A Ministry of FCC… “Thank you for providing the much needed financial help toward a new wheelchair to get around in. Can’t thank you enough. Love in Christ, Shirley Dunn (Arcadia Park Resident)” “Dear Pastor Susan and FCC congregation, It’s difficult to know where to begin to thank you and all the members of your church for all the prayers, visits, food, monthly packages, treats and phone calls you sent to Bill Norman. You exhibited what true Christianity is all about! Your concern meant so very much to him, as it did for all his family and for me. Thank you! In Christian Love, Lucy C. Ferguson” OUR PEOPLE IN SERVICE May 17 9:00 am Service Elders: Jim Galbraith, Kay Garnett Prayer: Kay Garnett Lay Reader: Pat Bhirdo Deacons: George Briggs, Mike Voskuhl, Shirley Wingfield, Kathy Breeze, Kay Williams Sunday School: Ron & Kelly Lewis 10:30 am Service 10:30 am Service 10:30 am Service Elders: John McLemore, Kay Elders: Gerald Turner, Dan Kent Elders: Angie McLemore, Shannon Galbraith-Kent Peacock Prayer: Dan Kent Prayer: Shannon G-Kent Prayer: Kay Peacock Lay Reader: Selina McDine Lay Reader: Maleah Rhodes Lay Reader: Monica Howard Deacons: Laura Struewing, Deacons: Jeff Aubrey, Carole Deacons: Kelly Pittman, Sharon Stanley, Gail & Pat Reed-Mahoney, Peggy Laura Rudolphi, Mary Ann McDaniel Chukwudolue, Drew Murphy Otto, Mary Lucas Sunday School: Ron & Kelly Sunday School: Donna Murphy Sunday School: None Lewis Worship & Wonder: Maleah Worship & Wonder: None Worship & Wonder: Marie Rhodes May 3 9:00 am Service Elders: Kay Garnett, Glenna Galbraith Prayer: Glenna Galbraith Lay Reader: George Briggs Deacons: Jenn Hern, Todd & Michele Reed, Betty Williams, Ron Crume Sunday School: Donna Murphy Gift Delivery: Lynn Caldwell Hospitality: Betty Williams w/Lynn Caldwell, Helen Thoolen Bus Run: Ted DeAlba (5/4) May 10 9:00 am Service Elders: John Crabtree, Susan Bentle Prayer: Susan Bentle Lay Reader: Shirley Wingfield Deacons: Tina Carroll, Donna Murphy, Carolyn Feldkamp, Tony Stahl, Rosemary Newberry Sunday School: None Gift Delivery: Mike Peacock Hospitality: Greg & Kay Hamilton w/Karen Schadler, Selina McDine, Donna Murphy Bus Run: Ted DeAlba (5/11) May 31 9:00 am Service Elders: Jim Galbraith, Phyllis Reed Prayer: Phyllis Reed Lay Reader: Carole Reed-Mahoney Deacons: Melanie & Mike Triplett, Marie Combs, George Briggs, Ron Crume Sunday School: Susan Mead 10:30 am Service Elders: Charlsey Smith, Ken Mead Prayer: Ken Mead Lay Reader: Tom Otto Deacons: Brian & Nicole Kaufman, Maleah Rhodes, Cheryl Haines Sunday School: Susan Mead Worship & Wonder: Jennifer Hern May 24 9:00 am Service Elders: Gary Bentle, John Reed Prayer: John Reed Lay Reader: Kay Williams Deacons: Ginny Yahl, Lynn Caldwell, Monica & Lance Howard. Bob Hambrick Sunday School: Clara Justice 10:30 am Service Elders: Mike Peacock, Dan Kent Prayer: Dan Kent Lay Reader: Laura Struewing Deacons: Jeff Aubrey, Amy Turner, Ben Iden, Ron Lewis Sunday School: Clara Justice Worship & Wonder: Monica Howard Combs Gift Delivery: Michele & Todd Reed Hospitality: Kay Garnett w/ Barb Crume, Cheryl Haines Bus Run: Jim Galbraith (5/18) Gift Delivery: Larry & Jen Hern Hospitality: Myrtle Schafer w/ Monica Howard, Julie Linville, Rena Hobbs Bus Run: No Run - Holiday Communion, Ushers and Greeters May 2015 (Serves for entire month) Communion 9:00 - Bob Hambrick (Prep) 10:30 - Peggy Chukwudolue (Clean Up) Usher (s): 9:00 - Bev Anderson 10:30 - Bill & Alma Bonham Greeter (s): 9:00 - Dorothy Richie, Brenda Sparks (upper) Gift Delivery: Ted DeAlba Hospitality: Mary Arnold w/Glenna Galbraith, Sharon Stanley Bus Run: Ted DeAlba (6/1) Donna & George Briggs (lower) 10:30 - Ann & Carl Howard (upper) Denise Jones, Heath Rich (lower) Florence Christian Church 300 Main Street, Florence, KY 41042 Phone: 859-647-5000, ext. 550 Fax: 859-647-5004 The Ministries of Florence Christian Church A faith community valuing openness and acceptance. A place where people from different faith and church experiences flourish. Email: [email protected] A community where men, women, youth & children lead, learn and serve Christ together. A place where you can come as you are. Check out our new website! Who ya gonna call? Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Susan Ward Diamond, Ext. 552 Associate Pastor Rev. Diana Hodges-Batzka, Ext. 555 Newcomer /Membership Coordinator Glenna Galbraith, Ext. 559 Follow us on Facebook, “Florence Christian Church” SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE The Zone Director Julie Mondary-Linville, Ext. 600 Health Ministry Coordinator Phyllis Reed, Ext. 564 Maintenance Mgr.: Patty Martin, Ext. 554 Financial Secretary: Ted DeAlba Ext. 551 Office Admin: Peg Danzl, Ext. 550 Sunday Services 9 am Renewed Traditional 10:30 am “Wired” Contemporary Service Sunday School 9 am (children) 10:30 am (adults and children) Hospitality Table 10-10:30 am (Communion served at both services.)
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