Schedule - Florida Realtists Summit 2015

2015 Florida Realtists® Summit Agenda
AT-A-GLANCE Schedule Format
April 30th, 2015 PRE-SUMMIT EVENT
10:00 am – 8:00 pm
Pre-Summit Event Setup/Participant Registration
1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Pre-Summit Session
5:30 m – 8: 30 p m
Welcome Networking Social
May 1st, 2015 SUMMIT EVENT
7:00 am – 8:55 am
Event Setup/Participant Registration/Breakfast
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Morning Session
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Luncheon/Mid-Day Break (LUNCHEON/EXCHANGE)
1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Afternoon Session
Florida Realtists® Summit Proposed Program
12:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Registration/Check-In @ FAMU School of Business & Industry
1:00 pm- 4:30 pm
New Market Tax Credits: Basics for Financial Institutions and
Florida A&M University School of Business & Industry
This workshop, intended for real estate professionals, corporations, Lenders,
municipalities, economic & community development agencies and non- profits,
is a an opportunity to learn how New Market Tax Credits stimulate growth.
Nationwide, more than $38 billion of New Markets Tax Credit capital has been
invested into thousands of businesses and real estate developments since
2002. Learn how to access New Markets Tax Credits for your qualified business
or real estate development. These unique tax credits have helped developers
and business owners gain access to a low-cost source of capital to solve a portion
of their capital needs while creating significant community and economic impact
in distressed areas. Join us to learn more about the New Markets Tax Credit
program and find out if your project or business qualifies.
(SBI North Building Rm G-12)
5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Spring Networking Mixer @ Doubletree Downtown Tallahassee
Conference Room A
7:00 am – 8:55 am
Opening Plenary Session
Dr. Shawnta Friday-Stroud, Dean- FAMU School of Business & Industry
Karlus Henry, President- AREA Board of Realtists (Tallahassee, FL)
Location: SBI North Building Rm G-12
9:00 am – 10:00 am
Opening Forum
Advocating for Economic Change: Basics for New Community Developers
Presenter: F.A. Johnson
AREA Board of Realtists®
What is community advocacy and how does it play a role in community and economic
development? This course- great for students, non-profits, and real estate
professionals- is a crash course on how to navigate local political priorities and work with
public and private organizations to make inclusive economic change occur in distressed
Location: SBI North Building Rm G-12
10:10 am – 11:00 am
Demographics, Research and
Economic Data: A Primer for
Anne Ray, Data Clearinghouse Manager
Shimberg Center for Housing Studies @
University of Florida
Moderator: Thomas Bolen III
Founder, Club R.E.A.L.
The Shimberg Center @ University of Florida
conducts research into housing policy and
planning, with a special focus on housing
affordability for Florida residents. This
workshop is designed to provide a basic
overview of data systems and applied
research that is available to state agencies,
local planners, the housing industry, nonprofits, and others involved in shaping
housing policy in Florida.
SBI North Building Rm 115
11:10 am- 12:00 pm
Get Engaged! Civic Advocacy Basics
for Realtists® & Community
Christic Henry, CRS, CLG
Kingdom First Realty
AREA Board of Realtists®
What does it take to get involved in local
community advocacy? On local civic boards
and issues groups? How can you get a “seat
at the table” to get your ideas heard or
issues addressed at the political level? Join
this lively panel discussion of local business
leaders and elected officials to get inside
information on how to get involved- and
why you should.
SBI North Building Rm 116
Act Like a Non-profit, think like an
Investor: An Investment Primer for
Non-profits with a Housing Mission
Presenter: F.A. Johnson
Lamarr Kemp, Director
Leon County Housing Division
Find out how community- and Faith-based
non-profits fit into Community
Revitalization and Development. This
workshop will go over the “nuts and bolts”
of community development- how to
evaluate projects, structure capital, and
work with real estate professionals to
understand the pulse of the market and
make realistic proposals for federal, state
and local government funding consideration.
SBI North Building Rm 116
The Boley Centers: An Example of
Community & Economic Development
in Action
Jack Humburg, Director of Housing,
Development & ADA Services
The Boley Centers, Inc.
Ellen Piekalkiewicz, Executive Director
United Partners for Human Services
The Boley Centers, Inc. provides safe,
decent, affordable, permanent housing in 32
locations throughout Pinellas County. Come
hear how this organization is making a
difference in the lives of disasdvantaged
citizens in their community.
SBI North Building Rm 115
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
“Engines of Change: How They are Doing it”
Information Sharing with Florida non-profit leaders, economic development
consultants, and institutional Lenders engaged in Economic & Community
LaTanya White, FAMU School of Business & Industry
How do Community Developers with vision bring their ideas/goals to reality?
How do successful mission-based organizations create engines of change that dynamically
impact distress communities? Hear from leaders of highly successful non- profits and
agencies throughout the state of Florida on how they are working with public/private
resources to meet the needs of citizens and stimulate inclusive economic growth.
SBI North Building Rm 447
1:10 pm – 3:00 pm
Roundtable Discussion:
“Creating Sustainable Economic Vitality within Urban & Rural Communities”
Commissioner Curtis Richardson, Tallahassee City Commission
Join U.S. Housing and Urban Development SE Regional Administrator Edward Jennings,
Jr. and a host of distinguished National, State, and local agency leaders regarding
priorities in the state of Florida and how non-profits and community developers can
benefit from incentives and programs designed to bring private and corporate development
interest and affordable housing opportunities to distressed and rural communities.
SBI North Building Rm G-12
3:10 pm – 4:00 pm
HOPE NOW?: Changes & Opportunities
in Foreclosure Prevention
Moderator: Mary Jones, AED Tallahassee
Lenders Consortium
Featuring statewide leaders in housing
counseling and education, this workshop is
designed to educate real estate
professionals, non-profits, and other
organizations on the availability of
programs designed to assist distressed
homeowners. T his is sure to be an
informative session with a wealth of
information to help those who are still
experiencing housing crisis.
SBI North Building Rm 115
4:10 pm – 5:00 pm
Advocating for Local Tools and
Resources for Affordable Lending
Wallisa Cobb
Cobb Realty & Investments
AREA Board of Realtists®
So many local and state programs designed
to help first time homebuyers- but how do
you navigate which is the best fit? This
discussion will feature housing and lending
professionals throughout the state of
Florida who will share best practices and
available programs.
SBI North Building Rm 116
Show me the MONEY: Accessing
Capital for Community Revitalization
& Development A Panel Discussion
Keith Bowers, Executive Director
Florida Small Business Development
Center @ FAMU
Where can faith-based and community nonprofits find the capital and
funding resources to fund sustainable
development in categorically distressed
communities? This panel discussion will
feature national Community Development
Entities and active community developers in
an exchange whose goal is to equip
participants with an economic development
toolkit that can be immediately
implemented in current project planning.
Bring your ideas… it is sure to be a power
packed session!
SBI North Building Rm G-12