Graphene - “most two-dimensional” system imaginable A suspended sheet of pure graphene – a plane layer of C atoms bonded together in a honeycomb lattice – is the “most two-dimensional” system imaginable. A.J. Leggett Such sheets have long been known to exist in disguised forms – in graphite (many graphene sheets stacked on top of one another), C nanotubes (a graphene sheet rolled into a cylinder) and fullerenes (buckyballs), which are small areas of a graphene sheet sewn together to form an approximately spherical surface. Until 2004, it was generally believed (a) that an extended graphene sheet would not be stable against the effects of thermal and other fluctuations, and (b) that even if they were stable, it would be impossible to isolate them so that their properties could be systematically studied. Modified from: © Dr. Chris Ewels, Inst. of Materials In 2004, André Geim et al. (University of Manchester, UK) demonstrated that both these beliefs were false: they created single graphene sheets by peeling them off a graphite substrate using scotch tape, and characterized them as indeed single-sheet by simple optical microscopy on top of a SiO2 substrate. Now it is done mostly by Raman spectroscopy. Subsequently it was found that small graphene sheets do not need to rest on substrates but can be freely suspended from a scaffolding; furthermore, bilayer and multilayer sheets can be prepared and characterized. As a result of these developments, the number of papers on graphene published in the last few years exceeds 3000. The Nobel Prize in Physics 2010 Andre Geim Konstantin Novoselov Graphene is a very promising material both for applications and fundamental research. The trick: Finding the Graphene • Using correct substrate • And correct light frequency • Interference effect makes monolayers show up in ordinary optical microscope Graphene SiO Blake et al (2007) arXiv:0705.0259 Si Image sizes are 25x25 m. Top and bottom panels show the same flakes as in (a) and (c), respectively, but illuminated through various narrow bandpass filters with a bandwidth of ~10 nm. What is graphene? • “Imagine a piece of paper but a million times thinner. • • • • This is how thick graphene is. Imagine a material stronger than diamond. This is how strong graphene is [in the plane]. Imagine a material more conducting than copper. This is how conductive graphene is. Imagine a machine that can test the same physics that scientists test in, say, CERN, but small enough to stand on top of your table. Graphene allows this to happen. Having such a material in hand, one can easily think of many useful things that can eventually come out. As concerns new physics, no one doubts about it already...'' From a recently interview with Andre Geim. Carbon is the materia prima for life and the basis of all organic chemistry. Because of the flexibility of its bonding, carbon-based systems show an unlimited number of different structures with an equally large variety of physical properties. Graphene is a honeycomb lattice of carbon atoms. Carbon nanotubes are rolled-up cylinders of graphene Graphite can be viewed as a stack of graphene layers. Fullerenes C60 are molecules consisting of wrapped graphene by the introduction of pentagons on the hexagonal lattice. From Castro Neto et al, 2009 Science of graphene Experimental evidence of an unusual quantum Hall effect was reported in September 2005 by two different groups, the Manchester group led by Andre Geim and a ColumbiaPrinceton collaboration led by Philip Kim and Horst Stormer [1,2]. In 2004 Geim’s group proved the possibility of an electric field effect in graphene, i.e. the possibility to control the carrier density in the graphene sheet by simple application of a gate voltage [3]. [1] K. S. Novoselov, A. K. Geim, S. V. Morosov, D. Jiang, M. I. Katsnelson, I. V. Grigorieva, S. V. Dubonos, and A. A. Firsov, Nature 438, 197 (2005). [2] Y. Zhang, Y.-W. Tan, H. L. Stormer, and P. Kim, Nature 438, 201 (2005). [3] K. S. Novoselov, A. K. Geim, S. V. Morosov, D. Jiang, Y. Zhang, S. V. Dubonos, I. V. Grigorieva, and A. A. Firsov, Science 306, 666 (2004). Classical and quantum mechanics of 2DEG Classical motion: Lorentz force: Perpendicular to the velocity! Newtonian equation of motion: m*v2/rc = evB; v=eBrc/m*; =v/2rc; c=2=eB/m* Cyclotron orbit Cyclotron frequency, Cyclotron radius, In classical mechanics, any size of the orbit is allowed. Magnetotransport in 2DEG Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule The number of wavelength along the trajectory must be integer. Only discrete values of the trajectory radius are allowed Energy spectrum: ωcτ ≥ 1 Landau levels Wave functions are smeared around classical orbits with rn = lB (n+1)1/2; lB= (ħ/cm)1/2 lB is called the magnetic length. It is radius of classical electron orbit for n = 0. v/r; r v/; mv2/2= ħc(n+1/2); vn0 = (ħc/m)1/2; lB= rn0 = (ħ/cm)1/2 Magnetotransport in 2DEG Science of graphene ‘Quantum electrodynamics (resulting from the merger of quantum mechanics and relativity theory) has provided a clear understanding of phenomena ranging from particle physics to cosmology and from astrophysics to quantum chemistry. The ideas underlying quantum electrodynamics also influence the theory of condensed matter, but quantum relativistic effects are usually minute in the known experimental systems that can be described accurately by the non-relativistic Schrödinger equation. Here we report an experimental study of a condensed-matter system (graphene, a single atomic layer of carbon) in which electron transport is essentially governed by Dirac’s (relativistic) equation. The charge carriers in graphene mimic relativistic particles with zero rest mass and have an effective ‘speed of light’ c* < 106 m/s. Our study reveals a variety of unusual phenomena that are characteristic of two-dimensional Dirac fermions. In particular we have observed the following: first, graphene’s conductivity never falls below a minimum value corresponding to the quantum unit of conductance, even when concentrations of charge carriers tend to zero; second, the integer quantum Hall effect in graphene is anomalous in that it occurs at half-integer filling factors; and third, the cyclotron mass mc of massless carriers in graphene is described by E = mcc*2. This two-dimensional system is not only interesting in itself but also allows access to the subtle and rich physics of quantum electrodynamics in a bench-top experiment.’ [1] K. S. Novoselov, A. K. Geim, S. V. Morosov, D. Jiang, M. I. Katsnelson, I. V. Grigorieva, S. V. Dubonos, and A. A. Firsov, Nature 438, 197 (2005). Properties of carbon Constituent of graphene 6th element of the periodic table Built from 6 protons, A neutrons, and 6 electrons A = 6 and 7 yield the stable isotopes 12C and 13C A = 8 characterises the radioactive isotope 14C. 12C (99% of all carbon atoms) has nuclear spin I = 0 13C (1% of all carbon atoms) has nuclear spin I = 1/2 14C (10-12 of all carbon atoms, -decays into nitrogen 14N, half-life of 5 700 years, used for historical dating (radiocarbon), allows to date biological activity up to an age 80 000 years. Elementary building block of all organic molecules and, therefore, responsible for life on Earth. In the presence of other atoms, such as H, O, or other C atoms, it is favourable to excite one electron from the 2s to the third 2p orbital, in order to form covalent bonds with the other atoms. The gain in energy from the covalent bond is larger than the 4 eV invested in the electronic excitation. Crystal structure of carbon materials: sp1 hybridisation In the sp1 hybridisation, the |2s state mixes with one of the 2p orbitals. A state with equal weight from both original states, is obtained by the symmetric and anti-symmetric combinations: Example: Acetylene molecule (H–C≡C–H) (a) Schematic view of the sp1 hybridisation. The figure shows the electronic density of the |2s and |2px orbitals and that of the hybridised ones. (b) Acetylene molecule (H– C≡C–H). The propeller-like 2py and 2pz orbitals of the two C atoms strengthen the covalent σ bond by forming two π bonds (not shown). Crystal structure of carbon materials: sp2 hybridisation In the sp2 hybridisation, the |2s state mixes with two 2p orbitals. The three quantummechanical states are given by: Example: Benzene molecule (H–C≡C–H) (a) Schematic view of the sp2 hybridisation. The orbitals form angles of 120o. (b) Benzene molecule (C6H6). The 6 carbon atoms are situated at the corners of a hexagon and form covalent bonds with the H atoms. In addition to the 6 covalent σ bonds between the C atoms, there are three π bonds indicated by the doubled line. (c) The quantum-mechanical ground state of the benzene ring is a superposition of the two configurations which differ by the position of the π bonds. The π electrons are, thus, delocalised over the ring. (d) Graphene may be viewed as a tiling of benzene hexagons, where the H atoms are replaced by C atoms of neighbouring hexagons and where the π electrons are delocalised over the whole structure. Crystal structure of carbon materials: sp3 hybridisation In the sp3 hybridisation, the |2s state mixes with three 2p orbitals. Four club-like orbitals mark a tetrahedron. The orbitals form angles of 109.5o degrees. Example: Methane (CH4) and diamond A chemical example of sp3 hybridisation is methane (CH4), where the four hybridised orbitals form covalent bonds with the 1s hydrogen atoms. In condensed matter physics, the 2p3 hybridisation is at the origin of the formation of diamonds, when liquid carbon condenses under high pressure. The diamond lattice consists of two interpenetrating face-center-cubic (fcc) lattices, with a lattice spacing of 0.357 nm Crystal structure of carbon materials The electronic structure of an isolated C atom is (1s)2(2s)2(2p)2; in a solid-state environment the 1s electrons remain more or less inert, but the 2s and 2p electrons hybridize. One possible result is four sp3 orbitals, which naturally tend to establish a tetrahedral bonding pattern that soaks up all the valence electrons: this is precisely what happens in the best known solid form of C, namely diamond, which is a very good insulator (band gap about 5 eV). An alternative possibility is to form three sp2 orbitals, leaving over a more or less free p-orbitals that form delocalized π-bonds. In that case the natural tendency is for the sp2 orbitals to arrange themselves in a plane at 120o angles, and the lattice thus formed is the honeycomb lattice. Exfoliated graphene Exfoliation includes several cycles of scotch-tape peeling from graphite with final gluing to the SiO2 substrate treated by a mix of hydrochloric acid and hydrogen peroxide to accept better the graphene sheets from the scotch-tape. AFM TEM The 300 nm thick SiO2 substrate, turns out to yield an optimal contrast such that one may, by optical means, identify mono-layer graphene sheets with a high probability. AFM imaging and TEM are definite techniques for identifying graphene. Epitaxial graphene Epitaxial growth technique consists of exposing hexagonal SiC crystal to temperatures of about 1300o C in order to evaporate the less tightly bound Si atoms from the surface. The remaining carbon atoms on the surface form a graphine layers (graphitisation). AFM (a) Schematic view on epitaxial graphene. (b) AFM image of epitaxial graphene on C-terminated SiC substrate. The steps those of the SiC substrate. The 5-10 graphene layers lie on the substrate similar to a carpet which has folds visible as white lines on the image. Crystal structure of graphene (a) Honeycomb lattice. The vectors 1, 2, and 3 connect nn carbon atoms, separated by a distance a = 0.142 nm. The vectors a1 and a2 are basis vectors of the triangular Bravais lattice. (b) Reciprocal lattice of the triangular lattice. Its primitive lattice vectors are a∗1 and a∗2. The shaded region represents the first Brillouin zone (BZ), with its centre and the two inequivalent corners K (black squares) and K′ (white squares). The thick part of the border of the first BZ represents those points which are counted in the definition such that no points are doubly counted. The first BZ, defined in a strict manner, is, thus, the shaded region plus the thick part of the border. For completeness, the three inequivalent crystallographic points M, M′, and M′′ (white triangles) are also shown . Crystal lattice structure The modulus of the basis vectors yields the lattice spacing, ã = √3a = 0.24 nm, and the area of the unit cell is Auc = √3ã2/2 = 0.051 nm2. The density of carbon atoms and valence electrones is, therefore, nC = n = 2/Auc = 39 nm−2 = 3.9 × 1015 cm−2. Lattice structure of graphene, made out of two interpenetrating triangular lattices a1 and a2 are the lattice unit vectors, and i are the nearest-neighbor vectors. Corresponding Brillouin zone. Sketch of derivation (1) Wallace, Phys. Rev. 71, 622 (1947) Energy dispersion of π electrons in graphene The picture and derivations adapted from Castro Neto et al., Rev. Mod. Phys. 81, 109 (2009) Sketch of derivation (2) Bloch wave function Hopping parameter t ≃ −3eV Conic (Dirac) points Let us put and expand the Hamiltonian in small hopping parameter t ≃ −3eV Coefficient can be dropped Similarly It is suggestive to express the Hamiltonian describing conic points in the form - Pauli matrices The Hamiltonian is, from a formal point of view, exactly that of an ultra-relativistic (or mass-less) particle of spin 1/2 (such as the neutrino), with the velocity of light c replaced by the Fermi velocity vF, which is a factor 300 smaller. Density of states close to Dirac points In regular 2DEG density of state is energy independent: ρ2D() = gm∗/2πħ2 The divergencies at ±t, called van-Hove singularities, are due to the saddle points of the energy dispersion at the M points at the borders of the first BZ. Hopping parameter t ≃ −3eV Schematic plot of the density of states for electrons in graphene in the absence of nnn hopping. The dashed line indicates the density of states obtained in a continuum limit. This needs to be contrasted to the conventional case of electrons in 2D metals, with an energy dispersion of = ħ2q2/2m∗, in terms of the band mass m∗, where one obtains a constant density of states, ρ2D() = gm∗/2πħ2. Density of states close to Dirac points: second order corrections The second-order terms include nnn hopping corrections and off-diagonal secondorder contributions from the expansion of the sum of the nn phase factors. The latter yield the so-called trigonal warping, which consist of an anisotropy of the energy dispersion around the Dirac points. (b) Comparison of the contours at energy = 1 eV, 1.5 eV, and 2 eV around the K′ point. Black lines - full dispersion and the grey ones - second order within the low energy (continuum) limit. Experimental characterization Schematic view of an ARPES measurement. The analyser detects the energy Ef of the photoemitted electron as a function of the angles ϑ and , which are related to the momentum of the electronic state. The energy dispersion relation of solids may be determined by ARPES (angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy). Thus there arises the prospect, which excites a lot of people, of finding analogs to many phenomena predicted to occur in quantum electrodynamics in a solid-state context. Comment However, it should be remembered that the Dirac excitations near K are not the antiparticles of those near K’; rather it is the two possible combinations of the excitations near one Dirac point on the A and B sub-lattices, with energies respectively, which are one another’s “antiparticles.” Eigenfunctions in the vicinity of the K-point Note that when q rotates once around the Dirac point, the phase of changes by , not by , as is characteristic for “spin-1/2” particles. Important parameters for conic spectrum Density of states at K-point: Since there are 2 Dirac points How one can introduce effective mass? Doping shifts the Fermi level leading to creating a Fermi line. This definition provides the cyclotron effective mass. Klein tunneling Due to the chiral nature of their quasiparticles, quantum tunneling in these materials becomes highly anisotropic, qualitatively different from the case of normal, nonrelativistic electrons. Massless Dirac fermions in graphene allow a close realization of Klein’s gedanken experiment - unimpeded penetration of relativistic particles through high and wide potential barriers. The paradox: When the barrier increases, transmission becomes perfect! Schematic diagrams of the spectrum of quasiparticles in single-layer graphene. The spectrum is linear at low Fermi energies (<1eV). The red and green curves emphasize the origin of the linear spectrum, which is the crossing between the energy bands associated with crystal sublattices A and B. The Fermi level (dotted lines) lies in the conduction band outside the barrier and the valence band inside it. The blue filling indicates occupied states. Explanation: Absence of backscattering for Adapted from Beenakker, 2007 Because the magnitude v of the carrier velocity is independent of the energy, an electron moving along the field lines cannot be backscattered— since that would require v = 0 at the turning point. An electron-like excitation continue under the barrier as a hole-like one Momentum changes its sign, but the (group) velocity is conserved. As a result – anisotropic scattering. Result for high energies Under resonance conditions transparent (interference effects) . : the barrier becomes More significantly, however, the barrier always remains perfectly transparent for angles close to the normal incidence φ = 0. The latter is the feature unique to massless Dirac fermions and is directly related to the Klein paradox in QED. Klein tunneling is the mechanism for electrical conduction through the interface between p-doped and n-doped graphene. n-p-n junction in graphene a) cross-sectional view of the device. b) electrostatic potential profile U(x) along the cross-section of a). The combination of a positive voltage on the back gate and a negative voltage on the top gate produces a central pdoped region flanked by two n-doped regions. c) Optical image of the device. The barely visible graphene flake is outlined with a dashed line and the dielectric layer of PMMA appears as a blue shadow. (Huard et al., 2007) Minimal conductance of graphene What happens with the conductance of graphene when the Fermi level reaches the conic point? Does it vanish or not? The conductance reaches a minimum corresponding to double value comparing to the value at the lowest quantum Hall plateau. Conductivity versus gate voltage Minimal conductance of graphene The band structure of graphene has two valleys, which are decoupled in the case of a smooth edge. In a given valley the excitations have a two-component envelope wave function The two components of refer to the two sublattices in the two-dimensional honeycomb lattice of carbon atoms. Dirac equation: with the velocity of the massless excitations of charge and energy , the momentum operator, , the position, and a Pauli matrix. We choose the zero of energy such that the Fermi level is at . Boundary conditions: The transversal momenta are quantized as: Tworzydlo et al., 2006 Level quantization and quantum Hall Effect in graphene At a typical doping, electrons are degenerate at room temperature. In the absence of magnetic field the tight binding Hamiltonian close to Dirac points is In magnetic field one has to replace to get: We have to find eigenvalues of this Hamiltonian versus magnetic field B Let us assume that and choose the Landau gauge It is also convenient to choose dimensionless variables Measuring lengths in units of , one gets The Hamiltonian can be rewritten as It is immediately seen that the energies are parameterized by the quantity Trick: let us apply the Hamilton operator twice. We have Note that the operator “dimensionless Harmonic oscillator” with eigenvalues Consequently, Quantum numbers n correspond to Landau levels, but they are not equidistant. The number of states per the Landau level corresponds to the number of flux quanta through the cell, is the Hamiltonian of a Experimental check: gated structures Manchester group Room-temperature quantum Hall Effect in graphene At B=45 T the Fermi level is located between n=0 and 1 At T= 300 K, the plateaus are seen at B < 20 T What was not discussed in detail…. • Bilayer graphene • Epitaxial graphene and graphene stacks • Surface states in graphene and graphene stacks • Graphene nanoribbons • Flexural Phonons, Elasticity, and Crumpling • Disorder in Graphene: Ripples, topological lattice defects, impurity states, localized states near edges, cracks, and voids; vector potential and gauge field disorder, coupling to magnetic impurities • Many-Body Effects: Electron-phonon interactions, electron-electron interactions, short-range interactions • Mechanical properties • Potential device applications: Single molecule gas detection, Graphene nanoribbons as ballistic and FET transistor devices and components for integrated circuits; Transparent conducting electrodes, Graphene biodevices, Nano Electro Mechanical Resonators and Oscillators, components of lasers, etc… 100 GHz transistor from Wafer-Scale Epitaxial Graphene Cutoff frequency of 100 gigahertz for a gate length of 240 nanometers. The high-frequency performance of these epitaxial graphene transistors exceeds that of state-of-the-art silicon transistors of the same gate length. (A) Image of devices fabricated on a 2-inch graphene wafer and schematic cross-sectional view of a top-gated graphene FET. (B) The drain current, ID, of a graphene FET (gate length LG = 240 nm) as a function of gate voltage at drain bias of 1 V with the source electrode grounded. The device transconductance, gm, is shown on the right axis. (C) The drain current as a function of VD of a graphene FET (LG = 240 nm) for various gate voltages. (D) Measured small-signal current gain |h21| as a function of frequency f for a 240-nm-gate (◇) and a 550-nm-gate (△) graphene FET at VD = 2.5 V. Cutoff frequencies, fT, were 53 and 100 GHz for the 550-nm and 240-nm devices, respectively. Ph. Avouris group, IBM Model device acting as a resistor standard T=300 mK Accuracy ca. 3x10-9 a, AFM images of the sample: large flat terraces on the surface of the Si-face of a 4H-SiC(0001) substrate with graphene after high-temperature annealing in an argon atmosphere. b, Graphene patterned in the nominally 2-μm-wide Hall bar configuration on top of the terraced substrate. c, Layout of a 7 × 7 mm2 wafer with 20 patterned devices. Encircled are two devices with dimensions L = 11.6 µm and W = 2 µm (wire bonded) and L = 160 µm and W = 35 µm. The contact configuration for the smaller device is shown in the enlarged image. To visualize the Hall bar this optical micrograph was taken after oxygen plasma treatment, which formed the graphene pattern, but before the removal of resist. Nature Nanotechnology 5, 186 - 189 (2010) First graphene touch screen The process includes adhesion of polymer supports, copper etching (rinsing) and dry transferprinting on a target substrate. A wet-chemical doping can be carried out using a set-up similar to that used for etching. Sustains strain up to 6% Extremely promising for transparent electrodes Nature Nanotechnology (2010) Example: Graphene Q-switched, tunable fiber laser Group by Ferrari, UK: preprint 2010 Graphene is used as a non-linear (saturated absorption) medium to create short optical pulses. The authors have succeeded to make 2 μs pulses, tunable between 1522 and 1555 nm with up to 40nJ energy. This is a simple and low-cost light source for metrology, environmental sensing and biomedical diagnostics. Studies of graphene is a very interesting and promising area, but a lot of things remains to be done to create graphene electronics. Giant Faraday rotation Graphene turns the polarization by several degrees in modest magnetic fields. This opens pathways to use graphene in fast tunable ultrathin infrared magneto-optical devices. The polarization plane of the linearly polarized incoming beam is rotated by the Faraday angle θ after passing through graphene on a SiC substrate in a perpendicular magnetic field. Studies of graphene is a very interesting and promising area, but a lot of things remains to be done to create graphene electronics. Simultaneously, the polarization acquires a certain ellipticity. Crassee et al., Nature Physics 2010 2010 Novel crumpling method takes flat graphene from 2D to 3D University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 17/02/2015 Crumpled graphene surfaces can be used as higher surface area electrodes for battery and supercapacitor applications. As a coating layer, 3D textured/crumpled nano-topographies could allow omniphobic/anti-bacterial surfaces for advanced coating applications Progress Introduction Musical Girls commenting Animation Manchester For kids ppt Home activity for Tue. 3 and Wed. 4 March a) Read these lecture notes and the cited literature if necessary. Try to grasp main concepts. I am happy to provide you several pdf files if you need deeper understanding. Identify issues that you would like to discuss on Practical, Wed. 4 March. b) Work with questions to graphene: Questions and other questions. c) Address Question 2.1 in TH on p. (36). Can you discuss it on practical? d) Please choose date for full presentation. Available dates: March 4, 11, 25; April 22, 29; May 6, 13. Please notify of your choice. Please send pdf files of presentations to my E-mail: [email protected] to put them on web. 49 MENA5010 presentations Hans Jakob Sivertsen Mollatt – presented Jon Arthur Borgersen February 25 Knut Sollien Tyse March 18 Ymir Kalmann Frodason March 18 Simen Nut Hansen Eliassen- March 25 Steinar Kummeneje Grinde - April 22 Bjørn Brevig Aarseth April 29 50
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