Short course program: Earth and planetary materials and dynamics Morgan lecture room, lower CEED level, ZEB-building, April 20-25, 2015 Additional people are welcome to attend some or all the course sessions Time schedule M: Morning, 09-12 (three hours, with short breaks) A: Afternoon, 13-18 (with breaks) Colour code, instructors: Reidar G. Trønnes, CEED and NHM, Univ. Oslo Stephanie C. Werner, CEED, Univ. Oslo Valerie Maupin, Geosciences, Univ. Oslo Bernhard Steinberger, GFZ Potsdam / CEED, Oslo Red: 15 min student presentations Monday, April 20 M: (0900-0915) Short introduction of CEED and the course participants SCW: Introduction to comparative planetology SCW: Star evolution and nucleosynthesis SCW: Structure, composition and bombardment history of the solar system A: Nikitha Susan Saji (STARPLAN, Copenhagen): Isotopic constraints on nucleosynthesis, Solar system composition and accretion Elishevah van Kooten (STARPLAN, Copenhagen): Accretion of Earth and the terrestrial planets Anthony Osei Tutu (GFZ, Potsdam): Moon formation and differentiation Planetary accretion and core segregation: processes and chronology First-order constraints on Earth structure: mineralogy, density, bulk and shear moduli Tuesday, April 21 M: VM: Introduction to deep Earth seismology: 3 hours A: Antoine Jacquey (GFZ, Potsdam): Mantle geodynamics and plate tectonics Planetary heat flow and thermodynamics: convection and thermal boundary layers Mineral physics: p-V-T equations-of-state and experimental techniques Subsolidus mineralogy of peridotitic and basaltic compositions at 3-136 GPa (2 hours) Wednesday, April 22 M: BS: Dynamic topography BS: Geodynamic relations between subduction, plume generation, LLSVPs and true polar wander BS: Reference frames for plate motion and true polar wander A: BS: Relation between geoid, topography, volcanism and mantle dynamics, Earth and planets Tobias Rolf (CEED, Oslo): Linking surface observations and internal dynamics through mantle convection modelling of Earth and Venus Planetary melting and crust formation – fundamental phase relations Christian Sætre (Geosci., Oslo): The origin of the oceanic and continental lithosphere Thursday, April 23 M: Melting relations of peridotitic to basaltic compositions at 3-136 GPa Marzena A. Baron (CEED, Oslo): Experimental studies on melting relations in the systems MgO-SiO2 and CaO-MgO-SiO2 at lower mantle conditions Mantle differentiation during magma ocean crystallization and deep Hadean melting Origin and composition of LLSVPs and ULVZs in the lowermost mantle A: SCW: Volcanism and tectonics on the terrestrial planets (Beary) Zhiyong Xiao (CEED, Oslo): Crater count, Secondary craters, and crater equilibrium Stefan Andreas Linsler (Hannover): New results from the MESSENGER mission to Mercury Nils C. Prieur (CEED, Oslo): New results from the Dawn mission to Vesta Vesta - Earth: Upper mantle melting and crustal differentiation at low and high pressures Friday, April 24 M: Chris E. Mohn (CEED, Oslo): Computational mineral physics: Quantum chemistry and Density Functional Theory Marzena A. Baron (CEED, Oslo): Computational mineral physics: molecular dynamics simulations Compositional models for the Earth - Bulk silicate (crust + mantle) and core Niklas Stausberg (Geosci., Aarhus): Redox conditions and segregation of the Earth's core A: Core-mantle redox equilibrium (and non-equilibrium) in terrestrial planets Anouk M. Borst (Geosci., Copenhagen): Kimberlites, carbonatites and diamonds in view of mantle redox conditions Fe-spin state in the lowermost mantle, conductive and radiative heat flow Terrestrial planetary cores: phase relations and properties of Fe-dominated metal alloys Geochemical constraints on depleted and enriched mantle reservoirs: Earth, Moon and Mars Saturday, April 25 M: Dynamics of recycling and homogenisation of terrestrial planets Peter Klitzke (GFZ, Potsdam): Thermal, tectonic and melting evolution of the Earth from the Hadean to the Phanerozoic Temporal evolution of the Earth's mantle Graduate student course, Univ. of Oslo, GEO 9800 / GEO 5800 Earth and planetary materials and dynamics an ndi -I SW Course week in Oslo: April 20-25, 2015 N ew G ne ui LLSVP l geoid Inner core a Residu Residual geoid Af ric a a Outer core PGS -At Mid Content Pl genume zon eratio e n L 5 ECTS, based on attendence, oral presentation and home exam. m 66 ave r-w hea nces w S vi Lo Pro P rge ity La Veloc LSV Application deadline:Febr. 15 Contact: [email protected] Sumatra 0k Further information: [email protected] R.G. Trønnes, Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics (CEED) and Natural History Museum, Univ. of Oslo ge Rid CEED PGS e idg l. R Composition and structure of the solar system Accretion, core segregation and dynamic evolution of the terrestrial planets and asteroids Seismological constraints on Earth’s structure Geochemical models of planetary formation and evolution Pressure-induced modification of mineral structures High-pressure experimental methods Phase relations of silicates, oxides, peridotite and basalt under mantle conditions Phase relations of Fe-Ni-dominated alloys under core conditions Mineral physics and seismic velocity models Seismic tomography of the Earth’s mantle The geodynamo and core-mantle interaction Comparative planetology - the roles of plume and plate tectonics S-A me rica acific East P Rise Main instructors Reidar G. Trønnes, Stephanie C. Werner, Valerie Maupin, Bernhard Steinberger bridgmanite post-bridgmanite b a c
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