Charlie and the Chocolate Factory program

Hamilton Drama
Charlie and the
Chocolate Factory
Children’s play by Richard R. George
Adapted from the fantasy by Roald Dahl
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
is presented through special arrangement with The Dramatic Publishing Company
As a courtesy to actors and others around you,
please silence cell phones and pagers.
No flash photography or recording devices are allowed during the performance.
Please do not use your cell phone cameras. This is copyright infringement.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Director........................................................................................................................................ Erin Brigham
Assistant Director................................................................................................................. Dede Paquette
Set Designer..................................................................................................................................Steve Rader
Tech Director.................................................................................................................................Steve Rader
Costume Designer..................................................................................................................Darcy Devens
Light Designer............................................................................................................................ Dean Wicker
Sound Supervisor................................................................................................................John Washbush
Narrator.....................................................................................................................................Macy Caliendo
Narrator.................................................................................................................................. Haley Rapisarda
Narrator........................................................................................................................................... Joe Samara
Narrator................................................................................................................ Salvatore Calatola-Young
Augustus...............................................................................................................................Chase Meadows
Veruca Salt.............................................................................................................................Hannah Menzel
Violet Beauregarde.........................................................................................................................Taylor Bui
Mike Teavee.................................................................................................................................. Tanner Yops
Grandma Josephine...................................................................................................................Kylie Earing
Grandpa George............................................................................................................Jonah Greenwood
Grandma Georgina......................................................................................................... Izabel Krystowiak
Mrs. Bucket.......................................................................................................................Bailey Greenwood
Mr. Bucket...............................................................................................................................Dustin Hartwig
Grandpa Joe......................................................................................................................... Jason Schlaman
Charlie Bucket..............................................................................................................................Ciara Cronin
Mrs. Gloop...................................................................................................................................Alison Moore
Willy Wonka............................................................................................................................Beatrice Kuenn
Mrs. Teavee............................................................................................................................... Jewell Gorges
Mr. Salt......................................................................................................................................... Zack Buschke
Mrs. Salt..........................................................................................................................................Taylor Jones
Mrs. Beauregarde........................................................................................................................Emily Bader
Mr. Teavee.................................................................................................................................. Yanni Ferdaus
Mr. Gloop......................................................................................................................................Jake Hudson
Oompa-Loompa......................................................................................................................... Ronni Ludin
Oompa-Loompa.................................................................................................................Emari Zollicoffer
Oompa-Loompa.................................................................................................................... Ashley DeJaco
Oompa-Loompa.....................................................................................................................Angel Kehring
Oompa-Loompa...................................................................................................Kavya Ayalasomayajula
Oompa-Loompa................................................................................................................Gabby Fuhriman
Oompa-Loompa...........................................................................................................................Judy Angle
Oompa-Loompa...........................................................................................................................Emily Keith
Oompa-Loompa........................................................................................................................... Borna Riazi
Oompa-Loompa...................................................................................................................... Sam Kivimaki
Oompa-Loompa........................................................................................................................Kennedy Lor
Hamilton High School
Student Director............................................................................................................................ Kira Lange
Music Directors.......................................................................................Lindsey Paquette, Ronni Ludin
Stage Manager........................................................................................................................... Nikki Fenner
Assistant Stage Managers........................................................................... Erika Ludorf, Alexi Carlson
Set Crew................................................................. Jasmyn Ware, Jessie Moegenburg, Seth Kehring,
Lauretta Wedell, Collin Schulz, Emily Fassbender,
Bridget Nejedlo, Tessa Jaskolski, Krystal Fedie,
Nikki Fenner, Gina Golding, Allison Hammond,
Kayla Flath, Linsey Blattner, Emily Thoummavong,
Lauren Bruss, Katie Bembenek
Light Board Operator................................................................................ Dani Kallis and Krystal Fedie
Sound Board Operators.................................. Linsey Blattner, Emily Fassbender, Tessa Jaskolski
Spot Light Operator..................................................................................................................Krystal Fedie
Properties..........................................................................................................................................Dani Kallis
Set Painters.................................................................................................Kiley Goodenow, Emily Bader
Time: The Present
Place: The Bucket Home and Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory
In a small town where Willy Wonka’s Factory is located, Willy Wonka has offered a once in
a lifetime chance to see the inside to his secret factory and learn the secrets of how he
makes his delicious chocolate candies. There are only five Golden Tickets in the world
and Charlie Bucket has found one of them. Charlie takes his Grandpa Joe with him to
enjoy this amazing opportunity. Along with the other kids and their parents, Charlie
sees the many ingenious creations of Willy Wonka. With the help of his workers, the
mysterious Oompa-Loompas, Wonka makes the best chocolate. As the children journey
down the Chocolate River and visit the Invention Room, Nut Room, and TV Room, each
of their weaknesses is tested. But one kid makes it to the end and wins the grand prize.
Enjoy the adventure of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with Augustus Gloop, Mike
Teavee, Veruca Salt, Violet Beauregarde, and Charlie Bucket.
Fall Production November 12-15, 2015
Winter Production February 11-14, 2016
Spring Musical May 5-8, 2016
Hamilton Staff
Hamilton Administration
Hamilton Drama Booster Club
Hamilton Drama Executive Board
Scott Daniel
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Another season comes to a close. Thank you to everyone who has participated and
supported our program. Because of you, we are successful. Charlie and the Chocolate
Factory has been a fun challenge—a kids show. We have never done something like
this! With the children’s story and iconic characters from two versions of the story that
everyone is familiar with, we were challenged to bring to life this classic story. We have
modernized some of the characters and have made the Oompa-Loompas fun and
vibrant. This show demonstrates the talent the Hamilton Drama Program has to share
with you, both acting and singing. With this show, we say goodbye to our talented
seniors. They have left their mark with the Hamilton Drama Program—I’m so proud of
you and honored that you were part of the drama family here. Thank you for letting me
into your lives and sharing your talent on this stage.
Also, this show was put together as a team. Both Dede Paquette and I worked
ingeniously together with the technical creativity of Steve Rader, John Washbush, Darcy
Devens and Dean Wicker. Thank you to everyone involved in this production. Our shows
continue to set the bar a little higher every time! This production came together because
everyone worked together! Thank you to my friends, family and babies! You are the best!
Thank you to the families and the Drama Booster Club, who unconditionally help the
Drama Program. Without you, we wouldn’t be as successful.
Hamilton High School
Beatrice Kuenn (Willy
Wonka) is a senior and is
in her 10th and sadly, last
show at Hamilton and
couldn’t be more excited
to step into the incredible
shoes of Willy Wonka.
She’d like to thank William Shakespeare,
Gene Wilder, Matthew Broderick, Harrison
Ford, Maggie Smith, Percy Jackson, Garth
Algar, Amy Poehler, Dan Aykroyd, Kira
Lange, Daniel Radcliffe, Lorne Michaels,
Gabe, Cameron Frye, Max Bialystock,
Rosencrantz, Guildenstern, Stefon, Dwight
Schrute, her parents, Albus Percival Wolfric
Brian Dumbledore, George Clooney, and of
course, everyone who has shaped her
drama experience to what it is today- past
and present members and directors, and
wishes all in the future good luck and
reminds them to cherish the journey.
Ciara Cronin (Charlie
Bucket) is a sophomore
and is extremely thrilled
to be playing Charlie. This
is her 4th show, and she is
extremely happy to be a
part of it! Ciara would like
to thank Brigham, Paquette, Harvey, her
parents, brothers, and Kira for supporting
her! She hopes you find the show as sweet
as it was to make it! Tanner Yops (Mike
Teavee) is very excited to
be playing Mike Teavee!
He has previously been in
The Christmas Carol, Peter
Pan, Joseph and the
Technicolor Dreamcoat,
Beauty and the Beast, and a previous version
of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. He
would like to thank the drama program for
giving him this opportunity, his parents for
their support, and Taylor Jones for always
making him laugh during rehearsals.
Taylor Bui (Violet) is
beyond ecstatic to be
cast as Violet
Beauregarde in HHS’s
spring show, Charlie and
the Chocolate Factory. As
a freshman, she has been
in The Addams Family: A New Musical
Comedy as the nurse ancestor and the TMS
production, Schoolhouse Rock, as a
principal character. Furthermore, Taylor is
very grateful for the chance to showcase
what she enjoys to do for people with her
friends. She would also like to give an
overwhelming thank you to the drama
directors, Ms. Brigham and Mrs. Paquette,
and much love to Ashley DeJaco and Ronni
Hannah Menzel
(Veruca Salt) is
exceedingly thrilled to
be performing as the
character Veruca in
Hamilton’s production of
Charlie and the Chocolate
Factory. She is a senior and has been
involved in drama since her freshman year,
performing in 10 other productions,
including some of her favorites, Beauty and
the Beast, And Then There Were None, and
The Addams Family. Outside of drama,
Hannah is actively involved in choir, show
choir, and a cappella choir. She is
extremely sad to be in her last show at
Hamilton, but has adored every moment
on and off the stage. She would like to
thank everyone that was a part of her
unforgettable drama experience, including
Mary Jo, Sree, Haley, Jason, Macy, Joe,
Lindsey and all the seniors as well as her
incredibly supportive family.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
c o n t.
This will be Chase
Meadow’s (Augustus
Gloop) 2nd production at
Hamilton High School. He
is excited to be playing
Augustus Gloop in Charlie
and the Chocolate Factory.
He would like to thank the seniors for
making performing this year an
unforgettable experience.
Sophie), Proof (Katie), Fiddler On the Roof
(Fruma Sarah) and The Addams Family
(Wednesday) . Haley would love to thank
her parents for being her biggest
supporters. She would also like to thank
the directors for believing that she could
take on such a fantastic role.
Joe Samara (Narrator) is
immensely happy to be a
part of this fantastic
Macy Caliendo
show. Joe has been
(Narrator) is a junior this
involved in the drama
year. Charlie and the
community since he was
Chocolate Factory is her
a wee lad and hopes to
10th show and she is
inspire those in the audience. He ensures
ecstatic to be so involved that you can all sit back and let all your
with the audience with
inhibitions melt out of your mind as our
her third consecutive spring show. She’d like show will play on every nostalgic
to thank her mom for being so supportive
childhood memory to be had. Let the
this year along with her dearest friends,
stage entice you into the world of Willy
Haley Rapisarda, Lindsey Paquette, Ronni
Ludin, and Hannah Menzel.
Jason Schlaman
This is Sal Calatola’s
(Grandpa Joe) is a
(Narrator) 4th production
sophomore in his sixth
at Hamilton and he
show at HHS. Jason is
couldn’t be happier! He’s
thrilled to be bringing
super excited to be part of
Roald Dahl’s classic story
a unique cast and to have
to the hallowed quarters
such a fantastic student
of the Hamilton stage, and could not
director as Kira Lange. He also would like to imagine a better group of people to do it
thank Sam Kivimaki for being his inspiration with. He would like to thank his always
in life.
wonderful directors Brigham and Paquette,
mom, dad, Harvey the pooka, Brendan,
Haley Rapisarda
Philip Seymour Hoffman, and his sister
(Narrator) is enthused to Lauren for always being willing to help him
play in this production of memorize his lines, as well as the
Charlie and the Chocolate everlasting Jack Albertson, whose timeless
Factory. This is Haley’s
performance has been the guiding star for
third production at
generations of Grandpa Joes to follow.
Hamilton High School.
Haley has been in First Stage since she was
Zack Buschke (Mr. Salt)
four years old. Haley has also been doing
is excited to be in his
piano for 7 years. She has taken part in
final production at HHS.
other productions such as Seussical Jr. (Bird
He has enjoyed many
Girl 1), Schoolhouse Rock (Shulie), In The Attic
nights with the actors in
(Ophelia), Shrek (Pig 2), Flat Stanley (Cousin
the 4 years during tech
Hamilton High School
c o n t.
week. There always are fun memories to
be made! He would like to thank his
directors, his parents, and family for their
continuous support. Also he would like to
give a shout out to Harvey for watching
over the theatre.
Taylor Jones (Mrs. Salt)
is a junior this year and
she’s totally thrilled to be
playing Mrs. Salt in her
3rd HHS production. She
would like to thank
Brigham and Paquette
for helping her live her dream. She would
also like to thank her parents and her
friends: Ronni, Jewell, Brianna, Macy,
Lindsey, Kira and Tanner for their endless
Dustin Hartwig (Mr.
Bucket) is very excited to
be in his 4th HHS drama
production and
overjoyed to be back on
stage. He would like to
thank his family for being
so supportive and a big thanks to his
fellow cast members. Dustin would like to
give a shout out to Jason Schlaman and
Joe Samara for their friendship and
Bailey Greenwood (Mrs.
Bucket) is beside herself
for the spring show of
her sophomore year! She
is so keyed up to be
playing Mrs. Bucket in
her 5th HHS production.
She would like to thank her parents and
the directors for their direction and
support, Kira Lange for her beautiful face,
and also a warm thanks to Judy Angle for
her friendship and support.
Yanni Ferdaus (Mr.
Teavee) is a sophomore
at HHS and this is his fifth
show that he has
performed in. He is
extremely thrilled to be
This is Jonah
in this show with all his
Greenwood’s (Grandpa
friends and very excited to be part of the
George) first show of his
cast of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. He
freshman year. He is
would like to thank Mrs. Teavee... aka Jewell
super excited to be
Gorges, Ronni Ludin, his “cousin” Kavya,
playing Grandpa George
and all his friends who are in the show. He
and also to be sharing
would also like to thank his family and
the stage with his sister, Bailey, who
introduced him to the drama program. A
big thanks to Brigham, the directors, and
Jewell Gorges (Mrs.
Teavee) is a junior in her the rest of the cast for all their help!
8th Hamilton Production.
Emily Bader (Mrs.
She is excited to be in her
Beauregarde) is a
2nd children’s show! She
sophomore and is
wants to thank Brigham
excited to play Mrs
and Paquette for this
Beauregarde. She has
opportunity, the Quad Squad, Kira, and her
been involved in other
husband, Johannes Dian Ferdhaus for their
productions such as
support. Outside of drama, Jewell enjoys
Charlotte’s Web, Booby Trap, and 2 One Act
eating food with her favorite Oompa
Loompa, Sam. Live long and eat chocolate. plays. Emily is excited to perform in front of
kids and be a part of another wacky and
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
c o n t.
fun performance. She would like to thank
for family and friends for all their support.
Kylie Earing (Grandma
Josephine) is very
excited to be
participating in her first
show at HHS. She is very
thankful to be given the
opportunity to improve
her acting skills, especially since it is her
freshman year. Although this is her first
show, she has also been on the Hamilton
Chargerette dance team for the 2014-2015
season. Kylie says that she is so happy that
she’s met a ton of wonderful new people
that share the same passion for acting as
she does.
Izabel Krystowiak
(Grandma Georgina) is
a freshman. This is her
first HHS production and
she is very excited to
share it with friends and
family. She loves to act
and is thankful for this opportunity as well
as all her new drama friends that have
helped her along the way. Along with
drama, Izabel is involved in Robotics, which
has given her the opportunity to meet and
speak to new people, as well as acquire
new life skills.
Jake Hudson (Mr.
Gloop), a freshman, is
ecstatic for Charlie and
the Chocolate Factory. He
would like to say thank
you to his mom, Heather
Hudson, for all of her
support. Jake was in the fall show and
hopes to be in many more plays in the
following years. He’d also like to thank the
drama students for a great welcoming into
the drama program.
Hamilton High School
Alison Moore (Mrs.
Gloop) is a senior at
HHS and is very bubbly
about playing Mrs.
Gloop for this show. She
is sad that it is her last
show but is very
thankful for the amazing experience that
she’s had throughout the 4 years.
This is Angel Kehring’s
(Oompa-Loompa) 4th
show. She is so excited
to be an Oompa
Loompa in Charlie and
the Chocolate Factory.
Outside of drama, Angel
loves to sing and dance. She is also
invested in Hamilton’s show choir group.
She would like to thank Brigham and
Paquette for this opportunity and her
Quad Squad.
Judy Angle (OompaLoompa) is a junior and
excited to be part of the
show as her 8th
production! She is
ecstatic to be an Oompa
Loompa and show the
wonders of Charlie’s factory. Her most
recent role was the professor in the
amazing One Act Booby Trap this year. She
would like to thank her mom for her love
and support and her friend Bailey
Greenwood for her support and
(Oompa-Loompa) is
overjoyed to be playing
a crazy Oompa Loompa
in Charlie and the
Chocolate Factory. In the
past, she has been part of Charlotte’s Web
and Booby Trap, along with student
directing The Addams Family Musical. She
c o n t.
would like to thank Brigham and Paquette
for their hard work, Ronni for helping her
with singing, Kira, for existing, and her
cousin Yanni for his immense support.
Ashley DeJaco (OompaLoompa) is a junior in
high school and is
excited to be performing
in her second show at
Hamilton. She was
recently the Queen
Ancestor in the Addams Family, and she’s
happy to be a candy-loving OompaLoompa (since the candy-loving part won’t
be too hard to pull off ). She’s excited to be
able to bring her love of singing, and a bit
of gymnastics, to the stage again. She
would like to thank her best friends, Jason
Schlaman, Ronni Ludin, and Taylor Bui for
always supporting her throughout this
whole process. And a special thank you to
Lindsey Paquette and Ronni Ludin for
making and teaching all the music the
Oompa-Loompas had to learn.
Gabby Fuhriman
(Oompa-Loompa) is a
Senior at HHS and Charlie
and the Chocolate Factory
finishes her drama career
of 10 shows at Hamilton.
She cannot believe it’s
the end of drama but she is so grateful for
the opportunities she has had on stage.
Gabby’s latest role was Uncle Fester in The
Addams Family where she had an absolute
blast and she’s enjoyed making an Oompa
Loompa family with her Oompa squad
during this show. To wrap up her final bio,
Gabby would like to give a huge thank you
to all those who have supported her
through the past four years. To her family
she would like to thank her parents for the
countless hours spent at shows and her
siblings for always being there for her. She
would like to thank Connor Davidson for
always supporting her dreams. And lastly
to the members of the Hamilton Drama
department, past and present- she would
like to thank them for helping her find her
passion and giving her the opportunity to
express her love for acting on the stage.
Emily Keith (OompaLoompa) feels extreme
elation at being an
Oompa Loompa in this
fun, crazy show. She
participated in the awardwinning One Act this year
and was jumping with joy when she found
out she would be a part of Charlie and the
Chocolate Factory. She sends love and
thanks to Brigham, Paquette, Ronni,
Lindsey, Borna, Kavya, Kira Kennedy, her
parents, and Lorryn Wilkinson.
This is Sam Kivimaki’s
(Oompa Loompa)3rd
production at Hamilton
and he couldn’t be
happier! He’s over-themoon to be part of such a
wonderful cast and he
wants to thank Sal Calatola for being his
inspiration in life.
Kennedy Lor (Oompa
Loompa) is a freshman
this year. He is an
outstanding student that
always wants to do good
in everything he puts his
mind to. He was also seen
in The Addams Family as a soldier. He is
grateful for getting another chance to be in
a Hamilton Production. He can also be seen
in the Hamilton show choir program, and
he hopes he can continue doing what he
loves in the future.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
c o n t.
Ronni Ludin (Oompa
Loompa) is so excited to
be in Charlie and the
Chocolate Factory. It has
been an adventure
writing the music with
her musical buddy
Lindsey Paquette, and performing it on
stage . She would like to thank her
directors, her rabbit Ringo for being
adorable, and her rad friends.
Borna Riazi (OompaLoompa) is currently a
sophomore at Hamilton
High School. This is his
second show. He was
previously in Fiddler on
the Roof. Borna is glad to
be an Oompa Loompa. He would like to
thank Lindsey Paquette and Ronni Ludin
for taking the time to teach music.
Emari Zollicoffer
(Oompa Loompa) is a
junior and is delighted to
be in this version of
Charlie and the Chocolate
Factory. She has been a
narrator in Charlotte’s
Hamilton High School
Web and a student director for Fiddler on
the Roof. Emari’s so excited to play Sassy
Oompa and would like to thank God for
these opportunities and her famliy for
believing in her.
Kira Lange (Student
Director) has been
involved in the HHS
program for her entire
high school career, and it
has been such an
immense part of her life
these last four years. It seems so unreal that
this is her last bio in a Hamilton program.
Having played a traditional acting role in
the last four years, she decided to do
something different for her last show and
become a student director. She is so
thankful for this opportunity to get a
different perspective of what it’s like to put
on a show, and she knows the hard work
that everyone put into the show will be
evident on stage. She would like to thank
Brigham and Paquette for making the
entire world she’s had the honor of being a
part of possible, and her mom, for her
constant support and dedication.
Alexi Carlson is excited
to be stage managing
her 15th production at
Hamilton. She would like
to thank Erika, Steve, and
her parents for their
never ending support. She hopes you enjoy the show! light on your day!
Dani Kallis is a junior,
and this is her 9th show.
She is the light board
operator and the prop
mistress. She loves
theatre! And hopes this
show will shine a bright
Collin Schutz is a senior,
and this is going to be
his third show as part of
the Hamilton Drama
Crew. He is excited
about having a chance to
work on Charlie and the
Chocolate Factory set and hopes that you
enjoy the show.
Jasmyn Ware is a
freshman and this is her
third show as a crew
member. She’s extremely
excited to continue with
crew the next three
years. Her favorite part
of crew is working with the great crew
members and Steve.
Lauretta Wedell is
thrilled to be working on
the set for this show. She
has had many laughs
building the set. Lauretta looks forward to
next year’s season and
taking on more leadership roles in crew. She would like to thank the seniors for
their leadership and guidance in building
and paint. Also she would like to thank
Harvey for helping keep the crew safe
during tech week. And Lauretta would like
to thank her family for their support.
Allison Hammond is a
junior and is in her 4rd
show. She likes the
‘hands on’ learning in
crew and being involved
in watch the show being
put together. Even
though she is hiding back stage, she loves
the theatre opportunity. Thanks for
coming and enjoy our hard work!
Kayla Flath has found
her calling! Kayla is
super excited to be
working with Ms.
Brigham and the
production staff of
Charlie and the Chocolate
Factory. She wants to let Harvey know that
she is watching… Thanks to her friends
and family for their love and support. Also,
Kayla would like to thank Ms. Brigham and
Steve for making drama so much fun.
Nikki Fenner is a
freshman and this will be
her second show. She’s
very excited to be taking
part in crew and getting
her hands dirty with
friends. Nikki is a very
artistic person who greatly enjoys music
and her friends.
Krystal Fedie is a
freshman, and this is her
second show. She is
excited to be the lighting
apprentice for the show.
Enjoy the show!
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
c o n t.
Erika Ludorf (Assistant
Stage Manager) is a
senior and excited to be
working on the set with
the amazing crew. She
would like to thank Steve
for making crew a fun
work environment and Harvey for keeping
her on her toes. Thanks to her friends and
family as they have supported her at HHS
As a freshman, Lauren
Bruss is excited to join
Drama crew. She has had
fun working in the scene
shop with the other
crewbies. Lauren would
like to thank the seniors
for their knowledge and support to being a
new crew member. Shout outs to her
friends and family for their continuous
support. Thanks to Steve for the fun times
and Harvey being Harvey.
Lindsey Paquette is
thrilled to be involved in
the show and the music
production sides. She
has enjoyed working
with Ronni and the
Oompa-Lumpas creating
the magic of the show. She would like to
thank her family and Ms. Brigham for their
amazing support. Also she would like to
thank Harvey for his presences at the
Kiley Goodenow is
excited to be back again
painting the wonderful
world of Charlie and the
Chocolate Factory. She
has loved being able to
be creative and let her
artistic side shine with the help of some of
her other art friends. She would like to
thank Lindsey Paquette for helping her get
Hamilton High School
involved in drama and Harvey for his magic
on stage.
Emily Thoummavong is a
senior in HHS drama is has
enjoyed being involved
painting and building the
sets. She has had many
laughs with the crewbies
and will miss all the fun
during drama tech week next year. She
would like to thank her friends and family
for their continuous support.
Jessica Moegenburg is a freshmen, and
this is her 3rd show. She hopes you enjoy
the show. Jessica has enjoyed building and
painting the set along with the search for
Harvey. Katie Bembenek is a senior this year, and
this is her 5th show. She is excited to be
part of Charlie and the Chocolate this year. Seth Kehring is a sophomore and is so
excited to be working on Charlie and the
Chocolate Factory. He has had a blast
building and painting the set. Outside of
drama he enjoys time with his friends and
playing video games.
Tessa Jaskolski is a junior in crew in her 5th
show at HHS. Tessa is looking forward to the
future productions and spending time with
her fellow crew members.
Bridget Nejedlo is excited to be building
the set, painting, and spending time with
her crewbies. She would like to thank her
friends and family for their support.
Emily Fassbender is a junior and this
is her 6th show at HHS. She enjoys
being on crew and hanging out with her
crewbies. She wants to give a special thanks
to Steve. Enjoy the show and check out that