#E . The 58th Annual “Wichita Tradition” ‐ January 16 ‐ 18, 2015 Century II Convention Center in Downtown Wichita, KS Entry Form Fill out COMPLETELY to be sure that your entry is processed correctly! The Magnificent 7 competition features the most outstanding vehicles shown for the 1st time in Wichita Metro Area ‐ Cash and trophies are awarded to the Mag7 winners ($14,000)! >>> Please consider my entry for the Magnificent 7 / First Time Shown in Wichita (Mag7 entry deadline is Dec. 1, 2014) <<< (Entry fees are waived for qualified Magnificent 7 entries) $30 Early 10x20 Display Entry Fee ($45 AFTER the early‐entry deadline, Jan. 1, 2015 ) Enclose 10x20 Entry Payment With This Entry Form $ _______________ Please include: ___Sm ___M ___Lg ___XL ___2XL ___3XL Event T‐Shirts ($10 Each) Enclose T‐shirt Payment with this Entry Form $ _______________ I would like to Request for a 20 x 20 Display ‐ $15 Additional Fee (Cut off for 20x20 request is Dec. 15, 2014) Enclose 20x20 Payment with this Entry Form) $ _______________ Total Amount Enclosed with this Entry Form $ ___________ Please make checks to “Cars for Charities Co.” Mail to: Cars for Charities Co ‐ Attn: Mike Rickords, PO Box 453, Valley Center, KS 67147‐0453 Personal & Vehicle Information ‐ Please include a 3/4 front and a 3/4 rear view of the vehicle you are entering – Photos will be returned if possible. Name: __________________________________________________ Phone/Cell___________________ /________________________ Street / Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________ City __________________________________ State ____ Zip_________ E‐Mail Address: _____________________________________ Year/Make/Model: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Modifications: (If any) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Details: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Interior: Original ____ Custom (Describe)__________________________________ Engine: ___________________________________ Color/Type of Paint: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you wish to display with a club? No Yes ‐ Club Name: ______________________________________________________ ALL Entries are subject to the producer’s approval and final approval at the door. Legal Information: The Exhibitor hereby applies to the producer of the custom auto show referred to above, to have the vehicle described above displayed therein and agrees that, if the application is accepted, he/she will display the vehicle at the show under the following conditions. 1. Most shows are necessarily overbooked by 10%. In such cases where space is not available for an entry already accepted to the show, the producer will have sole authority to deny entrance to the building to vehicles arriving after the building capacity has been reached. Exhibitors denied access to the building will be refunded any monies paid to the producer, upon request. 2. As between the exhibitor and the producer, the producer shall have the final authority to determine the location of an exhibitor's display within the show and the exhibitor's compliance with the aforesaid rules, regulations and policies. 3. Once the exhibitor's display and/or vehicle are set up in the show, they shall not be removed or concealed by the exhibitor prior to the end of the show without the permission of the producer. 4. Neither the producer, the sponsor, nor any officer, director or shareholder, thereof, or the owner of the building at which the show is produced, shall be responsible or liable for any damage to all or any part of the exhibitors display and/or vehicle, and the exhibitor shall and does hereby waive any and all rights he may have against them or any of them for such loss or damage. 5. No commercial advertising is allowed with entries unless they are appearing in conjunction with paid commercial space. A single sign may be used to identify major modifications, who did them, and what equipment was used, but large signs, handbills, or business card distribution is prohibited. 6. Participant agrees to obtain insurance covering participant’s vehicle, trailer, display and all material used to display the vehicle. 7. In consideration of this entry, the owner and spouse and guests agree to permit the Cars for Charities Co. or it's assigns the use of their name and pictures of the entered vehicle for publicity, advertising and commercial purposes (including newspapers, magazines, radio and television) before, during and after the event, and do hereby relinquish rights whatsoever to any photos taken in connection with the event, and give permission to publish or sell or otherwise dispose of said photographs to Cars for Charities Co. or it's assigns. All publicity and advertising rights reserved by the Cars for Charities Co. or it's assigns. EXHIBITOR SIGNATURE ______________________________________ DATE ___________NOTE *(Under 18 years of age, a parent or legal guardian MUST sign for the exhibitor) 100% of all proceeds go directly to The Arc of Sedgwick Co., Big Brothers Big Sisters & Starkey Inc. For more info www.StarbirdDevlin.com Email: [email protected] SHOW INFORMATION Correspondence concerning the Starbird‐Devlin Rod & Customs Charities Car Show entries should be directed to: Cars for Charities Co. Attn: Mike Rickords Phone (316) 734‐2072 or (316) 755‐1017 P.O. Box 453 Valley Center, KS 67147‐0453 Info: www.StarbirdDevlin.com mail: [email protected] Gas Money ‐ $0.60 per mile, one way, will be paid to all qualified entries with pre‐acceptance letter (excluding cycles) traveling over 100 miles one way, up to a maximum of 1,000 miles. All gas money will only be paid at the show office during the show. No payments will be made after the show. Show Cards ‐ Will be furnished for numbering and identification. Passes ‐ Two owner/exhibitor passes will be allotted to each entry. Additional exhibitor passes, valid for the duration of the show, will be available for $30 each. Stanchions & Rope – Will not be furnished. We ask that all car owners furnish their own to improve the appearance of their display and to best protect your vehicle. On‐site vendor will have a limited amount of display accessories available for rent. Unauthorized advertising in display areas is not allowed. Century II Regulations – Century II requires locking gas caps, taped gas caps or tanks must be drained. All displays must be free standing and composed of fireproof materials. All battery cables must be disconnected. Fire aisles must be kept open at all times. All alcohol in the buildings must be purchased from Century II vendors or donated. Only designated entry doors will be used to enter the buildings Entry For Sale ‐ Any entry for sale will be charged a fee of $50 to be paid at time of registration. This fee includes a Starbird‐Devlin Rod & Customs Charities Car Show For Sale sign and is the only approved For Sale sign allowed. Sound or PA Systems ‐ No sound equipment is allowed in display areas. Failure to comply will result in vehicle removal and complete disqualification. Move In Time Schedule ‐ It is important that move‐in times be maintained to allow for safe and efficient parking and setup. • All 20 x 20 Display and Magnificent 7 entries will move in Wednesday afternoon based on the show provided move‐in schedule. • Remaining pre‐registered entries will move in Thursday and will be notified approx. 2 weeks in advance by mail of their move‐in time. • Each Club will be assigned a time to allow them to enter as a group. • Deadline for all entries to check‐in is 4:30 p.m. Thursday. To Enter ‐ Send your entry form, photos and other necessary correspondence to the address above. You will be notified of your acceptance or rejection by letter approximately 2 weeks prior to move‐in. Photos will be returned when possible. The show reserves the right to refuse any entry. All pre‐registered entries will be notified in advance by mail of their move‐in time. It is important that move‐in times be maintained. At‐the‐door entries will be accepted based on space availability. Best Club Display – All Car Clubs (minimum of 6) are welcome and encouraged to participate and must be pre‐entered to reserve space. It is mandatory to have common barriers around club vehicle area with signage. Each club displaying cars will be given a move‐in time. Each club will select one person to coordinate activities. It is important that move‐in times be maintained. Club car entries and placement within the club area will be left to the discretion of the club officers based on available space. To reserve club space, email the request to [email protected] . Please note “Best Club Display” in the subject line of the email. Awards Selection Process ‐ The Starbird‐Devlin Rod & Customs Charities Car Show event is designed to honor and highlight a wide variety of cars, trucks and motorcycles. The Starbird‐Devlin Rod & Customs Charities Car Show is about the passion people have for their cars. In our opinion, every car deserves an award for all the hard work that has gone into its creation. Remember, it's not all about getting an award. Enjoy the event and make some new friends who have the same enthusiasm you do for our hobby and lifestyle. An award is just the icing on the cake of a great weekend! Favorite & Specialty Awards ‐ These awards are "FAVORITES" or picks by the Starbird‐Devlin Rod & Customs Charities Car Show staff members, industry executives, media representatives, sponsors and other dignitaries. The “FAVORITES” selection committee searches throughout the entire event for their favorite cars and trucks. No point‐sheets or judging is done to determine who gets an award. It's a very informal process where the people picking the award feel strongly about a car and pick a favorite. It's that simple. Magnificent 7 Competition – This is our premier competition for vehicles being shown for the first time in Wichita. The entry deadline for the competition is December 1, 2014. From the entrants in the competition, 7 finalists will be chosen. From the finalists, Best of Show winners will be selected – Mag7 1st place (Best of Show) ‐$5,000, Mag7 2nd place ‐$3,000, Mag7 3rd place ‐$2,000, Mag7 4th through 7th Finalists ‐$1000. 100% of the proceeds go to The Arc of Sedgwick County, Big Brothers Big Sisters & Starkey Inc. Thank You for helping make the show a success for our local charities! Tim, Tom, Dick, John, Carl, Jeff, Mike & Trey
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