FORREST’S ESCORT CAMP 1239 The Dispatch “Covering Dixie Just for You” Johnny Fernander Commander 212 West Wilson Street Villa Rica, GA 30180 Volume 18, Issue5&6 June 2015 Gen. Nathan B. Forrest Minutes 2&3 From the Commander’s Desk Adjutant’s Desk 4 For May: Treasury Report 3 Ladies and Gentlemen, Cmdr. Report 1 · Camp Officers · Johnny Fernander Cmdr. · Walter Crofts 1st. LT. Our next meeting will be May 18 (one week earlier than usual). Supper at 6:30, meeting to follow. This meeting will be a joint meeting with McDaniel-Curtis Camp #165 of Carrollton. Also, this is the last meeting before Georgia Division Convention at Nash Farms and we need delegates. · Howard Mount 2nd. Lt. · Jerry Vogler Adjutant/ Treas · Robbie Robison Chaplain · Johnny Fernander Artillery · Jonathan Till Battery 1 Cmdr · Lynn Ivie Battery 2 Cmdr · Johnny Broome Judge Adv. · L.A. Burns Surgeon · Tony Gonzalez Vidette · Rick Pope Honor Guard Speakers Bureau Rick Pope-Robbie Robinson Past Cmdrs. Charlie Lott-Wayne CookJonathan Till-Jim Parrish Editor Web Page Jonathan Till On Memorial Day, May 25, there will be a memorial service at Legion Lake beginning at 1:00 (but please be there for set up at noon). The annual parade in Senoia begins at 2:00 (but be there at 1:00 for line up). Please try to attend one of these. Please remember those in need and our sick in your prayers. Pray for our country and our men and women in harm's way. Yours in service, Meetings on 4th Monday beginning with a covered dish supper at 6:30 p.m. At the Tavern. Next meeting: June 22, 2015 John Fernander Commander There was no June Report from the Commander….. The June Reunion did not go as we had hoped. It seems any and all good sense has left the Georgia Division. You will be updated at the meeting on the 22nd. That being said, I wish to apologize for not getting the newsletter out last month. I’ve been extremely busy at work and in much pain of late. I do appreciate your prayers………….. Jonathan PS… the above commentary is my opinion and not the camps. Page 2 The Dispatch “Covering Dixie Just for You” MEETING MINUTES For 18 May 2015 Meeting was called to order at 6:50 pm by 1st Lt. Commander Walt Crofts; welcome by the Commander. Volume 18, Issue 5&6 were mustered-in under a large oak tree. Some discussion followed about the deed. Past Cmdr. Charlie Lott offered to write it. Compatriot Jeff Robison offered to check into a survey as to where the sign should go. Mrs. Linda Leatherman suggested the corner of Hwy. 61 and Herrell Road as a better, more visible, and safer location. Sick and Relief: Cmdr.-in-Chief Kelley Barrow; Past Div. Cmdr. Charlie Lott and Mrs. Linda, Past Brig. Cmdr. Jonathan Till and Mrs. Elaine, Div. Cmdr. North Phil Autrey, Past Cmdr. Jim Parrish, Brig. Cmdr. Curtiss ‘Bear’ Hamrick, Compatriots Ernest Pope, Leonard Draper, L. A. Burns, Scott Jackson, Stephen Shirah, J. C. Underwood’s family, Roy Yearty, Larry Wimbish, Danny Ray Hart, Doug Wortham’s family and Mrs. Linda Wortham, Andy Adam’s family, Danny Kirby’s family, Mrs. Linda Leatherman, Cmdr. Fernander’s daughters and grand-daughter, the Georgia Division SCV Command, and our Men & Women in harm’s way. Friends of Wick’s Tavern 50/50 Drawing Invocation Prayer was offered by Chaplain Robby Robison. The Pledge and Salute to the Flags was given by all. Eating and Fellowship followed. The meeting closed in good order with a benediction prayer by Chaplain Robby Robison and we were dismissed by 1st Lt. Commander Crofts. Past Adj. Rick Pope said that he had some onions for sale from Temple Lodge. Respectfully Submitted, The Minutes from the 27 Apr 2015 Meeting were read. The Minutes were confirmed after appropriate motion and second; there was no discussion. Jerry Vogler, Jr. Adjutant $20.00 was won by Adjutant Vogler with $20.00 going to the Tavern. $5.00 scratch-off was won by Mrs. Linda Leatherman $5.00 scratch-off was won by Past Adj. Rick Pope $5.00 scratch-off was won by Mrs. Pam Pope 25 May 2015 Walt Crofts and Robby Robison reported on the placement of flags on Confederate Veterans graves. MEETING MINUTES For 27 April 2015 Walt spoke about the upcoming Georgia Division elections to be held on 12th and 13th of June. The Adjutant was called upon to read the Amendments and Policy changes. Some discussion followed. Meeting was called to order at 6:40 pm by Cmdr. Fernander; welcome by the Commander. Guest Mark Lolley was introduced by Chaplain Robby Robison and he spoke very briefly about his interest in joining the SCV and his experience at seeing our Confederate Memorial Service at Hillcrest Cemetery the previous month. Tony Gonzales reported on the recent educational program at Bowdon Middle School. Walt Crofts also spoke on this event and said that everyone seemed to have enjoyed it. Some discussion followed about the purchase and need for black powder. A motion was made and seconded for the Adjutant to purchase 25 lbs. Some discussion followed about the rising prices of powder. Motion passed by voice vote. Page 2. Chaplain Robison was recognized and he spoke about some good news that he had obtained permission to place a marker at Hwy. 61 and Punkintown Road. He spoke with Mr. Hanes descendent, Ms. Samantha Smith, who now lived on the property. She was willing to give permission to place the marker and offer a deed for the marker. This is a location near where the 51st and 19th Georgia Volunteers Invocation Prayer was offered by Chaplain Robby Robison. The Pledge and Salute to the Flags was given by all. Eating and Fellowship followed. Sick and Relief: Cmdr.-in-Chief Kelley Barrow; Past Div. Cmdr. Charlie Lott and Mrs. Linda, Past Brig. Cmdr. Jonathan Till and Mrs. Elaine, Div. Cmdr. North Phil Autrey, Past Cmdr. Jim Parrish, Brig. Cmdr. Curtiss ‘Bear’ Hamrick, Compatriots Ernest Pope, Leonard Draper, L. A. Burns, Scott Jackson, Stephen Shirah, J. C. Underwood’s family, Roy Yearty, Larry Wimbish, Danny Ray Hart, Doug Wortham’s family, Andy Adam’s family, Danny Kirby’s family, Mrs. Linda Leatherman, Cmdr. Fernander’s daughters and grand-daughter, the Georgia Division SCV Command, and our Men & Women in harm’s way. The Minutes from the 23 February 2015 and 23 March 2015 were read. The Minutes were confirmed after appropriate motion and second; there was no discussion. See page 4 Volume 18, Issue 5&6 The Dispatch “Covering Dixie Just for You” FROM THE ADJUTANT’S DESK June 2015 Page 3 Treasurer’s Report June 2015 My Compliments Gentlemen, I hope that you and your Family and loved ones are doing well. Compatriots, I want to take a moment this month to remind you all again of the upcoming dues for the next Fiscal Year (2015 – 2016). Please consider this as a courtesy ‘heads-up’. Regular dues are $50.00 if you are a Regular Member. National and Division Life Member dues are adjusted accordingly. You will receive an invoice mailed from the Georgia Division with my return address for paying your dues. I will send your Membership Cards separately. Dues will be due on 31 July with a grace period following. When you receive your statement please remit your dues as promptly as you can especially since the Division has enacted a strict Late policy. I want to extend a special Thank You to everyone who was able to assist the Camp as a Delegate at the recent SCV Georgia Division Reunion and each of you who were there! I think that we had a good showing for our Camp even if the results were far less than desired. I will keep my editorializing brief on this matter but it seems the Division has taken yet another step backwards and disunity is the operative word with infighting and outright disrespectful behavior being the characteristics. I felt utterly disrespected as a Delegate. I do not know what the answer is for the situation. I do know that the Georgia Division leadership needs our prayers if nothing else: for guidance, for temperance, for contrition, for humility, for understanding, for empathy, for thoughtful compromise, and for the peace that surpasses all understanding. OLD/ BEGINNING BALANCE: $2,559.58 18 May 2015 DEPOSITS Received: Dues, Misc. Donations $350.00 Donation (to offset bank charges): $100.00 ___________ SUB TOTAL: Deposits/Credits $450.00 SUB TOTAL BEFORE EXPENDITURES: $3,009.58 EXPENDITURES Van Repair, Johnny Fernander ($318.90) Bank Service Charge ($0.30) Check No. 584, cents were off: ($0.09) Johnny Fernander, Expenses, Sep./Oct. 2014 ($110.00) The Great State of Virginia is the host state of the SCV National Re- Johnny Fernander, Expenses, Oct./Nov. 2014 union this year and it is not a major election year so I will not attend ($40.01) and I have some other responsibilities to Family. I hope that you will Bank Charge, Checks ($17.00) consider attending this event however as it is a rewarding way to meet Bank Charge, Deposit Slips members of the SCV from all over the Confederacy and all over the ($18.95) world. If you are interested in attending this event information is available at the SCV website We, the officers of Forrest’s Escort, appreciate and need everyone’s support to be a successful and productive Camp! And I believe that the work that we do is very important in the preservation of our Confederate ancestor’s heritage and service to their nation. My best wishes to each of you. I look forward to seeing you at our next Regular Meeting or very soon…until then, I am to remain… Your Humble and Obedient Servant, Jerry Vogler, Jr. Adjutant __________ SUB TOTAL (Expenditures) ($505.25) __________ CURRENT BALANCE $2,504.33 Respectfully Submitted by: Jerry Vogler, Jr. Treasurer 18 Jun 2015 18 Jun 2015 The Dispatch “Covering Dixie Just for You” Volume 18, Issue 5&6 Page 4 The Treasurer’s Report for March 2015 was read; the balance was $2,559.58. This report was approved by Voice Vote after appropriate motion and second. Cmdr. Fernander read a very nice note from the Family of J. C. Underwood thanking the camp for the Flowers. The Commander spoke about the cemeteries that still needed to have flags placed and those that had been done thus far. He reported that Compatriot Scott Jackson was also helping to put flags on the graves of our Confederate Veterans. He reported on a Guest Speaker that had been organized for the next SCV meeting if the Camp wanted to change the meeting date to the 18th of May to accommodate her schedule. The Commander suggested that we make the meeting a joint meeting with the McDaniel-Curtiss Camp No. 165 and that he would contact Cmdr. Sam Pyle. The Cmdr. spoke on the possibility of a raffle for the camp for a sword, a .30 cal rifle, and a .30 cal musket. Some discussion followed. The Cmdr. gave a report on the recent Memorials that our Camp participated in at Douglasville and Hillcrest Cemetery in Villa Rica. Friends of Wick’s Tavern 50/50 Drawing $25.00 was won by Chaplain Robison with $25.00 going to the Tavern. $5.00 scratch-off was won by our Visitor, Bam Courson. $3.00 scratch-off was won by Compatriot Tony Gonzales $2.00 scratch-off was won by Mrs. Linda Lott Cmdr. Fernander mentioned that Sand Hill Lodge # 350 was having a Boston Butt Sale as a fundraiser. He suggested that we consider a Yard Sale later this year as a fundraiser. Past Div. Cmdr. Lott reported that he would be placing flags on Veterans graves the next day or Thursday depending on the weather; he said that he needed some help. The next meeting will be 18 May 2015. The meeting closed in good order with a benediction prayer by Chaplain Robby Robison and we were dismissed by Cmdr. Fernander. Respectfully Submitted, Jerry Vogler, Jr. Adjutant FROM THE ADJUTANT’S DESK May 2015 My Compliments Gentlemen, I hope that you and your Family and loved ones are doing well. This month I thought that I should provide a reminder that the end of the Fiscal Year is approaching sooner than later at the end of July 2013. Our dues will become due at that point with a brief grace period within which we need to pay them. The Division has implemented a very strict penalty for late dues so please don’t delay in sending your dues to me. You should keep an eye out for the Dues Notice which you will receive in July and August. I will send your new membership cards out as quickly as I can. I know that times are difficult economically but it would be helpful to send your renewal to me as soon as you are able afterwards so that I can pay out the dues to National and Division. The Division Reunion will be held at Nash Farm Battlefield next month on June 12th and 13th, and will be hosted by the Col. Charles T. Zachry Camp No. 108. I think that we have 7 Delegates this year and will need to have as many there as we can for the special elections. Lastly, please consider coming to our monthly meeting at Historic Wick’s Tavern to socialize and show your support. We appreciate each of you and miss you when you can’t make the meeting. We only meet once a month and it’s a great time to catch-up with what the Camp is doing and enjoy some food, fellowship, and a great educational program. We appreciate and need everyone’s support to be a successful and productive Camp! And I believe that the work that we do is very important in the preservation of our Confederate ancestor’s good names and service to their nation. My best wishes to each of you. I look forward to seeing you at our next Regular Meeting or very soon…until then, I am to remain… Your Humble and Obedient Servant, Jerry Vogler, Jr. Adjutant The Dispatch “Covering Dixie Just for You” Volume 18, Issue 5&6 Page 5 Treasurer’s Report May 2015 OLD/ BEGINNING BALANCE: $2,559.58 26 Apr 2015 DEPOSITS Received: $0.00 ___________ SUB TOTAL: Deposits/Credits $0.00 SUB TOTAL BEFORE EXPENDITURES: $2,559.58 EXPENDITURES ($0.00) __________ SUB TOTAL (Expenditures) ($0.00) __________ CURRENT BALANCE $2,559.58 Respectfully Submitted by: Jerry Vogler, Jr. Treasurer 18 May 2015 18 May 2015 “The Dispatch” Forrest’s Escort Camp 1239 Historic Wick’s Tavern 212 West Wilson Street Villa Rica, GA 30180-1807
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