Backyard Stream Repair 8000 sf along 200 linear ft (20’ buffer) 800 Boyer Drive, Clemmons, NC Average Cost = $25 per linear foot Page 1 of 3 Streambank erosion is a common problem for property owners that live alongside creeks. Sometimes we accidentally cause our own problems by trying to gain access to our creeks and removing vegetation or having just grass all the way to the water. Traditional methods of streambank stabilization (walls, rip rap, gabion baskets, etc.) are failure prone, high maintenance, labor intensive and cost prohibitive. Regardless of what you decide to do along your creekbank, you should check to see if an Army Corps of Engineers permit is needed before moving any soil or adding rock. You don't want to receive a big fine. One small-scale solution is backyard stream repair. It really involves sloping back the stream bank (for every foot above the water line, multiply by 3 to see how far back will provide a 3:1 slope or 45 degree angle) and adding cover seeds, straw, matting, trees, shrubs and perennials. Plants do an amazing job of holding soil because of their huge the fibrous root system underground. We usually think of trees having a complicated root system but shrubs and perennials can have root systems that go more than 10-15 feet into the ground! Directions I-40W: Merge onto I-40 W Cooperative Extension provides a hands-on workshop on how to do this type of work, when permits are needed and what types of materials and plants are needed. Behavior changes included giving up water access and idea of aesthetics but in return they got peace of mind (ex. stable banks, mower won't fall in creek, runoff can get back in stream and not cause yard flooding). Downstream neighbors no longer receive so much soil. Workshops stabilized 3395 linear ft which will annually save and reduce 73 tons soil, 168lbs nitrogen and 84lbs phosphorus (future cost savings: $84,875). Past participants reported stabilizing 7480 linear ft which will save 217 tons sediment, 499lbs nitrogen and 250lbs phosphorus (future cost savings: $187,000). A landscaper avoided $50,000 in fines by installing stream vegetation he learned about in the class. Take exit 184 toward Lewisville Clemmons 0.2 mi For further information: Turn right onto Lewisville Clemmons Rd 0.4 mi Turn right onto S Peace Haven Rd 0.3 mi Turn left onto Knob Hill Dr 0.6 mi Turn left onto Boyer Dr Organizations involved: Forsyth County Cooperative Extension Forsyth Soil and Water Conservation District North State Environmental, Inc. Watershed Science Wallburg Mulch Village of Clemmons Stormwater Neighbor Amelanchier Canadensis (Serviceberry) Asimina triloba (PawPaw) Chionanthus virginicus (Fringetree) Diospyros virginiana (Persimmon) Fraxinus pennsylvanica (Green Ash) Carpinus caroliniana (Hornbeam) Halesia carolina (Carolina Snowbell) Platanus occidentalis (Sycamore) Tsuga Canadensis (Canadian Hemlock) Shrubs 10. Aronia arbutifolia (Red Chokeberry) 11. Callicarpa Americana (Beautyberry) 12. Clethra alnifolia (Sweet Pepperbush) 13. Ilex glabra (Inkberry) 14. Ilex verticillata (Winterberry) 15. Itea virginica (Virginia Sweetspire) 16. Vaccinium corymbosum (Highbush Blueberry) 17. Lindera benzoin (Spicebush) 18. Hibiscus coccineus (Red Star Mallow 19. Alnus serrulata (Tag Alder) 20. Rhododendron arborescens (Sweet Azalea) 21. Rhododendron viscosum (Swamp Azalea) 22. Spiraea tomentosa (Hardhack) 23. Kalmia latifolia (Mountain Laurel) 24. Symphoricarpos orbiculatus (Coralberry) 25. Hamamelis virginiana (Witch Hazel) 26. Calycanthus floridus (Sweetshrub) 27. Hydrangea quercifolia (Oakleaf Hydrangea) Herbaceous (Bendy Plants) 28. Carex spp. (Sedge) 29. Iris fulva (Copper Iris) 30. Juncus effuses (Soft Rush) Perennials 31. Eupatorium maculatum (Joe Pye Weed) 32. Solidago spp. (Goldenrod) 33. Rudbeckia hirta (Black-eyed Susan) 42. Lobelia cardinalis (Cardinal Flower) Livestakes 34. Cornus amomum (Silky Dogwood) 35. Cephalanthus occidentalis (Buttonbush) 36. Physocarpus opulifolius (Ninebark) 37. Sambucus canadensis (Elderberry) 38. Salix sericea (Silky Willow) Seed Mix 39. Rudbeckia hirta (Black-eyed Susan) 40. Riparian Wildflower Mix 41. Chaemaecrista fasciculate (Partridge Pea) Page 2 of 3 Road Trees 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Lawn Area Backyard Stream Repair 8000 sf along 200 linear ft (20’ buffer) 800 Boyer Drive, Clemmons, NC Average Cost = $25 per linear foot Driveway Page 3 of 3 •96 ac watershed 2 small creeks joining on property from culverts to a single culvert During Before Tributary 2 Tributary 1 Tributary 1 Outlet Tributary 2 Outlet Backyard Stream Repair 8000 sf along 200 linear ft (20’ buffer) 800 Boyer Drive, Clemmons, NC Average Cost = $25 per linear foot After
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