FOUR MARKS PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee Held on Wednesday 1st April 2015, commencing at 7.30pm At the Benian’s Pavilion, Four Marks ________________________________________________________________________ Members Present: Cllrs J Foster (Chair), J Hammond, A Hickman, S Sensier and A Tomlinson Attending: S Goudie (Clerk), Cllr Thomas Apologies: Cllr T Brake ______________________________________________________________________ OPEN SESSION: Mr Norman, 72 Winchester Rd, raised his objection to Planning Application 34918. In his objection he highlighted that the proposed dwelling did not meet any criteria detailed in the Village Design Statement. By giving permission to build a new dwelling at the rear of this garden this could set a precedent for other properties to do the same. Mr Norman also raised concern over the proximity to the neighbouring properties and the potential water run-off from the extensive roof area. The proposed car port is less than a metre from the boundary, the site itself is currently land locked. It was also pointed out that in the Applicants statement that there was no objection from the neighbours after consultation, this is untrue, there was no consultation and the only the neighbour who isn’t objecting is the one that stands to benefit from the applicant’s proposal. Mr Brough, 66 Winchester Road, the other immediate neighbour, re-iterated Mr Norman’s objections adding that the size of the proposed dwelling is completely out of proportion to its environment, and does not, as stated, blend in with the Blenheim Close properties. Cllr Thomas, in agreement with the previous two speakers, felt that this was over development of the plot. She also wanted to advise that one of the late applications listed, not on the Agenda, was a re-submission following an Appeal dismissal. The Open Session concluded at 7.40pm, Standing Orders were applied. 15.24 PC APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apology for absence received from Cllr Brake 15.25 PC DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of Interest. 15.26 PC COMMITTEE MINUTES The minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 4th March 2015 were proposed as a true record by Cllr Sensier, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson, and signed by the Chairman. There were no matters arising. 15.27 PC PLANNING MATTERS Decisions notified: 1. Reference No: 55451 PARISH: Four Marks Location: Glenmore, 27 Lymington Bottom, Four Marks, Alton, GU34 5AA Proposal: OUTLINE - 9 DWELLINGS FOLLOWING DEMOLITION OF EXISTING DWELLING - As amended by plans received (07/05/2014) Decision: OUTLINE PERMISSION Decision Date: 3 March, 2015 2. Reference No: 54485 PARISH: Four Marks Location: Sunnydene, Stoney Lane, Medstead, Alton, GU34 5EL Proposal: Lawful development certificate for a proposed development - single storey sides and rear extension Decision: LAWFULNESS CERTIF - PROPOSED - PERMITTED Decision Date: 2 March, 2015 3. Reference No: 29085/002 PARISH: Four Marks Location: Blue Anchor, 28 Telegraph Lane, Four Marks, Alton, GU34 5AX Proposal: Velux window to single storey garage. Decision: PERMISSION Decision Date: 12 March, 2015 4. Reference No: 21566/003 PARISH: Four Marks Location: Churchills, Brislands Lane, Four Marks, Alton, GU34 5AD Proposal: Proposed two storey extension to rear Decision: PERMISSION Decision Date: 12 March, 2015 5. Reference No: 52167/001 PARISH: Four Marks Location: 2 Penrose Way, Four Marks, Alton, GU34 5BG Proposal: T1 Salix caprea in the front garden of the property.- re-pollard back to old pollard points, leaving a finished height of approximately 5 metres. Decision: CONSENT Decision Date: 17 March, 2015 6. Reference No: 23761/012 PARISH: Four Marks Location: Winterborne, 139 Winchester Road, Four Marks, Alton, GU34 5HY Proposal: Fence and gates to front boundary Decision: PERMISSION Decision Date: 13 March, 2015 New applications: 1. Reference: 29550/023 Comment deadline: 3rd April 2015 Location: Belford House, 93 Lymington Bottom, Four Marks, GU34 5AH Proposal: Installation of hard standing to provide formal refuse storage area and 3 no. additional parking spaces along with new boundary treatment forming screen. No objection. 2. Reference: 24559/026 Comment deadline: 12th April 2015 Location: Unit 2 Hazel Road, Four Marks, Alton GU34 5EY Proposal: 2 storey side extension following removal of gas compound No objection. 3. Reference: 27111/007 Comment deadline: 16th April 2015 Location: Taranaki, 101 Winchester Road, Four Marks, Alton GU34 5HS Proposal: Raise roof height to create rooms in roof space, single storey extension to rear, front car port and rear detached garage The Parish Council would like to raise objections to this application. The additional proposals would lead to a noticeable over development of the plot, there is an excessive amount of proposed new windows and the overall total size of the dwelling would be out of keeping with the existing street scene. 4. Reference: 34918/002 Comment deadline: 20th April 2015 Location: 70 Winchester Road, Four Marks, GU34 5HR Proposal: Single storey detached dwelling to the rear of 70 Winchester Road, provision of new access from Blenheim Road and detached carport. Four Marks Parish Council strongly object to this Application. The proposals have not taken account of the recommendations contained within the Village Design Statement. This is back garden development to its extreme, and against the guidelines laid out in the NPPF The size of proposed dwelling would be over development of the plot, and is not smaller than the original property, as stated. The design is not in keeping with the neighbouring properties, either in Winchester Road or Blenheim Close. The proposed size of roof area causes great concern with reference to water run-off. The site is currently landlocked and would necessitate a new access, the details of the proposed new access also raises real concern, and would ask Highways to look in great detail at the proposals, which do not appear to meet their requirements. The loss of the neighbouring garage could well encourage on street parking, which may cause further access issues. The proposed car port appears to be right on the boundary of the neighbouring property. Four Marks Parish Council would respectfully ask the Planning Officer to consider all our objections carefully and please refuse this Application. 5. Reference: 56045 Comment deadline: 20th April 2015 Location: 30 Tawny Grove, Four Marks, GU34 5DU Proposal: Fell one Oak and one Hornbeam, reduce 2 blackthorn by 1.5 metres into a controlled hedge and crown reduce 1 blackthorn to a height of 4 metres, spread 3 metres No objection and are happy to concur with the Arboriculturist’s decision. 6. Reference: 21566/004 Comment deadline: 29 April 2015 Location: Churchills, Brislands Lane, Four Marks, GU34 5AD Proposal: Lawful Development Certificate for Single storey side extension No comment to make on this application. 7. Reference: 56054 Comment deadline: 29 April 2015 Location: 138 Winchester Road, Four Marks, GU34 5HZ Proposal: Single storey rear extension No objection. 8. Reference: 55397/002 Comment deadline: 29th April 2015 Location: Romany, 89 Winchester Road, Four Marks, GU34 5HS Proposal: Detached dwelling with new access The Parish Council would like to raise objections to this application. Although it is acknowledged that land to the rear of the neighbouring property has recently been developed, this is still back garden development, and the proposal is not in keeping with the new dwellings. It is worryingly close the tree with the Protection Order, and therefore have serious concerns over the affect that this would have on both the health of the tree and structure of the dwelling. The access into the property does not look achievable and there does not appear to be the appropriate provision for parking for the size of the dwelling. Appeals notified: 1. Reference: APP/M1710/TPO/4480 Location: Land North of Chaffinch Road, Four Marks, Alton Appeal by: Belgarum Property Proposal: Against works to Oaks B and I, as detailed on application 15.28 PC NEXT MEETING Annual Parish Meeting – Wednesday 8th April, 7.30pm, Village Full Council Meeting – Wednesday 15th April 2015, 7.30pm, Village Hall Planning Committee - Wednesday 6th May 2015, 7.30pm, venue tbc 15.29 PC The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.40 pm …………………………………. Chairman
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