April/May/June 2015 - Franklin Middle School

April - June, 2015
Inside this edition...
 Principally Speaking
 4th Quarter Report Card
 PTSA Information
 School District of
Janesville Information
 Clothing Reminders
 Rec Night Reminders
 Spring Events
 Musical Messages
 Summer School Information
 Stolen Property
 Breakfast Information
 Student Council to Madison,
 6th Grade Students of the
Month & Fantastic Falcons
 Fantastic Falcons and
Positive Contacts
 Title 1 News
 Calendar of Events
Art Students
"Art With a
Purpose" for
the Oak Hill
project at Oak
Hill Cemetery
Students in Mrs. Gaver's Art classes created an "Art With a Purpose"
lesson in February 2014 for the Oak Hill Chapel restoration project at Oak
Hill Cemetery. Franklin Middle School has been working directly with
Richard Snyder, stained glass artist, to have students develop artwork
which may be suitable for being installed at Oak Hill Chapel. All of the
artwork was created by 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students using the medium of their choice. Maddy Milz now a 7th grade student in Mrs. Gaver's
art class had the winning design during 6th grade which Richard Snyder
is creating into a stained glass design this year. The photos show Mrs.
Gaver's 5A 7th grade art class, under the lead of Maddy Milz, pick out
stained glass colored to be installed into the glass piece Richard Snyder
is creating. Please check out Friends of Oak Hill Chapel on Facebook for
the updates on this project.
Family Newsletter
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Principally Speaking...
It is my experience that most school years go by rather quickly, and
the 2014-2015 school year is no exception. In this final newsletter of the
school year, I would like to inform you of important events as we finish up
the last two months of school.
“The fourth quarter math
In April and May, sixth, seventh, and eight graders will take the
CBA is very important because
it shows what each student Badger Exam. This test is a state assessment tied to the No Child Left Belearned during the school year.”
hind legislation. Students will take this exam on computers to test their
--Dr. Urness
math, reading, and English language arts skills. As with any assessment we
want students to do their best!
In addition to the Badger Exam, students will take district CBAs (Curriculum Based Assessment)
in most subjects throughout May. The fourth quarter math CBA is important because it shows what
each student learned during the school year. Please do extra math at home whenever possible to help
your child prepare.
With regard to school safety, the week of April 13-17, 2015, is Tornado and Severe Weather
Awareness week in Wisconsin and a statewide tornado drill is planned for Thursday, April 16, 2015.
Accordingly, Franklin Middle School will hold a drill in conjunction with the state, on that date, to
ensure that all students and staff members know the proper safety procedures.
As we round out the school year, I also want to pass along a very special thank you to Julie Edwardson, PTSA president, and the PTSA Board. The PTSA worked very hard this year to connect
home and school, and to make Franklin a great place for learning. The staff appreciates the many acts
of kindness from the PTSA throughout the year such as dinner for teachers during parent-teacher conferences. You have our gratitude as a staff. If you are interested in participating in PTSA next year,
please contact Mrs. Edwardson at [email protected]
As we conclude the 2014-2015 school year, I would like to thank all students, parents, and staff for
their hard work and support. I consider myself fortunate to be the principal of such a fine school. Have
an enjoyable summer.
Fourth Quarter
Report Cards
Important Phone Numbers
Main Office......................... 743-6000
Attendance Office .............. 743-6030
Asst. Prin. Office ................ 743-6007
Guidance Office ................. 743-6026
Athletic Info ........................ 743-6021
Fax .................................... 743-6010
School District
of Janesville
Educational Services Center
527 South Franklin Street
Janesville, WI 53548
Phone: 743-5000
Fax: 743-7491
Report cards will be mailed home on June 19, 2015.
Please check Family Access on a regular basis to stay
informed regarding your student(s) grades throughout
each quarter. If you have concerns regarding your student(s) grades, please follow up with that specific
The last day of the school year is June 11, 2015. Af-
ter teachers leave for the summer break, any concerns
you have regarding grades will not be addressed until
the fall of the 2015-16 school year, when teachers return.
Family Newsletter
Page 3
From Mrs. Julie Edwardson, President
HAPPY SPRING, from the Franklin Middle School PTSA.
Franklin PTSA is proud to announce the following people who have earned recognition for going above and
beyond the typical day to day demands at Franklin. PTSA would like to congratulate Ms. Julie Konstanz for
winning out PTA Teacher of the Year award! Ms. Konstanz enjoys an extremely positive relationship with the
Franklin Middle School PTSA. As a school counselor, she demonstrates commitment to the objectives of PTSA
by promoting the welfare of children, ensuring the relationship between home and school, and advocating for
students. Over the past two years, Ms. Konstanz enhanced her already positive relationship with the Franklin
Middle School PTSA when she presented information about our Peer Mediation program at both a Franklin
PTSA meeting and a School District of Janesville School Board meeting. Ms. Konstanz is a role model when it
comes to relationships with students. As a counselor, Ms. Konstanz obviously interacts with students on a regular basis; it is how she goes above and beyond that sets her apart from others. Ms. Konstanz is adept at developing relationships with parents. As the advisor to the Peer Mediation program, Ms. Konstanz involved all of
the parents when her students presented to the School District of Janesville School Board. Ms. Konstanz works
to building relationships with the community. For example, Ms. Konstanz is currently working with Blackhawk
Technical College so that our 7th graders understand their college and career options through a tour of the
facilities. Ms. Konstanz also involved students and parents in a #CoolToCare campaign this year to that we can
share positive events at the school with the community on Facebook and Twitter. Ms. Konstanz fosters a positive relationship with others in the profession of education. Teachers and counselors in the district look to her
for guidance and collaboration efforts. We would like to congratulate Mrs. Theresa Amundson for winning
our Staff Member of the Year Award. Mrs. Amundson enjoys a positive working relationship with the Franklin
Middle School PTSA. For example, she supports PTSA projects and acts as a liaison between the school and the
PTSA during the registration period in August. Mrs. Amundson supports PTSA projects whenever possible. She
willingly signs up to work at every Scoopie Night. As the guidance counselor secretary, Mrs. Amundson interacts with students on a regular basis. She is often the first adult that students come in to contact with when they
are feeling upset or have something keeping them from learning. Students feel safe sharing their issues with
her. She encourages them to do their best through kindness and compassion. Mrs. Amundson is accessible to
parents during the school day and goes over and above to help parents. She understands and values strong
communication between parents and school. If she can't help them with what they need, she works very hard to
find them the help or resources they need. Mrs. Amundson continues to educate herself in many aspects of the
profession that impact her job. Others in the district recognize her skills and have sought her out to help at a
district level with data compacting. Ms. Konstanz and Mrs. Amundson will be entered into a contest to win their
overall selected category at the city wide level. They will be invited to attend the city wide PTA banquet. Good
luck to both of our nominees. We’re so fortunate to have such GREAT staff here at Franklin Middle School.
Thank you to our volunteers who serve and enjoy a meal at our Scoopie nights. We earn 10% of the profits.
Congratulations to Mrs. Cornelio's advisory who had the most students in attendance during our March
Scoopie night and earned a custard party. Out last Scoopie night for this school year is Wednesday, April 15,
2015 and we will receive 20% of the sales between 4-8:00 p.m. that night, please come and join us or sign up to
The Franklin PTSA wishes you all the best as we wrap up the last few months of this school year, we couldn’t
have done it without all of you!!
Julie Edwardson
PTSA President
Ms. Julie Konstanz
PTSA Teacher of the Year
Mrs. Theresa Amundson
PTSA Staff Member of the Year
Family Newsletter
Page 4
Janesville School District Information for Parents
Tornado Warning
When the National Weather Service issues a tornado warning, it means that an actual tornado has been sighted by
a trained spotter or a radar reading shows conditions are right or imminent for a tornado to develop in the immediate
area. When a tornado warning is issued for the immediate Janesville area, the emergency sirens will be activated.
Twice each school year, Franklin Middle School practices the response the school would use if an emergency siren is
activated for a tornado warning during the school day. Franklin Middle School has designated safe areas for all students and staff to go to when a tornado warning is issued.
Because all doors to Franklin Middle School are secure during the school day, they will remain locked during a tornado warning. Staff are not encouraged to respond to door buzzers, knocks on doors, or phone calls, but rather to remain in their designated safe zone until the tornado warning is canceled. We also encourage parents and family members of students to seek safe shelter during a tornado warning. Parents or family members should not come to Franklin Middle School during a tornado warning to pick up their child.
Once the tornado warning is canceled, Franklin Middle School will return to usual operations. At that time, staff will
be able to respond to door buzzers and phone calls. Thank you in advance, for working with Franklin Middle School to
keep your child safe during a tornado warning. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this information, please
call Dr. Yolanda Cargile, Director of Safety and Student Services at 743-5078.
If you will be moving from your current home address please contact
Franklin Middle School’s guidance center at 743-6026, as soon as possible,
to determine what paperwork you will need to fill out for your child to continue attending his/her
current school. Please note: If you are moving to an address outside the School District of Janesville, in most cases, your child is eligible to continue attending the School District of Janesville as
long as you complete the appropriate paperwork within the required timeline.
If you have any questions about school placement for a particular address, please contact Administrative Services Secretary Tami Carlson at 743-5006. The Administrative Services Office is
open year round.
If you are the parent of an elementary student and will be moving over the summer months
when the elementary schools are closed, please contact Administrative Services Secretary Tami
Carlson at 743-5006 or the New Student Enrollment Office at 743-5152 to complete the appropriate paperwork.
Clothing Reminder
Mr. Brett Berg, Assistant Principal
As the weather warms up, we are all ready to shed the heavy winter clothes. This is a
reminder about Franklin’s guidelines for appropriate school attire, so you can help your
student make good fashion decisions. All tops and shorts must cover undergarments as
well as midriffs and chests. Furthermore, student clothing cannot advertise alcohol/drugs,
display profanity, demonstrate gang affiliation, make sexual innuendos, or degrade others. Guidelines for student apparel can be found on page one of the Parent/Student Handbook. If a student is asked to adjust his/her clothing (rope for belts as well as t-shirts are
available in the attendance office), the expectation is that the student will immediately
comply and will remain in compliance for the entire school day. Thank you, for your assistance with helping your student manage an appropriate wardrobe for school.
Family Newsletter
Page 5
We would like to express a BIG thank you to the parents that took the time during our spring parent/teacher conferences to fill
out our parent survey. The winners of our $10.00 Sentry gift cards were:
Melinda Taylor (Emily Taylor), Jenni Bloedel (Mykayla Bloedel), Natashia Osmond (Nathyn Sowatzki), Patricia Suarez (Jesus
Suarez), Jennifer Heaton (Skyler Heaton), Deborah Knopes (Samuel Knopes), Lisa Hallmark (Jordan Dooley), Chad Turner
(Devri Turner), Taraline Saiter (Montana Sellers), Angela Dravus (Kristin Dravus), Sabrina Walser (Brandon Walser), and
Sarah Perry (Emma Perry)
Rec. Night Reminders
Although held at Franklin Middle School, Rec. Nights are events sponsored and operated by Janesville’s Leisure
Services. Leisure Services rents the building from the school district. They are in charge of supervision and policies
related to Rec. Nights. The Leisure Services staff always strives to contract one off-duty Janesville Police Officer to
help supervise students. They always have several paid Leisure Services staff members at Rec. Night. And, parent
volunteers are always encouraged to help out; please contact Leisure Services if you would be able to help out with
any future Rec. Nights. If you have any Rec. Night questions or concerns, please feel free to contact their office for
more information (755-3030). Franklin’s last two rec nights for this school year will be held on Friday, April 17 and
Friday, May 15, 2015.
Many of the Rec. Night problems that have occurred over the years actually happen when the event has ended,
and students are waiting outside for rides. Rec. Night ends at 9:30 p.m., so please pick up your student at
that time.
If you send a check to cover the entry fee, please make the check out to “Janesville Leisure Services.”
Rec. Night Ticket Price: $7.00
Leisure Services
Franklin Scoopie Night
Wednesday, April 15, 2015 (4-8 p.m.)
At Culver’s on W. Court St.
If you would like to volunteer your
services during this event, please
Contact Julie Edwardson at 608-449-4136.
Box tops, box tops, box tops! We have collected nearly 10,000 so far this
year and our goal is 15,000! Keep collecting them over the summer as we will be rewarding
students, who bring the most, once again in August. We will also have one last turn-in date in June for
some prizes as well!
Franklin is registered with Swiss Valley/Prairie Farms and Kwik Trip in
their fundraising programs. We receive five cents for each milk cap or
UPC from specially marked dairy products. The students have raised
over $200.00 this year. Please have your child turn in milk caps or UPC’s
to advisors or Mrs. Jordan by June 8. Please continue collecting over the
Family Newsletter
Page 6
Musical Messages
from the
Franklin Middle School
Music Department
Mrs. Tara Maenner (Choir) ....................................................... 743-6141
Mr. Robert Moushey (Band) ..................................................... 743-6142
Mr. Seth Matuszak (Orchestra) ................................................. 743-6143
All City Strings Concert - Thursday, April 16, 2015, 7:00 pm, Craig High School Gymnasium
8th Grade Orchestra - Great America High Notes Festival, Friday, May 8, 2015
Spring Concert - Friday, June 5, 2015, 7:00 pm
Show Choir Tour - Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Great America Festival - Friday, May 8, 2015
Spring Concerts - Thursday, June 4, 2015
6th Grade - 6:00 p.m.
7th Grade - 7:00 p.m.
8th Grade - 8:00 p.m.
(Show Choir / Choir Fundraiser Pick up - 5-9:00 pm in the cafeteria)
Spring Band Concert - Tuesday, June, 2, 2015 - 6:00 p.m. (Franklin Gymnasium)
“Music is the electrical soul in which the spirit lives, thinks, and invents.
-Ludwig van Beethoven
Music performances are a required part of the state’s
performance standard curriculum. Should an emergency arise
and your student can not attend their performance, parents
please contact your student’s music teacher for an alternative
Franklin Middle School’s show choir will be hosting
Cabaret Night on April 30, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. This will spotlight our Franklin Show Choir performers as a full group ensemble, as well as showcasing soloists and small groups. This
event will take place in the cafeteria. We are asking for volunteers to prepare baked goods for this night of entertainment.
Please contact me if you are interested in helping.
-Mrs. Tara Maenner
Family Newsletter
Page 7
The School District of Janesville
Welcomes you to Summer School 2015!
We hope you will take advantage of the programs available at the district’s elementary, middle, or
high school levels. Our registration/enrollment process this year will be completed in two steps.
Step One: Complete a registration in our Summer School Registration System. Registration can be
completed beginning at 9:00 am on March 21, 2105, by logging onto our website
http://www.registrationcenter.net/janesville/summer/. Parents must complete the registration
process to enroll students into courses.
Step Two: Enroll your student into courses. Enrollment will begin at 9:00 am on April 11th. If you
have not completed STEP ONE, you will not be able to enroll your student into courses. Please
note: You may complete both the registration and course selection at the same time beginning
April 11th; however, it is advised to complete the registration step prior to the April 11th enrollment
Enrollment into courses is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Students are enrolled into courses according to their fall 2015 grade level. For example, a student completing 3rd grade will enroll in 4th grade
summer school courses and is not eligible for 3rd grade courses.
¡El Distrito Escolar De Janesville le da
la bienvenida a la Escuela de Verano de 2015!
Esperamos que usted aprovechará los programas disponibles en la escuela primaria, secundaria y preparatoria del distrito. Este año, nuestro proceso de registro/inscripción se completará en dos pasos.
PASO UNO: Complete el registro en nuestro Sistema de Inscripciones a la Escuela de Verano. El registro
puede completarse a partir de las 9 a.m. del 21 de marzo de 2015, ingresando a nuestro sitio web,
http://www.registrationcenter.net/janesville/summer/. Los padres deben completar el proceso de registro
para poder inscribir a los estudiantes en los cursos. Favor de ver la página 5 para más instrucciones.
PASO DOS: Inscriba a su estudiante en los cursos.
Las inscripciones comenzarán a las 9 a.m. del 11 de abril. Si usted no ha completado el PASO UNO, no podrá
inscribir a su estudiante en los cursos. Por favor note: Usted puede completar tanto el registro como la inscripción a los cursos al mismo tiempo a partir del 11 de abril, no obstante, se recomienda que complete el
paso del registro antes de la fecha de inscripciones del 11 de abril.
La inscripción a los cursos es en el orden que se realiza la misma. Los estudiantes se inscriben en los cursos correspondientes al grado que entrarán en el otoño de 2015. Por ejemplo, un estudiante que terminó el 3er grado se
inscribirá en los cursos para el 4° grado de la Escuela de Verano y no es elegible para los cursos del 3 er grado.
Family Newsletter
Page 8
Franklin Summer School 2015 will be in session beginning on Monday, June 15th
and run through Friday, July 10th. Classes will run from 8:00-11:30 each morning. Summer School
will not be in session on July 3rd. Any students entering grades 6, 7, or 8 may enroll and benefit
from attending summer school. However, Franklin teachers will also be contacting parents of students that are highly recommended to attend. Incoming 7th and 8th graders will receive instruction
and enrichment course work in communication arts, math, and science or social studies. A separate
program will also be offered to incoming Franklin 6th graders called Franklin's 6th Grade Academy. Sixth grade students will be able to explore STEM (Science, Technology Education, and
Mathematics) and Engineering principles, develop life-long fitness regiments, and explore interactive technology supported academic, which will develop the skills they need to be successful at
Franklin in the years to come. Parents may register their children for Summer School on the district
web site under “For Parents” (see page 7 of this newsletter for more information). Please contact
Mr. David Harrison, Franklin Summer School Head Teacher, at 608-743-6066 with any questions.
Stolen Property
Dr. Urness, Mr. Berg, and Officer Punzel
Students are leaving their lockers unlocked which may lead to stolen property especially during, before, and after school activities. Please remind your student
to keep their hall and gym lockers locked at all times to avoid this issue. If your
student has lost their PE lock, a replacement lock must be purchased for $8.00.
Thank you.
Please Keep Your Lockers Locked!
The 2015-16 School Supply List will be
available June 19, 2015 on the Franklin
Franklin Breakfast
The are a number of Franklin students that take advantage of the free breakfast program here at Franklin. We would like to encourage more students to
come and enjoy breakfast on a daily basis. Breakfast is FREE to all students.
Menus are available in the cafeteria for students to take home. Please join us for
Serving Time 7:30 a.m. (eat in cafeteria) / 7:45 a.m. (take and eat in advisory)
Family Newsletter
Page 9
This past March, Mrs. Maenner took all Student Council Officers, Representatives and Alternates to visit
our State's Capitol building in Madison. The students were taken on a very informative tour where they got to see
the outstanding architecture and hear about the history of the building itself. They also got to see where all of the
decision-making happens from the House of Representatives, to the Senate and even sat in the Governor's outer
office. Later they met and talked with Representative Deb Kolste and Senator Janice Ringhand. The students had
great questions for them, and were a shining example of excellence at Franklin. Representative Kolste will be hand
delivering a picture taken with the student council to Franklin in the near future.
Students from left to right: Hannah Brunner (VP), Hunter Olson
(T), Logan Nyborg (R), Claudia Fieiras (R), Becca Frank (R),
Bella Ochs (A), Gracie Schoen (VP), Angel Salzwedel (R),
Olivia Greve (R), Cullen Peterson (S), Makenzie Keith (A), and
Kylie Wille (R)
Senator Ringhand
Representative Kolste
The following 6A students were recognized as Students of the Month:
Hannah Aegerter, Amareion Altamirano, Sydney Arneson, Lexis Barlass, Rylee Bierman, Laura Camious Cattino, Zeiri Cante, Khyla Cartwright, Autumn Casarez, Alyson Christianson, Daniel Deltgen, Will Denman, Emily
Diaz, Tyler Falk, Corbin Griffin, Kali Howard, Aubriauna Hughes, Mackenzie Jacobsen, Nadia Jaramillo Delao,
Kayleigh Koenig, Jesus Leon, Kobe Madsen, Makayla Nimmo, Logan Nyborg, Bella Ochs, Emma Perry, Hannah
Ragan, Carter Raymond, Claudia Rieiras, Lindsey Roeschli, Christian Schoville, Aidan Schuh, Kykia Streeter,
Marijayn Taormino, Devri Turner
The following 6B students were recognized as Fantastic Falcons;
Salvado Acosta, Lialiana Beall-Cruz, Lucas Bollig, Katelyn Bradley, Carson Burdick, Hunter Burkhamer,
Mackenzie Carlson, Kailey Dobbs, Jamea Everson, Cesar Felipe, Nick Galvan, Julia Hayes, Alexys Luek, Macy
Matijevich, Hailey Miller, Alexsa Prom, Payton Sameuchay, Kailee Sitter
Lunch Account Information
A reminder to parents with children in the Middle and High Schools:
Parents may place spending limits on their student’s spending in the school cafeteria. Possibilities
could include:
Limiting the spending to full meals only (no a la carte).
Limiting the a la carte spending to a specific amount.
Limiting the entire day’s spending to a specific dollar amount (both full meal and a la carte combined).
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Cindy Tiffany, Secretary to the Manager of Food Service at 608-743-5132.
Family Newsletter
The following students and staff members are recipients
of either a positive contact or a Fantastic Falcon postcard
from January 16, through March 27, 2015
6th Grade: Andres Adame, Hannah Aegerter, Amareion Altamirano, Sydney Arneson, Dylan Asleson,
Lexis Barlass, Rylee Bierman, Tonya Booth, Carson Burdick, Hunter Burkhammer, Zoe Buster,Laura Camiou
Cattino, Zeiri Cante, Raelynn Cardona, Aden Carlson, Khyla Cartwright, Autumn Casarez, Nathan Chamley,
Alyson Christianson, Trevion Church, Ryan Cleaver, Rayven Davidson, Angel De Dios-Bautista, Will Denman,
Emily Diaz, Faith Dickman, Kailey Dobbs, Raelynn Dock, Jordan Dooley-Winchel, Alez Drozdowicz,Chase
Edwardson, Cayden Erickson, Tyler Falk, Claudia Fieiras, Rebecca Frank, Cole Gapski, Alejandra Garcia, Daniel
Graham, Zach Gray, Corbin Griffin, Camren Grube, Aleaha Hagen, Mason Hammett, Lexi Hanson, Mira Harris,
Owen Henry, Brian Hill, Ian Horton, Kali Howard, Aubriauna Hughes, Mackenzie Jacobsen, Nadia Jaramillo
DeLao, Dylan King, Cloey Knight, Morgan Knilans, Kayleigh Koenig, Jacob Law, Megan Lemoine, Sarah Lemoine,
Jesus Leon, Stacey Lindsey, Alexys Luek, Kobe Madsen, Briann Malmquist-Duncan, Gavin Mansfield, Tupu
Moronez, Rashaan Mukes, Makayla Nimmo, Logan Nyborg, Bella Ochs, Melina Palavox, Emma Perry, Brock
Petersen, Jahmarius Pinson, Shiyann Potts, Hannah Ragan, Carter Raymond, Lindsey Rosechli, Angel Salzwedel,
Braxton Schneeberg, Abby Schoff, Christian Schoville, Aidan Schuh, Abreanna Schuhmacher, Gabe Schultz,
Montana Sellers, Madyson Shelton, Kailee Sitter, Audrey Smiley, Logan Smith, Nathan Sowatski, Xander
Sowatski, Nathan Spade, Dezirea Stone-Reid, Mykia Streeter, Eliana Stuckey, Marijayn Taormino, Emily Taylor,
Kahler Thiele, Hailey Thomas, Devri Turner, Caleb Van Fleet, Sheyla Vazquez Venegas, Nick Velasco, Brody
Walker, Quintarra Wallace, Brandon Walser, Bernard Warren, Jasmine Wentworth, Kylie Wille, Grace Williams,
Anah Woodham
7th Grade: Fernando Adame, Michael Anderson, Jordan Andrade, Juli Armas-Purdy, LeAnn Baker, Trevin
Banker, Kristen Barry-Yuhas, Katrina Beasley, Paris Bond, Bailey Bremel, Natalie Brown, Sam Cartwright, Alex
Clark, Edward Cobb, Meovonte Cooper, Carlie Curtis, Riann Devalk, Jazmine Dewey, Kristin Dravus, Emma
Draxler, John Dunn, Amanda Eaton, Axel Flores, Megan Galster, Megan Garvoille, Amarye Gates, Trevor Gehri,
Cecilia Greenwood, Morgan Hafertepe, Tye Hamilton, Max Hanson, Savannah Harvey, Icesis Jarrett, Greta
Klukas, Haleigh Komprood, Lexi Krambeer, Dylan Kuhl, Marissa Lambert, Tavon Landgraf, Abisai Leon-Morales,
Steven Lindsey, Eden Lyle, Carlos Majia, Zac Milner, Madi Milz, Cythlaly Miranda, Destiny Miranda, Dayshauna
Mitchell, McKenzie Mohr, Taylor Morgan, Kiara Morten, Tylor Nelson, Edward Oeun, Baleigh Pajerski, Damon
Parker, Charley Prentice, Brianna Raiche, Carlisa Riley, Alexis Robledo, Devin Rowan, Carter Schneider, Parker
Schneider, Zach Schoville, Kyle Severance, Devon Shetler, Ben Skaleski, Aurora Strommen, Chloe Swanson,
Kiley Thiele, Joe Thomas, Evan Tiffany, Maria Torres, Guadalupe Trejo, Tabby Troemel, Brandon Turner, Jake
Turner, Jamari Tyler, Chris Valley, Jack Valley, Alex Weis, Carson Wolter, Ryan Zimmerman
8th Grade: Tyson Anderson, Elena Apfel, Delanie Arend, Edwin Ayala, Marcus Bollig, John Bowers, Hannah
Brunner, Ricky Bustos, Symmaji Carter, Lexy Cervante, Aubrey Clough, Dustin Conquist, Meovouci Cooper,
Noah Davis, Charlie DeGarmo, Lucas DeGarmo, Elliot Diaz, Ethan Eells, Kyra Ennocenti, Jake Fieiras, Lauren
Flynn, Bailee Forrestal, Ericks Fox, Isabel Galvan, Jessi Garvin, Toby Garvoille, Ashley Gerarden, Nic Graffin,
Taylor Grams, Lilian Grant, Austin Groebner, Kason Grover, Jameson Heyel, Claire Hintze, Jenna Horn, Jason
Jimenez, Hayden Kedrowski, McKenna Kellogg, Tyler Kjell, Melissa Kjenner, Vincent LaBarbera, Caden Leja
Robinson, Tony Leon-Lopez, Brody Lippens, Raul Lopez, Noah Loui, Jorie Maasz, Deja Marzette, Darby McGlynn,
Cole McQuillen, Peyton Meyer, Isack Monday, Chelsea Naber, Nolan Nyborg, Hunter Olson, Parker Olson, Von
Olson, Brandon Paul, Jake Peterson, Katelyn Posey, Makiyah Rainey, Jamee Ries, Alyssa Rodriguez, Norma
Rodriguez, Vega Russell, Addison Schuh, Jade Schulz, Jenn Skoien, Gen Sowatzke, Jordan Springbrum, Korbyn
Squires, Josh Stratton, Makayla Strunz, Dylan Sullivan, Sophie Teubert, Miles Thomas, Kyle Thrasher, Madie
Timm, Vanessa Torres, Jordan Utterberg, Kendyl Van Kirk, Kylie Wentworth, Brandon West
Staff: Mr. Adler, Mr. Berg, Ms. Brown, Ms. Clark, Mr. Dobson, Mr. Dulin, Mr. Erickson, Mrs. Frank, Mr. Gardner,
Mr. Gremminger, Mr. Gulley, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Hibbs, Mrs. Hovland, Mrs. Iler, Mrs. Jordan, Mrs. Knilans, Mrs.
Knutson, Mrs. Krausse, Ms. Laveau, Mrs. Leckey, Mr. Lindau, Mr. Long, Mrs. Maenner, Mrs. Mauel, Mrs. McBride,
Ms. Measner, Mrs. Mock, Mrs. Mosley, Ms. Moss, Mr. Moushey, Mrs. Murray, Mr. Pajerski, Mrs. Raymond, Mrs.
Ryder, Mrs. Savage,
Page 10
Family Newsletter
Page 11
What Makes a TAG Student?
You may be wondering, “Is my student a TAG student?” High test scores and
classroom performance are key components in identifying a student as Talented
and Gifted (TAG). When looking to identify a student as TAG, advocates look, over
several years, for consistently high scores among a variety of standardized tests sample size is important when looking at test results. TAG Advocates will then
speak with teachers to determine if a student has other qualities that make them a
TAG student, such as knowledge far above grade-level peers, depth of knowledge
in a subject, and the ability to learn new concepts after minimal practice. Even if a
students does not qualify as TAG, they still are able to participate in a wide variety
of classroom and extra-curricular activities to extend their learning and challenge
their mind. Please contact Mr. Gremminger (6th grade), Mrs. Murray (7th grade),
or Mrs. Mauel (8th grade) with questions regarding the TAG program.
Title 1 News
Franklin Middle School is a schoolwide Title 1 School. What does tha mean for
your child? It means access to highly qualified teachers including a Title 1 teacher
to support students in reading and math. Title 1 services can include, but are not
limited to, extra support in the math and reading classrooms, small group instruction, and targeted interventions. Here at Franklin our Title 1 teacher is shared with
Edison Middle School. Mrs. Steele is available at Franklin in the mornings. Her
contact information is [email protected] or 608-743-6075 if you have any
questions. You can also check out Mrs. Steele's Title 1 Website: https://
Being a Title 1 school also increases funding for teacher professional development, technology upgrades, family nights, and other resources for students, staff,
and parents.
Titulo 1 Noticias
Franklin Middle School es una escuela Título 1 Escuela. ¿Qué significa Tha
para su hijo? Significa acceso a maestros altamente calificados, incluyendo un
maestro de Título 1 para apoyar a los estudiantes en lectura y matemáticas. Título 1
servicios pueden incluir, pero no están limitados a, el apoyo adicional en las aulas
de matemáticas y lectura, instrucción en grupos pequeños, e intervenciones específicas. Aquí en nuestra Franklin Título 1 profesor se comparte con Edison Middle School. Sra. Steele está disponible en Franklin en las mañanas. Su información
de contacto es [email protected] o 608-743-6075 si tiene alguna
pregunta. También puede comprobar fuera de la señora Steele Título 1 Página
web: https://sites.google.com/a/janesville.k12.wi.us/mrs-steele-s-title-1-site/
Al ser una escuela de Título 1 también aumenta los fondos para el desarrollo
profesional de los maestros, actualizaciones tecnológicas, noches de familia, y
otros recursos para los estudiantes, personal y padres de familia.
Franklin Middle School
Calendar Information
For a full calendar and school information
please visit our website:
3rd Quarter Report Card Distribution ...................................................... Friday, April 10, 2015
PTSA Meeting (5:30 pm) ........................................................................ Monday, April 13, 2015
Scoopie Night (4:00 - 8:00 pm) ........................................................ Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Orchestra - All City Strings (7:00 pm - Craig High School) ................... Thursday, April 16, 2015
Rec Night (7:00 - 9:30 pm) ........................................................................ Friday, April 17, 2015
Show Choir Tour .............................................................................. Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Cabaret Night (7:00 pm) ................................................................................ Thursday, April 30
7th Grade Field Trip to BTC (8:45 - 10:30 am) ......................................... Tuesday, May 5, 2015
8th Grade Orchestra High Notes Festival (7:00 am - 8:30 pm) ................... Friday, May 8, 2015
Show Choir Festival (8:00 am - 8:00 pm)..................................................... Friday, May 8, 2015
PTSA Meeting (5:30 pm) ........................................................................ Monday, May 11, 2015
Rec Night (7:00 - 9:30 pm) ......................................................................... Friday, May 15, 2015
Inclement Weather Make-Up Day............................................................. Friday, May 22, 2015
Career Cruising Day ................................................................................... Friday, May 22, 2015
Memorial Day (NO SCHOOL) ................................................................. Monday, May 25, 2015
8th Grade Brewer Field Trip ............................................................. Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Spring Band Concert (6:30 pm) ............................................................... Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Spring Choir Concerts (6th 6:00 pm; 7th 7:00 pm; 8th 8:00 pm) ...........Thursday, June 4, 2015
Choir Fundraiser Pick-Up (3:30 - 9:00 pm) .............................................Thursday, June 4, 2015
Spring Orchestra Concert (7:00 pm) ............................................................Friday, June 5, 2015
PTSA Meeting (5:30 pm) .......................................................................... Monday, June 8, 2015
Last Day of School for Students ............................................................Thursday, June 11, 2015
Last Work Day for Teachers .......................................................................Friday, June 12, 2015
Summer School Starts............................................................................ Monday, June 15, 2015
Quarter 4 Report Cards Mailed Home.......................................................Friday, June 19, 2015
No Summer School ....................................................................................... Friday, July 3, 2015
Last Day of Summer School ........................................................................ Friday, July 10, 2015
Franklin Middle School...Keeping You Informed
Design &
Mr. Charles Urness
743-6005 or [email protected]
Mrs. Laurie Knutson 743-6006
For questions or concerns, please call Franklin Middle School at 743-6005.
Have an