Fremantle Catholic Community Parish Office located within the Parish Centre at the rear of the Basilica Postal Address: 47 Adelaide St, Fremantle WA 6160 Phone: (08) 93352268 Fax: (08) 9430 6076 Email: [email protected]; Webmail: Parish Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm Weekday and Weekend Masses 7.00am Convent Mass Monday to Friday except public holidays 12.10pm Mass Monday to Saturday; 7.00pm Evening Mass Wednesday and Friday 6.00pm Saturday Vigil Mass; Sunday Masses 7.00am, 8.30am, 9.45am (In Italian), 11.00am and 5.00pm St Anne’s North Fremantle Sunday Mass 8.15am; first Sunday of the month 12.15pm Polish Mass Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 9.30am-10.30am; 11.00am-12.00noon and 4.30pm-5.30pm BAPTISM AND WEDDING ENQUIRIES CONTACT THE PARISH OFFICE DURING OFFICE HOURS FROM THE PARISH PRIEST - Fr Tony Maher omi After Jesus declared: “I am the vine, you are the branches,” he applied the image of life: “Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me. Without me you can do nothing.” Mass Intentions and Feast Days Sat 2 May 12.10pm 6pm Josip Brozicevich (dec’d) Sun 3 May Fifth Sunday of Easter 7am Richard Williams (dec’d) 8.15am N/Ftle Antonio & Marianna Di Re (dec’d) 8.30am For the People 11am Holy Souls in Purgatory Every Sunday we come to Mass to intensify your union with Christ, We pray for God’s mercy and ask that our sins be forgiven. We undergo a kind of pruning process. Then we partake of the body and the blood of the Lord, the nourishment which is necessary to keep vibrant and growing with us the life which comes from Christ, the Vine. 5pm Maria Cinalli (dec’d) Christ extends himself in space and time through the members of his Church as a vine reaches outward by means of its branches. The purpose of the vine is to produce fruit, but grapes come forth from the vine through its branches. What is the fruit which Jesus wishes to produce through us? 12.10pm Mon 4 May 12.10pm Christina Omodei (dec’d) Holy Souls in Purgatory Tues 5 May 12.10pm Famiglia Fiore (dec’d) Wed 6 May Libera Gizzarone (dec’d) 7pm Thurs 7 May 12.10pm Laura De Caires (int) Fri 8 May 12.10pm Muriel Reid (dec’d) Pray for Jose De Abreu (dec’d) 7pm PARISH NEWS Nepal Earthquake Appeal Our prayers and thoughts are with the communities in Nepal, and neighbouring countries, devastated by a 7.9 magnitude earthquake on 25 April 2015. Caritas Australia staff are currently on the ground working with local partners to respond to immediate needs. We urgently need your help to provide food, shelter and clean water and to support the long-term recovery. Donate today Appeal envelopes available in the side foyers of the Church and a leaving collection will also be taken up this weekend after all Masses. The Planned Giving Program The planned giving program is an important part of the Parish as it allows us to maintain all aspects of the Basilica, Presbytery and Parish Administration Centre. In order to keep the Parish viable we must maintain a target of 95% and above each week. This week’s giving was 55% of the target. Sat 9 May 12.10pm Deborah & Gerard Dinan (int) 6pm Prayer for Nepal Loving God, we pray for all those affected by the earthquake in Nepal as we offer the words of the psalmist, “Be strong and take heart, all who hope in the Lord” May those who are paralysed by fear...... Be strong and take heart May those who have lost or are still searching for loved ones....... Be strong and take heart May those rescue workers who provide relief and recovery....... Right to Life Annual Raffle Tickets available before and after all Mass this weekend. Please be supportive of this event. May those who are moved with compassion to help..... The Record Copies of the eRecord are available in the side foyers. Panorama, what’s happening around the Archdiocese, will be posted on the noticeboards in the Church when available. Be strong and take heart God, whose love knows no bounds, fill all those who suffer with your comfort and peace. Be strong and take heart We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen ORGANIST & DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Dominic Perissinotto Cantor 6:00pm: Kate Oliver / Annaliese Eames (organ) 8:30am: Jacqui Keogh; 11:00am: The Basilica Choir 5:00pm: Claudia Sosin / Annaliese Eames (organ) Processional CWB 695 Penitential Rite Christopher Wilcocks – Missa Magis: 8/65; 11:00am: William Byrd – Mass for Three Voices Glory to God Christopher Wilcocks – Missa Magis: 8/66; 11:00am: William Byrd – Mass for Three Voices Responsorial Psalm CWB 306; Gospel Acclamation CWB 556 Offertory 6:00pm: Fredric Weatherly arr Stephen Adams – The Holy City; 11:00am: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina – Sicut Cervus; 5:00pm: George Fredrich Handel – Where ere you Walk Holy Holy Christopher Wilcocks – Missa Magis: 8/70 Eucharistic Acclamation Christopher Wilcocks – Missa Magis Acc 2: 8/71 Amen Christopher Wilcocks – Missa Magis: 8/71; Our Father CWB 524/525 Lamb of God Christopher Wilcocks – Missa Magis: 8/72; 11:00am: William Byrd – Mass for Three Voices Communion 6:00pm: Johann Sebastian Bach – “Mein gläubiges Herze” from Cantata No 68 Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt BWV 68; 11:00am: R Vaughan Williams – O how amiable; 5:00pm: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – “Laudate Dominum” from Vesperae solennes de confessore, K339 Communion Reflection CWB 753; Recessional CWB 688 Organ Postlude 6:00pm & 5:00pm: Johann Sebastian Bach – Erschienen ist der herrliche Tag BWV 629 8:30am & 11:00am: Felix Mendelssohn – “Fugue: Allegro moderato” from Organ Sonata No 2 in C Op 65 St Patrick’s Primary School Enrolments St Patrick’s Primary School is currently accepting enrolments for 3 Year Old Pre Kindergarten and 4 Year Old Kindergarten for 2016. If you have a child that was born between 1st July 2012 and 30th June 2013 they will be eligible to attend 3 Year Old Pre Kindergarten next year, once they have turned 3 years of age. Pre Kindergarten at St Patrick’s runs on Thursdays and Fridays, with a choice of enrolment for half days or full days. If your child was born between 1st July 2011 and 30th June 2012 they are eligible for the 4 Year Old Kindergarten programme next year, which runs from Monday to Wednesday (full days). For more information, please call the school on 9335 5215. Anyone Can Sing! Singing lessons now available with local opera singer Eva-Marie Middleton BMA BMus(Hons) Learn classical techniques to release your voice Gain a better understanding of music theory Specialising in mature students of all levels Call 0408 902 273 A DIFFERENT DRUM HOLISTIC HEALTH CLINIC Shop 6, Johnson Court, 23 Adelaide St, Fremantle Contact: Maree Graham 94335778 or 0414630341 *Massage *Relaxation & Meditation *Counseling/Spiritual Direction *Retreats in Daily Living Children’s Liturgy Children’s Liturgy is in recess during the school holidays and will return on Sunday 3 May at the 8.30am Mass All Welcome ************ St Patrick’s Morning Tea Next cuppa for 2015 will be on Sunday 3 May, 2015 after the 8.30am Mass SENIORS LUNCHES LUNCH RETURNS ON MONDAY 4 MAY MONDAY 11 MAY MONDAY 18 MAY Our Lady of Fatima Novena in honour of Our Lady of Fatima com- BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL mences on Monday 4 May with Rosary at 6.15pm THROUGH THE PARISH OFfollowed by 7pm Mass. Timetables available side FICE. foyers of Church. Thought of the Week: Wednesday 13 May, Mass commences at 7pm in the Basilica, followed by night procession If you would make a person through the streets of Fremantle and then re- happy, do not add to their turn to Basilica for prayer and Benediction. possessions, but subtract the sum of their desires. ALL WELCOME
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