the cheyenne roundup - Friendship Force of Cheyenne

April 2015
Member Meeting — April 13th.— Lillian Zuniga,
Health Disparities in Wyoming
Outgoing Exchange — Harrisburg, May 13-20, 2015.
Northern Colorado/Cheyenne Picnic—August 23, 2015 (see page 3).
World Conference in Vancouver, BC Canada— August 29-31, 2015.
Incoming from Harrisburg — September 16-23, 2015.
Incoming Exchange —Peaks to Plains, Sept. 9 - 12, 2016.
Outgoing Exchange — Penticton-Okanagan, BC. (TBD - 2016).
Good Stuff Inside
Pot Luck Dinner
General Membership Meetings
President’s Message
Officers & Announcements
Casey's Club
507 West 28th Street
Meeting Minutes
Special Days
Treasurer’s Report
New Member Info
Photo Pages
April Speaker & Program
New Member Info
Door Prize
Peak to Plains Exchange
Who do you know?
at 6 PM
unless otherwise published.
Please use west parking lot.
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The Cheyenne ROUNDUP
John’s Jottings
What a great evening we had with our international food
and two foreign students at our March World Friendship
dinner. It is great to see the future is in good hands.
Not much new going on this month so I will share a few save the dates with
April 7 Harrisburg incoming planning meeting 3PM followed by board meeting at 4:30PM at Casey's Club
May 13-20 Harrisburg outgoing exchange there is still room
August 23 noon-3 Joint picnic with FFNC LOCATION: North Lake Park in
Loveland Shelter House #3 (nearest Lake Loveland)
September 16-23 Incoming exchange with Harrisburg, PA
I will be enjoying the cherry blossoms in DC April 13 so John Lee will be running the meeting. Enjoy the speaker that Barbara is bringing in.
In Friendship,
Please join us Monday at our new meeting location,
Casey's Club — 507 West 28th Street
April 13th — 6PM.
The Cheyenne ROUNDUP
April 2015
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John Kaiser
[email protected]
Tim Bolin
[email protected]
Bev Swistowicz
[email protected]
John Lee
[email protected]
Committee Chairpersons
Donna Logan
[email protected]
Ingrid & Rod Larson
[email protected]
Barbara Guilford [email protected]
Tony Adams
[email protected]
David Larsen
[email protected]
Barbara Guilford [email protected]
Members responsible for.....
Directory /
Judy Eatmon
[email protected]
Logo Renewal
John Kaiser
[email protected]
Joint Picnic with Northern Colorado
Date: August 23, 2015
Time: Noon to 3 p.m.
Location: North Lake Park, Loveland, Colorado, Shelter House #3
Food: This is a potluck
In addition to our individual dishes, FF of Northern Colorado is also providing
chicken, drinks and paper goods.
FF Napier, New Zealand will be hosted by FFNC that week, so they will
participate also.
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The Cheyenne ROUNDUP
Meeting Minutes: March 9, 2015
Twenty four members plus two guests gathered at Casey’s Club for our monthly potluck
dinner and meeting. John Kaiser introduced our 2 guests, Kazuko Tome, from Okinawa, Japan and Edrissa (Eddie) Mendy, from Gambia, West Africa. Both are exchange students at LCCC. Kazuko is the Cheyenne Friendship Force scholarship recipient. Many potluck dishes had an international flare which made the choices even better than usual.
The program began at 6:45pm. Barbara Guilford thanked Marilyn Pettit for the
international table decorations, then introduced our guest speakers.
Edrissa was the first speaker. He told us he goes by Eddie in the US. He explained
that Gambia is a small country of 1.5 million people. But it is a poor country, not having many of the options available in the US. He speaks 6 languages. His country was
colonized by first by the Portuguese, then British. But neighboring countries were settled by the French. He quit the university to help with his father who had a stroke. He
explained that adults, especially parents, are revered in his country. Helping his father
changed his career choice and he came to the United States to study Physical Therapy.
He started in New York, then Nebraska, and finally Cheyenne. His father died just
when he was moving to Cheyenne. He talked about the difficulty of dealing with his father’s death, far away from home, knowing no one. But he is very grateful for the various scholarships available to him and other international students. They are not eligible for many of the financial assistance available to American students. He is a soccer
player and will graduate from LCCC this spring. He ultimately wants to return to his
country to help the citizens there.
Kazuko was the second speaker. She always wanted to come to the US but was initially frightened to come alone. So she attended a community college in Tokyo with her
sister, then she worked for a year in Okinawa. Both of her parents are educators. Her
father is a principal and her mother teaches special education. She did finally come to
the US. She met her boyfriend in Okinawa and he is now stationed in Warren Air Force
Base. She plans on attending UNC in Greeley when she finishes LCCC. She wants to
teach in the US for a period of time, and then return to Okinawa to teach.
Members had questions for both students. The students were thanked for their presentations, then presented with Frontier Day Contestant Numbers.
The Cheyenne ROUNDUP
April 2015
Page 5
The business meeting began with a discussion of the Friendship Force Scholarship
fund. John explained that the state matches what the club donates. It was moved by
Jim Webber and seconded by Barb Guilford to pay the balance on the scholarship
pledge. It passed unanimously. Next year, the scholarship will be $296. There was discussion about rounding that to $300.
There are still openings for the outgoing exchange to Harrisburg, PA May 13, 2015.
Only 4 Cheyenne members are going at this time due other conflicts in May. The trip
has been opened up to other clubs. The Harrisburg club will be coming to Cheyenne
Sept 16-23, 2015. John is the ED. He asked for volunteers for a planning group. Volunteers were Barb Guilford, Jim Webber, and Beverly Swistowicz. A sign up sheet
was passed around to identify hosts for this visit. There are approximately 24 people
John Lee told the group that last month’s speaker, Larry Claypool, donated a laptop to the club for AV presentations. Another thank you note will be sent for this generous gift. Barb Guilford has already sent a thank you note for his presentation.
John reminded the group that the $200 annual fee for the use of Casey’s Club was
due. This is the same about that was paid to the Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church for use of
their facility. The treasurer will pay that.
John stated the next board meeting was Tuesday, April 7 at Casey at 4:14pm.
Bob Eatmon was not here when his name was drawn for the door prize, so the door
prize for April will be $40.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm
Respectfully submitted,
Beverly Swistowicz
April Birthdays
10th – Jim Webber
23rd – Robert Eatmon
13th – Tony Adams
25th – Jan Udell
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The Cheyenne ROUNDUP
April 1, 2015
Balance in checking account as of: January 1, 2105
Interest earned
Deposit of dues
Ck#1643 Secretary of State for Annual Report
Ck#1644 LCCC Foundation donation to Paul Kaiser Scholarship
Ck#1645 John Lee reimburse for annual dues paid by charge card to Int.
Ck31646 Friday Food Bag donation ( from Spokane FFI)
Ck#1647 Donna Mae Logan for stamps, postcards & gift certificate.
Ck#1648 LCCC Foundation FFI scholarship annual donation
Ck#1649 K of C Building Corp for meeting room rental
Ck#1650 John Kaiser, delegate world conference registration
Bruni Naylor Memorial Fund
Regional Conference Fund
(To be held for future Conference)
NOTE: the Bruni Naylor Memorial fund and the Regional conference Fund are included in the
Checkbook Balance
Respectfully submitted,
John P. Lee
April 2015
The Cheyenne ROUNDUP
Page 7
Eddie Menley, Gambia, West Africa, John Kaiser and
Kazuo Tome, Okinawa.
Exchange students from LCCC were our guest speakers for March.
Kazuo Tome and Eddie Menley talking with
Carolyn Webber and John Lee.
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The Cheyenne ROUNDUP
Cheyenne members meet in Gold Canyon AZ
Judy Greenburg, Jan Larsen, David Larsen, Terry Udell and Jan Udell
at the Superstition Skies Restaurant in Apache Junction, AZ.
David Larsen, Carolyn and Jim Webber visiting with Jan and
Terry Udell in Gold Canyon AZ.
April 2015
The Cheyenne ROUNDUP
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April Program Health Disparities in Wyoming
Lillian Zuniga is the Program Manager,
for the State’s Office of Multicultural
Health, within the Public Health Division
at the Wyoming Department of Health.
Ms. Zuniga received her Bachelor’s degree from
the University of Wyoming in Child and Family
Studies. She has headed up the Office of Multicultural Health for 5+ years. Her work aims at
ensuring Wyoming’s racial and ethnic residents
receive the same quality of healthcare as the
general population. She advocates for policies, programs, and services that improve access while taking into consideration the social determinates of health,
health disparities, and equity. The mission of the Office of Multicultural health
is to minimize health disparities among underserved populations in the state
through networking, partnerships, education, collaboration, and advocacy;
and to promote culturally competent programs aimed at improving health equity. The mission suggests a lot of work is yet to be done and Ms. Zuniga is
passionate about taking steps towards the goals espoused. Ms. Zuniga serves
on the Region VIII Health Equity Council (RHEC), is a board member of the
National Association of State Offices of Minority Health (NASOMH) and
serves on several state and local advisory committees. She maintains a website
and office hours so that anyone struggling with programmatic cultural competency training or with the understanding and application of CLAS standards,
among others issues, can reach out to her office for resources.
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The Cheyenne ROUNDUP
The Friendship Force of Cheyenne
New Member Info
Contact our membership chair for more information:
Donna Logan, 253 Abby Rd. Cheyenne, WY, 82007
E-mail: [email protected] * Cell: 307-221-2098.
Dues are very affordable: Individual $30 or Family $50
The application form for joining the Friendship Force of Cheyenne
(or renewing your membership)
is on our website:
The Cheyenne ROUNDUP
April 2015
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Friendship Force International
Exchanges and everything else:
Door Prizes for 2015
March’s drawing was for a $30 gift card. Since the member who's
number was drawn was not present, that door prize will be carried over to
April and have another $10 added to it.
The April door prize will be for $40! Must be present!
Plenty of space for visitors & new members. Come to our meeting.
April 13th at Casey’s Club
(see page 1)
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The Cheyenne ROUNDUP
Peaks to Plains Global Exchange
(Rocky Mountain Area)
.. SAVE THE DATES Cheyenne—September 9-12, 2016
Denver, three other Colorado clubs and the Cheyenne club are sponsoring
a Global Exchange for ambassadors worldwide. Each of the Front Range
clubs will host the ambassadors for 3 days, and then they will travel to
Grand Junction.
The schedule is:
1. Arrival and travel to Cheyenne — Sept. 9 - 12
2. Transfer to Northern Colorado — Sept 12 - 15
3. Transfer to Denver — September 15 - 18
4. Transfer to Pikes Peak — September 18 - 21
5. Departure for Western Slope — September 21
April 2015
The Cheyenne ROUNDUP
New Member Info and Application is available on our website:
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