FRIENDS Between Friends FRIENDS Newsletter of the Friends of the Frances T. Bourne Jacaranda Public Library of the JACARANDA Volume 22 #2 • APRIL-JUNE 2015 of the JACARANDA PUBLIC LIBRARY PUBLIC LIBRARY THE ANNUAL VOLUNTEER DINNER SPONSORED BY THE FRIENDS OF THE JACARANDA LIBRARY Dinner at the Jacaranda West Country Club Volunteer Honorees L to R: Madeleine Sacchi, Harriet Goldberg, Dorothy Kardon, Susan Mackenzie FRIENDS Book Shop Volunteers Charles Pontious The Annual Jacaranda Library Volunteer Dinner, sponsored by the FRIENDS, was held March 8 at the Jacaranda West Country Club. The setting was lovely, the dinner delicious and, as usual, a good time was had by all. The Library and Book Shop volunteers attended and the many volunteers who had served five, ten, fifteen and twenty years were honored with a certificate and pin. The two twenty year volunteers, Charles Pontious and Bill Kegel also received a special gift, the new FRIENDS of the Jacaranda LIbrary Tervis Tumbler. After dinner, in appreciation of their service, all the volunteers received books presented by the library. This is an event eagerly anticipated every year by the volunteers and staff of the Frances T. Bourne Jacaranda Public Library. Over 80 volunteers, library staff and guests enjoyed the opportunity to get together and enjoy the dinner this year. Also In attendance, was Janet Hansen, head of the volunteers for the Sarasota County Library system. *Our thanks to Chad Drobisch for all the dinner photos 1 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Scott Dowdy, President FRIENDS Happy spring time to all Jacaranda Library patrons. We once again had a very successful Volunteer Appreciation Dinner for our volunteers, sponsored by the FRIENDS. Thank you to Jacaranda West Country Club for providing such a lovely setting and delicious food for our dinner. We thank Linda Wilson, of the Venice Farmers Market, for providing a booth for us at the Farmers Market on February 7. Our book sale there was a huge success. On March 18, the Library and FRIENDS hosted “Wake Up Venice”. The Venice Chamber of Commerce held their monthly breakfast to recognize current and new businesses in our community. Some of the attendees had never been in the library and were very impressed. The FRIENDS provided the delicious refreshments and gift bags. Welcome to our new Book Shop volunteers, without them and our long term, dedicated volunteers, the Book Shop would not be such a big success. Board member Deanna Drobisch’s leadership as a liason with the Book Shop is also greatly appreciated. We are now offering earbuds, flash drives, coin/card key rings and the newest item, Tervis Tumblers, with our Jacaranda Friends logo, for sale in the Shop. We also want to thank board member, Judy Evenson for hosting the upcoming April 1, 2015 Sarasota County Library Alliance meeting. The visibility of our FRIENDS organization is important to the Sarasota County community. NEWS FROM THE LIBRARY MANAGER Mary Louise Fischer (Standing in for Andrea Taylor) This has been a very busy Season, lots of traffic and new faces, and this is the case at Jacaranda Library too. Our library manager, Andrea Taylor, is on bed rest and is currently working from home. Her baby is due any time now. My name is Mary Louise Fischer. I am the Assistant Manager and will be covering for Andrea until she returns to work in July. The search continues for a teen librarian and we have another interview set up in April. Keep your fingers crossed that this person will be The One! Additionally, library staff just concluded interviewing for a new part time Customer Service Representative; a candidate has been selected and a conditional job offer has been made and accepted. Now we just sit back and let Human Resources take over the process. Hopefully both positions will be filled soon. Our very generous FRIENDS group sponsored the Venice Chamber of Commerce’s March meeting, “Wake Up Venice”, at the Jacaranda Library on March 18. The meeting is hosted by different local businesses every month and in March it was our turn. Staff started planning for this event in February and the evening before, several staff gathered at the library to begin setting up chairs, moving furniture, etc. In the morning ,staff arrived at 6:15 am to turn on the coffee and start setting up the food, platters of Danish, bagels, croissants, assorted cheeses and fruit. Other staff arrived later to help with final touches and chamber members began arriving about 7:15 am. By 8:00 am the meeting was in full swing and it was over by 9:00 am. Approximately 80 people were in attendance and the event was a huge success. Many people pitched in to help staff clean up and move furniture to get the library ready to open by 10:00 am. A big thanks to staff, volunteers and the FRIENDS for all their help and assistance. “WAKE UP VENICE” Please use the Amazon link in our Friends of Jacaranda Library website when ordering from Amazon. Their donations will help fund Jacaranda Library needs. Wendy’s is once again committed to fund raising for all of 2015. Please pickup your 15% coupon in the Library. We appreciate their support! Your donations are always greatly appreciated! If you are would like to contribute to our Frances T. Bourne Endowment Fund, or are interested in creating an endowment of your own for the FRIENDS of the Jacaranda Library please feel free to contact the board. We are looking for new members for the FRIENDS of the Jacaranda Library!! Please pick up one of our membership tri-fold brochures in our FRIENDS display and learn what being a FRIEND is all about. 2 Have a safe trip home to our seasonal patrons! “Wake up Venice Participants” Scott Dowdy FRIENDS President CIRCULATION OUTLOOK Stephanie Henricks, Circulation Team Leader YOUNG ADULT SERVICES Rino Landa, Reference Librarian & Acting YA Librarian We have been so busy this winter season!! The snow birds came back in flocks this year and we were happy to have them here at the Jacaranda Library. We have been giving out new library cards like crazy! Thanks to our wonderful volunteers, we have been keeping up with all the activity. Please be sure to check out our various book displays around the library. We hope they will inspire you. HOLIDAY The library will be closed, Monday, May 25 for Memorial Day. VOLUNTEER NEWS Mary Louise Fischer, Assistant Library Manager & Volunteer Coordinator It’s officially Spring! We currently have 116 volunteers (teens and adults; library and bookshop). If you know anyone who is interested in volunteering for Sarasota County, at the Jacaranda Library or the Book Shop, please have them contact me at 861-1272. Anyone over the age of 14 is welcome to fill out the online application on the county’s website at scgov. net. The FRIENDS of the Library hosted the annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner, March 8, 2015 at the Jacaranda West Country Club. Approximately 80 volunteers, staff and guests attended and as usual the food and the surroundings were lovely. This year we decided to honor our dedicated volunteers who have put in five years, ten years, fifteen years and twenty years with a pin and a certificate. The two with the longest tenure, Bill Kegel and Charles Pontious, each received, in addition to their certificates and pins, a Tervis Tumbler designed by the Jacaranda FRIENDS of the Library with their logo. Congratulations to all our volunteers. As the weather begins to warm up and the winter season inevitably comes to an end, the teens at Jacaranda have plenty to look forward to. From National Library Week to Earth Day and beyond into the summer reading program, there is plenty going on at Jacaranda for teens. In celebration of National Library Week, April 12-18, teens and tweens (ages 10-17) are invited to participate in a “Design-A-Cover Contest”. Inspired by the recent redesign of the Harry Potter covers and many other fan-made creations, the contest challenges participants to design a new cover (or covers) for their favorite book. Two workshops for inspiration and drawing supplies will take place on April 3rd and the 15th; the winners of the contest, for “Most Artistic” and “Most Creative” entry, will be voted on by staff and selected on April 17th at a party with a movie screening of Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Pt. 1 to follow the celebrations. There are several other upcoming events for teens. One event will be a pixel celebration of Earth Day on April 22. Teens will be able use fusion beads to create earth-related decorations, characters, and fun keychains. Our Teen Advisory Board (TAB) members are also working to start up an Anime Club at Jacaranda library. Additionally, teens can continue to attend XBOX Nights on the second and fourth Thursday of the month. Jacaranda library’s youth and young adult services are getting ready for the summer reading program. This year’s theme for teens will be “Unmask: Discover the Hero Within”. Teens will be able to use an online reading log to gain points and earn (yet to be determined) prizes throughout the summer. Special book clubs and events are being planned. Finally, I have to mention that the search for a permanent Young Adult Librarian continues. The search continues, but it seems likely that we’ll have someone before the start of the summer in late May. 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGY OFFERED AT JACARANDA LIBRARY To our Library Volunteers: Remember to leave a note in my mailbox or a phone message (861-1272) if you have vacation plans or will be unable to come in and work your shift. Thanks again for all your hard work and dedication. Free e-Help Classes are held on Tuesdays at 1 p.m. and Thursdays at 10 a.m. Rino Landa 3 YOUTH SERVICES NEWS Sheila Kaufer, Youth Services Librarian SPOTLIGHT ON VOLUNTEERS Aly Surma was born in Artem, Russia but grew up in Chicago, Illinois. She moved to Florida, after her parents retired, when she was 13. She has volunteered, as a Teen Volunteer at Jacaranda Library for almost a year. She currently attends Venice High School, where she is a sophomore and plays on Venice High School’s softball team as center fielder or second baseman. In her spare time, Aly likes to watch hockey, read, play softball and hang out with her mom. Here at the library, she helps with craft preparation, shelving books and is a part of Techno-Teens. She initially started to volunteer here at the library for Bright Futures, for a scholarship, but says, “Now I like to volunteer at the library because it’s fun, simple and keeps me busy with something I like to do”. WE LOVE POLICE OFFICERS As a special tribute to our Sarasota County police officers, Storytime on February 13 was “We Love Police Officers”. Sergeant Tom Laipply, read a police book and then spoke to the children and their families about safety in the neighborhood. He also answered questions from those in attendance. We are grateful to Sergeant Laipply for this educational and informational presentation. NEW COMFY ZONE AND NEW RUG Thank you FRIENDS for providing funding for our new Comfy Zone near the entrance to the Youth Department. Children and families love it and it is a wonderful addition to the Youth Department. Also, we now have a brand new rug in the Youth Activity Room with all things underwater. If you have not yet had a chance to see these new FRIENDS’ purchases, please stop by and have a look. SUMMER READING PROGRAM PLANNING 4 Spring is upon us and summer is around the corner. It is the time of the year for planning for our annual Summer Reading Program. This summer’s theme, for elementary school age children is “Every Hero Has a Story”. Katie Adams and John Storms will be returning again. In addition, Gladys Varga will not only be doing her Acting Up Workshop for ages 5-8, but also will be doing an Acting Up Workshop for tweens and will be a special Wednesday afternoon guest. New this year will be The Giving Tree Drumming Circle. Look for a complete schedule at the beginning of May, for these wonderful summer programs, funded by the FRIENDS of the Jacaranda Library. NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK This year, National Library Week is April 12 - April 18. This year’s theme is “Unlimited Possibilities”. Local wellknown children’s author, Joan Hiatt Harlow, will be here to culminate the week. She will be doing a Powerpoint presentation featuring her newest book, The Watcher on April 18 at 2:00 pm. A book signing will follow her presentation. NATIONAL POETRY MONTH April is National Poetry Month. In observance of the month, Paula Timpson, Poetess and Teaching Artist, will share how she writes poetry every day and will read some of her poetry books. She will inspire the children to feel poetry and to write. The session will include time for writing and sharing. Children will form pairs and write together. Haiku poetry will also be included. Ages 7 - 10. Limit of 10. Registration is required online. FREE COMIC BOOK DAY Join us to celebrate FREE COMIC BOOK DAY! That's right free comics will be given out to everyone on May 2 from 1-4 pm. Celebrate and discover the amazing world of comic books on Free Comic Book Day! Children, tweens, teens and families are all invited for this annual event. FRIENDS Display at the entrance to the library INFORMATION SERVICES Kathy Hickey, Librarian Reference library staff has been busy these past few months revamping the way magazines and newspapers are documented for the public on the libraries’ catalog. The digitizing of these many items allows the public to see online whether anything, from Artists magazine to Yoga Journal and more, is available at one of Sarasota’s eight public libraries. Not only is this a convenience for the public but it gives library staff a much improved way of record keeping. This change has also resulted in another big shift. Jacaranda Public Library will no longer circulate its magazines or newspapers nor will the other two libraries, Venice and North Port, that still circulated these items. In general, these items will remain available within the library for seven days, weeks, months, or quarters depending on how often they are published. Exceptions will be Consumer Reports and Value Line which will be held longer. Jacaranda’s Reference librarian Rino Landa has also been at work adding exciting new computer classes such as “What to Know: Buying a Tablet” and “What to Know: Buying a Computer,” as well as a perfectly timed “Vacation Planning Online.” Get April’s Free Technology Classes flyer at Jacaranda to see more. Reference Librarian, Kathy Hickey, is teaching a Flipster class and Access Video to highlight two of our new library databases. The Flipster database gives patrons free access to many popular magazines and is well timed with the change in our magazine circulation changes. With money still on everyone’s mind, Sarasota County Libraries will be presenting Money Smart Week from April 2025. Every library will host special programs to raise awareness of important financial issues. Jacaranda Library will be hosting three programs: “Rent or Own” on April 21, “Money Smarts” on April 22, and “Senior Scams and Identity Theft” on April 23. Sandee Rains, a Financial Education Specialists, will present on how to decide which housing option is right for you (rent or own) and how to prevent senior scams and identity theft, including a discussion on credit problems. Join psychologist and internationally published author Dr. Paul Powers who will share his findings as to how you can use psychological savvy to achieve your financial and life goals in his “Money Smarts” program. Don’t forget to see what other Money Smart Week events are taking place at other Sarasota County Public Library locations! Adult Summer Reading Club is also ready to launch. Beach book and La-Z- Boy book lovers will be eligible to enter drawings for yet to be announced prizes. Do check in with Jacaranda in the coming months to find out what awesome prizes might be available to you. Don’t forget, though, to check out those page turners at Jacaranda first! 5 FUND RAISING ACTIVITIES NEW ITEMS FOR SALE IN THE FRIENDS BOOK SHOP WENDY’S COUPONS The FRIENDS and Wendy’s have joined together, in 2015, to raise funds for the FRIENDS of the Jacaranda Library. Wendy’s is donating 15% of each purchase when you present this voucher. The vouchers are available at the FRIENDS Book Shop and on the FRIENDS display table at the entrance to the library. Please eat at Wendy’s (a lot!) Please enter order total here Please enter order sub-total here $ . $ . Bring this voucher when you visit the Wendy’s (Dine In / Drive thru) located in Charlotte, Collier, Hendry, Lee, Manatee and Sarasota Counties (Belle Glade & Clewiston) and 15% of your purchase will benefit: Friends of the Jacaranda Library Group Bring this voucher when you visit the Wendy’s (Dine In / Drive thru) located in Charlotte, Collier, Hendry, Lee, Manatee and Sarasota Counties (Belle Glade & Clewiston) and 15% of your purchase will benefit: Friends of the Jacaranda Library Group Valid thru December 31, 2015 December 31, 2015 The FRIENDS are now offering 1GB Flash Drives at $6.00, One coupon per person per visit at participating Wendy’s restaurants. Cannot be Card-Coin Holder Key Rings at $1.50 and Earbuds at $2.00, combined with any other offer. Offer ends per expiration date above. our NEW Tervis 16 oz Tumbler at $16.00. PRESENT VOUCHER AT TIME OF ORDER Valid thru One coupon per person per visit at participating Wendy’s restaurants. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Offer ends per expiration date above. PRESENT VOUCHER AT TIME OF ORDER Bob Evans FUNDRAISER Please enter order sub-total here “SPRING HAS SPRUNG” SUPER BOOK SALE Please enter order sub-total here Once again, . $ Bob . Evans Restaurant at 4312 S.$ Tamiami Trail in Venice generously donated 15% of each sale to the FRIENDS of the Jacaranda Library on two days-in the months of January, February and March. FRIENDS appreciate Bring this voucher whenThe you visit Bring this voucher when you visit the Wendy’s (Dine In / Drive thru) the Wendy’s (Dine In / Drive thru) Bob Evans support! located in Charlotte, Collier, Hendry, Lee, Manatee and located in Charlotte, Collier, Hendry, Lee, Manatee and Sarasota Counties (Belle Glade & Clewiston) and 15% of your purchase will benefit: Sarasota Counties (Belle Glade & Clewiston) and 15% of your purchase will benefit: Friends of the Jacaranda Library Friends of the Jacaranda Library To celebrate this month’s National Library Week, we will Group Group have a “Spring Has Sprung” Book Sale. Watch for details at December 31, 2015 OUR WEBSITE our FRIENDS display by the front door. Special pricing will be Valid thru Valid thru on some books and other items in the month of April. One coupon per person per visit at participating Wendy’s restaurants. Cannot be One coupon per person per visit at participating Wendy’s restaurants. Cannot be Since we established our website, with the assistance of offered combined with any other offer. Offer ends per expiration date above. combined with any other offer. Offer ends per expiration date above. the Library Foundation for Sarasota County, we have had PRESENT VOUCHER AT PRESENT VOUCHER AT an increasing amount of OF visitors each month. The website TIME ORDER TIME OF ORDER features News and Events about the FRIENDS and the FRIENDS OF JACARANDA LIBRARY Library. Andrea Taylor posts the monthly calendar of library FRANCES T. BOURNE ENDOWMENT FUND happenings. There is information on FRIENDS membership opportunities and our history. We also partner with Amazon, The endowment is the vehicle by so you can order items by clicking on the Amazon banner ads which Fran’s passion for library services on our site and we receive a donation to the FRIENDS. continues. For more information about planned giving, memorials and other endowment donation options, call the Community Foundation of Sarasota of the County at 941.955.3000 at, or visit Jacaranda Library We invite you to aspx. become a FRIEND Help support our library! 6 December 31, 2015 FRIENDS BOOK SHOP VOLUNTEER MEETING A meeting of the Book Shop Volunteers was held to introduce Deanna Drobisch, new Book Shop Liason with the FRIENDS Board of Directors. THE BOOK CLUBS Giving & Growing HELP & HOPE Deanna is doing an excellent job helping to organize the Book Shop and have it run in a most efficient manner. She is working on an automated scheduling procedure for the volunteers. We have needed someone to step up to the plate and Deanna has done so! Thank you for all your efforts. FRIENDS BOOK SHOP Please visit our Book Shop for very special bargains. All magazines are 25 cents, paperbacks are 50 cents, large paperbacks, just $1. Most hardback books range from $1 to $3 and we have many best sellers as well as an extensive collection of non-fiction. We also have DVDs, CDs and puzzles. The Shop is staffed with very friendly, helpful and knowledgeable volunteers. We are always happy to accept, and appreciate donations of all the above (in gently used condition) to keep our Shop well stocked. The funds raised are our primary source of income to help support the library activities. . The Jacaranda Book Club, which meets the first Tuesday of every month, decided last year to support a local group, Selah Freedom, which offers help to young victims of sex trafficking and exploitation in the Sarasota and Tampa areas. The group was inspired to help, after reading Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn’s Half the Sky, which described atrocities to females around the world. The group gives a donation at each meeting and to date has raised over $800 (with matching funds provided by Selah Freedom.) If you would like more information, or would like to make a donation, please contact Bonnie Stanbro at [email protected]. JACARANDA LIBRARY HOURS TUES. WED. THURS.• 10 a.m.-8 p.m. MON. FRI. SAT.• 10 a.m.-5 p.m. The FRIENDS of the FRANCES T. BOURNE JACARANDA LIBRARY would like to encourage you to become members in order to help support our library activities in so many areas. The FRIENDS provide new books, DVDs and CDs, fund community programs for all ages, buy new computers and equipment and furnishings for the library. We also operate the FRIENDS Book Shop (which is one of our chief sources of income, along with our membership fees). Please fill out the form on the back of this newsletter, mail it or bring it to the FRIENDS Book Shop with your check. Membership runs January to December. With your membership, you will receive our quarterly newsletter and a membership card which provides a 10% discount on all hard cover books in our Book Shop. FRIENDS BOOK SHOP HOURS MON.-SAT. • 10 a.m.-5 p.m. PHONE NUMBERS Jacaranda Library • 861-1260 Reference Desk • 861-1270 Youth Desk • 861-1275 FRIENDS Book Shop • 861-1283 FRIENDS WEBSITE 7 FRIENDS of the FRIENDS of the Jacaranda Public Library 4143 Woodmere Park Blvd. Venice, FL 34293 JACARANDA PUBLIC LIBRARY FRIENDS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Scott Dowdy • President Jerry McGreevy • Vice President Nancy Festa • Treasurer Sally McGreevy • Corresponding secretary Deanna Drobisch • Book Shop Liason Jennifer Fowler • Board member Emma Quintero • STAR Member Bonnie Stanbro • Newsletter Editor & Website Manager Judy Evenson • Alliance Representative Please visit our website FRIENDS of the JACARANDA PUBLIC LIBRARY MEMBERSHIP FORM Make checks payable to: Friends of the Jacaranda Public Library, Inc. 4143 Woodmere Park Blvd. • Venice FL 34293 NAME FRIENDS ADDRESS CITY/STATE/ZIP PHONE Seasonal Resident EMAIL Year Round Would you like to be a volunteer for the FRIENDS Yes Yearly Membership runs from January to December of the JACARANDA I would like to donate to The FRIENDS of Jacaranda Public Library A MEMORIAL or TRIBUTE in honor of: Name Amount The FRIENDS of the Jacaranda Public Library receives 100% of all contributions made to our organization. We are a non-profit 501(c) 3 tax exempt corporation, and contributions are deductible to the extent allowed by law. 8 MEMBERSHIP Individual $10.00 Family $15.00 Patron $50.00 Donor $100.00 Corporate $150.00 Legacy * $200.00 and up PUBLIC LIBRARY * LEGACY SOCIETY * All Legacy Members will receive special recognition at The Jacaranda Public Library
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