Friends of St. Lawrence Hockey 2015 Annual Golf Tournament Saturday, September 19, 2015 12:00 p.m. Shotgun Start Format - Captain and Crew St. Lawrence University Golf Course Best Western Inn, Canton Dinner at 5:30 p.m. Introduction of Players All proceeds will be used to support the St. Lawrence University Men’s & Women’s Hockey Programs Friends of St. Lawrence Hockey are 501c 3 tax exempt A Hockey Player will be added to your crew of three PRICES: Golf & Dinner ____ x $65.00 = ________ Dinner only ____ ________ x $10.00 = Can’t make it but would like to contribute ________ Contact Person ____________________________ Phone #_____________ Address ______________________________________________________ Team Members _____________________________ _____________________________ If you find it necessary to have more than three players in your crew you must contact Phil Spadaccini to make those arrangements prior to the day of the tournament. _____________________________ Please mail registration and check to: FSLH Golf Outing c/o Phil Spadaccini PO Box 49 –Waddington, NY 13694 Registration is due by September 11th Questions call 315-388-7805 or 315-323-0881 FSLH Hole Sponsorship Form Dear Friend, The Friends of St. Lawrence Hockey would like to offer you the opportunity to sponsor a hole and/or donate a prize for our annual golf outing. This outing has become our major fund raiser for both the Men’s and Women’s Hockey Teams. Last year the FSLH were able to donate over $5000 to each program. You may sponsor a hole for $75.00, which entitles you to have a “hole sponsorship sign” on the course, your name or business in the program, and a complimentary one-year membership in the FSLH. If you decide to donate a prize, your donation will be acknowledged in the program. This year’s outing will be scheduled for September 19th so please mark it on your calendar and respond with your sponsorship before September 11th. Mail your sponsorship to: FSLH c/o Phil Spadaccini PO Box 49 Waddington, New York 13694 315-388-7805 or 315-323-0881 Phil Spadaccini Hole Sponsorship Chairmen Friends of St. Lawrence Hockey Thank you in advance for your sponsorship or donation. If you have any questions or concerns, please call us at one of the above phone numbers Friends of St. Lawrence Hockey is 501c 3 tax exempt Cut here-----------------------------------------------------------cut here----------------------------------------------------------cut here I will sponsor ______ hole(s) @ $75.00 each = __________ (enclosed) PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT YOUR “HOLE SIGN” INFORMATION BELOW OR ATTACH YOUR BUSINESS CARD __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FSLH Major Sponsorship Form Dear Friend, The Friends of St. Lawrence Hockey would like to offer you the opportunity to be a major sponsor of our annual golf outing. This outing has become our major fund raiser for both the Men’s and Women’s Hockey Teams. Last year the FSLH were able to donate over $5000 to each program. You may become sponsor which entitles you to have a “sponsorship sign” on the course, your name or business in the program, and a complimentary one-year membership in the FSLH. If you are a $500.00 donor you can also receive either two Friends of St. Lawrence Hockey Hoodies, or there are possibilities of golf merchandise that can be purchased with your business name and or logo on them for advertising purposes. Merchandise options instead of Hoodies can be discussed by calling the numbers below. Your sponsor sign will hang in the Friends of St. Lawrence Booth during the rest of the year If you are a $1000.00 donor you can also receive either two Friends of St. Lawrence Hockey Hoodies, there are possibilities of golf merchandise that can be purchased with your business name and or logo on them for advertising purposes. Merchandise options instead of Hoodies can be discussed by calling the numbers below. Your sponsor sign will hand in the Friends of St. Lawrence Booth during the rest of the year. If you decide to donate a prize, your donation will be acknowledged in the program. This year’s outing will be scheduled for September 19th so please mark it on your calendar and respond with your sponsorship before September 11th. Mail your sponsorship to Thank you in advance for your sponsorship or donation. FSLH c/o Phil Spadaccini Sponsorship Chairman PO Box 49 Waddington, New York 13694 315-388-7805 or 315-323-0881 If you have any questions or concerns, please call us at he above phone numbers Friends of St. Lawrence Hockey are 501c 3 tax exempt Cut here-----------------------------------------------------------cut here----------------------------------------------------------cut here Enclosed is a sponsorship for $___________________ PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT YOUR “SPONSORHSIP SIGN” INFORMATION BELOW OR ATTACH YOUR BUSINESS CARD __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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