A{RPfr I'lichigon Rccreutlon qnd Psrk firrodctisn March 23,2OI5 Blake Gingrichb Parks and Recreation Supervisor Michigan DNR 5001 US-23 North Rogers City, Ml 49779 Dear Blake, Congratulations on behalf of the Michigan Recreation and Park Association (MRPA) and the Awards Committeel We are pleased to inform you that your nomination for a Community Service Award honoring the Friends of Thompson's Harbor State Park was selected as a winner this year. The award will be presented at the MRPA Community Service Award Ceremony on Tuesdav, April 14, 2015 at the Hannah Communitv Center in East Lansing. A hors d'oeuvres reception will be held from 5:45 pm - 6:30 pm, with the award ceremony immediately following. Please contact vour nominee to notifv them and complete the RSVP form. The event is priced at SZS per person; MRPA will issue an invoice to you if requested. Please complete the enclosed RSVP form and return it to MRPA at your earliest convenience. MRPA will send you a confirmation via email once the RSVP is received. Please note: no tickets will be issued this year, just a roster at the door will be used. A map and driving directions are also enclosed with this letter. Procedures during the ceremony are as follows: When your nominee's name and award are announced, please walk to the podium with your winner and everyone in your group. lf special assistance is needed, please contact me as soon as possible. Unfortunately, our schedule does not allow time for acceptance speeches. After the award is presented, a photo will be taken and will be e-mailed to each nominating organization. MRPAwantsthisawardexperiencetobememorableforyouandyourhonoree, lfyouneedmore information or assistance, please contact me at (51-7) 319-6940 or e-mail me at wl o n gp r@ citvofeastl a n si n g. co m We are proud to honor the volunteers and agencies that create community throughout the state of Michigan and we applaud your commitment to recreation and park services and MRPA. Sincerely, {il:al,Wf* Wendy Wilmers Longpre MRPA Awards Chair 2465 Woodlake Circle, Suite 180. Okemos, Ml 48864 . 5l7.485.9888 . Fax: 517.485.7932. [email protected] PROVING PARKS AND RECREATION MATTER ' www.mrpaonline"org Hannah Communitv Center B 19 Abbot Rd. East Lansing, MI 48823 N w Grand Rapids _j_ o 81 89 MILES r--Ft Mount Pleasant FtrX 3Sr e () w{ \,/Hr 4 90 e4 G&AtoirrFR4ya ,, I s ^ Caoital Fti$| Torcnto +^iii,'"^ &# giiis ** qw B 934 'AGINAW HY,/Y W E 'rRsr I LANSING LANsING state capitol GR4iVO RI|/€R w 95 E€T o w b*%r F & td u d U 97 MsU 9 o? u* oi,n= e !fit Juz u {= M* {!'; o ilj, .& z w w o 6 = o o T H 72 t,iour,,rr HopE Rrl s€t .o 4yF JOLLY RD 1064 tto ffiA -qw !;€{4 a:te Be F Detroit) KalaFnazoo lchicago I-96 from DETROIT Take I-96 to US-127 N towards CLARE/EAST LANSING. Continue north on US-I27 and take the LAKE LANSING RD. exit. Turn right onto W LAKE LANSING RD. Turn right onto Abbot RD going south. Drive 1.2 miles, the Hannah Community Center is located on the right hand (west) side of the street. I-69 E from FLINT/SAGINAW From I-69 W, exit at #94 and follow signs for East Lansing (Old/Business I-69/Saginaw St.). Turn left onto Abbot Rd going south. Drive .3 miles and the Hannah Community Center is located on the right hand (west) side of the street. I-96 from GRAND RAPIDS I-96 to eastbound I-69 (exit #89). Proceed on I-69 to US-127 S. Continue south on US-127 and take the LAKE LANSING RD. exit. Turn left onto W LAKE LANSING RD. Turn right onto Abbot RD going south. Drive 1.2 miles, the Hannah Community Center is Iocated on the right hand (west) side of the street. US-L27 S from JACKSON Take US-127 N to the LAKE LANSING RD" exit. Turn right onto W IAKE LANSING RD. Turn right onto Abbot RD going south. Drive 1.2 miles, the Hannah Community Center is located on the right hand (west) side of the street. US-L27 N from CLAREIST. JOHNS Take US 127 S to the LAKE LANSING RD. exit. Turn left onto W LAKE LANSiNG RD. Turn right onto Abbot RD going south. Drive 1.2 miles, the Hannah Community Center is located on the right hand (west) side of the street. EtRvlCf. coMMU N ITYlll gii.f,rrr,r'{lti tiAwARDs 2015 RSVP FORM (please return to MRPA) Nominator Name Award Winner name(s) Address City/State/Zip Fhone Email Please list the names in your party: YES, we will be attending the MRPA Community Service Award ceremony at the Hannah Community Center on Tuesday, April t4,2015. - The reception begins at 5:45pm and the awards program begins at 6:30pm Our group _ needs reservations @ $25.00 per person Payment is enclosed Please send an invoice We will NOT be attending the MRPA Community Service Award ceremony Please make checks payable and return this form to: MRPA 2465 Woodlake Circle, Suite 180 Okemos, M|48864 Phone:(517)485-9888 Fax:(517)485-7932 Email : [email protected]
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