Name___________________________________________Date______________________Period___________________ Directions: You’ve read that an article that discusses liability (responsibility) for concussions suffered by high school athletes. Your task is to pick a side on this issue and argue your claim. Choose: □ Yes, the IHSA is responsible for concussion suffered by high school athletes. □ No, the IHSA is NOT responsible for concussions suffered by high school athletes. 1. Utilize all elements of Argumentative Writing: -Clear position, Sound Reasoning, Back up your Argument, Reveal Opponent’s Weaknesses, Use Voice 2. Begin with an engaging lead to “hook your reader.” 3. Use what you have learned about the sentence fluency trait: vary sentence beginnings, vary sentence lengths, and use proper grammatical structure. 4. Use at least 3 transitions in each paragraph. Highlight transitions as you use them. 5. Employ what you learned from the word choice trait: striking words and phrases, strong verbs, and specific and accurate words. Paragraph Breakdown: Paragraph 1: -Include an engaging lead to “hook” your reader” -Preview your main points. Do NOT explain all of your arguments, but briefly introduce your main arguments. -2-3 sentences Paragraph 2: -Provide your first argument/reason -Support with text evidence -5-7 sentences Paragraph 3: -Provide your second argument/reason -Support with text evidence -5-7 sentences Paragraph 4: -Provide a counter-argument (refute or reveal weaknesses in your opponent’s position) -Support with text evidence -5-7 sentences Paragraph 5:-Briefly re-state your main points -Leave your reader with a closing thought (possibly use a rhetorical question) -2-3 sentences Brainstorming Box Argument □ Yes, the IHSA is responsible for concussion suffered by high school athletes. □ No, the IHSA is NOT responsible for concussions suffered by high school athletes. Argument #1 Argument: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Type of Support: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Facts/Statistics, Expert Testimony, Comparisons, Specific Examples) Argument #2 Argument: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Type of Support: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Facts/Statistics, Expert Testimony, Comparisons, Specific Examples) Counter Argument/Refutation Counter-Argument: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Type of Support: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Facts/Statistics, Expert Testimony, Comparisons, Specific Examples) _______ ______ _______ ______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Rubric: Requirement 1 Point 2 Points 3 Points Argument #1 (Paragraph 2) -Less than 5-7 sentences -Argument is illogical or unclear -No text support is included or it does not clearly support the argument -Less than 5-7 sentences -Argument is illogical or unclear -No text support is included or it does not clearly support the argument -Less than 5-7 sentences -Counter-argument is illogical or unclear -No text support is included or it does not clearly support the argument -5-7 Sentences -Argument may be illogical or unclear to a reader -Includes text support, but does not clearly tie it to argument -5-7 Sentences -Argument may be illogical or unclear to a reader -Includes text support, but does not clearly tie it to argument -5-7 Sentences -Counter-argument may be illogical or unclear to a reader -Includes text support, but does not clearly tie it to the counter argument -5-7 Sentence -Clear, logical argument -Includes text support that is wellexplained Argument #2 (Paragraph 3) CounterArgument (Paragraph 4) Conventions Introduction (Paragraph 1) : Conclusion (Paragraph 2) Word Choice, Organization, and Sentence Fluency -5-7 Sentence -Clear, logical argument -Includes text support that is wellexplained -5-7 Sentences -Clear refutation of opponent’s argument -Includes well-explained text evidence 0 Points -Many errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar. -Less than 2-3 complete sentences -Does not preview main points -Not engaging to a reader -Less than 2-3 complete sentences -No closure for a reader -Does not briefly re-state main points 0 Points 1 Point 1 Point -Spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar are correct throughout -2-3 complete sentences -Previews main points -Engages/Hooks the reader -2-3 Sentences -Gives closure to a reader -Briefly re-states main points 2 Points 3 Points -All word choice is bland and boring -No transitions -Repeatedly uses same sentence beginnings and lengths -Word choice is not interesting or varied -Some transitions are used -Some similar sentence beginnings and lengths -There is little attempt made to vary word choice -Few or no transitions are used -Most sentence beginnings and lengths are similar -Word choice is interesting and striking -Transitions are used throughout -Sentence beginnings and lengths are varied Total Points_______/15 Writing Standards: 7.1a & 7.2f
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