ADMISSION REQUEST FSB Maria Del Soccorso The undersigned

FSB Maria Del Soccorso
The undersigned __________________________________________________________
resident in _______ (city) ___________________ (address) ______________________
(C.F. / SSN / NIN or similar ) _______________________________________________
born in ______________________________________day/month/year ____________________
tel. ____________________
email @ _________________ __________________
as legal representative
of the company named ______________________________
IVA/ VAT (or similar)__________________________________
based in (nation) _________________ (city) ____________________ (address) ______________________
tel. ____________________
email @ _________________ ___________________
claiming to have read and accepted the statute of FSB Maria Del Soccorso,
to share the constitutive principles, operating mode, the pillars of ethical and policy objectives of the FSB
Maria Del Soccorso
to join the company to the FSB Maria Del Soccorso.
The request will be reviewed by the Board of Directors of the FSB Maria Del Soccorso, charged with full
powers regarding the acceptance of new members.
FSB Maria Del Soccorso - Urmos utca 50 - 2030 Erd – Hungary – [email protected]
Once accepted, the applicant company will become a member for all purposes of the FSB Maria Del Soccorso and will be empowered to take part in all its activities, will enjoy all the privileges of membership in
the Foundation and shall comply with all provisions contained in the Statute and the internal regulations of
the Foundation.
This form must be completed in its entirety and sent:
by e-mail as an attachment to [email protected],
or by mail to: _____________________________;
or by fax to _________________.
This form must necessarily be accompanied by valid Regular Copies of memorandum of association, articles
of association, business registration, tax card, the last two budgets, duly approved by the company and
identity card and health card of his legal representative.
Date ________________________________
Signature of Applicant ___________________________
FSB Maria Del Soccorso - Urmos utca 50 - 2030 Erd – Hungary – [email protected]