April/May 2015 Proudly Serving You Since 1859 Volume 56, Number 2 City’s Clean ‘N Green Week Draws Near Keeping a yard, neighborhood, or even an entire city clean can be challenging. But since former Mayor Robert Craghead initiated a community cleanup day 14 years ago, residents have hit Fulton streets and parks in droves as part of Clean Sweep Saturday. by and properly dispose of them at no cost. This service is provide for free by Kingdom Projects. Meanwhile, the annual Spring Cleanup will run from Monday, April 13 through April 17. During this time, residents can set items that normally require a special pickup, such as sofas, This year’s city-wide cleanup is Saturday, April 11 and begins at the curb on their regular trash collection day. A special at 9 a.m. Volunteers can pick up their bags, T-shirts and pickup must be arranged for large appliances. Call 592-3176 cleanup locations before that time in Memorial Park. Following to schedule a time. the cleanup, participants can enjoy drinks, hot dogs and snacks underneath the Memorial Park shelter. Since the first Groups and individuals can still register to participate in Clean Sweep Saturday, but the registration deadline has passed to event in 2001, 17.82 tons of trash has been collected. That receive complimentary T-shirts. is equal to the weight of six large SUV’s. On the same day, the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Center and Electronic Waste Collection Site will open for the season. Located at the Tennyson Road Fire Station, it’s open from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. the second and fourth Saturday each month from April through October. Call 592-3150 to make a reservation, which is required to drop off items. Also, the yard waste drop-off site will open at the City Landfill from 8 a.m. until noon. Residents can dispose large amounts of yard waste at no additional cost. An additional feature at the Tennyson Road Fire Station on April 11 is document shredding service. Anyone with documents containing sensitive information can bring them Two teenage volunteers pick up trash near Fulton Middle School during last year’s Clean Sweep Saturday. Animal Shelter Interior Nearly Complete Two years ago, Mayor LeRoy Benton started a campaign to build a new animal shelter in a unique way—by reaching out to the citizens for financial assistance. Now that goal is nearly fulfilled as the shelter gets closer to completion. There is still no date set for the shelter’s opening as spring weather could delay some of the exterior work. Most likely, it will open in late May or early June. Stay tuned to the City’s website at fultonmo.org for information on ribbon cutting ceremonies and open house. March had been a busy month for construction as doors were painted, gates for the dog pens installed, additional caging was fabricated in the quarantine room and the floors have been cleaned and sealed. Installing cabinets and sinks are essentially all that remains to complete interior work. While the building’s inside is nearly finished, there is still work on the exterior grounds that needs to be completed before the shelter can officially open. This includes grading and seeding of the play area, paving the accessible parking spaces, adding gravel for the rest of the parking lot, and installing the commemorative bricks in an outdoor plaza. Within the past month, work crews dug trenches around the building’s perimeter to install a storm drain and retention pond and poured concrete for the sidewalk. Gates for the dog pens have been installed in the dog rooms of the new Fulton animal shelter. Inside: Page 2 - Mayor’s Message, News Briefs Page 3 - Splashpad Set For First Season, Growing Season Means It’s Also Mowing Season Page 4 - Sidewalk Program Helps Residents With Repairs, Keeping Track of Man’s Best Friend www.fultonmo.org The site most attendees preferred was the site at the foot of State Street. If the City decides to proceed with this project, the Water Department site will be the preferred location. I do not anticipate the City pursuing this project until for at least a year or so. Dear Citizens of Fulton, I want to start by asking you to save the date of May 7, 2015, for the Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast. The time will be 6:30 a.m. and will be held at the Fulton Senior Center. Speaking will be Westminster College’s president, Dr. Barney Forsythe. Please plan on attending to show support for the Senior Center’s operations, express our appreciation to Barney and Jane for their outstanding support of our Callaway County community and wish them well in their pending retirement. I want to thank everyone who attended the City’s Open House on March 10. I felt the 50 to 60 people who attended, provided great feedback on the topics we presented. Hopefully everyone had an opportunity to learn a little more about the operations of the City. The topic of angle parking on Court Street received the majority of the comments. Most of the participants were against the angle parking. The biggest reason for opposition was the narrowing of the driving lane. This issue was being considered by the City as a low-cost method of increasing the number of parking spaces on Court Street versus construction of an expensive parking garage. However, parking issues on Court Street have not been a big topic of discussion lately, so I do not plan to recommend any action to the City Council at this time. Another topic that received a lot of discussion was the location of a potential RV Park. The city is proposing two alternate sites: 1.) At the foot of State Street where the current Water Department is located. Interest was also expressed in the demolition grant which is being considered. Several potential locations were registered and several folks had suggestions for the proposed sidewalk program, as well as the Market Street Parking Lot improvements. The Police had one of the new cruisers available for viewing and the Electric Department had a display that illustrated our electric distribution system with a listing of our electricity sources. The Solid Waste Department and Fire Department had information about hazardous waste collection and the other services they offer. The Finance Department had information on budget billing, while the Human Resources Department provided information on job openings with the City. The Parks and Recreation Department had information on the community survey currently being conducted in conjunction with the Park Board’s strategic planning. The survey is available on the City’s website at fultonmo.org. Please take a few minutes and voice your opinion by taking the survey. The Park Board is very interested in your opinion. Thank you again for supporting your city government by your participation and input. Proudly Serving You, LeRoy D. Benton Mayor 2.) West of the Tennyson Road Fire Station. City News Briefs - Central Missouri Community Action is offering free classes on basic budgeting and weatherization. The classes will be taught on Tuesday, April 21 at Callaway Electric from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. Learn how to make and stick to a budget, know the difference between needs versus wants and fixed verses discretionary expenses. Also, find out how to conduct a home energy audit, what to look for in energy efficient rentals and apply for CMCA weatherization services. For more information, call 573-642-3316. - The Historic Preservation Commission is looking to identify historic properties in Fulton. If residents know of a house, building or site that meets the qualifications, contact the City Clerk’s office at 573-592-3111. Applications must be turned in by April 30. - Free wireless Internet service is now available to those visiting Memorial Park. With your wireless device, simply select “Socket” from your wireless connection options. No password is needed to access the Internet. The service is provided free of charge by Socket, a mid-Missouri phone, Internet and television provider. - The City of Fulton will be participating in the Show-Me Green Sales Tax Holiday, which runs from April 19 through April 25. During the seven day period, qualifying new Energy Star certified appliances will be exempt from state and city sales tax. City Council, Boards, and Commissions Meeting Schedule DATE 4/14 4/14 4/21 4/21 4/27 4/28 5/12 5/12 5/19 5/26 EVENT C.C. Work Session City Council Meeting Traffic Commission Historic Preservation Utility Board City Council Meeting C.C. Work Session City Council Meeting Traffic Commission City Council Meeting TIME 6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 10 a.m. 1 p.m. 1 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 10 a.m. 6:30 p.m. LOCATION______________ Council Chambers Council Chambers Engineering Conference Rm. Executive Conference Rm. Executive Conference Rm. Council Chambers Council Chambers Council Chambers Engineering Conference Rm. Council Chambers Updated meeting schedules can be found at www.fultonmo.org/calendar City Offices Holiday Schedule (City offices are closed and no solid waste collection) City Hall Monday, May 25 (Memorial Day) Municipal Court Monday, May 25 (Memorial Day) Solid Waste Monday, May 25 (Memorial Day) www.fultonmo.org - pick-up will take place on Tuesday, May 26 Event Calendar Event Register By Start/Event Date Youth Basketball Camp April 3 April 21 AARP Driver Safety Course April 16 April 23 Youth Baseball and Softball April 22 May 26 N/A May 1 Adult Softball League May 5 May 18 Fulton Fins Swim Team May 13 May 26 St. Louis Cardinals Trip May 18 June 2 City Swimming Pool Opens N/A May 23 Freedom Scramble Golf Tournament N/A May 29 May 22 June 1 Fulton Water Works Open Splash Junior Lifeguard Program If you have additional questions about Fulton Parks and Recreation activities, call 592-3190. Splashpad Set For Full Season Residents received a sneak preview last year during late summer. Now, everyone will have a chance to enjoy the Fulton Waterworks splashpad for the entire summer. Located in Memorial Park, the splashpad will begin operation on Friday, May 1. It will be open daily from 11 a.m. until 9 p.m. Infants using the splashpad are required to wear swimming diapers while playing in the area. Included in the Waterworks are 26 inground features and 11 aboveground features such as water cannons and dumping buckets. Many could not wait to test out the splashpad during the grand opening last September. The Waterworks will remain open until October 1 and also be the new home for the annual Big Bubble Blowout in August. Growing Season Means It’s Also Mowing Season Spring has sprung and that means many residents have already started mowing their yards or will be shortly. With grass beginning to grow, it is important to remind residents that there are ordinances regarding weed, grass, trash and debris abatement. The City requires that all lots, except those zoned agricultural, be free of weeds or plant growth taller than eight inches. Also, yards must be kept in a clean, safe and sanitary condition. This allows property values to remain strong and makes Fulton a desirable place to live. If a yard is found to be in violation of the ordinance, a letter will be mailed to the property owner’s address. The owner then has seven working days to resolve the nuisance. If the nuisance still remains after the deadline, a citation will be issued listing the violation as well as the place, time and date of the court appearance. The first offense could mean a fine between $250 and $500. www.fultonmo.org x City of Fulton Newsletter Sidewalk Program Helps Keeping Track of Residents With Repairs Man’s Best Friend Sidewalks look nice when they are brand new, but mother nature can take its toll on the concrete. Shifting soil and tree roots can cause sidewalks to crack, rise or drop, which creates a safety hazard. To encourage residents to repair damaged sidewalks, the City has a program that helps pay for some of the costs. The City’s Material/Labor Program assists with material costs such as concrete, base rock and expansion joints, while the property owner will select a contractor and pay labor and material costs. After the City has approved the work and the property owner provides a paid receipt for materials, a check will then be sent to the property owner. Limited funds are available for this project each year, so don’t delay. Forms have been placed where new concrete will be poured for a sidewalk on 5th Street near North Ravine Street. Fulton City Council As the temperatures become warmer, more residents will begin walking their dogs throughout neighborhoods and City streets. However, pet owners need to remember the responsibilities they have when walking with their canines. All animal owners are required to have their pets under restraint, such as on a leash, when on a public street. They must also pick up any animal waste produced while on public walks, recreation areas and private property. So remember to carry a bag and scooper when you and your dog are walking. Details of the animal control ordinances can be found online at fultonmo.org/ordinances. Search for Sec. 14-18 and 14-66. Visitors to Garrett Animal Shelter take a dog for a walk using a leash, which is mandated by City ordinance. 18 East 4th Street, Fulton, MO 65251 Phone: (573) 592-3111 LeRoy D. Benton, Mayor Mike West, Ward 1 Wayne Chailland, Ward 1 Mary Rehklau, Ward 2 Lowe Cannell, Ward 2 Lindsey Pace-Snook, Ward 3 Richard Vaughn, Ward 3 Steve Moore, Ward 4 Rick Shiverdecker, Ward 4 www.fultonmo.org
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