April 2015 4 Debbie & Mike Malek anniv. 4 Colbie Brooke Walls 5 Josh McMahan 6 Forrest Hutson 6 Trenton Hart 6 Aubrey Hart 8 Eddie Aslin 8 Allen Thomason 8 Randy Wright 11 Valerie Jaggars 12 Jill Bobo 13 Kelly Tyson 16 Sharon Moore 18 Kate Cook 20 Nan Wright 21 Lilli Ramsey 22 Tommy & JoAnn Montgomery anniv 22 Billy Bob & Julie Butler anniv. 23 Elaine Wagner 25 Jerry Monroe 25 Linda Ramsey 25 Kari Rohrbaugh 26 Bill & Vickie Miles anniv. 26 Karen Smith 26 Don Still 27 Isaac Pruden 29 Tom Buchholzer From the Pastor It’s time to celebrate Easter again. On April 5th we will gather to worship the risen Christ here at First United Methodist Church at 7:00am and 10:50am. We will not be worshipping by ourselves; we will be joining millions of Christians around the world to continue the celebration of our Lord’s resurrection that began over 2,000 years ago. This event was so consequential that it became the turning point of history. It signifies God’s victory over sin, death and the grave. The risen Christ now offers us a new kind of life that begins here and now, and continues throughout eternity. That’s reason to celebrate! What if Jesus had not been raised from the dead? What difference would that make in our live’s and in the world? These are questions I will explore in the 10:50 sermon. At the sunrise service I’ll be preaching on the roller coaster resurrection day that those who were there experienced. It involved a wild ride with emotional and spiritual ups and downs. Join us for one or both worship services as we proclaim, “Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!” Pastor Steve Please call the office if we need to make any corrections for you, such as birthdays, addresses, email addresses or phone numbers. Check out our website! www.fumchope.arumc. org and on Facebook If you have the skills and the time, we would love to have a volunteer take care of the up keep of our website. April Quick Reference Guide 5-Easter 12-Jim Tyson family 19-Jeff & Catherine Cook 26-Twyla Pruden Page 1- Pastor’s Notes/ Birthdays Page 2– April Calendar Page 3– Methodist Family Health Page 4– Memorials/Stewardship Page 5– Children Ministry Page 6– Youth Ministry Page 7– Church news Page 8- Easter activities May 3-Joyce Dunn 10-Anna Maney 17-Margaret Parham 24-Karen Smith 31– Diana Keith Please sign the flower calendar outside the church office. Page 9- Preschool news Page 10- Preschool photos 1 April 2015 Sun Sun 1 Mon Mon 2 Tue Tue 3 Staff mtg. 8:45am 6 Great Hours of Sharing– Springhill 85 8:45amSunrise Ser- Worship vice 7am committee mtg. Mtg. 15 12 8:45am-Worship committee mtg. Prep for dinner 6 Great Hours of Sharing– Hinton 16 13 6:30-Finance Take out Chicken 7pm– Admin Spaghetti Dinner Board 4-6pm mtg 22 19UMW Sunday 23 20 6 Great Hours of Sharing– here at FUMC 29 26 6 Great Hours of Sharing– Washington UMC 10 7 8:45am Staff mtg. 6 Great Hours of Sharing– Blevins Spring Break begins……….. 6:30-Finance 4110am/5:30– 52 10am/5:30– 5:30 M&M’s 5:30 M&M’s 11 10am/5:30 12 8 5:30–pm9 –pm-Revival Revival book book study study 5:30 5:30 M&M’s M&M’s 17 14 18 1510am/5:30 19 16 Emmaus mtg. 5:30pm Fri Fri Sat Sat 636:00-Men’s Office closed 7 4 10am -12:00 book study Service at 6:00 6:30– Philip Yancey book 6:30– UMW study Mtg. 13 10 6:00-Men’s 6:00-Men’s 14 11 book book study study Bridal Shower 13pm for Carissa & Nic Feed volunteers at CCM clinic –5pm –pm-Revival book study 20 17 6:00-Men’s 6:00-Men’s 21 18 book book study study Plant the Parsonage8am 5:30pm M&M’s 5:30 M&M’s 24 21 7pm– Admin Board mtg 30 27 Thu Thu pm-Revival pm-Revival book book study study 6:30– UMW 96 Wed Wed 31 28 25 22 5:30 M&M’s 10am/5:30–pmRevival book study 5:30 M&M’s 29 26 23Feed vol- 27 246:00-Men’s 6:00-Men’s 28 25 unteers at CCM clinic book book study study Emmaus mtg. 5:30pm 30 6:00Companions 6:30mtg Companions mtg Wednesdays Schedule 5:30pm Snack Supper 5:30-6:45pm M&M’s/Youth 5:30pm Handbell practice 6:30pm Chancel Choir Practice Special Reminders: An attended nursery is available on Sunday mornings from 9:30 till 12:00. It is also available for special evening events throughout the week. Please contact Sundays 9:30 am Mall Fellowship 9:45 am Sunday School 10:50 am Morning Worship 2 April 2015 Make a contribution to Methodist Family Health at: www.ArkansasGives.org (http://www.arkansasGives.org) And your gift will help us be eligible for bonus dollars and cash prizes that will make your donation stretch even farther. Congratulations! Your church has been named one of Methodist Family Health’s 2014 Top 30 giving Churches. Thank you for celebrating and supporting the mission of Methodist Family Health in your congregation and among your church family. Your generosity makes it possible for Methodist Family Health to continue to share the light and provide help and hope for the children and families in our care. Thank you, Maggie Beeler ArkansasGives is one day, one easy way to give. Between the hours of 8am & 8pm on Thursday, April 2nd . Arkansans can go to ArkansasGives.org to make a donation to the charities of their choice. During this oneday event, each donation you give will help your favorite nonprofit organizations qualify for additional bonus dollars from Arkansas Community Foundation. All participating nonprofits will receive a portion of a $250,000 bonus pool; the more a nonprofit raises in proportion to the other participating groups, the larger the share of bonus dollars it will receive. Your donation will enable Methodist Family Health to continue providing quality, compassionate psychiatric and behavioral healthcare to the children and families of Arkansas. 3 April 2015 March Memorial In memory of Charles E. “Bucky” Sharpe, Jr. by: Ford Ward Sydney McMath Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pilkinton Mr. and Mrs. Ned Ray Purtle Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Kidd Dr. and Mrs. Bill Coffee In memory of Richard E. “Pete” Lively by: Sydney McMath In memory of Lila Kate McAlister (daughter of Skip & Misti Wright McAlister) by: Dr. and Mrs. Bill Coffee In memory of Mr. and Mrs. George Frazier by: Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Kidd In memory of Marie Gagnon by: Dr. and Mrs. Bill Coffee What is e-Giving? e-Giving is short for electronic giving. It is an automatic transfer program that allows you to make contributions without the hassle of writing checks. Check it out at: http://www.fumchope.arumc.org Stewardship 2015 Honor the Lord with your substance and with the first fruits of all your produce. ( Proverbs 3:9) 2015 Budget $413,791.00 Giving thru March: $93,149.72 In memory of Rufus Crawford (father of Kay McCorkle) by: Jennie Sue Aslin Annual Chicken Spaghetti Dinner Monday, April 13th 4:00 to 6:00pm $8.00 Take out only Be sure you have your tickets for this fundraiser for the Spirit of Hope Celebration! 4 April 2015 Easter Celebration and Egg Hunt!! Saturday, April 4, 2015 10am-12:00pm This year—take a journey through the Easter Story! You won’t want to miss the Last Supper with Christ, praying at the rock in the Garden of Gethsemane, and watching your sin being washed away from the cross!! The morning will start with the gathering at Games. Be there to start your journey with your children through the last days of Christ and His glorious resurrection where our sins are wiped clean! See you all there….and bring a friend!! http://tanako.org/camps/family-camp/ Family Camp at Camp Tanako! Camp Tanako is offering 3 dates for Family Camp this year! April 10-11, July 18-19, October 9-10 Cost is $100/family Follow the link to their website and have a great time at camp with your kids! 5 April 2015 The SWDCYM will be holding a Leadership Retreat for all interested 8-11th graders. Location: Camp Tanako Cost: $35.00 Date: April 24-April 25, 2015 Screenings for SWDCYM and CCYM will be held at this time. All incoming 8th—12th graders are eligible to serve on the SWDCYM and all incoming 10th-12 graders are eligible to serve on the CCYM (Conference Council on Youth Ministries). The retreat this year is only for those wishing to be on the council. See Rose for more information We are blessed to have 2 amazing youth graduating from High School in 2015. Deisy Abarca (Left) Samantha Still (Right) SENIOR RECOGNITION SUNDAY May 3, 2015 Immediately following the Service The annual Roast and Toast Potluck will be held on Sunday, May 3, 2015 following the Service of Worship. Please come and help celebrate these 2 amazing young ladies! Both are graduating with honors and will announce their college of choice at the banquet! Come wish them well! This banquet will be a potluck with brisket and ham being provided. Bring your favorite dish and let’s have a party!! APRIL 2015 April 1 - STUFF EASTER EGGS! April 4 - EASTER EGG HUNT April 5 - No UMYF—Easter Sunday April 8 - Wednesday Night Youth April 12 - Youth Rally—Lewisville April 15 - Wednesday Night Youth April 19 - Movie Day April 22 - Wednesday Night Youth April 24-25 - SWDCYM Leadership Retreat April 26 - Special Presentation by Dan April 29 - Wednesday Night Youth MAY 2015 May 3 - Senior Recognition Sunday May 6 - Wednesday Night Youth May 10 - No UMYF - Mother’s Day May 13 - Wednesday Night Youth May 17 - Missions Night May 20 - Year End Splash and Play Party!! May 24 - No UMYF—Memorial Day May 27 - Wednesday Night Youth May 31 - Visiting Youth Group Performance Youth Hosting 6 April 2015 Come help us celebrate! For Nic and Carissa’s upcoming wedding On Saturday, April 11 1:00 to 3:00pm Come & go They are registered at: Target, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Lagrone Williams & Family Pharmacy Hope Lions Club is creating a place for families to walk in, select children’s books, and walk out. No registering, no signing up, no checking out- “bring a book(s), take a book(s)”. Our partner is the Hope/Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce who will provide the corner office for this space—convenient, safe, well lighted, easy parking, needing no monitoring. Families will enter through the main Chamber office door, browse to locate books appropriate for their children, and leave with their books. That’s all there is to it, but the expectation is that a family will return the books after reading them and exchange them for unread books. Books are needed. It’s a good time to clean out those closets of books you read to your children or grandchildren—children’s picture books up to 6th grade level books. You may bring the books to the Chamber office or call Mike Malek (870-275-3651) for pickup. Plant the Parsonage Saturday, April 18th, 8:00am We will gather that morning to build flower beds and spruce up around the parsonage. We need several garden tillers and lots of helping hands to create a beautiful landscape to enhance the front of the house. Nan Wright has volunteered to oversee this project, thru the Trustees committee, and has already done lots of prep work. Please call her at 777-4216 and let her know if you can help. Outreach Book Case Project The outreach program is ready to deliver 26 bookcases filled with books to lucky first graders out at Hope Primary. We want to thank everyone who bought new books and those who brought in gently used ones from their homes. Also a special thank you to Jerry Monroe, Nan Wright, Marlon Ward , Dan Rohrbaugh and the youth for building, sanding, staining all those bookcases. 7 April 2015 Easter Week Activities Our church will have a special worship service on Thursday, April 2nd at 6:00pm. The day of this service is often referred to as Maundy Thursday. The English word Maundy comes from the Latin word Mandatum, which means commandment. Further, the Latin phrase, Mandatum novum, translates to the new commandment given in John 13:34, when Jesus says “ A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” The worship service this evening will include Holy Communion which in particular commemorates the first Lord’s Supper of the Upper Room. Throughout the evening’s service the gospel account will be read of Jesus’ life from the time of the events in the Upper Room until his crucifixion. These readings are referred to as a service of Tenebrae, which is Latin for darkness or shadows. These words are appropriately descriptive of the events in Jesus’ life on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Most gloriously the Christian witness of the life of Christ does not stop at the events previously mentioned. On Easter Sunday we will have a sunrise service at 7:00am and a celebratory worship service at 10:50am with choir and handbells. These services give witness to the resurrection of our Lord and his presence in our lives and ministry though his church today. — Robert Green Director of Music Ministry Christian Family Medical Clinic... provides an important service to our community and we have been asked to provide a light meal on Thursday, April 9th and April 23rd for the volunteer workers. If anyone would like to help provide a plate of cookies, fruit or vegetable tray, please call the office. Photo Time! If you and your family are ready to get your pictures taken for the new e-directory, please contact the church office at 777-8816 or Judy Flowers or Karen Smith at 777-6190 or 7036774. We will also be available between Sunday School and church or immediately following the service. If you already have a current family photo that you would like to use, just let us know!! 8 April 2015 FUMC Preschool News Enrollment for 2015-2016 School Year Our registration has begun and current students and FUMC members have first priority until March 11th. So come see us now if you want your child or grandchild here! We offer 1/2 day classes for 3 yr, 4 yr olds and Kindergarten. We have several slots for afterschool care until 5:15pm. The age deadlines and tuition prices are listed on the Preschool bulletin board near the office. If you know someone who would like to enroll their child, the public registration day is Thursday, March 12th at 7:30am. Please see Betsy Still or the church office if you need the paperwork for a class next year. We are looking forward to a fabulous school next year! Please consider carefully since our registration fees are non-refundable. Here are the age require- ments: For the 3 yr old class: is currently filled! Please put your name on the waiting list. For the 4 yr old class: your child is 4 by Aug 1, 2015 and potty trained For the Kindergarten class: your child is 5 by Aug 1, 2015 April news- Dr. Coffee and his staff came to visit and showed us some ways to keep our teeth healthy. They demonstrated how we should brush each day. We learned a tooth song and that we should brush 2 times a day to keep the sugar bugs away. We thank them for stopping by. The Cat in the Hat (Priscilla Dougan) came to visit us this month to celebrate his birthday. Allie Porter, from Jr. Auxiliary, read the Dr. Seuss book, I Wish That I Had Duck Feet, to the kids. The Cat was not behaving himself very well and the children were quick to tell when he did a new trick. We enjoyed their visit very much. The kids in the 4 yr. old classes are scheduled to go to the Perot Theater in Texarkana to see Imagine Ocean, which is a black light puppet show. We are looking forward to it. The Preschool is continuing to enroll for the Fall. We still have a few openings in our 1/2 day classes for 4 yr. olds and Kindergarten and the after school class. The 3 yr. old class is taking names for a waiting list. The tuition prices are listed on the Preschool bulletin board near the office. If you know someone who would like to enroll their child, please have them call me for more information. Jennifer Orr from the United Way presented Mrs. Michelle’s class a “cookie party” for collecting the most pennies. Way to go kids! Betsy Still, Director 9 First United Methodist Church Pastor: Steve Johnson 2300 South Main Street PO Box 400 Hope, AR 71801 Office: 870-777-8816 Fax: 870-777-1702 April 2015 www.fumchope.arumc.org FUMC Preschool 10
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