The Messenger The monthly newsletter of First United Methodist Church of Pinellas Park April 2015 Words from our Pastor Greetings, Church Family, I hope everybody is doing well and enjoying the spring weather. Holy Week is soon upon us and it is a spiritually important time of the year for believers. Our church calendar is filled with solid events from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday. May we all be blessed. Rev. Jeffrey Ice In this issue: Mission Boxes Beginning this month, we will have a regular Mission Box designation for children and youth scholarships. Amounts donated will be added to a general fund. As needed, the funds will be applied to such things as church camp scholarships, spiritual retreats, and even small college scholarships. You may, of course, continue to designate additional funds, if you wish, during times you know that a specific need exists. Designations for April 04/05 Children and Youth Scholarships 04/19 InterVarsity 04/12 Can Cupboard 04/26 Kids Christian Care It’s Magic! Decorating the Memorial Cross; Invitational Evangelism ........................... 2 April Reminders; Holy Days Schedule; UMW Dates; Member Contact Info; Birthdays; Meetings ............................... 3 Church Calendar ..................................... 4 Youth for Missions Third Annual Golf Tournament ................................. 5 Celebrate Jesus; Scouts; Finance ........ 6 Mark your Calendar For UMW’s Youth News; Library .............................. 7 “All God’s Children” Event One Great Hour of Sharing .................. 8 Saturday, April 25th, 2015 Fellowship Hall: Dinner 6:00 pm; Program 6:45 pm Cost: Adults: $7; Children ages 5-14: $3; Family: $20 Featuring Lowell Tauszik, a very well-known Ventriloquist, Magician, and Juggler. Lowell (who also worked with his wife as a missionary in England for 12 years) has appeared on a variety of television shows and before several local church audiences. Don’t miss this show! Compassion Ministries; Trustees; UMW News; Kids Thank Bible Study Group! ........ 9 Church Contact Information ............ 10 Ou r Mi s sion : “G o a nd mak e d is c i pl e s … ba p ti zi n g th e m i n th e na m e of t h e Fa th er a n d of th e S o n an d o f th e H o l y S pi ri t, an d t eac h in g t h em to o b ey ev ery t h in g I h av e c om m a nd e d y ou . ” -- Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20) On Easter Sunday (April 5th), the Memorial Gardens Committee will place the cross in the breezeway near the sidewalk that leads to the Memorial Gardens. In celebration of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, please join us in decorating the cross by bringing flowers from home. - Lois Vision, Chairman Our new Church Directories should be here by the end of April and we’ll be distributing them. If you had your picture taken by LifeTouch, you will receive a free directory. Seasons of the Church Year* LENTEN SEASON: Ash Wednesday to Easter Day (6 Sundays) The season of remembering Jesus Christ as the teacher, healer, preacher, and servant of men, who ministered to men and showed what God is like. A time for measuring our lives by his and being sorry; for remembering his suffering and death. INVITATIONAL EVANGELISM On Saturday, April 11th, 2015, we plan on being a light and a warm Christian presence to our local commercial and civic organizations: Businesses, Library, Police Department, and Fire Department We need your help in two ways: Bake cookies, brownies, etc. EASTERTIDE: Easter Day and six more Sundays The season of rejoicing in Jesus’ resurrection; his victory over death. Put them by the dozen on a sturdy disposable plate. Cover with plastic wrap and deliver to the church. (Check the Sunday bulletin for drop-off time and place.) Color Symbols of the Church* Stands for Waiting, Being Sorry, Looking PURPLE Forward, Remembering God’s concern for us. BLACK WHITE The color of Advent and Lent. Stands for Sadness and Death. The color of Good Friday until Easter morning. Funerals. Stands for what is Pure, Joyful, Clean, Rejoicing in God. The color of Christmastide, Epiphany, Eastertide, the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Baptism, the color for weddings. * From Methodist Youth Teaching Packet, 1964 – 1968 Thanks to Bill Vannatta for recommending this material. Help to deliver the treats. Arrive at the Church Fellowship Hall at 9:00 AM. You may drive to deliver items. You will receive a short training and a list to visit. Plan to bake and/or deliver treats. Watch your bulletin for more information. There will be sign-up sheets in the front of the Church. Questions? Ask Nancy Kragh or Rhonda Smith. “I Love a Good Book!” Max Lucado’s newest book, Miracle at the Higher Grounds Cafe, was donated this month. You should be able to find it on the special shelf for now. If you find that you’re simply too busy for a daily chat with your heavenly Father, it’s an indicator that you probably need to take a long, hard look at your values and how you’re spending your time. - Until next month, Pinky The Messenger Page 2 April 2015 Reminder April 2 nd April 3 rd April 5th No Church Work Day this month No Youth Luncheon on Easter Sunday (Please see Holy Days Schedule, this page) Invitational Evangelism: Sat., April 11 th, 9:00 am, Fellowship Hall New Members Information For those of you who received the printed version of The Messenger’s March issue, here is contact information for one of our new members. 3rd-Sunday Potluck: Sunday, April 19th All God’s Children: April 25th, 6:00 pm Ian Grant 3435 Bayshore Blvd., #1200, Tampa, FL 33629; 813-286-1081 April 2nd Maundy Thursday): Seder Dinner, 6:00 pm, Fellowship Hall April 3rd Good Friday Service, Sanctuary, 7:00 pm April 5th Sunrise Service, 7:30 am, Church South Lot Pancake Breakfast, 8:15 am, Fellowship Hall Easter Cantata, 10:30 am, Sanctuary Easter Egg Hunt, after Worship, in the Courtyard United Methodist Women Dates to Note 04/02 (Thurs.): Executive Committee Meeting, 10:00 am, E-2 04/09 (Thurs.): Elizabeth Circle, 10:00 am, Church Library Naomi Circle, 1:00 pm, Church Library 04/12 - 14 Florida Advocacy Days/Children’s Week 04/21 (Tues.): Ruth Circle, 7:00 pm, Fellowship Hall (Hostesses: Carmen Lawrence and Nancy Pless) 04/25 (Sat.): All God’s Children, 6:00 pm, Fellowship Hall Please see page 9 for more UMW news. PLANNING MEETINGS Staff-Parish Relations: Monday, April 6 th , 7:00 pm, Lib. Finance: Tuesday, April 14 th , 6:00 pm, E-4 Trustees: Tuesday, April 14 th , 7:00 pm, E-2 Wednesday, April 22nd April Birthdays 04/05 Bill Goodman 04/06 William Smyth 04/10 Peggy Sevier Jean Backensto Jordana Clark 04/13 Nancy Pless Isaac LaFrance 04/14 Joel Putnam Ethan Ahlquist 04/17 Robert Sitterly Katie Wilcox 04/22 M. Donna Jones Corynn Miner 04/24 Nancy Poling Jackie Cauthen Lois Vision Cullen Clark 04/26 Marilyn Smith Kalynn Miner 04/27 Kevin Carney Garrett Carney 04/28 Gwen Powell 04/29 Tristan Hancock Note to Newsletter Contributors: May Messenger deadline: Wednesday, April 15 t h . The Messenger Page 3 04/30 Pinky Reichert April 2015 April 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday 2 7:30pm Praise Team 10:00am UMW Executive 7:00pm Good Friday Service Committee Mtg. (E2) (Sanc) 6:00pm Seder Dinner (FH/Kit) 7:30pm Choir Reh. 9:00am Thrift Store (TS) 9 11 6 7 8 7:30am Easter Sunrise Service (South Lot) 8:15am Pancake Breakfast (FH/Kit) 9:15am Sunday School 10:15am Chancel Choir Reh. (PAR) 10:30am Worship (Sanc) 11:15am Praise Kids (PAR) 6:30pm Boy Scouts (E2/E3, E4) 7:00pm Staff/Pastor Parish Rel. (LIB) 9:30am Ladies' Bible Study (E2) 5:30pm GS Troop 500 (Rm 201/207) 7:00pm Cub Scouts Committee Meeting (E4) 5:30pm 5:45pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 6:30pm (E4) 6:30pm 7:30pm 12 13 14 15 9:15am Sunday School 10:15am Chancel Choir Reh. (PAR) 10:30am Worship (Sanc) 11:15am Praise Kids (PAR) 6:30pm Boy Scouts (E2/E3, E4) 9:30am Ladies' Bible Study (E2) 5:30pm GS Troop 500 (Rm 201/207) 6:00pm Finance (E4) 7:00pm Trustees (E2) 5:30pm 5:45pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 6:30pm (E4) 7:30pm Dinner (FH) GS Troop 431 Youth (AH) Youth Praise Bible Study w/Pastor Study of Daniel (E2) Praise Team 3 Saturday 1 5 10 10:00am Elizabeth Circle 1:00pm Naomi Circle 6:00pm Chapel Chicks 6:30pm Rejoice! (PAR) 6:30pm Cub Scouts (E2/E3, E4) 7:30pm Choir Reh. 16 19 20 21 22 9:15am Sunday School 10:15am Chancel Choir Reh. (PAR) 10:30am Worship (Sanc) 11:15am Praise Kids (PAR) 12:00pm Pot Luck Luncheon (FH) 6:30pm Boy Scouts (E2/E3, E4) 9:30am Ladies' Bible Study (E2) 5:30pm GS Troop 500 (Rm 201/207) 7:00pm Ruth Circle 5:30pm 5:45pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 6:30pm (E4) 6:30pm 7:30pm 26 27 28 29 9:15am Sunday School 10:15am Chancel Choir Reh. (PAR) 10:30am Worship (Sanc) 11:15am Praise Kids (PAR) 6:30pm Boy Scouts (E2/E3, E4) 9:30am Ladies' Bible Study (E2) 5:30pm GS Troop 500 (Rm 201/207) 5:30pm 5:45pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 6:30pm (E4) 6:30pm 7:30pm The Messenger Thursday Dinner (FH) GS Troop 431 Youth (AH) Study of Daniel (E2) Youth Praise Bible Study w/Pastor 6:00pm 6:30pm E4) 6:30pm 7:30pm 4 9:00am Invitational Evangelism 9:00am Thrift Store (TS) 17 18 9:00am Thrift Store (TS) Chapel Chicks Cub Scouts (E2/E3, Handbell Reh. (PAR) Choir Reh. Praise Team 23 Dinner (FH) GS Troop 431 Youth (AH) Study of Daniel (E2) Bible Study w/Pastor 6:00pm 6:30pm E4) 6:30pm 7:30pm Chapel Chicks Cub Scouts (E2/E3, Rejoice! (PAR) Choir Reh. 24 25 6:45pm KCC Spring Musical (Sanc) 9:00am Thrift Store (TS) 6:00pm All God's Children Banquet (FH/Kit) Youth Praise Praise Team 30 6:00pm Chapel Chicks Dinner (FH) 6:30pm Cub Scouts (E2/E3, GS Troop 431 Youth (AH) E4) Study of Daniel (E2) 7:30pm Choir Reh. Bible Study w/Pastor Youth Praise Praise Team Page 4 April 2015 YOUTH FOR MISSIONS THIRD ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT SATURDAY , A PRIL 18 TH, NOON $ 50 registration LARGO MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE (includes cart and prizes) Foot Golf: $25 per person Lunch: $8 Raffles and silent auction items will be available, so come early to take a chance! (You do not have to be present to win.) (additional; before tee-time) Our youth group is very excited to have already committed to local work projects with the following organizations this spring and summer: United Methodist Cooperative Ministries, the Ronald McDonald House, and Pinellas Hope. Our local missions will be followed by our summer mission trip to Georgia. Mission work is instrumental in developing our youth so they can see life's bigger picture. Through these projects, they give back to the community in a totally selfless way while spreading the love of Jesus. Our youth work very hard to raise money throughout the year at monthly dinners, yard sales, silent auctions, yard work, and candy sales. This golf tournament has been a fun way for us to earn money while providing an exciting day of golf for many. Last year, we raised $2,500 for our trip to Puerto Rico. We cleaned yards, gave out invitations to our host church within the community, and helped lead their VBS. Our youth love doing this type of work and giving back. Sadly, though, many of our own families are also dealing with loss of jobs and rising expenses and cannot pay for their youth to do this type of work. You and your business can help! We would love for you to come and play in our tournament! We would also like to offer you a way to advertise your business while also helping us to earn the needed funds for this summer’s projects. Please see the sidebar for ways you can share your business with our Community! The Messenger Tournament Sponsors and Program Ads (All golfers and church attendees will receive Tournament Programs.) * Premier: Headline in all media mentions; full-page ad: choice of location; team entry; large banner at Hole #1. $1,000. * Platinum: Platinum Sponsor mention in all media. Full-page ad: second choice of location; medium-sized banner at Hole #1. $500. * Gold: Gold Sponsor mention in all media; ½-page ad: third choice of location; medium-sized banner at Hole #1. $250. * $25: Please provide 8 1/2" x 11” camera-ready business ad/card * $50: Same as above, plus business-card-size program ad * $100: Same as above, plus ¼-page program ad * * * * $25: Camera-ready, business-card-sized program ad $50: Camera-ready, 1/4 -page program ad $100: Camera-ready, 1/2 -page program ad $200: Camera-ready, full-page program ad * $200: Sponsor a foursome to play: ½-page, specific thank-you ad * $55: Sponsor a person to play: Business-card-sized, thank-you ad * Provide 125-150 items for goodie bags that will be distributed to all our players. You will receive an appropriately-sized program ad for your in-kind donation. * Provide prizes for the tournament winners (trophies, gift cards, golf items, etc.) You will receive an appropriately-sized program ad for your in-kind donation. Note: All art work must be camera-ready ads st and need to be submitted before April 1 . If you are unable to help with the Golf Tournament, you can still donate to sponsor a youth to participate in our Summer Mission work. Please contact us for more information or to volunteer your help (such as donating items for goodie bags or packing items, or getting sponsors). E-mail at [email protected] or call evenings at 727-637-3534 or the church at 727-546-5741 Page 5 April 2015 Changing lives, Changing churches, Changing you. B o y S c o u t s : Mo n d a ys , 6 : 3 0 p m C u b S c o u t s : Th u r s d a ys , 6 : 4 5 p m L o c a t i o n : F U MC P P Contact: Joel Putnam, 321-377-8845 Tallahassee Mission June 20 - 27, 2015 Application Deadline: April 20 Orlando Area Mission The Girl Scouts are finishing up cookie season. If you would like additional cookies, contact us at 727-631-2974 and I will deliver to the church. We are now preparing for camp and Memorial Day service projects. Also, we are starting to plan a hoped-for trip to Washington, DC next year. Thanks for your support of our troop! July 25 – Aug 1, 2015 Application Deadline: May 25 There are neighborhoods just like yours with people waiting to feel a touch from God. There are people just like you who want to share God’s love with others, but they are afraid and don’t know how to begin. Celebrate Jesus Missions offer opportunities to get out into the neighborhoods and share the love of Jesus in invitational ways. No experience is necessary! - Colleen and all of Girl Scout Troop 53 Volunteer missionaries (that’s YOU!) stay at a host church and work with that church family to offer acts of kindness and prayer to their neighbors. Activities include handing out free gifts to neighbors, offering free car washes, delivering homemade goodies to local businesses, giving out cold water bottles at parks…’ll learn new skills to try at home! FINANCE COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 2015 BY THE NUMBERS: BUDGET Gifts: $20,866.30 Expenses: $22,554.86 Result: $1,688.56 negative balance CONNECTIONAL GIVING Paid: $2,670.00 Complete an application and send it to our office. Applications available at Designated Giving: $212.00 Thrift Store Income: $594.50 Paid on Apportionments: $5,340.25 (16.67% for 2015) KCC Come as an individual, couple or family. Application fee: $150 individual; $50 for each additional family member $71,800.20 Expense: $57,553.90 Result: $14,246.30 positive balance CAPITAL NEEDS Celebrate Jesus Inc., PO Box 2174, Goldenrod, FL 32733 Phone: (407) 893-7305; E-mail: [email protected] The Messenger Income: Income: $34.00 Balance: $7,106.92 - Pat Smith for the Finance Committee Page 6 April 2015 PRAISE MUSIC Attention all singers! We are starting a “Praise Choir” which will sing back-up vocals with the Praise Team on selected praise songs throughout the year. Our first song will be “Because He Lives” by Matt Maher, and we’ll sing it in April, after Easter. No music reading required, just a love of singing praises to our Lord and Savior! Please see Jordana Clark or Betsy Larson on Wednesday, Thursday or Sunday to let us know you’re interested, or send an email to [email protected]. We’re hoping for a group of 16 singers; some will be from the Chancel Choir, but we really want to reach out to non-choir members as an opportunity to participate in worship without a long-term, weekly commitment. Once we have the core group, we’ll jointly determine a rehearsal schedule that fits most members’ calendars. We’re excited to offer another opportunity for you enthusiastic singers in the congregation (we know who you are ‘cause we see you on Sunday mornings) to leave your favorite seat in the pew, and come on up to the choir loft to share your talents. - Betsy Larson and Jordana Clark, Music Directors Loretta Wilcox Youth Director There will be no Youth Luncheon in April. The Boys’ Chrysalis weekend took place March 7th – 9th. Five of our adults and six of our young men and women worked this weekend. Joel Putnam led the weekend and was a real inspiration to the boys Pastor Jeffrey Ice, Patrick Cain, Zac Harner, Tyler Christie, and Dudley Wilcox also gave talks and did a great job. Isaac LaFrance and Jeffrey Cody worked on the logistics team, setting up and cleaning up all weekend Manuela Rodriguez, Janice Todd and I worked in the kitchen and behind the scenes. It was a wonderful weekend and I was blessed to watch our youth working hard and enjoying serving Jesus! March was a great month for the youth. Confirmation Classes are going great and the youth are looking forward to being confirmed on Palm Sunday. This year we will travel to Columbus, Georgia for our Mission Trip. There is a big need for minor home repair and wheelchair ramps for the elderly in that area. We will be working with TeamEffort again; this group is wonderful because they do all the logistical planning and also provide wonderful Praise and Worship each evening for the groups. The trip will cost around $450 for each person and we will be fundraising so all the youth who want to can go. Touch A Heart In past years, we have placed envelopes in the bulletins asking for your support for the Youth Mission Team. This year there will be only a card that you can fill out and put in an envelope. The youth will need your prayers, encouragement and financial support to make our Summer Mission work possible. The Messenger Page 7 We will also be undertaking a few local Mission Projects with United Methodist Cooperative Ministries as well as some projects for our own church family. If you know of anyone in need of some help at home, please let me know. April 2015 COMPASSION MINISTRIES Thrift Store CAN CUPBOARD REPORT February Report Open Saturdays: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Served 92 families; 253 individuals (185 adults; 68 children aged 3 months – 16 years) Easter Dinner Baskets Will be delivered April 2nd 1:00 – 3:00 pm Volunteer Needs The Thrift Store is a great place to give in service. You could act as a cashier or help sort, price, or stock merchandise. Have fun while donating an hour or more of your time as you wish. Call Cheryl Vannatta: 544-4252. CAN CUPBOAARD VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Gad-Abouts: Watch your Sunday bulletin for information on April’s activity. Two people needed to wor k Monday mornings (including du ring the summer) One person needed to relieve regular workers on Monday or Wednesday morning as necessary (including the Summer) Please see Virginia! T R US T EES R EPO R T Thanks to those who came out for church member work day. Because the first Saturday of April is Easter Weekend, there will be no work day in April. The next workday will be posted in the monthly newsletter. Praise the Lord! For the first two months of 2015, we at FUMC have given $5,319.50 (or 16.67%) of our conference apportionments. The Lord is providing. Praise the Lord! Today, let’s learn about “One Great Hour of Sharing”: When disaster strikes anywhere in the world, the United Methodist Committee on Relief supports local efforts to aid survivors by providing early-response training for volunteers, shipping emergency kits and granting disaster-response funds. Teachers and class room leaders: if there is an airconditioning unit in your classroom and you notice that the filter needs to be changed, please inform a Trustee. That will help save time for the Trustees. Observed on the Fourth Sunday in Lent, One Great Hour of Sharing calls United Methodists to share the goodness of life with those who hurt. PTL! Our remodeling and repair work is almost completed. Thank you for your support. Your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing lay the foundation for UMCOR to share God’s love with communities everywhere. When you give to One Great Hour of Sharing, you underwrite UMCOR’s “costs of doing business.” - Bob Blake, Trustees Chair Dear Church Family, Thank you for allowing me to continue working with The Messenger. This activity helps to give me a sense of purpose and I enjoy it. Unfortunately, I have to apologize that occasionally the end result (such as the printed version of the March issue) is more than a little flawed. As it was last month, this is sometimes due to rushing to try to provide copies to those who attend Wednesday night dinner. - Joyce Bernotas The Messenger ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING This helps UMCOR to keep the promise that 100 percent of any gift to a specific UMCOR project will go toward that project, not for administrative costs. * Quoted from: The United Methodist Church Handbook: “Let’s go Fishing” Thank you and God bless. - Bill Vannatta, Interpreter for Connectional Giving Page 8 April 2015 UNITED METHODIST WOMEN DITTY BAGS: (Please see calendar, page 3) April is Sock month! Please bring in Socks for Children (School-age), Women, and Men Please leave your donations in the basket provided in the Narthex. Thanks! - June Anderson for the Ruth Circle and UMW Naomi Circle Project Update Most of you probably know that the Naomi Circle has been making and filling bags for the students at Pinellas Park Elementary School. This project is a “Student Awards Program”. The students are from age five (Kindergarten) through fifth grade. The teachers use our gifts as a reward to a student who had a special day in class. Please don’t confuse this program with the UMW’s regular Ditty Bag Program. That program is a very important project for the needy in our area -especially the migrant workers. We really appreciate the donations we have received and any we will receive in the future. If you would like to donate to this project, it would be greatly appreciated. Items we can use are: toys, books, coloring books, crayons, etc. Also, the school has asked if we could add shirts (boy or girl or generic, sizes four to six), underwear, and pants. So far, we have donated approximately 150 bags to the school. - Peg Irey for the Naomi Circle KIDS CHRISTIAN CARE We’re off to a great start at Kid’s Christian Care for 2015! We received high marks from both of the licensing agencies in February, and we are at capacity in all classrooms. Kudos to our Director, Barbie Grigsby, who works with our Financial Secretary, Ryllis Chandler, to keep a tight rein on expenses. Due to their diligence we have erased the $28,000 deficit carried over from 2014, and we’re on track to maintain a positive financial status! KCC extends a huge “Thank You” to the Tuesday Morning Bible Study whose generous members have donated $400 to purchase outdoor toys. The KCC Board is very appreciative of the continued support of these wonderful ladies! The children expressed their thanks in the note you see here. The VPK classes will present a spring musical performance in our Sanctuary on Friday, April 24th, at 6:45 PM. Seeing the joyful exuberance of these precious children definitely will lift your spirits and put a smile on your face! Make plans to attend; you’ll be glad you did! We’re recruiting for a teacher and an aide, so if you know of a caring, hardworking person who has a certification in childcare or who is willing to put in the time needed to become certified, please give the KCC office a call. Keep the KCC children, their families, and the staff in your prayers that they will be blessed by this outreach ministry of our wonderful church. - Betsy Larson, KCC Board Chair The Messenger Page 9 April 2015 First United Methodist Church of Pinellas Park 9025 49th Street N., Pinellas Park, FL 33782 Phone: (727) 546-5741 Send us Mail: fm ethod 1 @ t am pab a y. r r .c om See us: Like us: Follow us:!/FUMC_PPark Church Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM Wednesday: 2:00 – 5:30 PM Pastor Jeffrey Ice (for appointments) (Parsonage) 544-3472 [email protected] Church Office 546-5741 Admin. Ass’t: Janice Todd, x22 [email protected] Secretary: Pat Thomas, x23 [email protected] Financial Secr’y: Ryllis Chandler, x26 [email protected] The Messenger: Joyce Bernotas, x27 [email protected] Member Care Janice Todd, x22 [email protected] Trustees Bob Blake 536-2161 [email protected] Staff-Parish Relations Ron Bruce 727-729-2874 [email protected] Passionate Worship Carmen Lawrence 686-3077 [email protected] Finance and Stewardship Committee Pat Smith 459-4960 Ministry Council Chair Mark Linneman 541-6048 [email protected] Prayer Ministries Prayer Chain: Bev Mixson 573-3743 Prayer Visits: Karen Emerson 727-392-8368 [email protected] Adult Music Director/Organist Betsy Larson 546-5741 x27 [email protected] Children and Youth Music Director Jordana Clark 546-5741 x27 [email protected] Children’s Activities Church Office 546-5741 Scouting Ministries Boy Scouts: Joel Putnam 321-377-8845 Girl Scouts: Linda Sowell 510-4796 Youth Ministry Loretta Wilcox 546-5741 After 5:00 pm: 637-3534 [email protected] Kids Christian Care Office 541-6502 Pre-School Director: Barbie Grigsby [email protected] Board Chair: Betsy Larson 546-5741 Missions Ministry Michelle Sherman 727-226-2198 [email protected] Media Marketing Website: Janice Todd [email protected] Facebook and Twitter: Michelle Sherman 727-226-2198 [email protected] Library Pinky Reichert 576-7837 [email protected] United Methodist Women Dorothy (Dotty) Thompson 544-1539 Men’s Fellowship Richard Dishman 545-0313 Compassion Ministries Virginia Mulligan 546-5741 x29 Fellowship Meals/Can Cupboard Virginia Mulligan 546-5741 x29 Thrift Store Manager: Cheryl Vannatta 544-4252 Transportation Ministry Richard Dishman 545-0313 Invitational Evangelism Rhonda Smith 530-3194 [email protected] Nancy Kragh 397-8119 [email protected] April 2015
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