In The First Place Monthly Newsletter of First United Methodist Church of Sheridan, Arkansas June 2015 Youth Director’s Notes Greetings from the Youth Room: We would like to thank all that were present for the “Youth Sunday" services. “Youth Sunday” is a wonderful opportunity each year for our youth to participate in our Sunday morning worship services. The services allow us to share some of our experiences during the past year and our future plans; all of which are made possible by your generosity through the purchase of youth stock each month. If you missed this “Youth Sunday” you really missed out hearing our young peoples’ wonderful singing voices-WOW! After the youth services, we welcomed a new class of members and took the youth and all of their mothers on a Mother’s Day Outing to Crazy Hibachi in North Little Rock. We made some more of those “memories” Ike spoke of. We look forward to what these new young people will bring to our program. Eight of us attended “Spring Rally” May 15 - 16 at Bear Creek Campground where we experienced fellowship with youth groups from all over the Southeast District. We would like to thank our congregation for providing a wonderful lunch on Saturday for the whole group, which was cooked by our one and only-- Sam Green. We will close the school year with our annual “Rally Days” on May 27. We have never experienced this event. We have only helped to clean up the aftermath, so we are super excited to let the games begin! As the school year comes to a close, we are preparing for a wonderful trip to San Antonio, Texas on June 28 – July. Please be in prayer for us as we travel and fellowship. In addition, we will start the summer youth hours on Sunday, June 14, by meeting from 7:30 – 9:00. Thanks again for your wonderful help and support, because, without our congregation, nothing we do would be possible. Summer Feeding Program Update We are looking forward to the Summer Feeding Program which will run June 8 through August 14. All the paperwork has been submitted to the Arkansas Department of Human Services and the Arkansas Hunger Alliance. An agreement is in place with PepsiCo's "Food for Good" Program to provide the meals. Flyers are being sent home with all students at Poyen and Sheridan Schools, and posters are being put up throughout the county. In the next couple of weeks you will see banners out in front of all the feeding sites. Now, we are ready to enlist volunteers to help with this mission project! Sheridan FUMC will be one of the feeding sites and we will need an assortment of volunteers, two per day, throughout the summer to help at our church. We will need more volunteers the weeks of June 8 and August 10. Those two weeks our church will be responsible for distributing food and assisting at the other three sites - the Freshman Academy, Poyen Music Building and the Faith Assembly of God Church in Leola. We will need 6 to 8 volunteers on each of those days to deliver, assist the sites, and return the leftover meals to our church. Sign-up sheets to volunteer are located in the narthex. Also, all volunteers will need to get forms from Brother John or Mike Carpenter for their criminal background checks. I would like to thank everyone for their continued support! If you have any questions or need a poster to put out please call Mike Carpenter at 870-9418277. Mike Carpenter, Feeding Program Coordinator Health Screenings for June Sunday, June 14 8-8:30 a.m. Lezleigh Robinette 9:45-10:30 Pam Reed ~ Joe and Shannon Archer Greeters: Sam and Georgia King Counters: Joe Archer, Lauren Goins Usher Team: Mike Harrington, Charles Tadlock, Bobby Pierce, Jeff Archer, Gary Hines, Scott Hines June Children’s Church 7 - Lauren Goins 14 - Suzanne Frisby 21 - Kristen Weigand 28 – Kim Embrey June 2015 UMW President’s Message As we enter our “summer break,” I want to sincerely thank all the UMW ladies for their hard work and dedication to the UMW mission. A huge thank you is also extended to this wonderful church for your support and donations to UMW and its activities. When we begin our regular circle meetings in September, we will be making preparations for our annual Salad Luncheon in October. Have a wonderful summer! I hope you enjoy the poem below. I am so glad we “pass the peace” and greet our visitors every Sunday! ~ Betty Cook UMW President A Poem About Shoes In Church I showered and shaved…I adjusted my tie.. I got there and sat…In a pew just in time. Bowing my head in prayer…As I closed my eyes. I saw the shoe of the man next to me…Touching my own. I sighed. With plenty of room on either side…I thought, “Why must our soles touch?” It bothered me, his shoe touching mine…But it didn’t bother him much. A prayer began: “Our Father”…I thought, “This man with the shoes… has no pride. They’re dusty, worn, and scratched. Even worse, there are holes on the side!” “Thank You for blessings,” the prayer went on. The shoe man said…a quiet “Amen.” I tried to focus on the prayer…But my thoughts were on his shoes again. Aren’t we supposed to look our best…When walking through that door? “Well, this certainly isn’t it,” I thought, Glancing toward the floor. Then the prayer was ended…And the songs of praise began. The shoe man was certainly loud…Sounding proud as he sang. His voice lifted the rafters…His hands were raised high. The Lord could surely hear…The shoe man’s voice from the sky. It was time for the offering…And what I threw in was steep. I watched as the shoe man reached…Into his pockets so deep. I saw what was pulled out…What the shoe man put in. Then I heard a soft “clink”…as when silver hits tin. The sermon really bored me…To tears, and that’s no lie. It was the same for the shoe man…For tears fell from his eyes. At the end of the service…As is the custom here. We must greet new visitors…And show them all good cheer. But I felt moved somehow…And wanted to meet the shoe man. So after the closing prayer…I reached over and shook his hand. He was old and his skin was dark…And his hair was truly a mess. But I thanked him for coming…For being our guest. He said, “My names’ Charlie…I’m glad to meet you, my friend.” There were tears in his eyes…But he had a large, wide grin. “Let me explain,” he said…Wiping tears from his eyes. “I’ve been coming here for months…And you’re the first to say ‘Hi.’” “I know that my appearance…”Is not like all the rest. “But I really do try…” To always look my best.” “I always clean and polish my shoes…”Before my very long walk. “But by the time I get here…”They’re dirty and dusty, like chalk.” My heart filled with pain…and I swallowed to hide my tears. As he continued to apologize…For daring to sit so near. Page 2 Thanks for the Contributions Received: In Memory of Sheree Clark: Youth by Dee Ann Daniel, Sparky and Cindy Hedden, David and Charlene Holloway, Sam and Georgia King; Summer Feeding by Gary and Zoe Hines; Choir Fund by Good News SS Class In Memory of Al Morgan: Youth by Dee Ann Daniel, Good News SS Class; Summer Feeding by Gary and Zoe Hines In Memory of Bob Pritchard: Youth by Scott and Susan Schultz In Memory of Owen Hoskins (Grandfather of Frankie Rutherford): Youth by Margaret Hoskins In Memory of Virginia Harrington: Youth by Scott and Susan Schultz In Memory of Margaret Covert: Youth by Scott and Susan Schultz In Memory of Bob Shannon: Cookson Hills by Charles and Kathy Tadlock In Memory of Frances Sketoe: Bldg by Dorothy Moudy In Memory of Clinton Graves: Memorial Fund by Bobby Graves and Sons In Memory of G.E. Snell: Snell Scholarship by Scott and Susan Schultz In Honor of Joe and Shannon Archer: Youth by Betty Cook, Gregg and Summer Scott In Honor of 2015 HS Graduates: Youth by Donna Clark In Honor of Grandchildren (Bonnie, Ches, Jaime. Amanda, Lana, Nolan, J.C., Chad, Braiden, and Karsyn): Cookson Hills by Jack and Wanda Bush Welcome New Members: Randal and Deborah Bush 43 Pebble Loop * Sheridan Confirmation Class Members: Jameson Archer Brock Melton Jaxon Ray Jonathan Ross He said, “When I get here…”I know I must look a sight. “But I thought if I could touch you…”Then maybe our souls might unite.” I was silent for a moment…Knowing whatever was said Would pale in comparison…I spoke from my heart, not my head. “Oh, you’ve touched me,” I said…”And taught me, in part; “That the best of any man…”Is what is found in his heart.” The rest, I thought,…This shoe man will never know. Like just how thankful I really am…That his dirty old shoe touched my soul. You are special to me and you have made a difference in my life. I respect you, and truly cherish you. ~ author unknown Let old friends know you haven’t forgotten them, and tell new friends you never will. Remember, everyone needs a friend. Sheridan First United Methodist Church Corner of Church and Main Streets PO Box 357 * Sheridan, AR 72150 John Embrey, Pastor Betty Lancaster, Church Secretary Kathy Tadlock, Newsletter Editor Church office - 870-942-4127 Sheridan First United Methodist Church June 2015 Sunday Worship Services: 8:45 a.m. Early Service 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:50 a.m. Regular Service SUN SOS Food of the Month: Cans of Vienna Sausages Or Beanee Weenees 7 Coffee & Donuts after 1st church NATIONAL CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM DAY MON 1 TUE 2 8 SUMMER FEEDING PROGRAM STARTS 3 FRI SAT 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 National Corn on the Cob Day Choir - 7:00 UMY 5:30-7 14 THU National Doughnut Day Choir - 7:00 Snell Scholarship Deadline to Apply Coffee & Donuts after 1st church Coffee & Donuts after 1st church WED VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: 8-11 15 Health Screenings 8-8:30 and 9:45-10:30 FLAG DAY 16 FRESH VEGGIES DAY 6-8:00 P.M. 17 18 Sit & Stitch 9-11:00 VBS POOL PARTY 19 20 Blood Drive at Sheridan FUMC 10:30-3:30 GO FISHING DAY Choir - 7:00 UMY 7:30-9 21 2 Coffee Coffee && Donuts Donuts after after 1st 1st church church ANNUAL CONFERENCE: 14-17 HOT SPRINGS 22 23 24 NATIONAL PINK DAY 28 Coffee & Donuts after 1st church 26 TAKE YOUR DOG TO WORK DAY 27 Choir - 7:00 UMY 7:30-9 Coffee & Donuts after 1st church 25 29 30 YOUTH TRIP TO SAN ANTONIO - JUNE 28-JULY 5 * * * HAVE A GREAT TIME AND TRAVEL SAFELY! Choir - 7:00 June 2015 Page 4 From the Pastor’s Pen “In God we live, move, and exist.” Acts 17:28a CEB As we begin the summer months, I would like to take this opportunity to share with you some of the events that will be a part of the mission and ministry of our Church during the month of June. The first week of summer break (June 8-12) arrives with two volunteer opportunities for our church. The first of these is a joint ministry with other churches in our county to be in service to our community through the Summer Feeding Program. The Ministerial Alliance has made several changes to the program this year in an effort to stabilize and increase its effectiveness in reaching hungry children in Grant County. Mike Carpenter, the Summer Feeding Program Coordinator, has supplied information in this newsletter about how you can help to make this program a success this summer. The second volunteer opportunity is Vacation Bible School. VBS is an opportunity for us a congregation to help our children learn what it means to be disciples of Jesus Christ, in a concentrated week long effort. This year’s theme “G-Force” will be an opportunity for our children to learn the stories of Moses, Solomon, Bartimaeus and others. As they learn these stories they will consider what it means to Move, Act, Care, Follow, and Share our faith with the world! VBS is always an exciting time for our Church, and I hope that you will find some way to participate or to pray for our children as they learn about Christ. June will also bring with it the 2015 Arkansas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. This year’s conference will be held in Hot Springs, and will be attended by several of our members who will serve as delegates including Zoe Hines who will represent our Church, and Dee Ann Daniel who will represent the Southeast District. This year’s Annual Conference will be considering some major changes to our structure, and shared ministry. One of these possible changes is a new Apportionment Formula that will consider our shared ministry based on revenue instead of expenses. A second possible change involves the Clergy Health Insurance program and a possible way to help churches and clergy to save money on insurance premiums. Also, at this year’s Annual Conference we will be electing delegates for the 2016 General Conference and Jurisdictional Conference. This year’s Annual Conference will elect 4 clergy and 4 lay delegates to represent Arkansas. This is a smaller number than the last few General Conferences. In an effort to save money at General Conference the 2012 Conference decided to cut the number of delegates who would attend. So every Annual Conference will be sending fewer delegates. As Annual Conference approaches I would ask that you be in prayer for the work of the Conference, the important decisions that we will make together, and for those who will be elected to serve and represent us to the upcoming General and Jurisdictional Conferences. June’s a busy month, and it’s all possible because we live, move, and exist in God! ~ Rev. John Embrey Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors. The People of the United Methodist Church. First United Methodist Church PO Box 357 Main & Church Streets Sheridan AR 72150 NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. Postage PAID Sheridan, AR PERMIT NO. 56
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