Mukai lattice of a generalised Kummer variety Claudio Onorati Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath Advisor: Prof. Gregory Sankaran [email protected] Abstract We will give a different and intrinsic characterisation of the Mukai lattice for a generalised Kummer variety. It was shown by Markman ([Mar2]) that for a moduli space of sheaves M on a K3 surface, there exists an isometry of lattices between the Mukai lattice and a quotient of the fourth cohomology group H 4 (M, Z). This fact realizes the Mukai lattice as an intrinsic object in the geometry of an irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifold. This new lattice is invariant under the monodromy group and provides a preferred class of primitive embeddings of H 2 (M, Z) into the Mukai lattice. Currently, we are generalising the same computations in the case of a generalised Kummer variety. The subject of this poster is the description of the isometry between these two lattices. Let A be an abelian surface and H an ample class on A. Let K(A) = K0(A) be the Grothendieck group of A, which we identify with the even cohomology ring H ev (A, Z), endowed with the Mukai pairing (u, v) := −χ(u∨ ⊗ v). Then M = MH (v) is the moduli space of (Gieseker) H-stable sheaves on A with invariants fixed by v ∈ K(A). We suppose that H and v satisfy hypotheses such that M is a smooth projective variety of dimension v 2 + 2 and there exists a universal sheaf E˜ on the product M ×A. By an important result of Yoshioka ([Yos]), there exists an Albanese map (Aˆ is the abelian surface dual to A) a : M −→ A × Aˆ such that the fibre K = KH (v) := a−1(0, 0) is an irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifold of dimension m = v 2 − 2. This construction is independent of the choice ˆ We will refer to K of the point (0, 0) ∈ A×A. as a generalised Kummer variety. The restriction of the universal sheaf E˜ on K×A is still an important object and we will refer to ˜ K×A. With this notation we get it as E := E| a natural homomorphism of Grothendieck groups (here pi is the projection from K ×A to the ith factor) u : K(A) −→ K(K) sending an element x to u(x) = ! ∨ Endowing the secp1,! p2(x ) ⊗ [E] . ond cohomology group H 2(K, Z) with the Bogomolov-Beauville pairing, the morphism θ : v ⊥ → H 2(K, Z), sending x to c1(u(x)), is an isometry of Hodge structures ([Yos]). In the same way, we can try to define a map from K(A) to H 4(K, Z) by sending x to c2(u(x)). Nevertheless, in this way the resulting morphism is not a group homomorphism. Let Q4(K, Z) be the quotient of H 4(K, Z) by the image of the cup product map from H 2(K, Z). The composition of the above map with the projection to the quotient yields a morphism φ : K(A) −→ Q4(K, Z). (1) A straightforward computation shows that this map is a homomorphism of groups (and it is independent of the choice of a universal sheaf). Our goal is to show that this map is an isomorphism. Later we will also need the first K-theory groups K1(A) and K1(K). Generators for the cohomology ring. Following the method of the diagonal used by Ellingsrud and Strømme in their paper ”Towards the Chow ring of the Hilbert scheme of P2”, we can give explicit generators for the cohomology ring H ∗(K, Z) once we can express the (Poincare dual δ of the) class of the diagonal ∆ ⊂ K × K as a linear combination of polynomials with integral coefficients in the Chern classes of the Kunneth factors of the sheaf E. More ¨ explicitly, under the Kunneth isomorphism ¨ the class of E in K0(K ×A) decomposes as [E] = n1 X i=1 xi ⊗ ei + n2 X yj ⊗ f j (2) j=1 where {x1, · · · , xn1 } (resp. {y1, · · · , yn2 }) is a basis of K0(A) (resp. K1(A)) and ei (resp. fj ) are elements in K0(K) (resp. K1(K)). Following an argument of Markman ([Mar1], Theorem 1), we can compute " #! L O ! ! δ = cm −π13,! π12 (E)∨ π23 (E) (3) where πij are the projections from K × A × K to the product of the ith and j th factor. Substituting the decomposition (2) in the expression above and expanding the factors, we can state X δ= p∗2 (αk ) ∪ p∗1 (βk ), (4) k where αk (resp. βk ) are polynomials with integral coefficients in the Chern classes of the xi and yj (resp. ei and fj ). Finally, it is a general fact that every class x ∈ H ∗(K, Z) can be written as x = q1∗ (δ ∪ q2∗(x)) , (5) where qi is the projection from K ×K. Substituting the expression (4) in the (5) above, we get that the cohomology ring is generated by the Chern classes of the ei and fj . With some easy computations, we can further show that H ev (K, Z) is generated by cj (u(xi)). (6) In particular, H 4(K, Z) is generated by c2(u(xi)). Moreover, these classes do not vanish in the quotient Q4(K, Z) and so the map φ defined in (1) is surjective. Observe that, thanks to a result of Bogomolov, the cup product induces an injective homomorphism Sym2(H 2(K, Q)) → H 4(K, Q), whose quotient is exactly Q4(K, Q). Using the Goettsche formula for a generalised Kummer variety, we can easily see that for m ≥ 6 the dimension of Q4(K, Q) (and hence the rank of Q4(K, Z)) is equal to dim H 4(K, Q) − dim Sym2(H 2(K, Q)) = 8. Since the rank of the Mukai lattice of a generalised Kummer variety is known to be 8, the map φ must be an isomorphism. Conclusions. As a consequence, Q4(K, Z) is a free abelian group of rank 8. Pushing forward the Mukai pairing on K(A) through φ, we can define an even unimodular integral nondegenerate symmetric bi linear form B(ξ, η) := φ−1(ξ), φ−1(η) on Q4(K, Z). With this definition, φ extends to an isometry of lattices. The composition e = φ ◦ θ−1 : H 2(K, Z) ,→ Q4(K, Z) is a primitive embedding of the generalised Kummer lattice into the Mukai lattice. Coming next. In the K3[n]-case the pairing B is invariant under the monodromy group and e generates a rank 1 Mon(M )- submodule of Hom H 2(K, Z), Q4(K, Z) which is a Hodge-sub-structure of type (1, 1). We claim that this still holds true in the generalised Kummer case. References [Mar1] E. Markman, Generators of the cohomology ring of moduli spaces of sheaves on symplectic surfaces, 2001. [Mar2] E. Markman, Integral constrains on the monodromy group of the Hy¨ perkahler resolution of a symmetric product of a K3 surface, 2008. [Yos] K. Yoshioka, Moduli spaces of stable sheaves on abelian surfaces, 2001. ´ ´ ´ ´ Leuven, 1-5 June 2015 GAeL XXIII, Geom etrie Algebrique en Liberte,
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