Climate Change Threats to Plant Diversity A REVIEW PAPER Thuiller, W. et al. 2005. Climate change threats to plant diversity in Europe. PNAS: 8245–8250 By: Juan M. Rico Garcia Background ○ ○ Recent and accelerated climate change is already having effects on a wide variety of organisms. Hughes (2000) established that anomalous climate in the past half-century affects physiology, distribution, and phenology of species. Scientific Reminder ○ Diffenbaugh & Field (2013) ○ “Combination of high climate-change velocity and multidimensional human fragmentation will present terrestrial ecosystems with an environment that is unprecedented in recent evolutionary history.” Diffenbaugh & Field (2013). Changes in Ecologically Critical Terrestrial Climate Conditions. Science 341:486-492 Background ○ Basic Premise of Thuiller et al. (2005); Although previous studies modeled species distribution and extrapolated some species to suffer from alarming extinction risks in the next century, only a “few studies […] considered the consequences of multiple climate scenarios.”* Methods ○ Thuiller et al. used: ○ Four representative “future climate” scenarios* ○ Three different climate models (HadCM3, CGCM2, and CSIRO2) ○ A range of niche-based modeling techniques implemented in BIOMOD *** ○ Developed predictions of the potential consequences for 1,350 plant species in Europe. Methods ○ Using flora samples (1972-1992) narrowed down from 2294 -> 1350 plant species in Europe. ○ Climate Data (from Climatic Research Unit) included mean annual, winter, and summer precipitation, mean annual temperature and minimum temperature of the coldest months, growing degree days (>5°) and an index of moisture availability. Totalled 7 factors.* ○ Future projections were derived using climate model outputs from the I.P.C.C * 2001 I.P.C.C. Future Projections Climate Change 2001: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability: Contribution of Working Group II to the Third Asssessment Report of the IPCC 2001 I.P.C.C. Carbon Dioxide Projections only Credit: Robert A. Rohde / Global Warming Art Methods ○ BIOMOD Framework: ● Uses a variety of niche-based modelling techniques: ◆ Generalized linear models ◆ Generalized additive models ◆ Classification tree analysis ◆ Artificial Neural networks Methods ○ For each climate change scenario, models relating species distribution to the seven bioclimatic variables were fitted by using BIOMOD and projecting into future ○ Two contrasting assumptions about migration ability were made* Methods ○ Evaluated species extinction risks* ○ Assigned each species to a IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) threat category. Results Results No Migration ○ More than half the species become vulnerable or committed to extinction by 2080. ○ A1-HadCM3: 22% were critically endangered (80% range loss) and 2% extinct by 2080 Full Migration ○ Less severe ○ tA1-HadCM3: 67% of species classified low-risk ○ tB1-HadCM3: 76% of species would be at low risk. Ecosystem relevance ○ Niche-based modelling does not address proximate causes of species extinction. ○ However, any reduction in potential geographic ranges of species will increase risk of local extinction. ➢ Rationale behind the IUCN Ecosystem relevance Vortex Depiction Credit Percentage of Species loss & Percentage of species turnover Results A1-HadCM3 B1-HadCM3 ○ Mean European temp ○ Mean European increases ~4.4K temp increases 2.7 ○ Mean species loss of K 42% and turnover of ○ Lowest CO 2 63% increase ○ Had the Widest range ○ Lowest expected of variability: mean percent 2.5-86% Species Loss species loss (27%) 22-90% Turnover* Other scenarios show intermediate mean rates of species loss (~30%) and turnover (~50%) Percentage of Species Loss: Contrast between Moisture and Growing-Degree Days Regional Deviations Spatial Sensitivity by biogeographic regions Conclusions & A Global Context IN general, a proportion of European plant species could become vulnerable within the next 80 years. ○ The relationship between species loss and changes in bioclimatic variables, implies that action to reduce greenhouse gasses may mitigate climate-change effects in plant diversity ○ Even under the most conservative scenario, the risks to biodiversity appear to be considerable. ○ Different regions will respond differently to climate change. ○ A larger social and economic context ○ ○ Appeal to the romanticist ideas of beauty in nature; John Muir Appeal to Ecosystem services: Schröter, et al. (2005): decreasing supply of ecosystem services, especially in the Mediterranean and mountain regions. ○ Declining soil fertility ○ Declining water availability ○ Increasing risk of forest fires and stochastic events ○ Decrease in pollution breakdown and absorption ○ ○ Appeal to Reason A larger social and economic context ○ The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) (backed by the UN and various European governments) estimate: ● ● ● ● ● Pharmaceutical; US $640 bn. (2006) Biotechnology; US $70 bn.* (2006) Personal care products: US $22 bn. (2006) Herbal supplements: US $12 bn. (2006) Food Products: US $31 bn. (2006) *from public companies alone Limitations ○ A continuous theme of limitations: - Authors did not assess impacts of land-use land cover change - Limited range size - Did not take into account stochastic events. - Had a simplistic view of migration - Uncertainties in modelling techniques used. An Update to the Story Thuiller, W. et al. 2011. Consequences of climate change on the tree of life in Europe. Nature DOI:10.1038 Take Home Message ○ Biodiversity, appears to in considerable risk as a result of climate change patterns. ○ As different regions change in composition, we will have to see how environments adjust and subsequently change. ○ Plant biodiversity, along with biodiversity in general, has a multitude of beneficial facets that may be altered and diminished due to the changing climate conditions. Do we have time? Thank You for Listening to the Presentation Any questions? No, right? Literature Cited Diffenbaugh, N. S., & Field, C. B. (2013). Changes in ecologically critical terrestrial climate conditions. Science, 341(6145), 486-492. Hughes, L. (2000). Biological consequences of global warming: is the signal already apparent?. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 15(2), 56-61. Schröter, D., Cramer, W., Leemans, R., Prentice, I. C., Araújo, M. B., Arnell, N. W., ... & Zierl, B. (2005). Ecosystem service supply and vulnerability to global change in Europe. Science, 310(5752), 13331337. Thuiller, W., Lavorel, S., Araújo, M. B., Sykes, M. T., & Prentice, I. C. (2005). Climate change threats to plant diversity in Europe. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the united States of America, 102(23), 8245-8250. Thuiller, W., Lavergne, S., Roquet, C., Boulangeat, I., Lafourcade, B., & Araujo, M. B. (2011). Consequences of climate change on the tree of life in Europe. Nature, 470(7335), 531-534. Trenberth, K. E. (2001). Stronger evidence of human influences on climate: The 2001 IPCC Assessment. Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, 43(4), 8-19. Climate Change Threats to Plant Diversity A REVIEW PAPER Thuiller, W. et al. 2005. Climate change threats to plant diversity in Europe. PNAS: 8245–8250 By: Juan M. Rico Garcia
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