2015 spring flea market application

Saturday, May 23, 2015 Application
GDS Fairgrounds located on Route 191- (989 Main Street Newfoundland behind school)
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Contact phone number (required): __________________________________
E-mail address: ________________________________________________________________________
Are you a vendor/crafter or just selling yard sale items? _______________________________________
If you are a Vendor or Crafter –what do you sell?_____________________________________________
Application and payment must be postmarked no later than 5/6 to receive $25 space rate - applications
postmarked after 5/6 pay $30 space rate (exception for open air with no cover spaces which remain
$25). No applications and fees accepted after 5/15/15
Space in Main Exhibit Building - $25 each for 8’ X 16’
(These premium spaces have electric hookup and the building has a blacktop floor- all
vehicles must be parked in adjacent parking lot) $30 per space after 5/6
Space undercover outside of main buildings - $25 each for 10’ X 16
(These spaces have blacktop or wood floors- all vehicles must be parked in adjacent
parking lot) No electric hookups $30 per space after 5/6
Space undercover in open air large pole building- $25 each for 12’ X 12’
(These spaces have a hard pack gravel or blacktop floor or hard pack sawdust - all
vehicles must be parked in adjacent parking lot unless prior arrangements are made).
No electric hookups. $30 per space after 5/6
Space in open air with no cover - $25 each for 12’ X 24
(These spaces have no electric hookup and are on grass or gravel or blacktop- - you
may park a car in your space and you may set up a tent). $25 per space after 5/6
Final Total $________
Make checks or money orders payable to: “GDS Fair Association”.
Mail check or money order & application to:
GDS Fairgrounds Flea Market & Craft Show
Attn: Amy Jones
214 Nevin Road, Newfoundland, PA 18445
NO refunds after May 1. Staggered set up starting at 7:30am- break down after 3:00 pm. Flea Market &
Craft Show is open from 10am to 3pm and is held rain or shine.