Missing link in evolution of complex life found

Missing link in evolution of complex life found ­ Market Business News
Missing link in evolution of complex life found
A missing link in the evolution of complex life has been found,
helping us understand how animals (including humans), plants and
fungi evolved from simple microbes. It is a mystery that has long
baffled scientists.
Cells are the fundamental building blocks of all life on Earth. While
all microscopic life such as bacteria and other microbes are made up
of simple cells, all visible life, including us, generally consists of large
and complex cell types.
Scientists have long been unable to explain where complex cell types
came from – there has been a ‘missing link’. Now, however,
researchers from Uppsala University in Sweden, and colleagues in
Norway and Austria, say they have found the answer – a new group of
microorganisms which represent the missing link in the evolutionary
transition from simple to more complex cells.
Missing link in evolution of complex life found ­ Market Business News
Scientists believe that ‘Loki’ is the missing link between simple and
complex life forms on Earth.
In the 1970s, American microbiologist and biophysicist Carl Richard
Woese (1928-2012) discovered a new group of microorganisms – the
Archaea. He showed that these represented a new domain or
Kingdom of Life (a separate branch in the Tree of Life), a finding that
at the time stunned the scientific community.
Even though archaeal cells were small and simple like bacteria,
scientists found that Archaea were closely related to ‘eukaryotes’,
organisms with complex cell types (humans are eukaryotes).
Missing link in evolution of complex life found ­ Market Business News
For decades, biologists have been unable to explain how the complex
cell types of eukaryotes have emerged from the simple Archaea cells.
‘Loki’ – the missing link
Thijs Ettema, who works at the Department of Cell and Molecular
Biology, Uppsala University, and colleagues from the Universities of
Vienna in Austria and Bergen in Norway, wrote in the academic
journal Nature (citation below) about their discovery of a new group
of Archaea, the ‘Loki’ (short form for Lokiarchaeota). They claim it is
the missing link in the origin of eukaryotes.
Team leader, Dr. Ettema, said:
“The puzzle of the origin of the eukaryotic cell is extremely
complicated, as many pieces are still missing. We hoped that Loki
would reveal a few more pieces of the puzzle, but when we obtained
the first results, we couldn’t believe our eyes. The data simply looked
By studying its genome, we found that Loki represents an
intermediate form in-between the simple cells of microbes, and the
complex cell types of eukaryotes.”
This idea was confirmed when Loki was placed in the Tree of Life.
Co-author Lionel guy, also from Uppsala University, said “Loki formed
a well-supported group with the eukaryotes in our analyses.”
Loki shares several eukaryote-like genes
Co-lead author, Anja Spang, a researcher at Uppsala University’s
Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, said:
“In addition, we found that Loki shares many genes uniquely with
eukaryotes, suggesting that cellular complexity emerged in an early
stage in the evolution of eukaryotes.”
Missing link in evolution of complex life found ­ Market Business News
Hydrothermal vent field along the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge, near to
where ‘Loki’ was found in marine sediments. (Image: R.B. Pedersen,
University of Bergen)
Lokiarchaeota’s name is derived from the hostile environment near to
where it was found – Loki’s Castle – a hydrothermal vent system
located in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between Norway and Greenland
2,353 metres below the ocean’s surface.
Steffen Jørgensen, who works at the University of Bergen in Norway,
“Hydrothermal vents are volcanic systems located at the ocean floor.
The site where Loki is heavily influenced by volcanic activity, but
actually quite low in temperature.”
Co-lead author Jimmy Saw, from Uppsala University’s Department of
Missing link in evolution of complex life found ­ Market Business News
Cell and Molecular Biology, said “Extreme environments generally
contain a lot of unknown microorganisms, which we refer to as
microbial dark matter.”
By studying microbial dark matter with new genomic techniques, Dr.
Ettema and colleagues hope to gain further insight into how complex
cells evolved.
“In a way, we are just getting started. There is still a lot out there to
discover, and I am convinced that we will be forced to revise our
biology textbooks more often in the near future”, said Dr. Ettema.”
Citation: “Complex archaea that bridge the gap between prokaryotes
and eukaryotes,” Anja Spang, Jimmy H. Saw, Steffen L. Jørgensen,
Katarzyna Zaremba-Niedzwiedzka, Joran Martijn, Anders E. Lind, Roel
van Eijk, Christa Schleper, Lionel Guy & Thijs J. G. Ettema. Nature.
Published 6 May, 2015. DOI: 10.1038/nature14447.