REVIT COLOR SCHEME Revit 2013 Colors

Colors schemes can be useful for graphically illustrating categories spaces. For example, you can create a color
scheme by room name, area, occupancy, or department. Color Schemes can be applied to plans, sections and
elevations. Room and/or Areas need to be present in order for the tool to function correctly
. Required: Rooms and/or Areas need to be placed prior to using a color scheme.
Examples of when to Use a Color Scheme:
LEED Color Schemes [look up table View Analysis – 8.3] See resource file…
o Room Daylight Status EQ 8.2
o Room View Status EQ 8.3
o Room Lighting Control Status EQ 6.1
Law Firm [room name]
Department Schemes-test fit [department name]
Room Schemes – design analysis [room name]
Occupancy Scheme-code review [occupancy parameter]
Design – Programming requirements
Topics in this Document:
Adding a Color Scheme to View
Creating or Modifying a Color Scheme
Editing the Color Legend
Revit 2013
Adding a Color Scheme to a View
Note:The Color Scheme applied to a view can be controlled with a View Template.
1. Ensure that the view that will have color has the Color Fill checked in Room Objects in the visibility
After Verifying go to the Annotate tab>Select Color Fill Legend
2. Click to place in the View
Creating or Modifying a Color Scheme
1. Go to the Architecture Tab>Room & Area Panel>Expand arrow next to Room & Area>Select Color
- OR -
2. Select a Color Legend in the View> Select Edit Scheme in
contextual ribbon
Revit 2013
3. You can Create a color scheme based on several values within the room object. Start by Duplicating an
existing color scheme or modify an existing one.
Title: This is the title of the legend in the view.
Color: This is where you select which property to represent in
the color scheme.
By Value/Range: Range signifies a numerical value. This
would be useful to represent Area
Options - Include elements from Linked Files:
Check this box if you have linked in a revit file that contains
room objects you need to use.
Please Note:
The Scheme definition is case sensitive. If creating values
prior to utilizing the project rooms verify that case matches.
Otherwise you may see duplicate entries (ie support, Support
Color Fill Legend is case-sensitive
Revit 2013
4. When completed click OK.
Editing the Color Legend
1. Select the color Legend
2. Click Edit Type from Properties Window
3. Duplicate the Legend Type and rename
4. The width and length of the color swatch is controlled by the parameters “Swatch Width” and “Swatch
5. Color controls the color of the text
6. Other text controls available
Revit 2013