Document 12369

PD- AAK- 537
Pennsylvania State U . , Michigan State U . , and Texas ALM U.
UnivereIty Coneortium in Uruguay
Contract A I D 1 La-722, Project A.
Report NQ 13
End of Project Report of the Agricultural Economist
Advisors for U. S. A. I. D. / Tri-University Consortium
In Uruguay
April 30, 1975
Drs. J ~ m e shf. h?ccrann
Clive R . Harston
Texas A & M University.
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Informat ion Generated and Research Results
1. Technical Coefficients and Enterpriee Budgets
2. Economlc Evaluation
3. Price Information Studies
4. Study of the Wheat Production Sector
5. Economic Evaluation of Demonstrat ion Units
.. ... ... ........ ..........
Research Reeults. ... ... ...... ...
Personnel Training.
Publicat ion of
Involvement of Other Organizatione and Producers
Project Objective Now in Development
Reflection on Future Reeearch Needs
Reflection o n Training of Pereonnel
Reflection o n Research Infrastructure
. .. .. . . . .
. ..... . . .
Needs . . .
Project A - Texaw A&M Univereity personnel
involvement (all, sgricultural
Reeearch Commitments of SDEE outelde of
Regular Research Act lvlty.
computer Programs ~ v a i l n b l efor Analytlaal Work.
Uruguayan Technical Personnel Involved Ln
Re~rearchAettvity ae of Aprtl SO, 1075.
It i s impossible to adequately acknowledge the many
Uruguayan agricultural technicians and p r o d u c e r s who have
made t h i s effort a succees. T h e r e are t h r e e Uruguayans,
however, t o whom I must give epeclal recognition f o r t h e i r
cooperat ion, dedication and determination:
Cra. Viviane Laffitte d e Cobas
Ing. Agr. Gonzalo P e r e l r a
Mrs. M a r l a Luirra Coitiflo de Sanguinetti.
I am grateful f o r having had the opportunity t o
It i s
work with these and other Uruguayan technicians.
m y hope that in the future Uruguayan a g r i c u l t u r a l technicians
and p r o d u c e r s will be given the incentives and opportunities
t o give to t h e l r country t h e i r full human capability.
Dr. James McGrann
Agricultural Economist.
P r o j e c t A, a p a r t of the T r l - U n i v e r s i t y Coneortiurn,
began in F e b r u a r y 1973 end t e r m l n a t e d A p r i l 3G. 1975. T h e
p r o j e c t supported by Texas A h M University involved 5 manmonth6 of s h o r t - t e r m a s s i s t a n c e and 27 months of l o n g - t e r m
technical a e e i s t a n c e . (Appendix A).
T h e p r o j e c t a c t i v i t i e s w e r e o r i g i n a l l y planned wlth
p e r s o n n e l f r o m t h e Agr i c u l t u r a l Planning and P o l i c y D h l e l o n ,
OPYPA, of t h e M i n i e t r y of A g r i c u l t u r e and F i s h e r i e s (MAP).
and the National Planning Office, O P P . Wlth r e o r g a n i z a t i o n
of the M i n i e t r y of Agriculture in A p r l l 1973 P r o j e c t A was
aae igned t o s u p p o r t t h e n e w Sub-Direction of Econornetr l c
Studies (SDEE). T h i s new reerearch dlvieion was p l a c e d under
the same divlslon of the M i n i e t r y as OPYPA but u n d e r a
different a d m i n l s t r a t t v e sectlon, the Direction of A g r i c u l t u r a l
Economics R e s e a r c h (DIEA), a division that hos the r e e p o n s l bility of the a g r i c u l t u r a l c e n s u s and c r o p reporting.
When t h e p r o j e c t began t h e r e had b e e n v e r y l i t t l e
applied a g r i c u l t u r a l e c o n o m i c s r e s e a r c h done b y OPYPA or
O P P . T h e w o r k done in the u g r i c u l t u r a l a e c t o r had b e e n
m o s t l y of t h e diagnostic type, using a e c o n d o r y dat? or macro
economlc information put t o g e t h e r by o t h e r official a g e n c i e s .
Development p r o j e c t s w e r e proposed from a b a e i s of d e a c r l p t l v e
r e p o r t s and the r e q u l r e d applied e m p l r l c a l d a t a w e r e not
avallable in a u s a b l e f o r m . T h e r e had b e e n l i m l t e d c o n t a c t
wlth the#pooducers, p r o d u c e r s 1 o r g a n h a t i o n s pnd e v e n t h e
r e s e a r c h t e c h n i c i a n s involved l a phyeical e x p e r i m e n t a l work.
With t h e exceptlon of the economic s e c t i o n of the P l a n
Agropecuario (the World Rank wupported h l A P s u p e r v i e e d c r e d l t
p r o g r a m ) v e r y l i t t l e applied s g r l c u l t u r a l econornica r e e e a r c h
was in prOgreS8 ln t h e country.
Unlverelty t r a i n e d a g r i c u l t u r a l
e c o n o m i s t s w e r e f e w and t h e d e m a n d f o r t h e t r ~ e r v i c a swaa
g r e a t . M A P was faced wlth a n Increasing need f o r applied economic r e ~ i e a r c hIn the a g r i c u l t u r a l slector f o r d e v e l o p m e n t p l a n i n g ,
policy evaluation, product price a& input p r l c e flxlng as w e l l as
technical a s s i s t a n c e t o p r o d u c e r s .
After a p r e l i m i n a r y evaluation the following object ivee
w e r e epeclfied for P r o j e c t A :
T o i n c r e a s e the economic planning input of the
M i n i s t r y of A g r i c u l t u r e in t h e d e c i s i o n making process
f o r the a g r i c u l t u r a l s e c t o r b g a s e i e t i n g in developing
a p e r m a n e n t a n a l y t i c a l and c o m m u n i c a t i v e capability.
T h i e will enable the continuing uee of p r a c t l c a l and
t h e o r e t i c a l econom LC analytical c o n c e p t s n e c e a e a r y to
develop policy i s s u e s and r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s f o r the
Government of Uruguay.
2. T o develop production and planning guidelines b_lY m e a n s
of advanced economic m o d e l analysis, f o r t h e - m aj o r
a g r i c u l t u r a l production e n t e r p r i e e e In Uruguay. The
guidelines will r e p r e s e n t the t r a d i t i o n a l Production
~ y s t e m sand the Lmproved e y s t e m s ueing known a l t e r native technologies.
3. To develop a m a c r o analytical m o d e l t o evaluate a l t e r n a t i v e
government p o l i c i e s and change in production technology
with r e s p e c t t o s u c h things as: 1) T h e market lmpact of
i n c r e a s e d a g r i c u l t u r a l production and demand for inputa,
2 ) T h e e f f e c t s o n f a r m income, 3 ) T h e change In f o r e i g n
exchange e a r n i n g s , 4 ) Productivity of c a p i t a l In alternative
u e e s and product ion regions.
Project A hae, for the moet part, accompllehed the
objectives established at the launching of the project.
first two major objectives have been adequately matlrfled.
In fact, the extent and depth of reesarch, the number of
publications and training far exceed what ware viewed as
feaeible wlth the llmlted reaourcen allocated to the project.
Because of the lmpreesive pay-off of the micro-economic
studies which generated greatly needed data wlth reveallag
economic analyele, the macro-economlc objective was delayed
until laet but wlll be completed. Although the booic data
have been generated, the computer malyele and write-up of the
macro analyeis will be completed after the formal termlnatlon
of the project (explanatLon followt~Later).
Foremost among the unique contrlbutime of thie project
are the followlug:
1. Data were obtalned directly by interviews with
producere and research techniclaw at expsrlment
stations. Too often economic reeearchere rely on
censue data and published official reports.
generation of empirical boelc data from the reallty
of production aa it is and a s It potentially could be,
1s easentLaL
Of long lasting benefit 1s the special day-to-day
tralnlng of technicians wlthln the Mlnlrtry of
Agriculture who are now prepared to ideutlfy
problems, deelgn r e ~ e a r c hmethods, conduct field
surveys, carry out economic alaa'lyois and prepare
meaningful I-eports (see A p p e n d h B). This type
of training could not likely have bean obtained ln
auch a short time in any other way than by the
pereons1 aasociatlon w lth the project rdvleor.
3. For the first time computere in Uruguay were wed
for this type of reaearch. The ground ha8 been
broken for further research data proceaslng and
economic aualye is.
4. A m a j o r contrfbution has been the continued communlcation and collaboration of the r e e e o r c h e r s with the
production technic ions, f a r m e r s , r a n c h e r r , and all
m a j o r r e e e a r c h a d extens ion lnetltut ions dealing with
a g r i c u l t u r e within the country.
5. Although t h i s project provlded v e r y little budget f o r
out-of-country training and unique and highly productive
a r r a n g e m e n t hPs been made with T e x a s A & M Univereity.
A Uruguayan Ph. D. student ha6 been granted
a graduate aesietantship by the Univereity and the
P r o j e c t A hae provided basic economic data f o r hlm
t o w r i t e h i s Ph.D. theeis on the macro-sconomic
problem outlined in the objectives. The project provided financial aupport f o r a t r i p t o Uruguay and computer
time to develop t h e m a c r o model.
Information Generated and Reoearch Reeulte
Information generated and m i c r o econom lc reaulte supported
under P r o j e c t A that have been published fall into the following
five major areas: (1 technical coefflciente or input-output
coefficients f o r d Lfferent e n t e r p r i s e s and product ion technologies
and correspond lng e n t e r p r i s e p a r t la1 budgets f o r d iffereat
a g r i c u l t u r a l regions of the country. (2) l i n e a r progrnmmiag
analysis of typlcal r a n c h units for dtfferent reglona, ( 3 ) r g r i c u l t u r a l commodity p r i c e ~ t l ~ l y (4)
~ i o~ study
of the U~lguayan
wheat production oector, and (5) vorlous cconomtc avalnattons of
technological change in production e y s t e m e or demonatration unite.
A b r i e f description f mome of the ueeful finding8 of these areafa
of activity foLlowe.
1. Technical Cfoefficiesta arrd C n t e r p r i ~ eWud$i~tts.
T h e b m i c elementcr of any cc~nomtclanalyela or dsvslqmaent
plan. whether it ie at the ranch or m a c r o - d e c t i o n level,
are technical coefflcisnte or input-output relnttonahipe f o r
different production. entarprlsee a d technology. A major
See Appendla B for the complete l i s t of publlcation8.
contribution of t h i s r e s e a r c h effort w a e development of
a e y e t e m a t i c methodology of d a t a .-nllection, eyntherrls,
review and presentation. T h l e lni-r-lved q u e e t i o a n a i r e
p r e p a r a t i o n , training of technicians. t o interview prod u c e r s and eetabllehment of contacta and gaining s u p p o r t
of p r o d u c e r e , technicians and organleatione In t h e agrlc u l t u r a l s e c t o r s . C o e f f i c i e n t s w e r e eetablished f o r t h e
m a j o r I h e s t o c k and c r o p areas, accounting for a p p r m l m a t e l y t h r e e - f o u r t h s of the country's land a r e a , and
have b e e n or are Ln the p r o c e s e of being publiohed.
Review of coefficients and analyslfi bamed on t h e
coefficients by qualified p r o f e s s i o n a l e and cornpartoon
with t h e best- irnper&h data available have p r o v e n t h a t
t h e p r o c e d u r e '-useed in d a t a collection Ls a c c u r a t e and
useful. T h e r e s e a r c h a l s o has proven t h a t d a t a
n e c e e e a r y for economic m a l y e i e t o ig'prove p r o d u c e r
and policy d e c i s i o n s can b e a s s e m b l e d a t t h e p r o d u c e r
a n d technician level in Uruguay.
E n t e r p r i s e p a r t i a l budgets were a s e e m b l e d and publirahed
f o r the d iffcrent produc tion r e g i o t u and technology.
A d e e c r l p t i o n of t h e methodology of e n t e r p r i s e budgeting
was a l e o included in e a c h publication.
The eaterprtse
budgets presented in a n easy-to-understand and s y e t e m a t i c
f o r m have a l r e a d y proven t o be ueeful toole for technleLna
working with p r o d u c e r s in the P l a n A g r o p e c u a r i o and in
C R E A groups.
Use of the f o r a g e and livestock e n t e r p r l e e budgets
themeelves shows the o t s u c t u r e of the c a e t s for the
d i f f e r e n t e n t e r p r i s e s . These budgete show v a r l a H c coats
t o be e x t r e m e l y low for livestock rnterp.-isea and the
i m p o r t a n c e of price varhtlbir Itr explarnirq imtabl'lity
In producer. Lncaine.
C o m p a r i s o a of production technology r e v e a l s t h e high marginal r e t u r n oesociated with quite baelc changes in managem e n t and emall i n c r e a e c s in pni-chase of off-farm inputs.,1I
In m a j o r livestock a r e a s the otudtee show that producers who
have adopted improved management and yruduction prac tlcee
have i n c r e a s e d c a l f and 18mb weanlng p e r c e n t a g e s to 80-85'7,
or 20-25v above the national average (this data 1s published
Ln the t e c h n i c a l e e r i e s publications, see Appendk B).
I / R e f e r r i n g to the net r e t u r n s on t h e additional investment or
i n c r e s s e d i n v e s t m e n t in input8 and management p r a c t i c e @ .
2. E c o n o m l c Evaluation
U r u g u a y Le e s e e a t l n l l y a cattle and e h e e p c o u n t r y based
on grazing.
Due t o the c o u n t r y ' s oils and c l i m a t e ,
l i v e s t o c k will c o n t i n u e t o d o m i n a t e the a g r i c u l t u r a l e e c t o r l e
Beef, mutton, lamb, wool, h i d e s and s k i n s
p r e s e n t l y account for about 80 p e r c e n t of t h e c o u n t r y t a
export e a r n i n g s . L i v e s t o c k g r a z i n g ~ l c c o u n t efor 90 p e r c e n t
of t h e land u s e .
P r o j e c t A ' s s u p p o r t e d r e s e a r c h emphasized the d e t e r m i nation of the e c o n o m i c feaelbLllty of i n c r e a s i n g p r o d u c t i o n
in livestock p r o d u c t i o n , the k e y sector in U r u g u a y ' s
a ) Analytical technique
The m o s t i m p o r t a n t technique
u s e d in e c o n o m l c e v a l u a t i o n was l i n e a r programming.
Although t h i s t e c h n i q u e iu wldely ueed in a g r l c u l t u r a l
economic r e s e a r c h t n many countries of t h e world
it had not b e e n used in the a g r i c u l t u r a l s e c t o r in
Uruguay. T h i s technique i s of partic J a r v a l u e in
p o l i c v e v a l u a t i o a and production decision e ituat tone
involving m a n y p r o d u c t i o n a l t e r n a t i v e s and production
c o n s t r a i n t s . T h e technique a l l o w s for eimultaneouo
evaluation of a n u m b e r of v a r i a b l e s a t o n e tlme w i t h
g r e a t a n a l y t i c a l flexibility.
Rapidly changing prices
and p r i c e r e l ~ t i o n s h i p sd u e t o inflation make t h i s
tool v a l u a b l e in Uruguay because the c o m p u t e r c a n
be u s e d t o e a v e m u c h of the labor and t i m e involved
in m d t f l c a t l o n of prlcee of p r o d u c t s and Laputs.
T h l r t e e n l i n e a r p r o g r a m m i n g models have h e e n
f o r m u l a t e d for diffar6.r-:r ea es.2 of time country and
r e ~ u f i bt.$i Erne ri:od~%s in t i p : i t v e ~ t c x k i r e a s Pave
bcr:: f!r?fa!:r;J sod wrltter? rrp fa.]- p t ~ b l i c a t t o n . The
dlffcrant models can b e readthy rnsdlfled atnd revised
as neede a r k e . A m a n u a l has been w r i t t e n t o s r p i a l n
t h e tmplemetftatlon sf the ccjmputer p r o g r a m aalsd
c o u n t e r p a r t s have Seen t r a i n e d to uec the c o m p u t e r
f o r the analye is
b) Conclueione based o n the reeearch results
The analyele
In the livestock areas showed It to be economically
feaalble to double p r o d u c t i ~ nand income with the technically improved aystem of llveetack product ion. Traneltlon
to the improved system of production depend6 on rmple
suppliee of k e y Inputs, including phosphate fertllieer and
legume seed for pasture improvemente and rnoterlals both
for fence dlvieion and development of water points.
The reeearch demonstrated the economic feamiblllty of
adoptlng the [mprovcd eyatern even under adverse prlce
conditlone becauee of the high production reilponee to
Improved management practice6 and the key off-farm
purchmed inputs. Therefore, a gwernment policy a b e d
at ineurlng adequate suppliee of key tapute would be more
beneficial than an effort to hold input prlcesr down or use
subeidles that might load to reetrlctlng eupplieta of luputs
to producers.
T h e 35 percent. rate of return for credit used for
lnveetment in pasture improvement, divlslon fences and
waterlng points tn 1073 indicate that the government
policy atmed at eubsidlzing credit is not necereary to
make investmeate profitable.
T h e llnear programmieg and price onalyeis atudies
clearly demonatrate the very bnatable Liveetock and wool
prices and, In turn, the income In Uruguay's liveetock
aector. This laetability has n very adverse effect on;
technological change because it increases the financial
risk of debt financing of investment in improvemente.
T h e Instability of real pricee (price adjuoter!
combined with rates of t n f ? ~ ' i : i ngvar-Rg~ng:&bout 80 percent
impact oa Lnveetrnent
annually, l l a ~ v ~ negative
prug:-zms, eeuch sr: pesture t ~ ~ n r o v e r n e a tthat
require at
leaet 5 yeara to receive the i:llP returns on the lnveetment.
i t
The studies point out the need for
balanced, long-term
agricultural policiee for the 'Livestock aector which would
include soordinailon sf credit, t u and pricing pollcy to
iltobillee L n c m e and encourage invstrtmcnt in the
livestock sector.
Adoption of the improved eyotem of production wae
ohown to increme the uee of on-ranch labor by
40 percent.
Thie hae Lmportant trnplicattona~f o r
increasing e m p l o p e n t opportuaitiea in the rural
aector. With Lucreleed use of off-farm inputs and
i n c r e l s e d product ion of livestock products f o r
proceselng and marketing e m p l o p a n t would aluo
i n c r e m e In the agri-businere aector.
Although Uruguay has a emall land a r e a witable f o r
c r o p productlon the etudiee in the c r o p area ehow
that adoption of productton- incruaaing technology could
r e s u l t in adequate domestlc rupplles of c e r e a l a , feed
g r a b and oil seed. Agatn, 8s in the livestock sector,
~ u p p l i e nof key off-farm inputs ore critical. Dealining
a d unetable crop p r i c e s have discouraged h v e s t m e n t
in production- increasing technology. The r e s e a r c h
indicates that with adoption cf Lmproved production
p r a c t i c e s and encouragement of production of crope
with a relatlvely low portion of imported impute t h i ~
s e c t o r could praduce a oircable exportable uurplus
at p r i c e s competitive in the world market.
An Lncreosed erpectallratlan of fattenlng c a t t l e in the
major crw area on Improped paaturns grown l a crop
rotatione could be complementary t o e p t c h l t t e d
llveetock a r e r e where breeding cettle m m l sheep
have the comparative advantage.
Early frtteming:
of cattle could cut 1 to 2 y e a r s of the narrnal production cycle. If the Improved techbology could be
widely Pdopted in the breeding areas 8nd complementad
by the early fattenlng in t h e c r o p p r e e ruationcrl
$-;.;ti3 ~ t ~ b emld
~ k )
extraction r a t e (s.attvc hfa'cti.itl
be fnrreihs-d ti, qk i s ~ s XL
.+::ictsnt X r ~ mthe MW %OW
I f percent aaaUU7.
The recent b w price8 for bee? opcl wool m a d h u h
p r t c e a for grrtna b v s ernphialzed ihe ~ t t df o r
diverelflcatlon Ln the lygrtcdturrl s e c t o r of Urtog~uy.
T h e atudlcra show &rat men in th* spectalked Iiveetock
areas, adopttan of p d u c t i e n n - i ~ s r m i n g prrrctlcer burr
lmportaat dlverstPicatloo bplicartims by a l ~ i g g
producer t~ awitch .nnsng different Iivcstekck w 9 a r p t l . e ~ .
Reallzing the full potential of technological improvement
In the croplng area would enable greater crop d h e r s l fication and higher production efficiency. Dlvere Lficat Lon
at the farm level could help atabilizc income not only
at the f a r m level hut also at the national level.
Although the reaearch was not aimed at marketing
problems -per se, important marketing implication8
arise. For example, the studies show a large
potential for i n c r e a ~ l n gmutton and lamb production.
Realization of thls potential is directly related to
establiehment of a etable export market for lamb nod
mutton. Stabllizatlon of agricultural price8 will be
closely tied to marketing divereificatlon in location
and in types of product6 produced for sale, development
of atorage facilities and obtmlning of long term contracts
in In ternat Lonal markets.
The models of typical farm unite give o quantified
estimate of the implications of the torementioned
factors at the ranch level for difficult regions of the
country. With final Lzat ion of the macro economic
analyses, the aggregate sector estimates are to be
3. Price lnformation Studies-1/
Price informat ion publicatione have been readily accepted
by producers and agricultural technlclans because of
llmited access of long-term information adjusted for inflation.
The problem of severe price inetabllity of agricultural
prices ia clearly demonstratedl in the graphic analyses.
These publicat lone a h o gotz+
r h e r:eceea ity s f additionat1
research for devcianmer~r o f ata effective long-term price
s tabilizatlon po!ic> i.1 the atgr irultura1 Rector.
See Appendlx B for epeclflc publicatlours on price lnformation
Study of the Wheat Production S e c t o r-.
. -1 /
T h e ~ t u d yof the wheat production s e c t o r p r e e e a t s detailed
information In tables and g r a p h i c f o r m aa w e l l as a n
e c o n o m e t r l c analyels of the v a r i a t i o n in area planted t o
wheat f r o m 1950 t o 1973.
T h e s h a r p l y decreasing t r e n d In wheat production in Uruguay
c r e d l t avallabillty,
a n i n c r e a s i n g r e l a t i v e c o s t of t r a c t o r s and a d v e r s e weather
was a s s o c i a t e d wlth d e c r e a s i n g p r i c e s ,
T h e econornetrlc a n a l y s i s ehowed that p r o d u c e r e respond
positively t o lncreaeed wheat p r i c e and c r e d i t avaUnbility
but that varlatlon in area planted from g e a r t o y e a r for
the m o s t p a r t i s caused by exceee ralnfall d u r i n g t h e land
p r e p a r a t i o n and plantlng period. A n y wheat production and
export policy proposed f o r Uruguay must take into account
the extreme weather v a r i a t i o n In t h e country.
5. Economic Evaluatioo of Demonetrat Lon Unlts
Economlc evaluation of a number of d e m o n s t r a t i o n units
has proven t o be an effective means of communicatlag
physical information t o p r o d u c e r s and s h o w s t h e economic
benefits f r o m technical change. T h e C R E A group evaluation
w a s ueed t o show that finishing young light s t e e r e v e r s u s
o l d e r h e a v i e r e t e e r s could i n c r e a s e net income per unit of
feed 38 percent.
Economic evaluation of t h e Young
d e m o n s t r a t ion unite showed that with p a s t u r e improvement
and grazing management It i s econornlcally feaelble t o
i n c r e a e e production up to 430 kgs. per Ha nevrn t h e e
t h e national a v e r a g e of about C O kg,. per l i a .
-11 Sea
Appendix B for specific pubtication.
A way to summarlee the project's research effort would
be to nay thkt Lt has proven that: (1) a data baee can
be developed in Uruguay for ueeful applied agricultural
economlc research, (2) through completion of studies,
publication and communication of results, the need
f o r agricultural economic research has been more clearly
recognized, and (3) the Uruguayan techniclane have proven
they can do high quality agricultural economic reeearch
using eophisticated techniques and a r e able to communicate
reeults in an easy-to-underetand, practical, problernsolving manner. It Is fair to say one could not aak for
more from such a ernall project effort, eepecially in
light of the ltmited resource8 with which it had to work.
Personnel T r a i n l a .
1. Economic analysis at one point in time La not sufficient.
Its usefulnees i s temporary and tentative. With constant
change6 in economic relationships 8 continued flow of
economic analysis le essential. Training of people to do this
is baeic to Lts continuance;
Project A accompllehmeats include a stgnuicant number
of people in Uruguay trained in the reeearch methodology
including data collection techniques, data preparation for
linear programming and partial budget analysis, computer
data processing and report preparation. (Appendix E)
The technicians have gained a eeaee of respoaslbillty to
other imtltuticxm and producere who prwlded much of
the basic data and have developed a valunble alliance for
cont inued collaboration.
2. A worrieome, time consuming r i d l e n l I"ms bean the development of procedures, progrmxm and ptreoanel to facilitate computer data proceeelnpf withln the country, Computere
a r e used for adminietrative mattera and odjuetrnente to handle
researcb models required a great deal of effort. The
accomplishment of thts task is worth 1lstLng a~ e ~@LfLcurt
contrlbution to the research effort in the country.
3. Publlcatlone of thie project Lnclude relected reports of
research methods -- partlal budgets and llnear
for the express purpoee of giving
support to the trainlng of reaearch technician6 who
can use these publicatlone as methodological guides.
4. The SDEE group had a number of opportunltle~lto use the
data and research reeults for application on epeclfic
problems preaented by d lfferent M A P d lvieioae including
such thiags as:
Impact of lncreaoed fertilizer price on
economlc feasibility of pasture improvement.
Economlc evaluation of the potentlal for
increaeing mutton and lamb production.
Evaluation of productLon system8 and
producer demonetratlon units.
Evaluation of potent ials for Lncreasing beef
production ln conjunctlon with a study
committee with the Plan Agropecuario.
Provlded Information and data analyeis to
F A 0 a n d World Bank technicians.
Provide information to OPYPA for recommendations to the government on fixing
grain prices.
Development of a report on agr!culturel credii
avallablllty and tcck~nological c h a g e in Uruguay
f o r the A I D - E? A I' technical maistance loan
Publication of Research Resulte.
The contract coneultant supported by the relatlvely few,
and at t h e 8 traneitory, team member6 hae emphaelted the
dietribution of the team'e reeearch results a s widely ae ponelble.
Thie has been done through publlcatlone, prceentatlons a t
meetings, and individual communication with producers' techniclane and offic lale.
SDEE, with the support of Project A, now h a s developed
the most complete and comprehenelve eource of farm
level production and economlc data available for livestock
and cereal-crop production sectors In Uruguey. This
Information hae been developed from producer lntemiews ,
(over 200 producers have been personally lntervlewed),
meetinge with C R E A group8 (prlvate organircatlons of
producers), technlclans worklng In the Plan Agropecuarlo
and technicians at the different experiment etatione.
Production coefflciente and 9 llnear programming models
have been completed for the major livestock areae In
Uruguay. The areaB account for 45 percent of the
countryle land area and 50 percent of the cattle and sheep.
Production coefficients and 4 llnear programming modeln
have been completed for the major crop area..
Publlcatione have been of three typee: (1) Technical.
( 2 ) Information serlee, and (3) Short research sumrnarlee.
The number of publlcatione is mast favorable (Appendk B).
About 22 dlfferent publlcatione have been completed.
publicatlone are dupllcative to some extent becauee of the
dlfferent audiencee being reached, The publlcartlon accompllshrnent of the SDEE is particularly noteworthy In vlaw of
the fact that a major weakneea among reeearchere La to
permit reseurch finding8 to fall into useleeranees in unpublbhed
2. The reeulte of the economlc etudlee hpve been communlcated
to other techniclann informally na well as through publlcations. Analyses w e r e reviewed by others to not only gmin
their counael but to keep them informed of the remearch
progrese. A l l who provlded information for the studlea
recelved the reeulte of the otudieo.
3. Violt lng consultants f r o m national and internat lonal orgn-
nitatlone have conferred with the r e r e a r c h e r e and used
information p r w l d e d . laformation b e found i t s way into
basic documents for loanli and policy action pmpooals.
Involvement of Other Organlzatlona and Producere.
One of the most signlflcant accomplishments of the
has been the generation of a broad b r a e of aupport f o r Lte
r e s e a r c h activity in the agricultural mector. In addition to v e r y
cooparatlve d i r e c t producer support SDEE h a s rsceivod eupport
from the following inatitut ions: SUL (national wool growers'
aeeociatlon), C R E A (a national private tachnlcal aoeiotmce organization of agricultural producers), the PLan Agropecuario, the
different experiment etationo of the Cantro de Inveatlgaclonso
Agrlcolas and the Banco d e la Repfiblica (national book in charge
of producers' credit). Theate organizations have arreisted in all
p b e s of the r e s e a r c h activity and an effort ham been made to
s e e that they receive resulte f r o m their effort through SDEE
conference presentat loao and publication of informat ion and
r e e e a r c h results.
Speclal mention must be m a d e of the eupport f r o m
Dr. von Oven, a n agricultural economiet worktng with the P l a n
Agropecuario in the f a r m r e c o r d and economic eection.
Dr. von Oven h a s been the single morst Important individual
s o u r c e of project support. He also hos been v e r y instrumental
in coordination of economic r e s e a r c h with the P l a n Agropccuarlo
activities and has been moat ecmperative in supplying hie d a t a
and personal time t o the r e a e a r c h effort.
IICA (the Interemerican I n ~ t i t u t eof AgrizarElura1 Scksnceml
has octkvely oupported SDEE. They donated P,i$!'s 1,000 for SDEE
publications and in N w e m b ~ rof 1874 agreed to pay the salary
of two tschnlclens to work with SDEE.
IICA a l a s paid travel
and p e r diem coet for two of the SDEE techniclaw to attend a
week long international conference on uJtstcms a d y a b in Balclrce,
SDEE techniciaae preeented a coaforance paper on
r e s e a r c h reeulte which r i l l be published in a n IICA conference
publication financed by IICA. It la anticipated that IICA will
continue to eupport SDEE act ivlt lea.
The hroa(1 hasecl support generated hy SDEE has come
from personal contact uritll producers and agr-icultural technicians. &lost of this supper-t is unofficial and not 11-om the top
Nor a r e the individuals at this level
administrative level.
always the most influential in encouraging greater support f o r
the r e s e a r c h effort. Tlowever., if agricu1tu1-a1 economics r e search i s to be relevant, problem solving and to improve product ion and polic? decision, their support, influence and guidance
a r c vital (Appendix C).
Objective Now in Development.
The project objectives to generate basic economic data
at the producer level have .been accomplished. In fact, as
indicated previously, the study has gone far beyond the original
Rlodels were developed for more livestock a r e a s
than were anticipated, due to the s e c t o r ' s importance.
Crop models were also developed for selected crop areas.
The macro-economic model which brings together m a c r o
economic data for an overall national analysis i s now in progress.
The elements of the model have been identified and the coefficients
for the input-output matrix a r e mostly computed. This model
will require colnputer data processing which can be done m o r e
efficiently with a computer that has a capacity beyond the capacity
of local computers; therefore, the data will be processed at
A R Tif t'ni\ c ~ . s i f y .
Although the project will for-mally terminate before this
final stage can be completed, the work will continne with the
suppoi-t of the ITniversity, faculty advisors and Roberto Vhzquez,
a 141. D. candidate from Urugua~r. Completion of t h i s objective
is projected for December 31, 1975. The appr-opriate understanding and use of the 1.esults of the macro-economic model
will depend greatly upon thc continuing research staff h e r e in the
Roberto Vazquez, it is hoped, will be among them.
On the date of termination of
Project A the actual con-
tinued eupport of the SDEE by the MAP i s not clear n o r i e the
actual future relsponeibility of the group defined. Without a
c l e a r idea of these conditions it i e not possible t o make definlte
recommandatlone, a s i s requeeted in the contract, for future
r e e e a r c h activity, pereonnel training and r e s o u r c e rrupport.
In light of t h i s eituation reflections a r e made on what crhould
be done t o develop a g r i c u l t u r a l economic r e s e a r c h in the MAP.
No epecUic recommendatione c a n b e made, however, on the how,
by whom and when
- it is t o b e done. T h e s e reflections, it Le
hoped will be helpful t o a d m i n i s t r a t o r s in t h e i r declslone ae t o
future development of the SDEE group urd the d l r e c t l o n and
support of all a g r i c u l t u r a l economic r e s e a r c h In t h e MAP.
Reflection on F u t u r e Reeearch Needs
1. Sub-Dlreccibn continued r e ~ e a r c heffort.
c r o p area etudy.
a) F i n i s h liveetock
b ) Initiate the r i c e a r e a study.
c ) Initiete the d a i r y a r e a study.
dl S e r v e as back-up t o m a c r o a n a l y s l s being
done at Texas A Q M University.
e) Continue etudy of a g r i c u l t u r a l c r e d i t end cacrh
flow analysis a t the production level.
2. Support t o OPYPA
a) Coordinate data collection.
b) P l a n and carry out etudy t o d e t e r m i n e m a c h i n e r y
capacity and requirements.
c Study agricultural labor problem.
d ) Strengthen price fixing b a s l s for crops,
methodological approach and policy svaluat ion.
e) Support supply-demand etudles f o r inputs
and agricultural cornmodit ies.
f ) S t r e w t h e n m i c r o d a t a and methodological
baoe for t h e i r project proposals.
3. Support t o Centro de Inveet Qaclones A g r o p e c u r h s .
a ) Syotemr or demonatration units planning and evalumtlon.
- liveetock units:
La Emtantuela
Treinta y Tree
Dairy System L a Eetoneuela.
b) Support economic evaluation of fruit and vegetable research.
c ) Assist in etatistical evaluation of r e a a a r c h reru1t.a
such as le now ln p r o g r e s s for forage fertilizer
reeponae work at Tecuarembb.
Aasiet in agricultural economice and f a r m management
a ) Aesiot in planning of cenoue to generate
valuable information f o r economic research.
5. Plan Agropecuario.
a) A u a b t in planning and implementation of amall
farm economic and financial atudy.
b) Serve as a back-up t o economic problem6 as they
c o m e up and maintain coordination of efforts.
C )
Coordinate effort. with the economic eectlon of
the Plan (SERPA).
6. Continue t o maintain eupport r a d coordicmtbn of agrlcoltural
economic r e s e a r c h activities with the CREA group ard SUL.
7. N e w a r e a s of aaricultural economlc reeearch.
a ) Marketing, Dletribution and Demand Studies.
DlstrLbution, pricing and eources of the laput
factors of agricultural production.
ii) Market structure and performance of agrlcultural
Study of intermediar lee, lnstltutlone,
channele, regulatloas, controls, coste related to
function8 and proflts, relative t o the dcrmestlc
mnrketlng of agricultural producte. The role of
eupermarkets, chain stores, voluntary chalns,
cooperativee, centralized markete, atorage faciIlties, gradlag uysteme, market newe servtce,
multi-pric ing eysteme, marketing o r d e r s and
other market related variable8 ehould be etudled.
ili) Export demand, export pricing, merchandieing of
agricultural products in a cornpetltive world market
and the economics of imports of agrlcultural inpute
ehould be studied in depth on a continual baste.
b) Extenelon work In agricultural. economice.
Farm management and production economics t o
d l s t r Lbute ueeful informat loo generated by economic
reeearch agenc Lee, and government act Lon programs.
l i ) Marketing, p r i c e analyeis, demand analyeis and
outlook information need to be wklely distributed.
iil) T r a n s f e r of innovations:
Study of producer's decision proceae and
meaae to increaee rate of adoption of
production i n c r e ~ s i n gtechnology.
Define means to lncreaee m a a a g e r t r l capacity,
Reflection on Training of Personnel
T h e r e can be no mieunderotanding about the important r o l e
of technical training s
a a p a r t of development and economic progrese.
The realization of an appropriate level of training Le complicmted by
the fact that when the need i s greatest the resources rvailsbla are
usually ocarce and the time required ie long but the need ie immedlmte.
The direction of university t r a i n b in Uruguay is not in
line with the competence required in the economy. Increased
training in technical agriculture, agricultural economice, buslnees
management, finance, public administrat ion r e well as the bmelc
science6 would contribute to the internal capability. Training in
agriculture should include c o u r s e s in ecoaamics, marketing, mad
bus inesa mauagement.
A continual flow of students t o graduate echoole f o r advanced
degrees, mostly a t the M a s t e r s level would provide the needed
r e s e a r c h capacity. It should g o without saying that spuctfic ateps
t o retain the tralned returning technician in key poeitiow muet be
instigated. A training p r o g r a m without 8 technique f o r aeruring
the benefits to the country La only a partial program. The fltght
of trained people from Uruguay ie a eeriaus c m r e q u e n c e of inadequate
compensation within the r e s e a r c h Lnstttutione and admintetration that
fails to maximite the utilLzation of the human reeource.
scholarehip students muet be aasured in a formal way of a n appropriate position upon the succeesful completion of their training.
T h e aboence of this formal assurance leads to the s e a r c h f o r o t h e r
alternatives and frequent employment outside of Uruguay.
The scholarship otudents studying abroad muet repretaent
a balance wlth the technical competence required. Univareltlee
should be chusen carefully to be sure the training ie meaningful
and practical.
On-the-job training with consultrnta from fore lgn ucrivereit ies
o r f r o m local institutiono can be extremely affective. B e c r u e coneultant time ie s c a r c e and expensive, it ohould be utillsed to the
Returning echolarship rrtudsntm rhould be
greatest extent possible.
aasigned a teaching function immediately, not necessarily in the
u n i v e r ~ i t y , but b e nseigncd aesietants f o r daily ~ e o c i a t l o r r saa wall
pe a r r a n g e s e m i n a r s and ehort couroee.
Becauee of the ahortage of published reaearch, every
poesible effort should be made to m r k e the r e e e a r c h experience
in a graduate program aa ueeful oe poseible. Thie mlght be
done by the scholarohip otudeot thinking through poeofble thesis
research projects with coneultants and directore before going
abroad. it would b e highly desirable if he could take r e s e a r c h
data with him for analysis o r arrange for o t h e r s t o the
required dota a t a t h e when the etudent ie prepared to develop
n thesis project. If a univeroity hao a team of co~etaltratsIn
Uruguay it may b e possible for them to represent the graduate
faculty and direct the thesis project h e r e in the host country.
Timing may be difficult t o work out, but where thie b e beten
done the value of the thesie reeearch experlenco h m been
greatly enhanced.
One of the moot olgnfficant s o u r c e s of teachlag material
is the published reaulte of r e s e a r c h and the r e p o r t s of methodology.
Every effort posslble ehould be made to publish the resulte from
exper b e n t s , economic analyo is, and obaervatlone. Theee
reports ehould be made availnble to graduate etudents t o rtlmulate
their interest in the ongoing r e s e a r c h and help them r e a r c h for
irnprwed reeearch methods ae well as areas of ueeded research.
Too often student6 fail to relate their theuio r e ~ e a r c hexperience
to the reeearch needs within their own country.
Reflect ion on Research Infraetructure Neede .
T o r e a l u e fully the human resource capability in r e a e a r c h
activities there hoe to be a complementary l d r u r t r u c t u r e .
Reference has been made to the building of an infrastructure
required to implement the reeearch activitlele rupported by project
previously in this report (developing of computer factlttlala, a dota
collectLon procedure, Uata base, material atnpport, etc. j.
Due to eevere budgeting constraiote the SDEE had to put
together a very minimal tnfraotructure by uuLng borrowed
equipment (calcuLatorol and typewrtters), office space and a c a r
for field work from other divbions of the M A P o r AID. Needlees
to say, these baaic reeearch support pmbleme must be mlmd In
o r d e r to build an effective remearch organleatloa.
Agricultural economic r e e e a r c h r e q u i r e s lirnlted m a t e r l a l
and equipment ~ l u p p o r tr e h t i v e t o other types of a g r i c u l t u r a l
r e e e a r c h . Acquiring calculators, typewriters, iclearlng lrCCe8B
t o tranaportat ion f o r field work and m a t e r lalo f o r publishing
would m e e t moist of the r e s o u r c e needs of SDEE.
Adequate computer facilitiera a x i r t in Montevidso to m e e t
economic r e a e a r c h neede.
F u r t h e r development of computer
analytical p r o g r a m s ehould be encouraged. Centralization md
developing of a MAP computer c e n t e r would be valuable not
only to economic r e s e a r c h but t o all other r e e e a r c h activity.
T h e importance and o u c c e s s of the SDEE g r o u p in
publication of r e s e a r c h reeulte and methodology have been
pointed out. In o r d e r t o acccinplieh t h i s p u b l i s h h g equtpment
and peroonoel had t o be acquired, duplicating fachlities that
exiet in s e v e r a l other divisions of the MAP. Moet all the
publications w e r e financed b y funds other than f r o m the M A P
budget aupport. C e n t r n l h h t ion of publicat ion and adequate
budget support for publtcation of a l l M A P r e e e a r c h ahould be
a priority effort.
Although obtaining t h e m infrastructure r e q u i r e m e n t s
s e e m s v e r y e l e m e n t a r y it h a s been the area of g r e a t e s t
frustration t o t h e long-term advicor. He and the SDEE d i r e c t o r 8
have spent M excessive amount of time aad effort i n acquiring
b a s i c m a t e r i a l and equipment neceeeary f o r the work of the group.
T h e economic dlvision of the MAP neede o o ~ i e t a n c ela tbe
development of a m o r e effect h v e admtnistrat ion, a b e d a t L n c r e u l a g
the efficient u t l l i s a t b n of both the human ond m a t e r i a l r e s o u r c e s .
Agricultural economic r e s e a r c h , phnnlng, and policy forgairlatlon nre
not adequately coordinated and i n xiany caees t h e r e ie duplication of
effort. Increasing the number of Minlei!t-y divleions and s e p a r a t i a g
them physically only adds to the difficulty in coordinating effort.
The m o s t s e r i o u s problem in the economic division of the
MAP ie not the capability of the personnel. It ie devieiug the
administrative and eupport meane to utilize effectively the human
c ~ p a b l l i t y . In the utiliretion of thls c ~ p a b i l l t yl i e e the aucceen of
agricultural economlc r e s e a r c h and its potent tal contrlbut ion to
development of t h e a g r i c u l t u r a l aector.
Project A
T e x a s A & M Univerelty personnel tnvolvement
(all a g r i c u l t u r a l economlets 1.
Short-term assistance
Reeponeibllity with
Uruguayan t e a m
Dr. Clive Hareton
Feb. 1973
Planning project actlvltlee.
Dr. Ray BLllingeley
Feb. 1973
Planning project a c t i v l t k o .
Dr. Lonnie Jonea
J u n e 1974 Plannlng of macro m o d e l
and communiaation of
r e s e a r c h reeults.
Mr. Roberto Vhzquez
Jan. 1875
Dr. Clive Harston
M a r c h 1975
Develop mncro economic
Termination of project.
Long- term advisor
Dr. James McGrann
Feb. 1973
A p r . 1975
Adviee tn all a s p e c t s
of project.
English Tramlation of Publication Titles Done with Minietry
of Agriculture and Fisheries, SDEE Division, oupported by
Project A.
Technical Series Publicatione:
1. Economic Analysis of the Traditional and Improved Production
Systema in the Baealtic Area of Uruguay. MAP-DIEA.
Technical publication NQ 1. October 1974. Montevideo, Uraguay.
Economic Analyeie of the Traditional and Improved Production
Syeteme in the Cristaliao Area of Uruguay. MAP-DIEA.
Technical publicat ion NQ 2. December 1974. Montevideo, Uruguay.
~conornicAnalysis of the Tradttlonal and Improved
Production Systems in the Garlcon Sub-zone Uruguay. MAP-DIEA.
Technical publication NP 3.
4. (a) Economic Analysis of the Traditional and improved Productlm
Systems in the Sandy Soils area of Tacuarembb, Uruguay.
MAP-DTEA Technical publication NQ 4.
(a) Publicatione completed and approved but not printed.
Informat ion S e r l e e Publicationre:
1. Technical Coefficients and P a r t i a l Budgets f o r Liveetock i n t h e
Basalto Zone: Uruguay. MGIA-DIEA,
Montevideo, Uruguay, May 1874.
Information S s r i e u N Q 1.
2. Technical Coefficients and Partial Budgets f o r Livestock la the
C r i e t a l i n o Zone: Uruguay. MGA-DIEA, Information Series NQ 2.
Montevideo, Uruguay, J u n e 1074.
3. Technical Coefficlente and P a r t i a l Budgets f o r Livestock i n t h e
Gartbn Sub-tone: Uruguay. MAP-DIEA, Informatlon Ser lee NO 3.
Montevideo, Uruguay, September, 1974.
4. Histor l e a l M o r m a t i o n on Livestock Prices: Uruguay.
MAP-DLEA, Informatlon S e r i e s NQ 4. Montevideo, Uruguay,
. .
5. Histor ical Information o n C r o p Pr Lcee: Uruguay. MAP-DIEA,
Informat ion S e r lee NQ 5. Montevideo, Uruguay, 1974.
6. Technical Coefficients and P a r t i a l Budgets f o r Liveotock in
t h e Sandy Solls Area of Tacuarembb, Uruguay. MAP-DIEA,
Information S e r i e s NQ 6. Montevideo, Uruguay, A p r l l 1875.
Wheat in Uruguay: Determlnanta of the S e c t o r s P e r f o r m o n c e
1950-1973. MAP-DIEA, Informatlon Series NQ 7.
Montevideo, Uruguay, A p r i l 1975.
8. ('1
Technical C a f f i c Lent. f o r L h e s t o c k Zones ln Uruguay, MAP-DIEA.
9. (a) Economic and T s c h n l c a l P r o g r a m m i n g of a Livemtoek It-h
in the C r e t a c i c o s Soils, Uruguay.
10. (a) Manual for L i n e a r Programming Computer Program.
11. (b) Technical Coefficients and P a r t i a l Budgets f o r LLveutock md Crop.
in t h e Crop-Livestock A r e a L i t o r a l Uruguay.
12. ( b ) ~ h eBalance of Payment. Position of the P r l n c l p a l Crop. and
Albernative C r o p Productlon Techniques ln Uruguay. MAP-DIEA.
(a) Publications completed and approved but aot printed.
Cb) Publications in the p r o c e s s of beiag completed.
Informat ion Papers:
1. Summary of the Linear Programming Analysis in the Bacalto
Zone of Uruguay. MAP-DIEA, Montevtdeo, Uruguay, J u n e 1874.
2. Economic Analysis of the Production of L a m b and Mutton Ln the
B u d t o and C r h t a l i n o Area of Uruguay. MAP-DIEA, Montevideo,
Uruguay, July 1974.
Linear Programmlag Analysis of the Dr. Severi Ranch, Duracno,
Uruguay. MAP-DIEA, Montevideo, Uruguay, July 1874.
4. An Analytical Methodology for Studylng Summer C r o p Pricing
Policy. MAP-DIEA, August 1974.
5. Economic Analysis of Systerno of Production. MAP-DIEA,
Information Paper NQ 5, October 1074.
Conference P a p e r s on Livestock and C r o p Production Syeteme A d y e i s :
1. (')
Economic Analysis of the Production System. b Young.
Sociedad R u r a l de RLo Negro, Young, Uruguay. 1974.
2. (a) Evaluation of
P Cattle Breedlog System: Economlc A d y 6 i e
of Beef Production in Sandy Soile. Eetacibn Experimental
d e l Norte, Tacuarembb. Uruguay, 1074.
3. Economtc Analys te of Product ion Syetems.
Balcarce, Argentina, 1974.
IICA Conference,
4. (a) Economic Evaluation of the La Dehesa D e m o n ~ t r a t l o nUnlt of
the CREA, FLorlda, f o r the March '73 to M a r c h '74 Period.
6th National CREA Field Day, Florida, Uruguay, 1974.
(a) Publications outside the Miniatry of Agriculturete rupported
division (DIE& SDEE).
Research Commitments of SDEE outside
of Regular Research Activity.
Agricultural ayatems planning and evaluation, Centro
de Investigaciones Agrfcolaa " ~ l b e r t oBoerger ".
1. Dairy production system, La E s t w u e l a .
2. Cropplng and LLvestock System, La Eetnnzuela
3. Cropping and Livestock Syetem, Young, Rlo Negro.
B. C R E A , Florida, llves tock grazlng system evaluatloa.
C. Plan Agropecuario Livestock production reeearch committee
on a cooperative study of phyeical and ecouomlc aooluatioa
of paeture and livestock management lmprovemente.
D. Statistical evaluation of fertilizer response for pasture In
Tacuarembb. This work is wlth a technician at the
experiment stat ion there.
E. University thesis project involving a linear programming
model for e ranch ln the cropplng area. This study i s in
cooperatlon with the Plan Agropecuario.
F. Participation la reeearch act lvity for the Plan Agropecuario
emall farm development pilot project.
G. A time s e r i e s price study for the major crop6 and livcetock
provides a basis and convenient reference for other research
studies but glves a graphlc picture of prLcc problems in the
H. A s t u d y of agricultural credit sources, supply and requiremeate
serves as a basic document for loan and credit policy.
I. A complementary off-shoot of the cost analyele research
studies has been the accumulation of cost data for specific
sub-activit les. For example a document w a e prepared
showing the cost of baling hay and another report compare8
the Lnputs and coste of producing wheat and p u t u r e together
and the alternative of wheat sad pasture separated.
Computer Programs Available for
Analytical Work.
1. Linear Programing (LPS- l B M - 360 1
2. Multiple Linear Regression.
3. Step- wise Var Iable Selection Multiple Linear Regreemion.
4. Analyeis of Variance and Covariance.
6. Population
elmulation. *
Input-output Analysis.
Require eome modificatime to be ueed on TBM-360
40-DOS computer.
Uruguayan Technical P e r s o n n e l Involved ln
Research Activity as of A ~ r i lSO. 1075.
Support lng Agency and P e r s o n n e l
T Lm ing
Accumulated t l m e
M inietry of Agriculture and F i s h e r i e s
Viviane Laffitte de ~ o b a s ( ~ )
Agr. Gonzalo Pere ira
Bibiana T r o n c o s o d e Davrieux
Alfonso C a r l u c c i o
Ing. Agr. LUian S i e r r a d e ~ l b u r ~ u e r ~
Ing. Agr. Miguel A. ~ e t r & n g o l o ( ~ )
C a r l o s Rogberg
Alejandro Dignlero
51 73-4/ 75
11 74-4175
11 74-111 74
u61e73( ~ 101
) 74
111 74-1175
IICA (IICA (Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Science)
Ing. Agr. Joaqufn Secco
Ing. Agr. Joai! Ma. F e r r a r i
91 1 I/ 74-4175
01 151 74-41 75
6. 5
31 73-Q/ 73
O P P (National Planning Office)
Cr. Agustfn Benzano
Banco d e la H e ~ t i b l i c a0. d e l U r u m a v (National Bank)
Alvaro Machado ( p r o g r a m m e r )
Total accumulated M A P support in m a n months
Total accumulated man monthe of support of
all organizations
(a) Acting d i r e c t o r of project supported Sub-DireccLbn d e EetudLos
EconomCtr icoe (Sub-Director of Econometric Studies 1.
(b) M r s . Davrieux a v e r a g e less than
4 time
b e c a u s e of pregnancy leave.
(c) During indicated period acted as Sub-Division Director.