garnets Geochemistry ofzoned lromtheSanPedro mine, SantaFeGounty, NewMexico by Charles G.feeandW,W.Atkinson, Jr., Department of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, C080309 Abstract The San Pedro mine, in north-central New Metco, contains chalcopyrite-bearing garnetite skarn as replacementsof 14 favorable carbonate beds. Mineralization is concentrated along or near marble line boundary surfacesbetween garnet and marble in each bed, such that orebodiesare arranged in a manto configuration, cite-hematite-chlorite-chalcopyrite alt e r a t i o n a s s e m b l a g ea n d s e c o n d generationgarnetveinletsand vug linrn8s. Microprobe analvsisof some zoned and unzoned San Pedro garnets provides an important insight into the nature of short- and long-term variation in hydrothermal fluid chemistry.Early main-stagefirst-generationgarnetshav'e stacked oneaboveanother. andradite coresandzonedrims.The Early high-temperature contact metamorphism resulted in the formation of iron-poor calc-silicates in mar- rim zones alternate between purely andraditic and more grossularitic (up to 9 mole percent Al) compositions. This ble and grossulariticgarnet (gr) in interbedded orbicular hornfels. Subsequent infiltration of an iron, silica, and metal-bearing magmatohydrothermal fluid causedthe metasomatic replacementof marbleby massivegarnet-chalcopyriteskam. This main stage of disseminated ore deposition and skarn formation was in turn followed by a low-temperature skarn-destructive phase involving the entry of meteoric water into the hydrothermal system,which produced a quartz-cal- patternof oscillatory zoningis present to a much greaterdegreein the crosscutting second-generationvein garnets (up to 457oAl). Unzoned garnet presentin orbicularhornfelshas an extremelyhigh Al content,containingup to 8L mole percentgrossular(8lVa Al). Although variation of many factors could be responsible,a likely causeof a shift to more aluminous garnet compositionsis a decreasein CO, in hydrothermal fluid, caused by boiling. Another possibility is a change from o c) Songre de Criso f Mountoins ofintrusive centers thatmakeupthe25-milelong north-trending San Pedro-Ortiz porphyry belt. From north to south the centers are known as La Cienega, Los Cerrillos, the Ortiz Mountains,the SanPedroMountains, and South Mountain. The Sandiauplift lies to the southwest of the porphyry belt, and the Sangre de Cristo Mountains lie to the northeast.The belt lies about 12 mi from the easternedge of the Rio Grande rift (Fig. 1). Exceptfor the younger La Cienegaintrusion, the porphyry belt appears to be Oligocenein age based on K-Ar dates of 38 to 26 m.y. for the contemporaneousEspinaso Vertebrate faunaof U-BarCave. HidalgoCounty p.74 Photoessayon DogSprings Memberof the Spears Formation p.78 Historical reviewof uranium production fromthe TodiltoLimestone p. 80 Service/News p. 85 Indexfor volume7 p. 87 Statfnotes p. 88 Goming soon o. o ! o a General geology The SanPedromine, which containsa small copper-bearingskarn, is located in the San PedroMountains of north-centralNew Mexico. The mountain range belongs to the set Alsoin thisissue z J e r n e z u p l i ft lithostatic to hydrostatic pressure accompanied by fracturing. Finally, an influx of meteoricwater may also have been involved. aa Terliory monzonilic FI9UR-Et-h*t maq -oj north-central New Mexico showing location of the San Pedro Mountains, from Atkinson, 1976. Petrography and stratigraphyof Sevill+Trident exploration wells "lost"fusulinids Needham's LateHolocene displacement alongthe OrganMountains fault Geotechnical testingin NewMexico I MILE MONZONTTE _ - ::l\[,'- i ) r, :jjl) 1 r !,: uoaeroLms.l lENf I-"-J-J-J- i'i'i'l- 't I rl ;l;:;:{-) t./,; '.'.',1r.-rr ?_ p€ BASEMENT Gornelized Lms. FIGURE2-Geologic cross section of the San Pedro Mountains, Santa Fe County, New Mexico, generalized from Atkinson, 1976' volcanics, which erupted from vents in the Cerrillos and Ortiz Mountains areas(Kautz et al., 1981).The intrusive rocks of the belt as a whole and of the San Pedro Mountains in particular tend to be rather homogeneous monzonitic porphyries. The source of the mineralization at the San Pedro mine was probably the San Lazarus stock, a composite pluton made up of porphyritic monzonite and quartz monzonite containing molybdenum-bearingquartz veinlets. Sedimentaryrocksdip about 14oto the east in the San Pedro mine area, where the mineralizationis hostedby the upper part of the Pennsylvanian Madera Formation, a sequence of alternating shale and carbonate beds. Massive and disseminatedmineralization occurs in replacementsof 14 chemically receptive Iimestone beds separatedby barren shale. This favorable seriesis 270 ft thick, and is sandwiched belween an underlying monzonite porphyry sill and an overlying rhyolite sill. Hydrothermal fluid expelled from the adiacentSan Lazarusstock was constrainedto ilow between the pre-existing sills and through the favorable series, which resulted in the metasomatic replacement of limestone/marble beds by garnet-chalcopyrite skatn (Fig. 2). Shale units were simultaneously converted to diopside-plagioclasequartz hornfels. Sharply defined marble line boundary surfacesmark the position of the metasomatic front and separate skarn from marble within each limestone bed. Mineralization is concenhatedalong and near these marble line boundaries, with ore grades decreasingrapidly from the skarn-marble contacts into the skarn, toward the source of mineralization. Ore generally does not extend more than 200 ft inward from the marble lines and does not occur in marble. At San Pedro, this style of mineralization has produced a stack of skarn-hosted,marbleline orebodies, each of which has a manto configuration. San Pedro skarn The character of a given skarn-type ore depositis the result of the interplay of many factors, such as the chemistry of the mineralizing hydrothermal fluid and its evolution through time, the establishment of localized activity gradients, host rock composition and permeability, volatile compoNovember 1985 Neu MexicoGeology sition, temperature,pressure,and the relative importance of metimorphic and metasomatic processes(Einaudi et al., 1981).Most skarnjappear to go through a similar set of developmental stiges as a iesult of variation through time in thi relative impact of these factors. Metamorphic effects generally precede metasomatii ones, with late-stagealteration being overprinted onto them both, which produces distinctive patterns of mineralogicalzonation and alteration(Roseand Burt, 1979). metamor. At San.Pedro,- early contact phism of .impure limeston-eand/or dolomite resulted in formation of light-colored calcsilicates such as tremolite, diopside, and wollastonite.This was followed by two periodsof mineralization.Disseminatedorewas deposited.first as.Fe, Sr, and metal-bearing fluids infiltrated the carbonate beds, resulting in formation of massivegarnetite skarn and earlychalcopyritedeposition.Late skarn destruction and ore redistribution produced vuggy ore. Here, garnet destructionand alteration associatedwith the entry of meteoric water into the hydrothermal fluid produced a quartz-hematite-calcite-chloritechalcopyritemineral assemblage.The vugs containing these minerals are lined almost invariably with euhedral garnet. Crosscutting, second-generation garnet veinlets also were produced during this stageof genesis. Finally, argillic alteration occurred, forming talc, chlorite, montmorillonite, sericite, quartz, and limonite. Typically, temperafures for the formation of skarns have been found to be 500-700'C for early contact metasomatism, 400-600'C for garnet skarn, and 200-400'C for the late hydrous alteration phase (Rose and Burt, L979;Einaudi et al., 1981).It is expectedthat temperaturesyet to be determined on San Pedro rocks will fall in these ranges. The resulting San Pedro deposit exhibits the following zonation from the inside outward: gametite skam/vuggy ore with argillic alteration; gametite skam/vuggy ore; marble line with garnetite skarn and disseminatedore; marble i wollastonite-diopside-tremolite; and unaltered limestone/ dolomite. Interaction between the infiltratin g hydrothermal fluid and the host limestone/marble is responsible for skarn formation and minerclization. Therefore, it is clear that the thermochemical character of the hydrothermal solution must have varied considerably over time and distance to have produced such a complex pattern. Some insight into the_nature of local and temporal variation in fluid chemistry a!_S-an.Pedro-may be. obtained through detailedmicroprobe analysisof some zoned and unzoned garnets' Garnet analyses An the San Pedro garnet analyses were performed at the Unive'rsity of Colorado with I V4C-ZS elecfronmicropiobeusing a Kevex energy dispersive systeh at an operating voltije of iS tV a 2jmicron beam diameter] u su.ttlpl"current of 200 microamps, and 100r".o'd count times. Standardi employed were wollastonite for Ca and Si, an&rallite garnet for Fe, and augite and garnet for Al. torrections w"re made usinglhe Magic IV Cr, M[, and computer program (Colby, 196"8). New AAexnc@ GEOLOGV . Science andService Vofume 7, No. 4, November 1985 Edltolr Deborah A. Shaw Published quarterly by New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources a division of New Mqico Institute of Mining & Tchnology BOARD OF REGENTS Ex Officio Toney Anaya, Gownor of Nru Metico Superintendeil of public Insttuction Morgan, Alan Appointed SteveTorres, Pres.,7967-199L,Socorro Judy Floyd, Sq.lTreas.,f977-1987,Ins Cruces Gilbert L. Cano, 1985-191, Albuquerque Lenton Malry, L985-7989,Albuquerque Donald W. Mords, 1983-1989,LosAlamos New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology LaurenceH.Lattman ...... Presidmt.. New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources ....... FrankE.Kottlowski D i / K t o r. . ...... GeorgeS.Austin DeputyDircctor Sub{riptions: Jssued quarterly, February, May, AsB\sL price November; subscription $6.00/calendaryear. Editorial mqttq : Contributions of material forconsideration in future issuesof NMG are welcome.Articles submitted for Dublicationshould be in the editor's hands a minimum of five (5) months before date of publication (February, May, August, or Novenber) and should be no longer than 20 typewitten, double-spacedpages. Addressinquiries to Deborah A. Shaw, editor of Nru Merico Geology,New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources,Socoqo, NM 87801 reproducible @ithoutper' Published as publicdomain,therefore mission.Sourcecreditfequested, Cilculation:7,6N Printer:Univetsily of New Mexico Printint Plant Mn were not determined becauseof an interestin Fe-Al variation and the lack of measurableamountsof theseelements.Tracesof Mn were found in San Pedro garnets. Threesampleschosenfrom drill corewere analyzed,at60points by microprobe.Of these, sampleR-15 (673ft) containsskarn garnets. Contact-metamorphic garnets present in samples R-tS (575ft) and R-15 (773.5ft) occur in orbiculesin the interbeddedhornfels. In all cases,San Pedro garnets are of the andradite (ad)-grossular(gr) solid solution series (CarFerSi.O,r-CarAlrsi.O,r). Table 1 presentsrepresentativeanalysesof San Pedro garnets. In sampleR-15 (673ft) two generationsof metasomaticgarnet are present. The firstgeneration garnet grains contain yellowbrown isotropiccoresbounded by zoned rims, consistingof oscillatory zones of yellow, isotropic gamet, altemating with paler, weakly anisotropiczones. Twenty-one points were analyzed in a traverse across a first-generation gamet (Figs.3, 4A). The core (C) is nearly pure andradite(Xad - 100mole percent;Xgr : 0%), as are the yellow, isotropic zones in the rim (R). The weakly anisotropic zones contain up to 9 mole percent grossular.Although the precisenature of chemicalvariation within zones cannot be resolved with the spacingof analysesused, the correlation betweenanisotropicgarnetand the presence of aluminum is clear. The massivefirst-generationgarnet is cut by grossular-richsecond-generationgarnet veins (V; Fig. 4B). Locally, the second-generation garnet cements a breccia of the first. The second-generation garnet is strongly anisotropic, showing sector twinning and weak to strong oscillatory zoning. Birefringence varies from 0.003 to 0.015, attaining first-order red colors. In some veins, an isotropic band that has sharp boundaries with the anisotropic garnet ii present. Other sharp changes in birefringence are present locally, but in general, changes are smooth but nonsystematic' r! F I R S T G E N E R A T I O N G A R N E T( R - ' 1 5 , 6 7 3 , ) C O M P O S I T I O N A LV A R I A T I O N ,R I M T O C O R E RIM CORE rsorRoPtc TABLE1-Representative gamet analysesin weight percent. A, first-generation, core andradite, sample R-15 (673 ft); B, first-generation, rim garnet, sampleR-15 (673 tt); C, second-generation, vein garnet, sample R-15 (673ft); D, garnet in hornfels orbicule, sample R-15 (676 It); * the low total may be accountedfor bv the presenceof H,O in hvdrogrossular,as indicated'by loss on igniiion; Xgr, mole percent grossular Si AI Fe Ca Xgt 9^ L# o0) o 9 (Lc) >o 9a "E F UJH E5 oxide sio, Alro3 Fe2O3 CaO Total z 36.26 0.00 29 75 34 32 100.33 36.47 0.97 28.72 34.28 99.72 37.38 5 11 22.20 36.04 700 73 37.75 74.02 597 34.87 91.95* No. of ions per 24 orygens 6.097 6.115 6.083 0.000 0.180 0.980 3.761 3.554 2.719 6.777 6.769 6.285 0.000 0.048 0.265 6.229 2.772 0.746 6.265 0-788 o 0.o o.25 0 . 75 0.50 DISTANCE FROM RlM, in millimeters FIGURE 3-Microprobe analysesof first-generation garnet, zoning profile, and mole percent Brossular (Xgr) plotted, versus distance from rim edge, in mm Boundaries between isotropic and anisotropic optical zones indicated by vertical dashed lines. FIGURE4-Photomicrographs of San Pedro garnets. Sample R-15 (673 ft); crossed polarizers; length of each white scalebar equals 1 mm. A, Firstgenerationgarnetite, showing isotropic andradite cores(C) and zoned rims (R); B, Second-generationgarnet vein (V) cutting first-generationgarnetite. Note the highly birefringent nature of the vein material The location of probe traversesare shown by heavy solid lines. New Mexico Geology November 1985 A traverseacrossone vein garnet (Fig. 5) was analyzed at 18 points, revealing oscillatory compositionalzoning of a much greater amplitude and higher frequency than that of the first-generation garnet. Zones at the center of the vein are very andradite-rich (Xgr : 2.5 mole percent),but these give way toward the vein wall to hishlv aluminous compositions as the Al co-ntdntof the garnet quickly attains its maximum (Xgr : 45 mole percent), then falls off erratically with the amplitude of its variation being as much as 25 mole percent, eventually coming down to near the vein much lower values (21,-22Ea) walls. The mean grossular content for vein garnetsis 25.7Vo,as opposed to a value of 2.0% for the first-generation garnet (seeFig. 6). Harris and Einaudi (1982) have documented a style of garnet compositionalzoning for calcic, Fe-rich skarn at Yerington, Nevada, which is similar to that found at San Pedro. These authors note the presenceof grossularitic veinlets cutting early garnet having isotropic andraditic cores and aluminous and compositionallyvariable rims. This same pattem is shown clearlv bv the analysisof iirst- and second-generaiiongarnets in sample R-15 (673 ft; seeFigs. 3 and s). Sweeney(1980)has studied skarn garnet in the Bingham district, Utah, and has found it to be very similar in nature to the firststage garnet at San Pedro. Bingham garnet is mostly nearly pure andradite, with a few thin aluminous zones present in each crvstal. The zoning was foind to exist on u ,r6ty fine scale, with many thin zones only a micron or two wide. Anisotropic garnet also correlated with Al content, although the maximum grossularcomponent was no more than 30Vo. Alteration of massive vein wall garnet to a mixture of chlorite, hematite, calcite, and quaftz occurs in places along the vein itself and in patchesscatteredthroughout the skam. Elsewhere, fresh first-generation andradite dominates. Remnant garnet in the altered patcheshas an Al content that is only slightly lower than the AI content of the vein garnet itself (seeFig. 6; maximum : 25.3 mole percent,mean = 19.9mole percent),which suggests that the composition has been altered by diffusional exchange. The garnets found in orbicules in hornfels were probed in two samples:R-15 (773.5ft) and R-15 (675 tt). The results of the analysis show that these unzoned garnets are distinctive by virtue of their highly aluminous compositions. The mean grossular contents for samplesR-15 (773.5ft; 3 analyses)and 676 ft; 7 analyses) are 53.7 and 81..3mole percent, respectively. Interpretation and conclusions The compositions of the garnets found in orbiculesin hornfels are the most aluminous found at San Pedro. The unzoned character of these garnets and their very high Al contents suggest that the hornfels environment of formation was relativelv unaffectedbv the November 1985 NerrlMexico Geology V E I N ,A L T E R E DV E I N W A L L & U N A L T E R E DG A R N E T S C O M P O S I T I O N AVLA R I A T I O N( R - 15 , 6 7 3 ' ) 60 E U F 2 U I I VEIN .9 = u 50 I o o z I I A L T E R E DV E I N W A L L 9^ o CD !Eao 6 ao og Io) >o. O= eo I F IIJ 2 E o:E Io o I UJ IE I u, F III L TPzo a- a I F J I z l 10 o 1.5 1.O 0.5 D I S T A N C EF R O M V E I N C E N T E R ,i n m i l l i m e t e r s FIGURE S-Microprobe analysesof second-generationvein, first-generation altered vein wall, and first-generation unaltered gatnet zoning profiles. Mole percent grossular (Xgr) ig plotted versus distance from vein center. Boundaries between zones are indicated by vertical dashed lines. LARIATION G A R N E TC O M P O S I T I O N A V SKARN GARNETS (ALL FROM B-15,673') HORNFELS GARNETS (ORBICULAR) 9 zF 6^to o< Fc gg *g' 8E F.- 6 H8 o4 2 9 j32 ;H : z F zo G ;2 ;F O u z U o d; 9> ; F IIJ: o v L ci U G ul f 18 U i: i= b N o ct E 926 5T J 2 3 s' 7 I 6l o c I I T h o F F : T? ?t rl E 3 tr I t_ o G E FIGURE 6-Microprobe analyses, gamet comPositional range, mole percent grossular (Xgr), and skarn and hornfels varieties. Bars indicate range and diamonds represent mean values for each garnet type. Numerals placed above upper bar show the number of analysesperformed on each variety. infilhating hydrothermal fluid responsiblefor the deposition of the skarn garnets. The orbicules must have had a Iocally derived composition and a metamorphic rather than metasomaticorigin. Tracy (1982) defined growth zoning as zoning developed in a mineral becauseof a continuous or discontinuous change in the composition of material supplied to the growing surfaceof the crystal. Negligible rates of solid-statediffusion are also required to preserve such zoning. Skarn formation results from interaction between an infiltrating hydrothermal fluid and carbonatehost rocks over a wide range of temperatures (200700"C).Garnet zoning shows that the composition of that solution varies over time and with distance from its source. Details of this variation are provided by analysis of the growth-zoned garnets present in the San Pedro skarn. First-generation garnets have andradite coresand zoned rims. The rim zones alternate abruptly between purely andraditic and more grossularitic(up to 9 mole percentAl) compositions.Therefore,compositionaldifferencesas expressedby the oscillatoryzoning observed in the first-generation garnet rims reflect short-term variation in the composition of the hydrothermal fluid. Without more information, it is not possible to suggest exactly what controls the composition of the solution depositing the gamet. It is likely that it was largely a hypersalinefluid exsolvedby an igneoussource, probably buffered at its source by igneous minerals in deeper rocks. After it left the source, it may have mixed with unknown amounts of meteoric or connate water and traversedunderlying sedimentaryrocks and Precambrianbasement rocks affected to unknown degreesby contactmetamorphismand the early portions of the mineralizing fluid. The chemishy of such solutionsis complex. The stability of andradite vs. grossular is affected not only by such obvious factors as the Fe/Al ratid, birt by activities of species that would affectthe Fe'*/Fe't ratio, such as for, fsr, pH, and others. Sweeney (1980)has proposed a mechanism for producing zoned ad-gr garnets based on T-)Go, relations. In Figure 7, the lowermost T-X;, stability curv6 for grossular lies at high6r temperatures than"that for andradite, requiring higher temperatures, and/or lower X.o. to stabilize grbssular. Calculatedcurves frir intermediai=e solid solutions lie between the two curves. An earIier study of fluid inclusions at Bingham by Moore and Nash (1974)showed that hvdrothermal solutions underwent a change in pressure from lithostatic to hydrostatic during the period of ore deposition. Sweeney showed that such an event could change conditions from those depositing pure andradite to those depositing grossular-rich garngt. She also examined the lowering of X.o, by boiling as a mechanismfor the shift to rirore grossular-richcompositions.For high valuesof X.o, boiling would have little effect. However, Eihaudi et al. (1981)report that, - Greo Grgo--------= An+ Grroot Qtz {"d - -' Adl c) o F /, Tr+3Cc+ZQtz P f t r i d= P s o l i d= I , O O O b o r s Q,2 0,6 Q,4 0,8 r,O Xcoz FIGURE 7-T-Xco, diagram. Dashed lines represent the position of the garnet univariant boundaries as a function of variation in aluminum content, where Gr,6 is pure Ca-Al garnet (grossular), Ad is pure Ca-Fe garnet (andradite), and Grzo,Gro, Grr, Grro, Grao,and Grroate andradite-grossular solid solutions. The arrow indicates the rapid shift toward grossularitic compositions expectedto result from isothermal boiling of the hydrothermal fluid. Adapted from Sweeney, 1980. in most skarns, X.o" values vary from initial values of 0.2 to Iattir values of 0.05. At low CO, concentrations,boitng would reduceCO, quickly, and solutions would shift rapidly into the field of grossularitic garnet (seeFig. Z). Studiesof fluid inclusions in the Bingham dishict (Moore and Nash, 1974;Starkins,1983) indicateextensiveboiling at temperaturesless than 500'C, under which boiling would easily reduceCO, content to stabilizegrossular. It must always be borne in mind, of course, that with many variablesinvolved, other factors may cause the changes.For example, pulses of higher temperature fluids could be responsible.Meteoric water might also enter with a low CO, content. At San Pedro, a period of fracturing and local brecciationpreceded the change from first- to second-stagegamet. A rapid survey of fluid inclusions in thin sections indicated that vapor-rich and coexisting liquid-rich inclusions are indeed present in garnet, which suggeststhat solutions did boil, although they are so sparsethat they cannot yet be related to specificevents. Releaseof pressure and consequentboiling accompanying fracturing may therefore have been important. In general,during the late destructivestage of skarn evolution, temperatures are greatly reduced, pH decreases, release of hydrothermal fluid from the magmatic source may be restricted, and dilution of the fluid by the entry of meteoric water is expected (Einaudi et al., 1981).The result is garnet-destructive alteration and sulfide redistribution. Such events are apparent at San Pedro. We expect that dilution of the hydrothermal fluid by meteoric water causesan extreme decrease in the activity of the chloride ion (ClJ. The reduced availability of this important complexing agent could greatly lessenthe ability of the hydrothermalfluid to carry ferric iron, without affectingAl solubility (Barnes,1979). Garnet nucleated from such a fluid would be grossularitic rather than andraditic. The formation of second-generationgamet veins and vuggy garnets (associatedwith vuggy ore) may have occurred in this manner at San vein garnet is Pedro.The second-generation very aluminous (up to 45 mole percent grossular),showsoscillatoryzoning, and cuts firstgeneration garnetite. Here again, the oscillatory nature of the zoning may have been due to the episodic releaseof fluid from the cooling magmatic source. In places, metasomatic exchangebetween this fluid and previously deposited vein-wall garnet may have altered the original (firstgeneration) garnets to the extent that they approach the compositions of the vein garnets themselves.Thesealtered vein-wall garnets show elevated Al contents and contain patches of fine-grained chlorite-calcite-specular hematite, an assemblagetypical of the garnet-destructive stage of skarn formation. The lack of pervasive alteration of first-generation garnet by fluids of the second generationmay indicatethat meteoricwater influx was restricted. Alternativelv. the alteration process may have been aborted by loss of fluid pressure due to fracturing as shown by the cross-cuttingalterationalong gamet veins. The structural setting of the San Pedro deposit between two thick sills may have enhancedearly Fe-rich skam formation but also t3 New Mexico Geolo3y November 1985 may have limited the circulation of meteoric water during the skarn-destructivestage. ACKNowLEDGrvrnNrs-This paper is derived from a doctoral thesis in preparation at the University of Colorado (Boulder).Financial support for field work and analysis was generouslyprovided by the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources. Funding to cover the cost of thin section manufactureand accessto the SanPedromine property was kindly given by the Goldfield Corporation.This paper has benefited from critical reviews by J. Renault, f . Grambling, and J. L. Mufloz. Specialthanks go to Linda A. Kroff for her continuoussupport throughout this project. We thank the Cooperative Institute for Researchin EnvironmentalSciencesfor the use of its word-processingservrces. References Atkinson, W. W., Jr., 1976, Zoning and paragenesisof oresin the SanPedroMountains;ln Woodward,L. A., and Northrop, S. A. (eds.),Tectonicsand mineral resourcesof southwestern North America: New Mexico GeologicalSociety,SpecialPublication 6, pp.187 797. Barnes,H. L., 1979,Solubilitiesof ore minerals; in Barnes, H. L. (ed.), Geochemistryof hydrothermalore deposits: John Wiley & Sons, New York, pp. 401,460. Colby, J. W., '1968,Quantitative microprobe analysis of thin insulating films; la Advances in x-ray analysis: Plenum Press,New York, v. 11, pp. 287-305. Einaudi,M. T., Meinert, L. D., and Newberry, R. J., 1981, Skarn deposits:EconomicCeology, 75th Anniversary Volume, pp.317-391,. Hanis, N. B., and Einaudi, M. T., 1982,Skarn deposits i n t h e Y e r i n g t o nd i s t r i c t ,N e v a d a - m e t a s o m a t isck a r n evolution near Ludwig: EconomicGeology,v.77, pp. 817-899. Kautz, P. F., Ingersoll,R. V, Baldridge,W S., Damon, P E., and Shafiqullah,M., 1981,Geologyof the EspinasoFormation, Oligocene,north-central New Mexico: GeologicalSocietyofAmerica, Bulleiin, v. 92, pp.23182400. Moore, W J., and Nash, J. T., 1974,Alteration and fluid inclusion studies of the porphyry copper ore body at Bingham,Utah: EconomicGeology,v.69, pp. 631.-645. Rose,A. W., and Burt, D. M., 1979,Hvdrothermalalteration; in Barnes,H. L. (ed.), Geochemistryof hydrothermal ore deposits: John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2nd edition, pp. 773-235. Starkins, R. D., 1983, Fluid inclusion study of the Carr Fork skarndeposit,Binghammining district,Utah: Unpl.tblishedM.S. thesis, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, 134pp. Sweeney,M. 1., 1980,Geochemistry of garnets from the North Ore shoot, Bingham district, Utah: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1s4pp. Trary, R. J., 1982, Compositional zoning and inclusions in metamorphic minerals: Mineralogical Society of America Review, v. 10, pp. 355-394. launa report 0nthevertebrate Preliminary of U-BarCave, NewMexico HidalgoCounty, (ElPaso), TX79968 ElPaso, of Texas Paleobiology, University of Vertebrate byArthurH. Harris, Curator Introduction Current excavationsin southwesternNew Mexico are producing a major late Pleistocene vertebrate assemblagethat is adding greatly to our knowledge of the biota and past ecology of the state. Since December 1983, evidence of more than 90 vertebrate taxa has been produced in U-Bar Cave. The complexity and extent of the cave deposits and faunas will require an extensiveperiod of study; however, the importanceof the early findings to understandingthe Pleistocenebiology of New Mexico is such that these preIiminary data should be made availablenow. U-Bar Cave (site LA 5689)is in the U-Bar Limestone(Cretaceous)about 6 mi from the Mexicanborder in the "boot heel" of southwestern New Mexico. The altitude is about 5150ft. The cave is surrounded by Chihuahuan desertscrubmixed with Upper Sonoran woodland elements.The main chamber of the cave (Fig. 1) is about 315 ft long and avefagesabout 50 ft wide. The cavehas produced archaeologicalmaterial sinceabout 1935(Lambertand Ambler, 1961),and it was the site of formal excavations by Lambert and Ambler in 1960.They consideredthe archaeologicalmaterialasmost probably assignableto the Animas Phaseof the CasasGrandesculture, with a likelv date 315 entronce 3r2 297 294 291 u 288 s t€st prt M i n e rs p i l 2A ?42 , u:,' * 276 271 LO SI d e b r is piles r 210 .I 264 I D7 South debns pile 243 37 234 O 5 lOm |.++f/------1J Enfronce 225 trLULIUN Pincushion cactus November 1985 New MexicoGeology O 15 3ofl JKLMNOPQRST FIGURE 1-Sketch map of U-Bar Cave showing Srid system, features,and regions ieferred to in the text.
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