1 Prof. em. Dr. Hartmut Elsenhans Social Movements and Capitalism Exam: Presentation and Paper Capitalism depends on negotiating power of labour. The economy, has to be embedded in social structures are which empower labour. This link between economy and political structure is discussed is discussed with reference to pre-capitalist forms of resistance and its limits, the constitution of social structures which are favourable to resistance from below, the homogenisation of living conditions of the lower ones and the failure of statist development strategies and social regulation by the elites. On this basis das the emergence of new cultural identitarian movements is analysed. Central topics are precapitalist peasant movements and specialisation of working classes, rents, structural heterogeneity, and lack of homogenisation of the lower classes, patterns of anti-imperialist resistance into deeds underdeveloped world was reform oriented so-called bourgeois nationalists, state classes, new cultural identitarian political movements and the relation to the new forms of pro Western bridgeheads, the non-governmental organisations. In the course economic, culturalist, sociological and political approaches are combined. Synergetic effects from one or other areas are limited. Class struggle and social conflicts are less the unfolding of a civilisational process of increasing control over society, than tragically failing attempts to liberation Session 1, 7 April2015, 3 pm to 5 pm, Room NSG 323 Introductory remarks and the theoretical argument Some political economy consideration: capitalism is the result of resistance from below. On the characteristics of social movements: history as a succession of class struggles and social struggles: Class, clan, distributional issues. Class as specific social structuring in capitalism and changes in the social dynamics through the emergence of classes and the role of the bourgeois revolution. Social movements and their limits under the dominance of rents and precapitalist power structures Goodwin, Jeff; Skocpol, Theda: "Explaining Revolutions in the Contemporary Third World", in: Politics and Society, 17, 4 (December 1989); pp. 489-505. Hirschman, Albert O.: "Exit, Voice and the State", in: World Politics, 31, 1 (October 1978); pp. 90-107. 2 Session 2, 10 April 20115, 11am to 1 pm, HS 16 Capitalism, Labour and Bourgeois Revolution The subjective factor in the transition to capitalism and economic changes in the process of transition to capitalism. A new interpretation of the rise of capitalism: Empowerment of labour as a basic condition. Diverging traits in pre-capitalist modes of production and in capitalism. Stable power structures and patterns of exploitation despite social movements in tributary modes of production. Characteristics of the bourgeois revolution. Dekker, Rudolf: "Labour Conflicts and Working-Class Culture in Early Modern Holland", in: International Review of Social History, 35, 3 (Autumn 1990); pp. 377-420. Prak, Maarten: "Citizen Radicalism and Democracy in the Dutch Republic", in: Theory and Society, 20, 1 (February 1991); pp. 73-102. MacFarlane, Alan: "The Origins of English Individualism: Some Surprises", in: Theory and Society, 6, 2 (September 1978); pp. 255-277. Thompson, Edward P.: "The Moral Economy of the English Crowd in the 18th Century", in: Past and Present, 50 (February 1971); S. 77-133.0200Tilly, Charles: "Major Forms of Collective Action in Western Europe 1500- 1800", in: Theory and Society, 3, 3 (Autumn 1976); pp. 365-375. Session 3, 10 April 20115, 1 pm to 3 pm, HS 16 Limits of pre-capitalist movements, the dynastic cycle, land empires and trade empires Pre-capitalist empires are diverse and limit the formation of organisations where the great number can be used as a counterweight against the tendencies of the few to intensify exploitation, despite permanent attempts at rebellion Aydin, S.; Özel, O.: "Power Relation between State and Tribe in Ottoman Eastern Anatolia", in: Bulgarian Historical Review, 34, 3/4 (2006); pp. 51-67. Scott, James C.: "Protest and Profanation: Agrarian Revolt and the Little Tradition", in: Theory and Society, 8, 1 (Spring 1977); pp. 1-38. Ibn Khaldûn, Abd-al-Rahman: Discours sur l'Histoire universelle. Al-Muqaddima. Traduction nouvelle, préface et notes par Vincent Monteil (Paris: Sindbad, 1967); 1426 p., chapter 3, number 44-48 Usher, Dan: "The Dynastic Cycle and the Stationary State", in: American Economic Review, 79, 4 (December 1989); pp. 1031-1044. 3 Session 4, 14 April 2015 3 pm. to 5 pm, Room NSG 323 The Axial Revolution The survival of the idea of equality in the realm of religion, despite permanent tendencies to instrumentalize religion for the sake of justifying hierarchy and inequality. Eisenstadt, Shmuel Noah: "The Axial Age: The Emergence of Transcendental Visions and the Rise of the Clerics", in: Archives Européennes de Sociologie, 23, 2 (1982); pp. 294-313. Jaspers, Karl: Origin and Goal of History (London: Routledge Revivals, 2011) Jaspers, Karl: "Die Achsenzeit", in: Schulin Ernst (ed.): Universalgeschichte (Köln: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 1974); pp. 96-107. Mair, Victor: "Buddhism and the Rise of the Written Vernacular in East Asia: The Making of National Languages", in: Journal of Asian Studies, 53, 3 (August 1994); pp. 707-751. Session 5, 21 April 2015, 3 pm. to 5 pm, Room NSG 323 Peasant Movements in Europe: Cultural Transformation, Religious Reformation and Rise of Capitalism Permanence of peasant revolutions, links to religious protest, and the invention of the peasant as the creator of economic value. Economic and cultural backwardness and unruly masses in Europe Blickle, Peter: "Peasant Revolts in the German Empire in the Late Middle Ages", in: Social History, 4, 2 (May 1979); pp. 223-239. Lublinskaya, A.D.: "Popular Masses and the Social Relations of the Epoch of Absolutism: Methodology of Research", in: Economy and Society, 2, 1 (February 1973); pp. 343-375. Manning, Brian: "The Peasantry and the English Revolution", in: Journal of Peasant Studies, 2, 2 (January 1975); pp. 133-158. Porshnev, B.F.: "The Legend of the Seventeenth Century in French History", in: Past and Present, 8 (1955); pp. 15-27. Session 6, 24 April 2015, 11am to 1 pm, NSG 202 Industrialisation, rising capitalism and the constitution of the working class 4 Class formation as a process of social practice in response to changing conditions of social struggles. Diverging patterns between reform and revolution. The self-construction of class consciousness Biernacki, Richard: The Fabrication of Labor: Germany and Britain, 1640-1914 (Berkeley, Cal. et al.: University of California Press, 1995) Rowe, D.J.: "Class and Political Radicalism in London 1831-2", in: Historical Journal, 13, 1 (March 1970); pp. 31-47. Thompson, E.P.: The Making of the English Working Class (Harmondsworth et al.: Penguin, 1975), chap. 6, chap. 12 Session 7, 24 April 2015, 1 pm to 3 pm , NSG 202 Ambivalences of the really emerging working classes between corporatism and revolution The growth of the working class, the concept of the proletariat as a general class, increasing national orientation and reformist struggle, Democracy and orientation to the struggle within the nation state Armstrong, Sinclair: "The Internationalism of the Early Social Democrats of Germany", in: American Historical Review, 47, 2 (Januar 1942); pp. 245-258. Fitch, Nancy: "Mass Culture, Mass Parliamentary Politics and Modern Antisemitism: The Dreyfus Affair in Rural France", in: American Historical Review, 97, 1 (February 1992); pp. 55-95. Keil, Hartmut: "The Impact of Haymarket on German-American Radicalism", in: International Labor and Working Class History, 29 (Spring 1986); pp. 16-26. Linden, Marcel van der: "The National Integration of European Working Classes 1871-1914, Exploring National Configurations", in: International Review of Social History, 33, 3 (1988); pp. 285-311. Session 8, 28 April 2015, 3pm to 5 pm, Room NSG 323 The Demise of the pre-capitalist ruling classes despite reforms: The Islamic World and the East Asian Empires between restoration and reform Fairbank, John K.: "China's Response to the West: Problems and Suggestions", in: Cahiers d'histoire mondiale (1956); pp. 381-406. Keddie, Nikki R.: "Religion and Irreligion in Early Iranian Nationalism", in: Comparative Studies in Society and History, 4, 3 (April 1962); pp. 265-295. 5 Ma, Debin: "Why Japan, Not China, Was the First to Develop in East Asia: Lessons from Sericulture, 1850-1937", in: Economic Development and Cultural Change (2004); pp. 369-394. Mardin, Serif A.: "Ideology and Religion in the Turkish Revolution", in: International Journal of Middle East Studies, 2, 2 (May 1971); pp. 197-211. Session 9, 5 May 2015, 3 pm to 5 pm, Room NSG 343 Syncretist and messianic movements Popular masses entering in rebellion against foreign penetration, limits , learning processes, mechanisms of mobilisation, and worldviews Iliffe, John: "The Organization of the Maji-Maji Rebellion", in: Journal of African History, 8, 3 (1967); pp 495-512. Ranger, Terence O.: "Connexions between 'Primary Resistance' Movements and Modern Mass Nationalism in East and Central Africa (1)", in: Journal of African History, 9, 3 (1968); pp. 437-454. Shih, Vincent Y.C.: The Taiping Ideology. Its Sources, Interpretations, and Influences (Seattle; London: University of Washington Press, 1967), pp.3-84. Session 10, 8 May 2015, 11 am to 1 pm, NSG 203 Peasant wars of the 20th Century The dislocation of pre-capitalist structures by penetrating capitalism. old and new patronage systems, authority structures and the market Paige, Jeffrey M.: "Social Theory and Peasant Revolution in Vietnam and Guatemala", in: Theory and Society, 12, 6 (November 1983); pp. 699-731. Popkin, Samuel L.: "The Rational Peasant. The Political Economy of Peasant Society", in: Theory and Society, 11, 3 (May 1980); pp. 411-471. Scott, James: "The Erosion of Patron-Client Bonds and Social Change in Rural Southeast Asia", in: Journal of Asian Studies, 32, 1 (November 1972); pp. 5-37. Wolf, Eric R.: "Why Cultivators Rebel", in: American Journal of Sociology, 83, 3 (November 1977); pp. 752-750. Session 11, 8 May 2015, 1 pm to 3 pm, NSG 203 The évolués/educated/assimilados between globalisation, equality and nationalism: The social bases of nationalism and equality and the 6 imposed victory of the secular nationalists in the Western-led process of de-colonization Social origins, torn between modernities, longing for being popular and separation from the rural masses, leading by being in advance of the social reality, the claim of educating the masses, universality of the “narodnik”. Ahmad, Aijiz: "Islam, Islamisms and the West", in: Socialist Register, 44 (2008); pp. 1-37. Halpern, Manfred: "Egypt and the New Middle Class: Reaffirmations and New Explorations", in: Comparative Studies in Society and History, 11, 1 (S. 1969); pp. 97-108. Kaviraj, Sudipta: "On State, Society and Discourse in India", in: IDS Bulletin, 21, 4 (1990); pp. 10-15. Keddie, Nikki R.: "Intellectuals in the Modern Middle East: A Brief Historical Consideration", in: Daedalus, 101, 3 (Summer 1972); pp. 39-57. Ntalaja: "Amilcar Cabral and the Theory of the National Liberation Struggle", in: Latin American Perspectives, 11, 2 (Spring 1984); pp. 43-54. Seth, Sanjay: "Rewriting Histories of Nationalism: The Politics of `Moderate Nationalism' in India, 1870-1905", in: American Historical Review, 104, 1 (February 1999); pp. 95-116. Session 12, 12 May 2014, 3 pm to 5 pm, Room NSG 323 The failure of the state classes in development: Contradictory development models, self-privileging, ideological barriers, communicative structures Centralisation of resources, the ambivalence of rent moral hazard, coomunication problems, lack of monitoring, segmentation and failure Alavi, Hamza: "The State in Post-Colonial Societies: Pakistan and Bangladesh", in: New Left Review, 74 (July-August 1972); pp. 59-81. Amin, Samir: "The Arab World: Re-Compradorization", in: Africa Development, 31, 2/3 (March-September 1996); pp. 235-243. Elsenhans, Hartmut: "Dependencia, Underdevelopment and the Third World State", in: Law and State, 36 (1987); pp. 65-94. Erdmann, Gero; Engel, Ulf: "Neopatrimonialism Reconsidered: A Critical Review and Elaboration of an Elusive Concept", in: Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, 45, 1 (March 2007); pp. 95-119. Petras James F.: "State Capitalism and the Third World", in: Development and Change, 8, 1 (January 1977);pp. 1-17. Schlumberger, Oliver: "Rents, Reform, and Authoritarianism in the Middle East", in: Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft, 2 (2006); S. 43-57. 7 Session 13, 15 May 2015, 11 am to 1 pm, HS 16 The rise of New Cultural Identitarian Movements between the orientation to identity and to development Origins, defeat by the secular movements, rise because of state failure, geography, social basis: traders, new middle classes, lumpen, dynamics between identity and interests Dorraj, Manochehr; Dodgson, Michael: "Neo-populism in Comparative Perspective: Iran and Venezuela", in: Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 29, 1 (2009); pp 137-151. Elsenhans, Hartmut: "The Rise of New Cultural Identitarian Movements in Africa and Asia in the Emerging Multipolar System", in: Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 32, 3 (Winter 2012); pp. 642-661. Elsenhans, Hartmut: "Rivalry, Failure of the Secular Nationalists, Geography, History: Embedding the Rising New Cultural-Identitarian Movements in Africa and Asia in the Emerging Multipolar System", in: Elsenhans, Hartmut; Ouaissa, Rachid; Schwecke, Sebastian; Tetreault, Mary Ann (eds.): The Transformation of Politised Religion: Zealots Turned into Leaders (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2014); pp.205-223. Ouaissa, Rachid: "Blocked Middle Classes as an Engine of Change in the Arab World?", in: Horst, Jakob ; Jünnemann, Annette; Rothe, Delf (eds.): Euro-Mediterranean Relations after the Arab Spring Persistence in Times of Change (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2013); pp. 123-142. Schwecke, Sebastian: New Cultural Identitarian Political Movements: The Bharatiya Janata Party between Cultural Identity and Middle Class Interests (London; New York: Routledge, 2011); pp.71-99 Eisenstadt, Shmuel Noah.: "The Reconstruction of Religious Arenas in the Framework of 'Multiple Modernities'", in: Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 29, 3 (December 2000); pp. 591-611. Session 14, 15 May 2015, 1 pm to 3 pm., HS 16 The isolation of the pro-Western bridgehead and the NGOs Pro-Western orientation of the NGO, competition for similar social bases, rentier character of the NGO, differences in resources Abdo, Nahla: "Imperialism, the State, and NGOs: Middle Eastern Contexts and Contestations", in: Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 30, 2 (2010); pp. 238-249. 8 Elsenhans, Hartmut: "Political Obstacles to Private Sector Development", in: Bennett, James G. (ed..): Private Sector Development in Bangladesh (Cologne: Oase, 1991); pp. 205-245. Gangrade, K.D.; Sooryamoorthy, R.: "NGOs: Retrospect and Prospect", in: Jain, Randhir Bahadur (ed.): NGOs in Development Perspective (New Delhi: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 1995); pp. 27-54. Petras, James: "Imperialism and the NGOs in Latin America", in: Monthly Review, 49, 7 (December 1997); pp. 10-27. Pinto-Duschinsky, Michael: "The Bad Government of „Good Government': Some Problems of 'Civil Society‟ Organisations", in: Jain, Randhir Bahadur (Hg.): Governing Development: Challenges and Dilemmas of an Emerging Sub-Discipline in Political Science (Opladen; Farmington Hills: Barbara Budrich, 2007); pp. 147-164. Powell, Mike; Seddon, David: "NGOs and the Development Industry", in: Review of African Political Economy, 24, 71 (March 1997); pp. 3-10. Session 15 , 19 May 2015, 3 pm- 5 pm., NSG 323 The Failure of the Arab Spring Failure because of lack of economic strategy and limits of Islamic Economics and the capabilities of Cyber mobilisation, or the absence of social class. Ariff, Mohamed: "Economics and Ethics in Islam", in: Ghazali, Aidit; Omar, Syed (ed.): Readings in the Concept and Methodology of Islamic Economics (Petaling Jaya: Pelanduk, 1989); pp. 96-119. Behdad, Sohrab: "A Disputed Utopia: Islamic Economics in Revolutionary Iran", in: Comparative Studies in Society and History, 36, 4 (Oktober 1994); pp. 774-813. Elsenhans, Hartmut: "Democratic Revolution, Bourgeois Revolution, Arab Revolution. The Political Economy of a Possible Success", in: Eurozine (Februar 2012); pp. 1-7., <<http://www.eurozine.com/articles/2012-02-08-elsenhans-en.html> (15.03.2012) Elsenhans, Hartmut: "Globalisation and New Religious Political Movements", in: Journal of Social Studies, 143 (July-September 2014); pp. 1-21. Lübben, Ivesa: "The Economic Ideology of Hasan al-Banna and the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood", in: Elsenhans, Hartmut; Ouaissa, Rachid; Schwecke, Sebastian; Tetreault, Mary Ann (Hg.): The Transformation of Politised Religion: Zealots Turned into Leaders (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2014); pp.75-104. Zaman, Asad: Islamic Economics: A Survey of the Literature. University of Birmingham: Religions and Development Research Programme, Working Paper No. 22 (Birmingham: University of Birmingham, 2008); 95 p.
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