2015 getgeeked Events Presentation

2015 getgeeked Events Presentation
San Francisco
New York
2015 Events
San Francisco – June 11, 2015
- Press Only (5:00pm – 7:30pm)
- Public Access (7:30pm – 10:00pm)
The Village (pending)
Deadline to Participate: May 15, 2015
New York - October 15, 2014
- Press Only (5:00pm – 7:30pm)
- Public Access (7:30pm – 10:00pm)
Brooklyn Expo Center (pending)
Deadline to Participate: September 24, 2015
June 11, 2015
October 15, 2015
San Francisco
New York
The Situation
Times have changed… a lot! Events that put you in a
roomful of press and do nothing else are no longer
sufficient to meet the challenges you face today.
Of course press coverage is still critical but brands today
need to engage consumers directly, share compelling
content with them, and harness their influence to help sell
By combining an exclusive press-only event with a
showcase for passionate tech enthusiasts, getgeeked is
designed to help you meet all the marketing/PR challenges
you face at one affordable, easy-to-execute event.
But that’s not all. We’ll work with you to create experiences
that our attendees will share across their social networks
and we’ll make sure you create your own compelling
content so you have a story to tell your fans after the
June 11, 2015
October 15, 2015
San Francisco
New York
June 11, 2015
October 15, 2015
The 4 C’s of getgeeked
1.  Coverage – You’ll meet with all the key tech press you’re accustomed to seeing during
getgeeked’s 2½ hour exclusive press-only event. We also have campaigns designed to attract
mom bloggers, broad-reach media, and local broadcast networks.
2.  Community – After the press time, we open the doors to over 1000 passionate, hard-to-reach
tech enthusiasts who are eager to learn about your products, get to know your brand, give
you feedback you won’t get anywhere else, and share their interactions with you on social
3.  Content – Making sure your interactions with attendees generate content for you to share
after the event is a fundamental mission of getgeeked. We have our own editorial staff and we
record everything (interviews at your booth, conference sessions, attendee reactions, etc.). We
live stream the event and share the content on all our social channels, but, more importantly,
every sponsor receives their own Dropbox folder full of photos and videos after the event so
they can share their getgeeked experience with consumers around the world.
4.  Commerce – Selling products is the ultimate ROI. At getgeeked you can make your products
available for attendees to order online in our Social Shopping Zone.
San Francisco
New York
June 11, 2015
October 15, 2015
The fifth “C” – Customization!
At getgeeked, we understand that no two companies have the exact same objectives… or
budget! That’s why we let you create your own sponsorship. It’s as easy as one, two, three…
1.  Select Your Space
2. Select Your Branding Package
3. Select your Speaking
§  400 sq. ft. ($8,000)
§  Platinum ($5,000)
§  Keynote ($2,000)
§  200 sq. ft. ($5,000)
§  Gold ($3,500)
§  1-on-1 Interview ($2,000)
§  100 sq. ft. ($3,000)
§  Silver ($1,500)
§  Panel Participation ($1,500)
§  6’ Table ($2,000)
Branding is optional
Speaking is optional
Above pricing is per event. You’re welcome to create different packages for San Francisco and New York. Sign for both
events together and receive a 10% discount off your total fee.
If you choose not to select a branding package, you will not be featured on the website, Program Guide or signage.
Speaking opportunities are limited and available on a first-come, first serve basis.
All space packages include WiFi and electricity. Hardwire connections are available for an additional fee.
To create your custom getgeeked sponsorship, just email [email protected] with your selections or
fill in our Custom Sponsorship Selection Form at the link below.
San Francisco
New York
June 11, 2015
October 15, 2015
Branding package details
1.  Platinum - $5,000
2. Gold - $3,500
3. Silver - $1,000
§  Top Branding – Website, Program
Guide, Signage
§  Logo on Official Event T-shirt
§  Mid Branding – Website, Program
Guide, Signage
§  1/2 Page Program Guide Ad
§  Lower Branding – Website,
Program Guide, Signage
§  Post Event Photo Gallery
§  Full Page Program Guide Ad
§  Custom Video Sizzle Reel
§  Live Stream Interview
§  Live Stream Interview
§  Post Event Photo Gallery
§  Multiple Social Media Mentions
§  Social Media Promotion
§  Shopping Zone Participation
§  Media Coverage Report
§  Post Event Photo Gallery
§  Multiple Social Media Mentions
§  Enhanced Exhibitor Listing
§  Shopping Zone Participation
§  Final Press List
§  Attendee Survey Results
§  Enhanced Exhibitor Listing
§  Shopping Zone Participation
§  Live Stream and Onstage Thank
You (3x)
§  Mobile Survey in Event App
§  Question in Post Event Survey
§  Live Stream and Onstage Thank
You (1x)
§  Question in Post Event Survey
§  Media Coverage Report
§  Final Press List
§  Attendee Survey Results
§  Media Coverage Report
§  Final Press List
§  Attendee Survey Results
San Francisco
New York
June 11, 2015
October 15, 2015
Special program sponsorships
Our Special Program Sponsorships go way beyond your typical lanyards. They are uniquely
designed not only to extend your brand’s exposure, but to enhance your engagement with
getgeeked attendees as well.
For more details on each of the programs below, please email [email protected] so we
can schedule a call and walk you through these terrific opportunities.
1.  Live Stream
7.  getgeeked Mobile App
2.  Official After Party
8.  Instagram Stations
3.  Social Screens
9.  Shopping Zone
4.  Editor’s Lounge
10. Charging Stations
5.  Last Gadget Standing
11.  Goodie Bags
6.  Startup Showdown
12.  Drink Tickets
San Francisco
New York
Discount programs
1.  Multiple Events – 10% discount
Sign up for San Francisco and New York at the same time
and receive a 10% discount.
2. Early Bird – 5% discount
Sign up before March 1st and receive a 5% discount.
3. Launch Program – 5% discount
Launch a new product at getgeeked and receive a 5%
discount. Includes additional marketing opportunities.
4. Value Program – 5% discount
Create a getgeeked sponsorship valued at over $20,000
and receive a 5% discount.
5. CE Week Partnership – 10% discount
Participate at CE Week and at least one getgeeked event
and receive a 10% discount on both events.
June 11, 2015
October 15, 2015
San Francisco
New York
Startup Pricing
Startup Packages include a 6’ table and Silver
level branding. The value of this package is
$3,000. Additional elements like speaking are
available a la carte.
1.  Alpha Discount – $899
To qualify, companies must be under two years
old and have fewer than 20 employees.
2. Beta Discount – $1,799
To qualify, companies must be under three
years old and have fewer than 30 employees.
June 11, 2015
October 15, 2015
San Francisco
New York
getgeeked vs. Pepcom
Media Engagement
Enthusiast Engagement
Speaking Opportunities
Photo and Video Deliverables
Social Media Activations
Shopping Zone
Website Listings
Program Guide Listings
Customized Sponsorships
Media Coverage Reports
Attendee Survey Reports
June 11, 2015
October 15, 2015
San Francisco
New York
June 11, 2015
October 15, 2015
getgeeked New York 2014 Recap
The inaugural getgeeked was a huge success!
240 Press Attendees – View the list at
1012 Consumer Attendees
40 sponsors ranging from industry leaders to
amazing startups
Media partners like Digital Trends, Techlicious,
TechRadar, Living in Digital Times and more
Hundreds of photos and hours of video delivered
to sponsors post-event
Thousands of positive tweets, Instagrams, and
Facebook posts from attendees
View examples of all the materials getgeeked New York
Sponsors received after the event at
San Francisco
New York
June 11, 2015
October 15, 2015
getgeeked New York videos
Sponsor Sizzle Reels
Onstage Product Launches
Sponsor Interviews
Conference Sessions
Official Event Sizzle Reel
Attendee Reactions
Mouse over the picture to reveal the play button. Embedded videos will only play when this presentation is viewed as a
PowerPoint document. All getgeeked NY videos can be viewed on our YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/getgeekedTV
San Francisco
New York
June 11, 2015
October 15, 2015
Praise for the getgeeked New York
Highly recommended! getgeeked hits all the high notes for Lenovo with excellent attendance from the media and the unique
opportunity to meet with tech loving consumers. But wait there’s more … our conference session was professionally produced
and yet another way to get our story and message across to the attendee’s. On top of the event we had a number of great
stories from the press and fantastic social media traffic to show the folks back on the company home front. Jeff Witt, Senior
Marketing Manager, Lenovo
Tremendous first event. Barry promised us an event that was different and he delivered. Not only did getgeeked attract the key
press and the "right" consumers, but their focus on helping us generate social media activity and create content we could share
after the event was something you just don't find at other events. Andy Panizza, Sr. Marketing Manager, Sling Media
getgeeked is a great forum for introducing new technologies and products to both press and tech savvy consumers. For Phorus,
Barry worked with us to create a custom program that was not only cost-effective, but allowed us to tell our Wi-Fi whole home
audio story through many touch points. This included a keynote presentation, large exhibit space, contesting, and on-site social
media buzz. The best part, it wasn't just the press who were getting excited, the fans at the show literally "got geeked" about
our whole system. Sharon Graves, Vice President, Phorus, a subsidiary of DTS
getgeeked was a great event for Matter and Form. We were able to introduce our product to lots of media and influential
customers at one event. Barry is a joy to work with and found a great many ways (contests, speaking opps, social media
outreach, etc.) to extend the reach beyond the event itself. We can’t wait for 2015! Susan McLellan, President, Reimagine PR
(on behalf of Matter and Form)
getgeeked New York was a terrific event for us. Combining a true press event with a consumer showcase gave us the
opportunity to engage both key groups at one event. Both audiences - press and consumer - were better than we expected.
And the event's focus on creating opportunities for us to generate content and social media activity really sets it apart from
other events. Barry clearly has an understanding of the key challenges brands are facing today and has designed an event to
help us meet them. We're looking forward to participating in 2015. Kevin Oswald, Director, Global Marketing and
Communications, Boogie Board
To see all the getgeeked NY testimonials, visit http://gtgkd.co/ggNYSponsorTestimonials
San Francisco
New York
getgeeked single sponsor events
Want to get tech enthusiasts excited about your new
product or service but don’t feel like sharing the
spotlight? We offer affordable Single Sponsor events
that will do just that.
1.  getgeeked Meetups – Sponsoring a getgeeked
Meetup is a terrific way to introduce a new
product or services to 100 – 200 passionate tech
enthusiasts. We’ll take care of everything and
you’ll be able to address the audience, demo
your product, and gather great feedback.
2.  Custom Events – A custom event works great in
conjunction with a press event or press tour
you’re already organizing. Meet with the press in
the afternoon and then throw a party for the
geeks that night at a venue you’ve already
Pricing for getgeeked Single Sponsor events is
available upon request.
June 11, 2015
October 15, 2015
San Francisco
New York
June 11, 2015
October 15, 2015
getgeeked founder Barry Myers has spent the last decade helping brands engage the press and
turn passionate tech enthusiasts into brand advocates.
His first event, DigitalLife, attracted over 1000 press and 50,000 consumers in its final year. He
followed that up by joining forces with Peter Rojas and Ryan Block at gdgt.com where he created
the immensely successful gdgt Live Tour Series.
Following AOL’s acquisition of gdgt in early 2013, Barry decided it was time to start fresh and create
an event to help brands meet the challenges they face in today’s social media, consumer-driven
With getgeeked, Barry has created an event where brands can cost-effectively engage both
communities of influencers that are critical to their success. He has integrated programs that ensure
participating companies are able to leverage their interactions with attendees to generate positive
social media buzz around their products and create compelling content they can share to reach
consumers far beyond the event itself.
For more background, visit Barry on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/barrymyers. If you’re not
already connected, chances are you have people in common!
San Francisco
New York
June 11, 2015
October 15, 2015
Contact and additional info
Don’t hesitate to reach out to discuss how
getgeeked can help you achieve your marketing/
PR objectives in 2015. We LOVE talking about it!
Contact Info
Email – [email protected]
Website – www.getgeeked.tv
Phone – 646.713.9939
Skype – barrymyers1
LinkedIn – www.linkedin.com/in/barrymyers
Online Access to Materials
Access this and other getgeeked materials,
including our 2014 Press List online.
2014 Post Event Deliverables
See examples of the materials getgeeked
sponsors receive in their Dropbox folders
following the event.
You’ll find photos, videos, branding examples as
well as documents like the Press List, Media
Coverage Report, Attendee Survey Results,
Sponsor Testimonials and lots more.
Create Your getgeeked Sponsorship Today!
To create your custom getgeeked 2015
Sponsorship Package just email us with your
space, branding and speaking selections or do it
yourself online using our Custom Sponsorship
Selection Form at the link below.
San Francisco
New York
June 11, 2015
October 15, 2015
getgeeked on social media
San Francisco
New York
This could be you!
June 11, 2015
October 15, 2015
San Francisco
New York
The geeks are waiting…
June 11, 2015
October 15, 2015