User Guide “A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.” - Albert Einstein Congratulations with your Pronto purchase! We hope you’ll love it as much as we do. 1. OVERVIEW 3 2. SET UP 5 3. ADD OTHER DEVICES 8 4. DELETE A DEVICE 9 5. ADD ANOTHER ROOM 10 6. DELETE A ROOM 11 7. SET FAVORITE CHANNELS 12 8. SET FAVORITE SHOWS 13 9. PROFILE SETTINGS 14 10. SELECT INPUT FOR YOUR DEVICES 15 11. LEARNING 16 12. SOCIAL NETWORK 18 13. CHANGE SERVICE PROVIDER 19 14. CONNECT ANOTHER IOS DEVICES WITH THE PRONTO FOR THE FIRST TIME 20 15. CONNECT ANOTHER IOS DEVICE WITH THE PRONTO AFTER HAVING IT SET UP FOR THE FIRST TIME 22 16. UPDATE PRONTO SOFTWARE 23 17. RESET PEEL SMART REMOTE APP 24 18. RESET PRONTO 25 19. IR EXTENSION CABLE 26 20. TROUBLESHOOTING 27 2 1. Overview Pronto frontside view Red LED Pronto backside view Reset button Jacket hole for IR extension cable 3 ‘Live TV’ screen or ‘Homepage’ on the Peel Smart Remote app Menu Remote Control Browse content based on ‘Top Picks’, ‘TV Shows’, ‘Movies’ or Sports’ ‘Remote Control’ screen on the Peel Smart Remote app Allows you to ‘Change Room’ or go to ‘Room Settings’ Back Shows your current activity, change activity by tapping on it Swipe from right to left to go to devices Swipe from bottom to top to show the channel guide 4 2. Set up Let’s get started by following the below set up instructions. 1) Insert the 4 AA alkaline batteries in the Pronto as instructed below. 2) Place Pronto in line of sight with your other IR devices 3) Download the Peel Smart Remote app from the AppStore. 5 4) Once you’ve downloaded the app, open the Peel Smart Remote app and tap ‘Start’. 5) Select your country (1) and enter your postal code (2). Select your TV Service Provider (3). In case you do not have a TV Service Provider you can select any in order to move to the next screen and tap ‘Done’ (4). (4) (1) (2) (3) 6) When you are on the homescreen of the Peel Smart Remote app press the remote icon in the right top corner (1). Make sure that you tap ‘Set up Pronto’ (2) and select the Pronto device you like to connect to (3). Here you need to make sure that your Bluetooth is turned on, otherwise you will not be able to connect with the Pronto. (1) (3) (2) 6 7) Select your TV brand (1). Tap the on/off button (2). In case your TV turns on (or off in case the TV was already turned on) tap ‘Yes’ (3a). In case it didn’t turn on tap ‘No’ (3b) and test the next buttons till your TV turns on (or off in case the TV was already turned on). (1) (2) (3a) (3b) 8) In the next step you need to confirm if you have a cable or satellite box. Select your brand from the list (A) or find it through the option ‘Show all brands’ (B). In case you don’t have a cable box or satellite box tap ‘I don’t have a Cable/Satellite box’ (C). (A) (B) (C) 9) Once you’ve finalized the above setup go back to the homescreen where you can edit your channel list to match your lineup (1). Deselect (2) in this list the channels that you don’t want to appear in your EPG (=Electronic Program Guide) and tap ‘Done’ (3) when finished. (3) (1) (2) 7 3. Add other devices In case you want to add other devices besides your TV and set-top box such as DVD player, Blu-ray player, streaming media players, etc., please follow below steps. 1) When you have the app on the ‘Live TV’ screen tap the remote icon in the right top corner (1). Tap the watching activity button (2) and tap ‘Add Device’ (3). (2) (1) (3) 2) Tap the device type from the list that you would like to add (1). From the list select your brand (2a) or tap ‘Show other brands’ (2b) to see the full list with available brands. (2a) (1) (2b) !!! In case you can’t find your brand tap ‘Can’t find my Brand’ and fill in your email, brand and model to have your device listed in the Peel database and tap ‘Send’. You will be informed when your device has been added to the database. 3) You can repeat the above steps for all your devices that you would like to control through the Peel Smart Remote app. 8 4. Delete a device 1) Go to ‘Settings’ (1) and select the room (2) where you would like to delete a device. (1) (2) 2) Scroll down the next screen till you see the section ‘Devices’ and tap the device that you would like to have deleted. 3) Tap in the next screen ‘Delete’ (1) and confirm ‘Delete device’ (2). (1) (2) 9 5. Add another room In case you want to set up another room where you have another TV or other home entertainment or smart home devices, please follow below steps. !!Please note that Pronto is working through Bluetooth, so please keep in mind that you might need to take the Pronto along with you when moving to another room as Bluetooth only works in a range of 32ft or 10m. Another option is to buy an additional Pronto in case you don’t want to carry it around from room to room. 1) Go to menu and tap ‘Settings’ (1). In section ‘Room’ tap ‘Add Room’ (2) and select the preferred room (3a) you would like to set up. In case the room is not listed select ‘Other’ (3b) and change it to your preferred room name. (1) (3a) (2) 2) Follow the same steps from 5) till 8) from the setup section. 10 (3b) 6. Delete a room 1) Go to menu and tap ‘Settings’ (1). In section ‘Room’ select the room that you would like to have deleted (2). (1) (2) 2) Tap the button ‘Delete Room’ (1) and confirm by tapping in the next screen ‘Confirm deleting Room’ (2). (2) (1) 11 7. Set favorite channels 1) Tap ‘Favorites’ in the menu. 2) Tap the + sign (1) and add your favorite channels (2) and tap ‘done’ (3) when you are finished. (3) (1) (2) 12 8. Set favorite shows 1) Tap ‘TV shows’ (1) and select your favorite show (2) and tap more (3). (2) (3) (1) 2) Tap the thumbs up icon (1) and now your show will appear through your favourites (2) in your favourite shows list (3). (1) (2) (3) 13 9. Profile Settings You can remove certain genres of TV shows and movies or certain type of sports you are not interested in and you can change the order of appearance in your EPG as well by following the below steps. 1) Tap ‘Settings’ (1) in the menu and select ‘Genres’ (2) in the ‘Profile’ section. (1) (2) 2) Drag the different genres in your preferred order (1) and deselect any genre (2) that you don’t like. Tap the back sign (3) once you are finished. (3) (2) (1) 3) The movies and TV shows will now appear in your preferred order and deselected genres will not appear anymore in your EPG. 4) You can repeat above steps for your ‘Sports’ as well. 14 10. Select input for your devices This feature makes it possible to switch with one tap from one activity (e.g. watching DVD) to another (e.g. watching Apple TV) without manually need to change the input of your TV settings. 1) Go to ‘Settings’ (1) and tap the room (2) where you would like to select the inputs. 2) (1) (2) 3) Scroll down in the next screen till you see ‘Activities’ and tap to configure. 4) Go to ‘input setting’ (1) and select the correct input (2) for your device that’s connected to the TV and tap ‘Done’ (3). (1) (2) (3) 15 11. Learning In case you want to give different commands to your preprogrammed remote control you can reprogram the code by following below steps. 1) Go to ‘Settings’ (1) and tap the room (2) where you would like to learn a button for the device that you have in that room. (1) (2) 2) Scroll down to ‘Devices’ and select the device (1) where you would like to learn an IR code. In the next screen tap ‘Edit’ (2) in the ‘Control Protocol’ section. (1) (2) 3) Press the button on your physical remote while pointing it at Pronto. Once the code is learnt (the button will turn blue when it detects a successful IR learn), test the code by tapping on the ‘Test’ button. 16 4) When the test was successful tap 'Yes’ (A). When it was not successful tap ‘No’ (B) and try again. (B) (A) 17 12. Social Network This functionality makes it possible to see what people are talking about on Twitter related to a particular TV show in your EPG. 1) Tap ‘Settings’ (1) and scroll down till you see the section ‘Social Network’ and turn on ‘Twitter’ (2). (1) (2) 2) Now you will be prompted to enter your username or email and password (1) in order to authorize the Peel app to use your Twitter account. Once you are finished you can tap ‘Authorise app’ (2). In the next screen tap ‘Authorise app’ (3) again. (1) (3) (2) 3) Now when people will be talking about a particular show or movie on Twitter this will appear in the feed of that particular show when you tap on the show in your EPG. 18 13. Change Service Provider In case you have changed from a TV service provider or satellite provider to another one you can change this in the Peel Smart Remote app settings as well by following the below steps. 1) Go to ‘settings’ (1) and tap the room (2) where you would like to change the service provider. (1) (2) 2) Tap’ Service provider’ (1) and confirm ‘Change Provider’ (2). (1) (2) 3) Enter your postal code (1) and tap the search icon (2). Select your service provider (3) and tap ‘Next’ (4). (2) (4) (1) (3) 19 14. Connect another iOS devices with the Pronto for the first time When you want to connect with another iOS device to the same Pronto for the first time you can follow below steps. 1) Open the Peel Smart Remote app and tap ‘Start’. 2) Select your country (1) and enter your postal code (2). Select your TV Service Provider (3). In case you do not have a TV Service Provider you can select any in order to move to the next screen and tap ‘Done’ (4). (4) (1) (2) (3) 3) When you are on the homescreen of the Peel Smart Remote app press the remote icon in the right top corner (1). Make sure that you tap ‘Set up Pronto’ (2). Here you need to make sure that your Bluetooth is turned on, otherwise you will not be able to connect with the Pronto. and select the Pronto device you like to connect to (3). (1) (2) 20 4) First you need to select the Pronto device that you want to connect to. In case it’s still connected to the other device it will have a red dot (1) which means that you can’t pair for the moment the Pronto with the new iOS device. In order to do so turn the Bluetooth off from the other iOS device (2) as the Pronto might still be connected to the old iOS device. Now the Pronto device will turn green for the new iOS device which means it’s ready to pair by tapping it (3). New iOS device Old iOS device New iOS device New iOS device (3) (1) (2) 5) Once you have finalized above steps you can go further with the set up steps as indicated in the set up section from step 7 till step 9. 21 15. Connect another iOS device with the Pronto after having it set up for the first time Multiple iOS devices can connect with the Pronto but only 1 iOS device at a time can send commands to the Pronto. In order to have the correct device connected with the Pronto pay you need to pay careful attention by following the below instructions: 1) When device A is connected with the Pronto and active with the Peel Smart Remote app, device B will not be able to establish a connection with the Pronto. In order to do so you need to turn off the Bluetooth in the iPhone settings of device A. In case you still can’t connect with the Pronto open the battery door of the Pronto for more than 5 seconds and close it again or press the reset button of the Pronto for more than 5 seconds. 2) When device A is connected with the Pronto but not active over 5 minutes with the Peel Smart Remote app, device B will be able to establish automatically a connection with the Pronto. In case device A is not able to establish a connection you might turn off the Bluetooth in the iPhone settings of device B. In case you are still not able to establish a connection with the Pronto open the battery door of the Pronto for more than 5 seconds and close it again or press the reset button of the Pronto for more than 5 seconds. 22 16. Update Pronto Software 1) Go to settings (1) and select a room (2). In the next screen you need to tap ‘Pronto’ (3), please make sure that Pronto has status ‘Connected’ as shown in the below otherwise you will not be able to execute the software update. (1) (2) (3) 2) In the next screen you need to tap ‘Update Software’ (1) and confirm you want to execute the Software Update’. In case your Pronto has already the latest Firmware Update you can tap ‘Close’. (1) 23 17. Reset Peel Smart Remote app In case you want to reset the app you can do so by following below steps. !!! Please be aware by resetting the app you will delete all your settings and you will need to reprogram all your home entertainment devices, set up your profile, add your Twitter account, etc. Tap ‘Settings’ (1) and scroll down to the bottom of the next page and tap ‘Reset App’ (2) and tap ‘Confirm Reset’ (3). (1) (3) (2) 24 18. Reset Pronto In case you want to reset the Pronto press the reset button of the Pronto for more than 5 seconds with a small pin (1). The red LED of the Pronto will start to blink (2). Once the Pronto has been able to pair with your smartphone through the Peel Smart Remote app the red LED will stop to blink. (1) (2) 25 19. IR extension cable Together with the Pronto there is an IR extension bundled in the packaging. This IR extension cable enables you to store all your entertainment devices together with the Pronto in the cupboard while you can still control all your home entertainment devices. All you need to do, is to plug the IR extension cable in the Pronto (1) and attach the IR eye on the IR transmitter of your TV (2). (2) (1) 26 20. Troubleshooting A. I can’t connect with my Pronto. 1) First check in your iPhone settings if Bluetooth is turned on. 2) If point 1 is not working check if any other devices are not connected with the Pronto by turning off the Bluetooth in the iPhone settings of the other devices. 3) If the above is not working open the battery door of the Pronto for about 5 seconds and close the lid again or press the reset button of the Pronto device for more than 5 seconds. Now you should be automatically connected with the Pronto. B. I don’t find the brand name of my device in the list of devices 1) Make sure that you selected the correct device type (e.g. when you want to add a Blu-ray player make sure you don’t tap DVD player instead). 2) In case the above step is not working tap ‘Can’t Find My Brand’ (1) and enter your ‘Email’, ‘Brand’ and ‘Model’ (2) and tap ‘Send’ (3). You will be notified when your device has been added to our database. (3) (2) (1) Please see the FAQ if you have any issues. Thanks for becoming a valued Pronto | Peel customer! 27
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