tndependpnt-Leader (E B) • Cartm,, prp Thursday, March 11,1965 PAGE TWO St. Patrick's Day Holy Family Dance To Elect Staff To Benefit \,J Suimer Slated jfalvary Church CARTERET - A teenage Bv V F f Unit Program Listed March dance for the benefit of the of Dimes and sponsored Teenage Dance For March of Dimes Jewish Community News Carteret (\\RTERKT - At the March CARTERET - g t . ., " Holy Name Society win a St. Patrick's Day d ; , nr , i ... Bethlen Hall, SatuHm. \, ' R of thn Holy Family PTA CARTERET - Mrs. Ann d s CARTERET — The Rev. Don by the Donnle Dee'g Sigma Deta zak, president, of Ladies Auxiliary Alexander lexander Sohaydn, S o h a y , presi will be the guest nounced that th the ffollowing; „ , at the 11 A. M. and 7 ent rank while serving at Naval to Star Landing Post 2314 conheld on March 13 at the St. De-ducted the meeting Mondav eveh f Dancing will »Url m , fi mom'hen hnve been chosen for P. M. services this Sunday at the il,(. nnminafiiiR committee: Mrs. and will be prnvtiH h, Cnlvnry Baptist Church, EHwin metrius Hall in Carteret from ning nt the Carteret VFW's post \ Sprinerr. ch.ilrmnn. Mrs. ,l.| Kobo« and MR bind. Sirrrl. Tuesday evening at 7:30 7:30 to midnight. The music will rooms. Cj3 k Knnlyln. Mr«. M. Kaminaki. Mrs. ihe Sunday School tenrhrrs and be furnished by the I'Dclta nndj1 „ Food and rtfreshmmu delegation V Toth and M n . A Zarembskl. be served. The procw,i, •ifficers will have a fun meeting the Mystics with vocals by will attend the fashion show to be Chordiales and the Drltones. \\>dn(";(l,iy evening prayer meetThis committee will select and be used to defray the tH held in Edison on March 16. iriK at 7 P. M., will be led by present n new slate of officers to coMtmcting • new » « » „ Mrs. Betty Mezey, chairman of mir of the deacons. Friday evethe membership for approval at (he Onritt noos of thr rar i the spaghetti supper to be held ning, March 19, the Baptist Youth the April meeting. jMk Casiidy Is chairman March 27th at the post rooms Fellowship will have an Irish The sixth annunl communion (lie dance. from 4:00 to 7:30 p.m., requested shindig. breakfast of the Perth Amboy Rethe ladies to be at the post rooms All young people are invited to gion will take place Sunday, to helo in the kitchen by 1030 enjoy an evening of games, skits, CARTERF.T JEWISH Wednesday, March 17th at the March 28 after the 8:00 A.M. A.M. Tickets may be purcrnsod CARTERET After last Sunrefreshments and fun, under the COMMUNITY TENTER ' .Ipuish Community Center. Gragat the door. The proceeds of the (;i, T o N E W HOST - William Mass at the Holy Rosary Church leadership of Mrs. Barbara Eddy. day's holy communion, services supper will go towards the build j_ Connolly ha« been pp i t s in Perth Amboy, Reservations NORFOLK, VA. - i Abraham II. Album, Rabbi scrs will be given to all the chill icatlons Technician Tin, The B. Y. F. is selling homemade in the Hungarian Reformed >ne fund. a* In the must be made by March 15th. Sam BI-MIOW, Pres. dren. Appropriate refreshments STANLEY COOK product m mama*" a Church will return to the reguClass Ronald J. Kilyk, ! \ N " Friday, March 12, 1 9 6 5 - 8 will be served afterwards. APPOINTED; Sun Realty, Inc., F.nster eggs to replace the flags Post Commander Good Ohemicgln Ohemicgln Division of M * T Commander George C.oodin the sanctuary. Orders are be- lar schedule on Sunday morn- rich and Al Oakly, chairman of! Chemicals, Inc. He will « »• Miss Marion Maltese, District of Mr. and Mn. The reading of the Megillah at Realtors, 466 Bahway Avenue, Adar II, 5725. ing taken by Butch Adams or ings. Sunday School will resume the Loyalty Day Parade and Al rated in MiT'i New York M- Consultant Public Health Nutri- of 1M jMkfon Ave Light Sabbath candles before congregation, Brotherhood of Is- Woodbrldge, announced the ap- Mrs. Eddy. tion, of Trenton, was guest speakyy y its session at 9:30, English worresponsibility i i d hi| ik niiblllty >w er Pamphlets and Informative has bew promoted to hu rael at 6:1} P. M.. and at Congre pointment of Stanley Cook to it's 5 ; « P, M. ship services also at 9:30 and Fenske. co-chairman visited this| fice Ronald J. Kilyk, I'SN and SIDRA: Vayikra, Lev. 1:1-5:26. gation, Loving Justice at 6:30 residential resale department. flame reUrdanU booklets were distributed to the Communfcatlons Station Hungarian at 11 o'clock, "We meeting and discussed the Loyal-l drngi, HAFTORAH: Samuel I, 15:1- P M ! Mr. Cook has been actively ty Day Parade, Miss Jean Lee specialty chemicals. He W M a PTA members. The attendance ^ p Vi Must Say It" will be Pastor Dr. 34. ' ! S a t u r d a V | M a r c h 2 0th at 9:00 engaged In the real estate busli off numilM award was won by Sister Maryi ' Harsanyi's sermon topic on this was appointed chairman and Mrs former supervisor wai havdl Services on Friday at the Jew- p M t h H e ( M W M n . g C l u b ^ j r ness (or the p u t three years in Betty Mezey, Mrs, Ann Cistak turing at M. T. la Cartertt. Pauls second grade. The next His Second Sunday in Lent. time in service and rank ish Community Center at 5:80 show a full length feature film ! Middlesei County, He is a gradand Mrs. Gloria Goodrich co-chairmeeting is scheduled for April 6th Confirmation classes will pro- man for this parade. A Junior and P. M. An Oneg Shabbat will fol- Dancing and refreshments will] uate of local schools and atwith the flrit grade mothers in ary ippearuee, perform,m, low the services, sponsored by follow. Admission is $1.00 per! duties and wring the N ar .., CARTERET - Mrs. William ceed the services; the Youth Senior Loyalty Day Queen will be charge of hospitality. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Deitz, Mr.person at the door of the Carteret the University of West Virginia. Lindemann, chairman for Neigh- Fellowship will have their regu- chosen from Star Landing Post test for promotion. and Mrs. Irving Levitz, and Mr.Jewish Community Center. The Prior to that time he served In borhood # 3 of the Crossroads lar meeting at 7 P.M. in Bethlen 2314. March 20th is the deadline The lUtion is a link and Mrs. Leonard Schertrer, who Sisterhood will sponsor a barn toe tMtett Stales Marine Corps Girl Scout Council, extended a Hail. for suSmitttng the names of are celebrating their wedding an- dance at the Center on April 3rd, in Korea. welcome to the newly recruited Mid-week Lenten devotions daughters and granddaughters of niversaries. Mr. Cook has HVeJ in Parlln scout leaders and guests at the will be conducted in the church Post or Auxiliary members. The fARTERET - The season of To State Institutions from « P. M., to ? ? Admission Services on Sabbath at the Ceiv is $1.50 per person. for tiie past low jeart « l « W* Tegular nwntWy -nuwtbif last ThursflBy vmtiat at 7 T) l ehrt, junior « g * group i t 13 to 15 and ^ Cir] ^ St. Ifcmttriw, •» WOODBJUDQE r IP »™ w i t h y ter at 10:15 A. M. Junior congrewife, the former Barbara Kai- evening at Fire House No. 3 in both in Hungarian and English. the senior age group is 16 to 18. Lenrtmwit St. I theie policy policy of the League of wo„ , Thursday, Mareh 18th Center in other churches of Eastern Orth Names may be submitted to Miss gation. Mrs. Howard Jaspan will ser, of Jersey City and their Cnrteret. men Voters that the public be By Auto in for, Advance notice: the traditional meeting. The Board wishes to help with the Kiddush. three children, Under discussion was a new in- Installation Dinner is scheduled Lee or in a box at the post rooms. odox confession, this week I*n kept as informed as possible onj FORDS - Mist Marv K, remind all members of the Centen devotional services will be A tea will be held April tth when Services are also held at Cong. Mr. Cook is a member o( the surance program which is now for Sunday, Mareh 21, b:30 P.M. held every Friday at 7 P. M, nnd all subjects of League program, 99 East William Strrv Brotherhood of Israel on Friday ter that they are welcome to at- Sacred Heart Parish, Sooth ivail"ble t" ?.fl Girl Scout troops. in Bethlen Hall. The \ program the queen will be picked. The next every Sunday at 5 P. M., with the State T a i Committee has ar-w u hit bjr t car dr.v tend all the Board meetings. meeting has been set for Monday, at sundown, and at Congregation Mrs. Richard Dare, chairman for will include a Hungarian feature Am boy. memorial prayers for the souls of ranged two days of "go see'Charles E. Brtmhall. m < March 15 at 8 p.m. Loving Justice on Saturday at On Wednesday we now have two the nnnual cookie sale, stated that motion picture to be shown at the deceased members to follow. trips to State institutions. The ferson Avenue, Avon : ,?i Youth Groups which meet. Boys 9:00 A. M, all Brownies and Seniors will be2:30 P.M. Reservations must be Leaders and members of Girl tour covering the Immediate afternoon. and girls 8th-7th grades, 7:50 ?in taking orders at 9:00 A. M., Purim - The Fast of Esther is made for the dinner, the show Scout Troop 190 will make their area will be to the State Prison According to Patrolm,!8:30 P. M. Senior group meets Saturday, March 20. Many thanks on Wednesday, March 17th. The is open to the public. confessions Saturday, March 13, Farm, ,Rahway, and the ntw J. Nemeth, Bramhall 8:00-9:00 P. M. * to Marks Harris of Rahway, for Feast of Esther begins at sunat 4:00 P. M., and receive holyWoodbridge State School for the traveling « M on New iirj extending an invitation to all area down. The reading of the Me- Sisterhood meeting on Monday, Avenue, near Voorhetj t scouts to a coke party in honor communion at the first Sunday mentally retarded. gillah will be at 8:00 P. M., onMarch 15th. of Girl Scout Week. "Growing divine liturgy with Rev. John These tours will take place, when he saw the young CARTERET - The Jew'-'i War from between parked o n St. Gertrude Cemetery, Colonia. Veterans post #745 had the fifth Up Today," a new Girl Scout eduWOODBRIDGE - John Han- Hundiak, pastor, celebrating and April 1 and April 10 and will besaid he applied his brak», The Pall Bearers were John annual installation of officers at cational TV series has been renan, Woodbridge Township Jaycee preaching on "Rededication to gin at 10:15 a.m. Luncheon will was verified by 12 !e*- o! 'eased by the National Council. Christ". Second divine liturgy e served at a nominal cost. ResTomczuk and Joseph Walko. chairman, has announced plans Kenney Acres. Officers Installed marks, but hit the girl «; were as follows: Commander-Wil- The new publicity chairman to for the "roll-the-barrel" meeting will be celebrated by Rev. Peter rvation blanks may be obtained left front fender. The ;,MRS. ANNA STIMA* liam Finkelstevi: Senior Vice tie contacted in this area now, is in Carteret have been completed, Melech, assistant pastor. Me- rom Mrs. Marilyn Reichman taken home by Patrolmati N« The local chapter will visit the morial services for the soul ol ] 1-9661 or Mrs. Ann Ostrower CARTERET — Funeral services Commander, Herbert Zimmer; Mrs. William Gurney MRS. ELLA W. H A R l f e where her mother said she • Junior Vice Commander, Carteret Jaycees, Tuesday at the Irving! Serving on the refreshments Taras Shevchenko, greatest lit- IE 44666. Reservations should have the girl ducked by th< { CARTERET - Mrs. EUa Wal-were held for Mrs. Anna Stima, City l i n e Tavern, 9:30 P. M. . , of Orthodox faith. J g e Advocate, o c a t , Philip Philp rainian poet ter Hardie, of 175 Elm Street died of 32 Warren Street March 4 at 9 Rader;; Judge ily physician, made by March 20. i v 1 n e l ilt uir tK ii M h a Harold Mad- Carren, Mrs. Benjamin Goldberg, oman of Year Award "Boll-the-barrel" is an annual I*"' MMllo w bottl Adjutant, March 4th at home. Born in West A.M. at the Synowiecki Funeral Hochman; ^ ddiH Home, 56 Carteret Avenue and at dow. Quartermaster, Sidney Katz; Adams, and Mrs. New York, Mrs. Hardie had been Mrs. George First of Us Kind, feature for all New Jersey JayAnnual Lenten mission is regular ™i r, a resident of Carteret for the past 9:30 A.M. a solemn requiem Mass Officer of the day, Howard Jas- Paul raui Kosten. rvosien. The lire next uexi ji?suia< D »l IT' II cees. The barrel is passed from scheduled to be held on March 24 CHOOSE FROM HUNDREDS O f was offered at St. Joseph R. C. pan; Chaplain, Seymour Wegbert, meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, l o h o t o Kutll 10 years. H OlK She is survived by her husband, Church with Rev. Anthony Gaydos Historian Paul Levtne; Guest April 13th, at which Miss Jo Ann; w n o n i , R l n r P . , „ - . chapter to chapter along with a through to Mareh 28. with serdirector for Cross- WOODBRIDGE A large mons to be preached by the visWalter Hardie; a daughter, Mrs. as celebrant, Rev. Victor Gra- speakers for the evening were De- Mate, camping pg r » .,™,,,A ,nn],,A,~« prominent per- program which is judged by the iting priests. Frances Colon of Carteret; four brian as deacon and Rev. Ryan oartment of N. J. Commander roads Council, will discuss host club. The Jayeee club conBY FINE EUROPEAN ART1BTI s s^o n s sl toactael_l y - .gi n ^t h e ^c o u n ttoy and a r Z n T nroeram program for th Uui grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. was sub-deacon. Interment was in leorge Geller: Installing Officer, „new ccamping • • •• a t ( ein n d tributing the most to presentation Florence Brlnkman of North Ber- St. Gertrude Cemetery, Colonia, Vic Levine. season. the Woman-of-the-Year Award din- and effort is awarded the barrel Monthly meeting of the Sistergen and a brother, William J. Wal- The Pall Bearers were Robert A dinner was followed by dan-! ner Saturday, at the Shackamax- containing monies collected from hood of the Blessed Virgin will cing and delightful evening was ter of Cllffside. Kent; Michael Capik; Stephen take place Sunday, March U, at MAKXR on Country Club. Scotch Plains, had by all. The next regular meetOP generous members, Herbert Han- 3 P. M., in the conference room. Funeral services were held from Bernath; John Kovacs; Frank according to Mrs. William BrenLi OL 1U QAIXERY ing is March 17 at the Carteret •« » » the Lyman-Rumpf M e m o r i a l Toth and John Pettish, na«|. president otthe Woodbridgei n8 8an, publicity chairman, adJewish Community.Center at 8:30. 1 Home. 21 Locust Street on MonTowi^hip, BusinSr a i d Profes- .'iscd. Monthly meeting of the board 1161 ZOS Broad St.. day at 1:00 p.m. with like Rev 'sional Women's t h i b , sponsors of! • Assisting 1|r. Hannah art Mr. al tnstiei and church conuglttect February Building « • FJl Hm. 14 FJ Alex Nemelh, minister of the First • t o n Bonn 111 < T M. MM. the award. Dress will be informal. !a a nnagan, Charles Buda. John wil! be held Tuesday, MarcH It, Presbvterian Church, Woodbridge, To be honored with the first \ \scierno,' Richard Moslogo. and 8 P. M. In the conference room Here al Low Ebb A I officiating. Interment was in such award will be Miss Ruth Donald Roder St. Demetrius Community CenCARTERET - The building j ^ 1 - 1 Graceland Memorial Park, KenilWolk, of The Independent-Leader, business here last month was worth. AVENEL - The United Syria primarily for her work as chairpretty slim. Youth ef Congregation man of the Woodbridge TercentenDuring February, Building In- igw BOLESLA SZULIMOWSKI B'nai Jacob are to be hosts ta a ary Commission, as sponsor of spector Michael Markowitz isCARTERET - Bolesla SzuliKinus tomorrow through Sunday. the All-America City AwawJ and' CARTERET - The Lorantfy mowskl, 73, died March 3rd at WOODBRIDGE - "Fashion sned only six permits for work Youth groups froni the New Jer-for her efforts in behalf of Towngp costing a total of $14,100 and adies Aid Society of the Hunhis home, at 72 Sharot Street. He Premiere," a style show, will be ship Libraries. li sey and New York Metropolitan arian Reformed Church will had retired eight years ago from presented by the Woodbridge collected fees of $61.25. area will participate. Also to be honored during the' WOODBRIDGE-New members old its monthly sausage and' One permit was for a ranch the American Cyanamid Co., Linden where he had been em- Jaycee-ettes in Knights of Colum type frame dwelling in WUtUer Chairman of the Kinus is Miss evening are fte other women received into the First Presby leat tale • Hungarian style • on were nominated for the terian Church last Sunday are: Wednesday, March 17 beginning Myra Lemberg; .group adviser is ' ployed as a foreman. He hadbus Auditorium Sunday at 7:30 Street costing $10,000. George Form, and youth activities award. Mr. and Mn. Harry L. Barnes : noon In Bethlen Hail. | worked there for 40 years and wasP.M. chairman is Mrs, Charles Blatt According to Miss Janet Fof- Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Meyer Advance orders will be accepta member of its 25-Year Club. TO ATTEND COTILLION An evening coat will be raffled Mr. Smllmowski was a parish- and door prizes will be award- CARTERET - Montclair State The group will conduct servitesi rich, first vice president of the Mn, Arthur Parkstrom, Edwarc d by any member of the Society ioner of Holy! Family Roman Cath- off College's Fifth Annual Cotillion tomorrow at'6:30 P. M,.under local BPW and chairman of the Dawn, MTS. Clarence O. Redd with Mn. William Bin ST., guidance of Rabbi Woman of the Year Award, the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoffman resident. olic Church and a member of its eo, according to Mrs. Joseph Di will b* held at the Governor Mor- the spiritual 1 Marsico, chairman. Holy Name Society and Holy ris Hotel in Morristown on Satur- Philip Brand. Neal Litineer will | speaking program will be brief" to Mr. and Mrs. Joel Leeson, Joel Family Society. He was also a Miss Joanne Kolentz, Miss day, March IS, Local residents to serve as cantor and Miss.Beverly allow plenty of time for dancing Whitney Leeson and Thomas E timl It rmimmtUm mU mtt member of the Kasa Posmiertna Junior Miss for 196344 will model be presented at this formal af- Lemberg will conduct the respon- and god fellowship." Miss Helen Fitzpatrick. an original design. She will also sive reading. The sermon will G. Hurd, Dean of Students at RutMorning worship will take place Society. fair are: Miss Judith Larkin, 53 Surviving him are his wife Mrs. be^the pianist for the evening. New Jersey Avenue, Carteret, a be delivered 6y Miss Cheryl gers University College and Presi- Sunday at 11 A. M . with Church CARTERET - An evening of, Mary Truchel Smllmowski; a Also modeling gowns will be Miss member of Kappa Rho Upsilon Lieberman, president of the dent of the Nevr Jersey Federation School and adult class at t.30 Jo is planned by the Hebrew U.S. Y. Michael* Waldholz will of Business and professional Woten's Club for Satuidaynujht, daughter, Mrs. Helen Clark at Anne Cnimp, 1904-65 Mist Junior Sorority, 59 E. (ferry St., lohwoy, N. J. render tha Idddush.. The Oneg men's Clubs, will speak briefly in A. M. hreh 90th at the Cartoret Jtw> home; four sons Joseph of Wood- Mist and the runners-up, Misj bridge, Anthony and Walter, of Susan Lombsrdt and Miss Linda Contractor Digs Up Shabot after services will be behalf of BPW and Mayor Walter The film "Question 7", a de- h Commimity Center. . <> sponsored by the Congregation's Zirpojo will give greetings in be- scription of life in Bast Germany, A full leAfth four star feature Carteret and Edward, a patrol Roai. half of the community. will be shown at the family get- wvte will be shown. This will Live Hand Grenade Sisterhood. man in the Carteret Police De- Memberi of Jaycee-ettes, who 8th Birthday To* together on Sundai 6 P. M. in e followed by u evening of partment; six grandchildren and will be models are Mrs. DiMar- WOODBRIDGE - While doing Saturday morning services will one great-grandchild; and two sico, Mn. Gerald Shea, Mrs. •ome landscape work around and be held at 9:30 with Harry Silver- The affair will also mark the Fellowship Hall. toeing and refreshment*. brothers, Michael and Walter in Edward Moeckel, Mrs. Anthony unoccupied house at S4 Sloan St., man, Asbury Park, as cantor. A eighth birthday of the Woodbridge The sacrament of infant bapPoland. Buccarelli, Mrs, Robert Lovaiz Iselki, late yesterday afternoon, study group'is being planned for Club and wiQ feature a birthday tism will be admisitered, Sunday Funeral services were held Sat- Mrs.. Alan Rockoff, Mrs. James C.H, Jeffrey, the contractor who the afternoon. session at the cake cutting ceremony under the at 11 A. M. urday at 8:30 A.M. at the Syno- Nolan, Mrs, Leonard Moran, M n was renovating the house and temple. Dr. Abraham Rothman, direction of Mrs. Irving Hutt as- The communicants' class will wieckl Kuneral Home, 56 Carteret John Swallick, Mrs. Richard area, came across a hand gren Mrs. Later Jacobs and Charles sisted by the past president*, pres- meet, Saturday, 1 P. M. in Fel Stein will lead the session. A ident and recipients of the BPW Avenue and at 9 A.M. a solemn Mosolgo, Mrs. John Milano. ade. lowship Hall. requiem Mass was offered at Holy He picked it up, placed it dance is set for 8 P. M. Nursing Scholarship Awards. It Tickets may be purchased from Family Roman Catholic Church under a tree and called police Sunday services will be at 9:30 'ill also mark the conclusion of with Rev. MA. Konopka as cele- any Jaycee-ette or purchased at headquarters. Sgt. Joseph Rus- A. M., with Howard Beifor as can- National Business Women's Week U_l •inn » » brant, Rev, Andrew Okal as dea-the door, Ticket chaingan is Mrs baisky, who arrived at the scene tor and Miss Linda (Forman con- activities which-began last Suncon and Rev. Melvin Stanczewski Robert DeSantis, telephone 388- found that the pin was missing, ducting the responsive reading. day with a tea. as wbdeacon, Interment was in 2249. SAY and also the "spoon handle?1 A "brunch" will be held after the In observance of National BusiIT which in placed on the tide of service. Israeli dancing, enter- ness Woman's Week, the windows BEST the grenade, Lieut, Garwood and tainment and game? will conclude of The Brennan Agency, S3 Main • Sp. 5th Grade Arnted from the the Kinus, Street, have been decorated with EARLY BOOKINGS ADVISABLE FOR 54th Ordinance Unit at Camp The Pre-U, S. Y. group will pre- be theme of "Springtime Salute Flowers For Ail THESE EXCEPTIONAL Kilmer conficated the grenade, sent a cantata at the congrega- to Working Women." Information Occasions . • which they described as a World tion's general meeting, March 21, may ,bfi obtained at the Brennan CaU toi flower*, birtb War 2, Murk 2 speciman. The announced Miss Myrna Alexrod, gency regardinf membership in days, anruversarieb, shell was loaded. advisor. :he organiiationjWomen who are weddiigs, e t c , to add gainfully employed, part time as extra nioy to the event well as full time, are eligible (or -andj) other time* to NEXT membership,, «pre»» your sympathy FALL! i o d thougbtfuuwsi — BOARD TO MEET CARTKRKT - The executive -V Be assured of the Guest board of St. Joseph PTA wilf , -call us ON SWEDISH AMERICAN'S LUXURIOUS celebrate* Hi meet tonwrrow evening at ! 'clock at the school hfU. 4th ANNIVERSARY The regulw membership meet4CM ltd; 23,21!) i n a Lp. t , , , ; I , , . j |,, (,»,,)„,) with an PIXJWERS COMPLFIELV AIK CONDITIONS AND STAIilLI/t H tQUIPI'tD ing will be held Monday evening, NEWLY KtUECOHAltU - MUHk UlLlliH IHJ1. I HAN LVtKI March lMli, at R o'clock at the! Ht Anboy Ate ME t-l<M Knjoy /•mom Swdlth American High Street school auditorium. PCTOBER 12 DAYS PORTS RATES FROM $370 Resume Regular Church Schedule Kilyk Promoted Scout Leaders Get Welcome Lenten Services 4t St. Demetrius i of jr. v. Jewish Veterans Install Staff 'Barrel' Meeting LargeCrowd Set by Jaycees Is Expected AtBPWFete Obituaries ORIGINAL OIL PAINTERS 20% to 50% OFF Avenel USY Jaycee-ettes' Fashion Show Slated Sunday Church Receives New Members Meat Sale TERRIFIC 3 DAY MOHAIR STOLE Ut Plan Social THE SEWING KIT ONE STOP SHORTING AT A COMPLETE YAKN SHOP \ WEST INDIES CRUISES CIIKIST1NE LEE'S GASLIGHT WALSHFXK'S GRIPSHOLM 15 1968 OCTOBER 29 100S NOVEMBER . 13 1000 SI Ihumds mid !>L Juim, Mdttlnique; Put ul 5|JJ,II, itn luul, Pucilu Nliu, ; tori tie h elitmi iliibadou 14 DAYS-7 PORTS RATES FROM 1430 SI. CIQII, Virgin likinhj twl-ile-h»nce, Miitiimjuc, SL Gcurgt'l, Gltnadi, Port of Spill), Tlmldsd Oildjltown, Barbldoi! Khtllpibuir, U. Muittn, Nithitlmli AntllllM tt. Ihomji, Vligin ItUndi. 16 DAYS • 7 PORTS • KATES FROM $510 ttaisiu, Sihiifl*}; MonteEO Qiy, Jimakdi CuiiCAV, N*U»rlM4» *.BtHI«b, "cutuflp.u lilnl<IMi erMtitoiMi, Utii4<*i St. John*, AnHiw, B.W.I j tt, iHomjl, V, L FOR COMPUU INrORMATPON ANO RUIRVATIONii CSIPO Travel Bureau VA 303 Maple Stret-t PKKTH AMBOY, N J WUltl.W W|I)E THAVKl Sl"Ki ' ' TS SINCK I'JOV Spring Fashion Show Tuesday, March 16th GET HER A CAR OF HER OWN PERMANENT WAVE SPECIAL Keg. T MASON -EDWARDS one erf New Jersey's most exclusive ihops * SHOWS AT 7:30 * 10 P.M. Special Complete Dinner - P Inctudiui Cbmtipaiiit And EnlertalnjiifHt S TUKS . WED. - THURS. SHAMl'OO K 66 Cherry Street. KH/nhrtli "O. K. Used Cars" HAIRCUTS $ZOol$15O Take Advantage Of Our Work At Th*M U « Prlcci J CMUSTlNti LEE'S GASLIGHT from Our Excellent Selection of I «JW sow "760 cump, presented by 1333 ST. GEORGE AVE. COLONIA OfEN UAILV I AM. l« I f . M rK1DAY till I f.M CUNiEl) MONDAYS M»K APPOINTMKNT ('AI.L 382-3366 GODENY CHEVROLET 30 Roosevelt Avenue, Carteret FHONK K K ll 1 5 m ' SALES OPEN EVENlN(i*« SERVICE
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