Greater Houston Council of Federated Republican Women Vol. 22 No. 2 NEWSLETTER March, 2015 From the President’s Desk... Talk about beginning 2015 with a bang! GHC MEMBER ROSTER Angleton RW Bay Area RW Bayou RW Braes RW Brazosport RW Chambers County RW Clear Creek RW Cy-Fair RW Daughters of Liberty RW Fort Bend RW Friendswood RW Galveston RW Golden Triangle RW Hardin County RW Heritage RW Houston Professional RW Kingwood Area RW Lake Conroe Area RW Magic Circle RW Memorial West RW Montgomery County RW North Shore RW Northwest Forest RW RW of Katy RW of Waller Co. San Jacinto RW Spirit of Freedom RW Texas Tea Party RW The Woodlands RW Tomball RW Tri-County RW Village RW Walker County RW West Pearland RW Yellow Rose of Texas RW We began our February meeting with GHC’s Annual President’s Recognition! Our clubs are so fortunate to have such a dynamic group of women to lead their clubs. It was such a pleasure to meet your Club Presidents; I look forward to working with each club throughout this year. All the clubs had great representation at NUTS N’ BOLTS ®, they made the day a resounding success! All the women turned out to enjoy a great day of networking and education. Thank you to everyone who joined us at lunch and for the seminar. Thank you to everyone who participated as a speaker and as volunteers! You made the day a success. Thank you to Dr. Robin Armstrong, Texas National Committeeman for his phenomenal update on what is happening throughout Texas and in Washington. Everyone learned something new this year. Take the tools and information you received and share this information with your club members. Let us spread the word that working together, we are more powerful and knowledgeable. We will continue to multiply our power, one-step at a time. The Greater Houston Council of Federated Republican Women is planning many exciting, events, including another summer workshop. GHC will work to enhance your leadership skills and club activities through these events. It is time to get involved, step outside your comfort zone and share your ideas with each other. Greater Houston Council is here to work with you and for you. If you have specific issues that you want Council to work with you and your club, then you must let us know what those issues are. Communication is the key to all of our success. Communication goes two ways, so let us keep the lines open at all times. As the leaders at the grassroots level, you must hold all Republican elected officials in our government accountable. The leaders of the GHC will do all in their power to provide the support that you need, and strive to bring you up to date information and education to keep you informed. We, as Republican Women, must keep our eyes open, listen with a discerning ear and speak up on the issues that affect what is happening in our state and in our country. We must stand united to keep the pressure on the Texas Legislature and on Congress to represent us, their constituents, and set their egos aside. When the elected officials said we need to control both the House and the Senate to get the job done, we got them elected! Now we have control of the House and the Senate, both in Texas and in Washington. IT’S TIME TO DO THEIR JOB... NOW IT’S THEIR TURN TO STAND UP FOR US! Thank you for your service to the Republican Party! We look forward to working with all of you to KEEP TEXAS RED! Sincerely, Barbara Tague GHCFRW President GREATER HOUSTON COUNCIL OF FEDERATED REPUBLICAN WOMEN 2014-2015 Officers President 1st VP - Programs 2nd VP - Membership 3rd VP- Special Events 4th VP - Finance Recd. Secretary Cor. Secretary Treasurer Past President Barbara Tague Toni Lawrence Marie Maggio Debbie Fancher Lesley Bruemmer Alice Melancon Karen McCarter Cindy Siegel Sherry Peterson (Tomball) (Northwest Forest) (Golden Triangle) (Spirit of Freedom) (Clear Creek) (Montgomery County) (Ft Bend Co.) (Magic Circle) (West Pearland) 713-851-0737 713-805-8466 409-866-8009 281-543-3195 832-632-2880 281-367-6368 281-341-5078 713-660-0284 281-485-7887 Standing Committee Chairmen (voting) By-Laws Campaign Activities Legislation Liaison County Chairs Newsletter Public Relations Theresa Kosmoski Debbie Guitian Roan Cindy Bennett Smith Millie Alford Janis Holt Chris Parker (Village) (Bay Area) (Northwest Forest) (Cy Fair) (Hardin Co.) (Kingwood) 713-461-4552 281-218-7350 832-515-9897 713-466-0731 409-781-2130 281-352-5959 Special Committee Chairman (non-voting) Asst to President Chaplain GOTV Historian Hospitality Asst. Parliamentarian/Protocol Speaker’s Bureau TFRW Liaison Website Website/Email: Jeannie Koenig Sophia Mafrige Sarah Von Dran Susan Roshto Edie Holland Givvie Searcy Pearl Maggio Cheryl Dalton Sherry Peterson Rubye Brown Clara Dannenmaier (Galveston Area) (Magic Circle) (West Pearland) (Chambers County ) (Bay Area) (San Jacinto) (Montgomery County) (Daughters of Liberty) (West Pearland) (Clear Creek) (Tomball ) 713-829-9843 713-854-2972 281-797-5990 713-252-6876 713-941-2347 713-946-6625 936-273-5571 832-731-8767 281-485-7887 281-889-7544 409-370-7349 Honorary Ex Officio TFRW VP-Bylaws TFRW VP-Finance TFRW Immediate Past Pres. Theresa Kosmoski Janis Holt Carolyn Hodges ~ HOSPITALITY ~ Givvie Searcy and Edie Holland, Hospitality Co-Chairmen Thank you very much to Memorial West RW, Northwest Forest RW and Daughters of Liberty RW and to Sherry Peterson, TFRW Region V Deputy President for providing the delicious refreshments for the February 17 meeting and Nuts N Bolts. The clubs providing the refreshments for the March 17 meeting will be Village RW, Chambers County RW, and Bay Area RW. Any club that would like to help with hospitality in 2015, volunteers for the May, September and November meetings are needed. Please contact : Edie at: [email protected] or Givvie at [email protected]. (Village) (Hardin County) (Village) 713-461-4552 409-781-2130 713-789-0077 Protocol When Having a Speaker Pearl Maggio, Parliamentarian/Protocol Invitations to speakers should be sent out at least three weeks prior to the engagement. Spouses may be invited. Always have someone greet the guests when they arrive. Make the speaker feel welcome and never leave him/her alone. Prior to the meeting, make sure to discuss if here are expenses and how they will be handled. Discuss housing if guests remain overnight. Be certain that guests meet the President and other members of the Local Club upon arrival. Speaker and guest should be seated at the head table along with all who will be taking part in the program. Biographical material should be received in advance and used to introduce the speaker. Water pitcher and glass near the podium would be a plus. Remember to always greet speakers and guests with a smile! Legislative Report By Cindy Bennett Smith, Legislative Chairman Texas legislators are ready to decide on the expansion of gun rights. There are currently at least two dozen bills filed in the Texas Legislature related to gun control. Most call for licensed open carry similar to the concealed handgun law. Others advocate allowing the open carry of handguns by anyone pretty much anywhere. Two gun bills that would legalize the open carry of handguns in Texas are on a fast-track in the state Senate. Senate Bills 342 and 346, by Don Huffines of Dallas and Craig Estes of Wichita Falls, respectively, would do away with the Lone Star State’s 125-year old ban on the open carry of handguns, a restriction first put in place after the Civil War so the Reconstruction government could disarm Confederate sympathizers. Although Texas has more than 800,000 concealed handgun license holders, it is one of only six states that don't allow open carry. SB 342 allows for open and concealed carry of handguns without a license and SB 346 would allow someone who has a license for a handgun to openly carry it in a holster. Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has requested that SB 342 and SB 346, as well as SB 11, the campus carry bill, be scheduled for public hearing as soon as possible. Another proposal, allowing students, faculty, and staff with proper licenses to carry firearms in college classrooms and buildings, has 19 co-sponsors in the Senate, enough to bring it a full floor vote. Patrick has already referred the bill to committee, likely clearing the way for its swift passage through the full chamber. There has been a great deal of hubbub surrounding the proposals to allow open carry of handguns. The session had barely begun when skirmishes broke out among competing open carry advocates. Several groups armed with assault rifles brought their weapons to a Capitol rally on opening day, exercising a state law that allows the open carry of long rifles. One group, Come and Take It Texas, also brought a machine that finishes out the lower receiver of an assault rifle (A receiver that is 80% or less complete is not considered to be a receiver under US federal law, which also defines the receiver as the actual firearm. An unfinished receiver may therefore be bought or sold freely without transaction records). A confrontation occurred between gun owners and a state lawmaker who later was given a state security detail. Panic buttons were installed in legislative offices within days. Governor Abbott, who has pledged to sign an open carry bill into law, shrugged off the earlysession messiness. "Open carry is the law in 44 states. ... [where] It hasn't been the outbreak of the OK Corral," Abbott said Friday. "And I don't think it will be in the state of Texas, either." Proposed GHC Bylaws Amendments Theresa Kosmoski, Bylaws Chair The following amendments to the GHC Bylaws have been reviewed by the Board and will be voted on at the March General meeting. 1. Article V, Section 2. Amend by inserting “or until their successors are elected” between “years” and “commencing”. Current Bylaws: Proposed Change: If adopted, would read: Section 2. The term of office shall be two years commencing on January first of even numbered years. Section 2. The term of office shall be two years, or until their successors are elected, commencing on January first of even numbered years. Section 2. The term of office shall be two years, or until their successors are elected, commencing on January first of even numbered years. 2. Article V, Section G.1 Amend by striking “January” and inserting “February” Current Bylaws: Proposed Change: If adopted, would read: 1.To prepare a handbook for distribution at each January meeting to the newly… 1. To prepare a handbook for distribution at each January February meeting to the newly… 1. To prepare a handbook for distribution at each February meeting to the newly… 3. Article V, Section H.4 Amend by ending the first sentence after “Treasurer” and inserting the words “She shall be registered with the TEC” at the beginning of the next sentence. Current Bylaws: Proposed Change: If adopted, would read: 4. To serve as the club Political Action Committee and perform the required duties of making….. 4. To serve as the club Political Action Committee. She shall be registered with the TEC and perform the required duties of making….. 4. To serve as the club Political Action Committee. She shall be registered with the TEC and perform the required duties of making….. 4. Article VII, Section 2 Amend by inserting “A minimum of 3 days notice will be given for all specially meetings, and no business shall be considered that is not included in the call of the meeting.” to the end of the section. Current Bylaws: Proposed Amendment: If adopted, would read: 2. ……Special meetings may be called by the President or by two members of the Executive Board. 2. ……Special meetings may be called by the President or by two members of the Executive Board. A minimum of 3 days notice will be given for all specially called meetings, and no business shall be considered that is not included in the call of the meeting. 2. ……Special meetings may be called by the President or by two members of the Executive Board. A minimum of 3 days notice will be given for all specially called meetings, and no business shall be considered that is not included in the call of the meeting. Proposed GHC Bylaws Amendments, cont’d Theresa Kosmoski, Bylaws Chair 5. Article VII Amend by adding a new Section 6 as follows: In the event of a time sensitive issue or exigent circumstance, a vote of the Board may occur by electronic means. The President shall send to each voting Board member an email with the specific question. There will be no “blind copies”; the email address of each person to whom the email is sent shall show. Board members without email shall be contacted via fax or telephone. Each member shall have at least 12 hours to register their vote, and they shall vote by replying to all on the email list. The Recording Secretary shall record the vote and keep copies of the email votes in her permanent Minutes book. The President shall announce the formal outcome of the vote to all Board members as soon as it is available. Current Bylaws: Proposed Amendment: If adopted, would read: Section 6. In the event of a time sensitive issue or exigent circumstance, a vote of the Board may occur by electronic means. The President shall send to each voting Board member an email with the specific question. There will be no “blind copies”; the email address of each person to whom the email is sent shall show. Board members without email shall be contacted via fax or telephone. Each member shall have at least 12 hours to register their vote, and they shall vote by replying to all on the email list. The Recording Secretary shall record the vote and keep copies of the email votes in her permanent Minutes book. The President shall announce the formal outcome of the vote to all Board members as soon as it is available. Section 6. In the event of a time sensitive issue or exigent circumstance, a vote of the Board may occur by electronic means. The President shall send to each voting Board member an email with the specific question. There will be no “blind copies”; the email address of each person to whom the email is sent shall show. Board members without email shall be contacted via fax or telephone. Each member shall have at least 12 hours to register their vote, and they shall vote by replying to all on the email list. The Recording Secretary shall record the vote and keep copies of the email votes in her permanent Minutes book. The President shall announce the formal outcome of the vote to all Board members as soon as it is available. 6. Article X, Section 6 Amend by inserting: “A minimum of 7 days notice shall be given for any specially called meeting, and no business shall be considered that is not included in the call of the meeting.” To the end of the section. Current Bylaws: Proposed Amendment: If adopted, would read: Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the President or upon written request of delegates representing six (6) member clubs. Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the President or upon written request of delegates representing six (6) member clubs. A minimum of 7 days notice shall be given for any specially called meeting, and no business shall be considered that is not included in the call of the meeting. Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the President or upon written request of delegates representing six (6) member clubs. A minimum of 7 days notice shall be given for any specially called meeting, and no business shall be considered that is not included in the call of the meeting. General Meeting Minutes Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2015 President Barbara Tague called the Feb 17, 2015 General Meeting of the Greater Houston Council of Federated Republican Women to order at 9:20 AM. The meeting was held at the Sosa Center. The start of the meeting was delayed due to weather and heavy traffic to allow attendees to arrive. The invocation was given by Sophia Mafrige, GHC Chaplain. Debbie Fancher, GHC 3rd Vice President, led the pledges to the American and Texas flags. She then led the group in the singing of the National Anthem. Marie Maggio, GHC 2nd Vice President Membership, introduced guests and elected officials Tina Gibson, Pearl Maggio, Janis Boulware, Karen Townsend, Cindy Bennett Smith, and Amy Clark. Alice Melancon, Recording Secretary, called roll and announced that a quorum was present. She asked if there were any additions or corrections to the November meeting minutes. Since there were none, the minutes stand as written. Treasurer Cindy Siegel presented the Treasurer’s Report and asked for questions or corrections. Hearing none, the report was filed for financial review. Cindy Siegel then presented the proposed 2015 budget. Teresa Kosmoski made a motion to approve the budget. The motion was seconded by Beth Henry. The motion was approved and the budget stands as presented. President Tague welcomed all GHCFRW Member Club Presidents. The Presidents were announced by Marie Maggio, GHC VP-Membership and presented a rose by President Tague. The Greater Houston Council pins/earrings were presented by Jeannie Koenig and Lesley Bruemmer. Toni Lawrence and Karen McCarter presented each president with a leadership bag. President Tague called on Sherry Peterson, TFRW Deputy President, Region V to introduce the TFRW Deputy Presidents, Judy Parada, Region IV, Jan Ott, Region II. Each Deputy President introduced their District Directors. The Nuts N’ Bolts Seminar was then begun. Sherry Peterson introduced Amy Clark, Vice Chair of the Republican Party of Texas whose presentation focused on Leadership Development. Jo Konen, NFRW Leadership Chair was introduced. Her talk focused on the A B Cs of Leadership. The group then went into various breakout sessions: The Role of the President led by Sherry Peterson Parliamentary Procedure led by Teresa Kosmoski Treasurer/PAC Treasurer led by Cindy Siegel Membership/Programs led by Kim Chambers Effective Communication/Legislative Role led by Michelle Samuelson. Following a brief break to pick up lunches, Sophia Mafrige, GHC Chaplain led the Blessing. Toni Lawrence, GHC 1st Vice President Programs, introduced the luncheon speaker, Dr. Robin Armstrong, Texas Republican National Committeeman. A brief wrap up of the day’s activities followed the presentation. Announcement: March 17, 2015 General Meeting with Harris County Judge Ed Emmett as speaker. The meeting was adjourned at 1:15 PM Alice Melancon, Recording Secretary Toni Lawrence, 1st VP- Programs Are you ready for the elections in November 2015? Are you ready for the Presidential election November 2016? The Greater Houston Council of Federated Republican Women will have Harris County Judge, Ed Emmett as our speaker on Tuesday, March 17th, at the Sosa Center, 1414 Wirt Road. Check in will be at 9:00 am and program begins at 10:00 am. Edward M. Emmett became Harris County Judge on March 6, 2007. A member of the Texas House of Representatives from 1979 to 1987, Judge Emmett was chairman of the Committee on Energy, a member of the Transportation Committee, and represented the state on numerous national committees relating to energy and transportation policy. In 1989, President George H. W. Bush nominated Emmett as a Commissioner at the Interstate Commerce Commission. After being confirmed unanimously by the United States Senate, Judge Emmett served on the commission for three years. Prior to becoming county judge, he received international recognition for his work in transportation and logistics policy. Among his many other activities, Judge Emmett is director of Harris County’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, chairman of the HGAC Transportation Policy Council and chairman of the Harris County Juvenile Board. Judge Emmett attended Bellaire High School. He graduated from Rice University in 1971 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and from the University of Texas at Austin in 1974 with a Master of Public Affairs degree. Judge Emmett and his wife, Gwen, have been married for 39 years and have four children and 11 grandchildren. Judge Emmett will cover topics to get us fired up for the coming elections! Texas needs to make a strong commitment and influence Ohio and Florida to become red states again! Bring your Club Board and other club members to hear the Judge and participate in a Q&A with him after his talk. GREATER HOUSTON COUNCIL Presents Greater Houston Council P O Box 20 Tomball, Texas 77377-0020 Harris County Judge, Ed Emmett On Tuesday, March 17, 2015 ******************** Sign-In/Registration: 9:00 AM Program: 10:00 AM Sosa Center 1414 Wirt Road ~ Houston, Texas 77055 POLITICAL ADVERTISING PAID FOR BY GHCFRW PAC, Cindy Siegel, GHC PAC TREASURER Solicitations made by Federal candidates and officeholders at any event of GHC are limited by Federal Law. The Federal candidates and officeholders speaking or attending an event of GHC are soliciting only donations of up to $2400 from individuals and up to $500 from multi-candidate political committees. They are not soliciting donations in any amount from corporations, labor organizations, national banks, Federal contractors, or foreign nationals. Greater Houston Council Mission Statement The mission of the Greater Houston Council of Federated Republican Women is to promote political education in order to increase the effectiveness of Republican Women in the cause of good government. In addition, the Council strives to coordinate activities of the various clubs to achieve the maximum efforts of Republican Women throughout the region to elect Republican candidates. Greater Houston Council of Federated Republican Women Proxy Form Only the president and the designated delegate of an affiliated federated Republican Women’s Club can vote at Council meetings. There are provisions for proxies, however. Either the president or the delegate or both may execute proxy statements designating another member of their club to vote in their stead for one meeting only. Follow the form below: Date:_________________________________ I, the undersigned President/Delegate of the ________________________________________________RW Appoint _________________________________________of _______________, Texas, who is a member in good standing of the same Republican Women’s Club as the undersigned, as my proxy to vote in my place at the meeting of the Greater Houston Council of Federated Republican Women to be held on the _______day of _____________________, 20______. __________________ ______________________, President ______________________________________________ RW
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