PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY THE GENERAL INSURANCE ASSOCIATION 180 CECIL STREET, #15-01 BANGKOK BANK BUILDING, SINGAPORE 069546 T: (65) 6221-8788 F: (65) 6227-2051 E: [email protected] UEN: S66SS0020G WWW.GIA.ORG.SG 33 2015 GENERAL INSURANCE NEWSLETTER VOL. XXXIII ⁄ QTR. I ⁄ MMXV ⁄ ESTD. 2008 TALENT OUTREACH PROJECT: CAREER & INTERNSHIP FAIRS PAGE 06–07 MARITIME KNOWLEDGE SHIPPING SESSION 30: THE MARITIME CAT MODEL PAGE 08 AGM & Luncheon The 28th Annual General Meeting of the Special Risks Pool and the Association was held on 25 March 2015 at Pan Pacific Singapore. More commonly known as the SRP AGM, this year’s meeting made the unanimous decision to distribute financial year 2014’s accumulated surplus amounting to S$500,000 among existing members of the pool. 28th Special Risks Pool AGM, 48th GIA AGM, Inaugural MC Meeting, GIA Annual Luncheon JANUARY – MARCH 2015 ACTUARIAL KNOWLEDGE SEMINAR SESSION 4: REINSURANCE: CATASTROPHES AND CAPITAL OPTIMISATION PAGE 10 02 GENERAL INSURANCE NEWSLETTER Nº33 FIRST QUARTER ⁄ 2015 GENERAL INSURANCE NEWSLETTER Nº33 FIRST QUARTER ⁄ 2015 GI PROFILE: REGIONAL CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER COVER STORY: 28TH SPECIAL RISKS POOL ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, 48TH GENERAL INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, INAUGURAL MC MEETING, GIA ANNUAL LUNCHEON ALLIANZ GLOBAL CORPORATE & SPECIALTY SE, SINGAPORE BRANCH EDITOR'S NOTE Whether your personal bias is sales, risk analysis, customer service or leading people, there is an opportunity to contribute in our industry and with an open mind and can-do attitude, you can build a very rewarding career. The first quarter of 2015 has been an active one for GIA. The full-year industry results released on 19 Mar 2015 is a testament to the strong economic growth for most classes of business and the overall General Insurance industry performance in 2014. In terms of continuing to build a quality talent pool for the General Insurance industry, it is heartening to hear from many of our interns and participating companies that the GIA Internship Programme has been successful in helping our fresh industry entrants gain the necessary knowledge and skills for a job in the industry. The GIA Internship Programme has also raised overall awareness of the General Insurance industry among the pool of young talents today. We are also pleased to report the successful conclusion of GIA’s Annual General Meeting and Annual Luncheon held in March, which decided the newly elected Management Committee and re-elected President, Mr A K Cher, who will be serving his third consecutive term. GIA also welcomed its new member, Berkshire Hathaway Speciality Insurance Company, into the GI family. GIA is proud to see that the family continues to grow and develop. To promote continuous learning for its members, GIA also conducted a series of Marine and Actuarial seminars and a tour to the recently launched Wavelink Maritime Institute, which houses the latest state of the art system for seafarers in training. Once again, GIA would like to take this opportunity to thank all stakeholders, industry practitioners and committee members for their valuable support and contributions. GENERAL INSURANCE NEWSLETTER IS PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY THE SECRETARIAT GROUP OF THE GENERAL INSURANCE ASSOCIATION. FOR DISTRIBUTION ENQUIRIES, PLEASE CONTACT [email protected] © 2015 GENERAL INSURANCE ASSOCIATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. UEN: S66SS0020G WWW.GIA.ORG.SG GIA also announced the results of the Management Committee election at the 48th General Insurance Association AGM, with the following companies elected to the Management Committee for the years 2015/2016: 1) AXA INSURANCE SINGAPORE PTE LTD 2) LIBERTY INSURANCE PTE LTD 3) MSIG INSURANCE (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD 4) NTUC INCOME INSURANCE CO-OPERATIVE LTD 5) QBE INSURANCE (INTERNATIONAL) LTD 6) TENET SOMPO INSURANCE PTE. LTD. 7) THE OVERSEAS ASSURANCE CORPORATION LTD 8) TOKIO MARINE INSURANCE SINGAPORE LTD The newly-formed 2015/2016 Management Committee then appointed the Association’s office bearers for the years 2015/2016 as follows:PRESIDENT MR A K CHER As the Annual Luncheon was held during the week of mourning for the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew, GIA observed a minute of silence as a mark of respect for our Founding Father. The third time re-elected President Mr A K Cher delivered a welcome address that recapped the results and highlights of 2014. Mr Cher then welcomed Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance Company as the 25th Ordinary member to the GIA family by presenting a membership certificate to Mr Marc Breuil, Regional CEO, Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance Company. Mr Chua also he shared his observations of two key trends, namely, the rising need for insurance services in ASEAN, and evolving business practices from technological advancements, all of which will shape the business environment for the Singapore General Insurance industry, providing insurers with ample opportunities for growth in the region. MARK Mr. MITCHELL VICE-PRESIDENT MS STELLA TAN HONORARY TREASURER MR ANDREW LIM HONORARY SECRETARY He also covered two key initiatives that MAS will be undertaking to enhance risk management capabilities: Strengthening Solvency Requirements, and the Developing Robust Technology Risk Management Framework. MS DOINA PALICI Following this, the GIA luncheon was attended by 110 invited guests, members, as well as Committee Members. GIA was pleased to have Mr Chua Kim Leng, the Assistant Managing Director (Banking & Insurance Group) of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), grace the occasion as the guest of honour. With technology and innovation taking on a bigger role in the insurance industry, Mr Chua emphasised the need for the industry to attract, develop and retain talent with the necessary expertise and skills to stay relevant and competitive in this changing environment. MR. MITCHELL, WELCOME TO THE GENERAL INSURANCE INDUSTRY IN SINGAPORE. CAN YOU SHARE WITH US YOUR BACKGROUND AND HOW YOU ENTERED THE INDUSTRY? Thank you for the warm welcome. I am really pleased to be back in Singapore – a place that has become my second home, having worked here previously on two occasions during my nearly 30 year career. My decision to enter the insurance industry was more a lifestyle choice. As was typical for my generation in Australia, I wanted to work for a year to raise funds to go on a backpacking trip around the world. A clerk job in insurance was the first job that came along but I quickly realized that with hard work and application, the opportunities to advance (and travel) were many in our industry and before I ever had time to put pen to paper and plan my intended trip, a promotion came along and the rest is history! WHAT IS IT ABOUT THE INDUSTRY THAT FASCINATES YOU? Whether your personal bias is sales, risk analysis, customer service or leading people, there is an opportunity to contribute in our industry and with an open mind and can-do attitude, you can build a very rewarding career. This is something that is not always fully understood by school leavers or others wanting a career change. For me personally, I have enjoyed the international nature of insurance, the camaraderie within the industry, spending time getting to know customers across a wide range of industries and the career progression that comes with having an entrepreneurial spirit and a willingness to take decisions and exercise your best judgment. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO ASPIRING YOUNG PROFESSIONALS? Be a learner. Learn as much as you can about your own area of responsibility. Ask questions of your manager. Volunteer to participate in cross functional teams. If your company allows rotations within the organization, do not hesitate to take those opportunities. Build lasting relationships. Show interest in topics outside your area of expertise. That way, you’ll better understand the mechanics that drive your organization and the industry as a whole. If your organization supports professional development, take advantage of that. In my opinion, managers need to be good mentors. Throughout my career, I’ve been lucky to have had bosses that kept pushing me outside my comfort zone but were also willing to reward hard work and the right attitude. Good mentors will always build stronger teams. HOW DO YOU THINK THE INDUSTRY CAN RAISE ITS AWARENESS AMONG YOUNG TALENT? GIA has done a good job creating awareness and attracting students to the industry by starting newly rebranded GIA Internship Programme. Allianz has been supportive of the internship program and are pleased to have a former intern now in full time employment with us as an underwriting trainee in our Financial Lines department. Just like how GIA takes part in career fairs, insurance companies should also take advantage of career fairs to explain to young talent the role of insurance in society & the various career and professional development opportunities within our organizations. This is particularly important for industries like re/insurance which have a variety of roles suitable for graduates from diverse backgrounds. AS CEO, WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST ABOUT YOUR ROLE? This is my third CEO role and every role has presented its own unique challenges, based on geography, market conditions, company focus, brand profile, corporate culture and so forth. Meeting these challenges head on, creating shareholder value, developing distribution, opening new markets & building customer relationships are all aspects of the role that I enjoy but the most rewarding is building engaged and dynamic teams and seeing colleagues develop and progress through the organization. 03 04 GENERAL INSURANCE NEWSLETTER Nº33 FIRST QUARTER ⁄ 2015 GI PROFILE: GIP ALUMNI 2013 GI PROFILE: GIP ALUMNI 2013 CRAWFORD & CO. AIG ASIA PACIFIC INSURANCE PTE LTD. CLAIMS EXECUTIVE Mr. JASON AFTER EXPERIENCING THE GIA INTERNSHIP PROGRAM IN 2013, EX-GIP INTERN, MR. JASON OH JOINED THE LOSS ADJUSTING FIELD TO FURTHER HIS CAREER WITH CRAWFORD & CO. HI JASON, CAN YOU PLEASE SHARE WITH US THE REASON BEHIND YOUR DECISION TO PARTICIPATE IN THE GIA INTERNSHIP PROGRAM 2013? With my undergraduate major in Actuarial Science, joining the insurance industry was a natural choice. I found out about GIP through an email from my school and felt that the program was holistic as every intern is offered practical training opportunities under the guidance of a dedicated mentor. Furthermore, there was a chance that interns would be sent for an overseas stint. As such, I decided to apply for GIP. WHICH DEPARTMENT WERE YOU ATTACHED TO DURING THE PERIOD OF YOUR INTERNSHIP? WHAT WAS YOUR BIGGEST TAKE-AWAY FROM THE INTERNSHIP? I was attached to the Claims Department as a Claims Operations Intern. My biggest take-away from the internship was that no claim will be same as another, something must be different e.g. type of insurance, circumstances, subject matter etc. Hence, when assessing every claim, there is always an opportunity to learn new things. THOUGH HAVING STUDIED ACTUARIAL SCIENCE DURING YOUR UNIVERSITY DAYS, WHAT HAS MADE YOU PURSUE A CAREER IN AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SECTOR IN THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY? I believe that Loss Adjusting offers more than a job. The scope is highly varied. As a Loss Adjuster not only has to conduct detailed investigations by heading incident location, but also to craft a rigorous report to advise Insurers in deciding whether to pay a claim and how much to pay. It is also heartwarming to be thanked for our work by claimants. IF YOU COULD GIVE AN ADVICE TO THE UPCOMING ENTRANTS TO THE GIA INTERNSHIP PROGRAM, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Always find meaning in your work. This way, you will feel appreciated by your contributions, which leads to selfimprovement and greater achievements. GENERAL INSURANCE NEWSLETTER Nº33 FIRST QUARTER ⁄ 2015 05 UNDERWRITING ASSISTANT SHARING WITH US NEXT IS MS. CHANG MIN MIN, A GIP INTERN OF 2013. READ ABOUT HER ROLE AS AN UNDERWRITING ASSISTANT IN AIG ASIA PACIFIC INSURANCE PTE LTD. OH MIN I believe that Loss Adjusting offers more than a job. The scope is highly varied. As a Loss Adjuster not only has to conduct detailed investigations by heading incident location, but also to craft a rigorous report to advise Insurers in deciding whether to pay a claim and how much to pay. Ms. CHANG MIN HI MIN MIN, CAN YOU PLEASE SHARE WITH US WHAT MADE YOU SIGN UP FOR THE GIA INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME (GIP) IN 2013? IS IT DUE TO RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE PREVIOUS GIP INTERN(S)? Having done insurance related work before I started university and hearing experiences of some friends and relatives working in the industry, I was quite keen in the GIP when I chanced upon my school’s email blast. I was very glad to be chosen for the programme, as well as landing an internship with AIG Asia Pacific Insurance Pte Ltd. IN 2013, YOU HAD YOUR INTERNSHIP WITH AIG ASIA PACIFIC INSURANCE PTE LTD. CAN YOU PLEASE SHARE WITH US ON THAT EXPERIENCE AND YOUR DECISION TO RETURN TO AIG UPON YOUR GRADUATION? My internship with AIG was a fruitful and enjoyable one. Everyone was warm, friendly and helpful, and I felt like I was part of a big family. During my internship, I had an early glimpse of what an underwriter’s role encompassed, which I found very dynamic and exciting. Encouraged by my positive internship experience, I decided to apply for a full time position after graduation and was delighted when I was offered my current role. Being a part of a major industry player, there are numerous opportunities for growth and development in AIG. It is an excellent starting point for a fresh graduate like me, and I am also heartened that many of my colleagues whom I had interacted with during my internship still remember me! CAN YOU TELL US MORE ABOUT YOUR ROLE IN AIG AND JOB SCOPE ON A DAILY BASIS? My main role in AIG focuses on underwriting and I’m currently with the Global Property department. AIG’s diverse range of work and extensive global reach mean new opportunities and challenges every day. My core accountabilities include timely submission of internal reports, liaising with our brokers on policy matters, reviewing accounts under my purview and working with my manager on the necessary work needed to bind an account. LASTLY, WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO YOUR FELLOW PEERS, WHO MAY EMBARK ON THE SAME JOURNEY AS YOU IN THE GENERAL INSURANCE INDUSTRY THROUGH THE GIA INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME? I would encourage peers who are considering a career in the insurance industry to give the GIP a try. It offers a very good preview for those interested in developing a career in the insurance industry. I believe the insurance industry will continue to grow in importance not just within our shores but also globally. To reap the full benefits of the GIP, be inquisitive, don’t be afraid to ask questions, always strive to seek new knowledge and take the opportunity to meet and interact with new people over the course of the programme. To reap the full benefits of the GIP, be inquisitive, don’t be afraid to ask questions, always strive to seek new knowledge and take the opportunity to meet and interact with new people over the course of the programme. 06 GENERAL INSURANCE NEWSLETTER Nº33 FIRST QUARTER ⁄ 2015 GENERAL INSURANCE NEWSLETTER Nº33 FIRST QUARTER ⁄ 2015 TALENT OUTREACH PROJECT: NUS, NTU & SMU CAREER & INTERNSHIP FAIRS 2015 RAISING AWARENESS FOR THE EX-GIP INTERN GIA INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME GIA began 2015 by taking part in career fairs to showcase the successful GIA Internship Programme (formerly known as Global Internship Programme), which is now in its eighth year. GIA was invited by the National University of Singapore, the Nanyang Technological and the Singapore Management University to raise awareness of the 10-week GIA Internship Programme. The main aim of the programme is to create career opportunities for the potential talents who are eager to join the General Insurance Industry, and to also equip them with the necessary skills and experience to further develop a meaningful career in the industry. A team of 14 GIP interns from 2014 was also present at the three universities as ambassadors of the internship programme. These interns were able to give visiting students first-hand experience of their stints at various companies, and also answered students’ questions from a relevant and relatable point of view. The participating interns also found the career fairs meaningful and fulfilling, as they were given the chance to influence students’ perceptions of the General Insurance industry. I was glad to be able to reach out and share my experiences with the potential future interns. Many students might associate the General Insurance industry with life insurance, and I was glad to give them a short insight into General Insurance and the diverse roles and opportunities that are available in the industry. I hope that they will be able to participate in the programme and be exposed to this vibrant industry just like I have! RONALD CHUA, GIP INTERN 2014 EX-GIP INTERN The students I interacted with at the NUS Career Fair 2015 seemed genuinely interested in exploring a career in the General Insurance industry. Having past GIP interns present at the booth certainly made a difference in reaching out to the student body as we were able to interact with them on a more personal and engaging level. I was glad to have had the chance to share my experiences under the GIA Internship Programme with my friends. I know that the programme will prove to be beneficial and fulfilling to anybody who is looking to embark on a career in the General Insurance industry! BENJAMIN HEW, GIP INTERN 2014 EX-GIP INTERN EX-GIP INTERN EX-GIP INTERN EX-GIP INTERN EX-GIP INTERN I found the recent career fair in NUS both meaningful and impactful. Being able to provide a first-hand experience under the GIA Internship Programme and helping to educate my peers was a fulfilling experience for me. Judging by the responses from my fellow peers, I must say that the word “Insurance” is still daunting to many. However, with the right information, many of them expressed interest in looking at the General Insurance industry as a serious career option. Having experienced the career fair, where I was able give students information about the GIA Internship Programme, I found that many of my peers were still unaware of the processes, roles and responsibilities of the different players within the insurance industry. However, they seemed much more interested in how the industry operates after hearing from us. It was much more interesting for me as well, being the party explaining to my peers about the industry. It’s possible that without a platform like these career fairs, many students might not take it upon themselves to find out more about the industry. One of the first few questions I received at the career fair was from a year 1 mathematics student asking: “Do I need to sell insurance policies in this programme?” I think she addressed something on many students’ minds that day, and I am glad I was able to give her and many others a better understanding of the General Insurance industry. As I explained further about the various sectors in the industry, she became more curious of the opportunities present, and was keen to find out more. Many more students came forward with similar questions later, and I found it fulfilling have helped some of my peers gain deeper insight into the great and understated General Insurance industry. As a general rule, some people might not have a good impression of the insurance industry, with some of them having sole exposure to the industry from life insurance company sales calls. However, as we explained more about the industry and the GIA Internship Programme, I found the students starting to become more interested. Some mentioned that they would consider signing up for the internship to gain greater insight in the industry. It felt good being the one sharing my personal experience and the misconceptions I too had prior to the internship, and how this perception of mine has changed over the course of the programme. Many individuals have the misconceptions about the insurance industry and are not aware of the diversity the industry has to offer. I hope that the sharing sessions at the career fairs have benefitted many and formed a more accurate impression of our dynamic General Insurance industry! SAMUEL LIM, GIP INTERN 2014 JONATHAN NG, GIP INTERN 2014 LIM KAI LIANG, GIP INTERN 2014 Likewise, for those who will be given a chance to take on this internship, I hope that their misconceptions and questions would be answered, and that they will consider insurance as a future career option. LIM SHI MIN, GIP INTERN 2014 MICHAEL NG, GIP INTERN 2014 07 08 GENERAL INSURANCE NEWSLETTER Nº33 FIRST QUARTER ⁄ 2015 MARITIME KNOWLEDGE SHIPPING SESSION 30: GENERAL INSURANCE NEWSLETTER Nº33 FIRST QUARTER ⁄ 2015 09 INDUSTRY BULLETIN: TOUR OF THE WAVELINK MARITIME CAT MARITIME INSTITUTE MODEL On 21 January 2015, 19 marine insurance practitioners participated in a tour of the recently launched Wavelink Maritime Institute. The opening session of the ninth Maritime Knowledge Shipping Session 30, entitled “The Maritime CAT Model”, was held on 17 March 2015 at Capital Tower. Addressing the 168 participants at the auditorium, Mr David Chin, Executive Director, Singapore Maritime Foundation, delivered the opening speech that day. He also thanked LCH (Singapore) Pte Ltd for their continuous support in sponsoring the seminars. of Willis Reinsurance (Singapore) Pte Ltd. His speech was titled “Catastrophe Risk Management for Marine Risk’, and covered a view of risk from natural catastrophes in Asia, as well as key considerations in analysing Marine Cargo risk. Mr Peter Ulrich, Vice President, Risk Management Solutions Inc., kicked off the session by delivering a presentation entitled “Integrating Marine Risk into a View of Catastrophe Exposure”. Mr Ulrich presented his topic with case studies of past and recent catastrophes that affected Asia, and spoke about why marine risks should be modelled and managed in conjunction with property exposure, in cases where insurers write both coverages. A Q&A panel chaired by moderator Mr Jonathan Ranger, GIA Property & Marine Committee member and Chief Executive Officer of Watkins Syndicate Pte Ltd, went on to address several attendees’ queries pertaining to the presentations. Mr Paul Faulkner, GIA Convenor for Property and Marine Committee, concluded the session by handing out the tokens of appreciation to the two speakers. The other speaker for the day was Mr Richard Sanders, Executive Director The seminar still continues to receive positive feedback from participants and is set to continue with strong support from the industry. Managed by the Singapore Maritime Officer Union, the Wavelink Maritime Institute is home to state of the art simulators for seafarers in training. This trip is one of many initiativesAAZ undertaken by the Property and Marine Committee to provide education and information for professionals in the maritime industry. Captain Edwin Sim, Manager at the Simulation Centre, led the tour around various simulation centres, such as the Engine Room, the Liquid Cargo Handling Simulator, and the state of the art 240 degree Full Mission Bridge Simulator. On the Full Mission Bridge simulator, participants had the chance to experience manoeuvring a ship in a scenario-based exercise, with the guidance of Captain Sim. These simulations are aimed at testing seafarers’ specific abilities and competency skills, by simulating the various possibilities out at sea, such as weather conditions, and certain navigational challenges. 10 GENERAL INSURANCE NEWSLETTER Nº33 FIRST QUARTER ⁄ 2015 ACTUARIAL KNOWLEDGE SEMINAR SERIES: SESSION 4 INDUSTRY BULLETIN: : REINSURANCE CATASTROPHES AND CAPITAL OPTIMISATION The fourth session of the GI Actuary Knowledge Seminar Series was held at the Amara Hotel, Singapore on 6 March 2015. This series was initiated by GIA with the support of the professional actuaries, with the aim of hearing and learning from experienced actuaries from the Singapore Actuarial Society about the various types of actuarial work. The topic for this session was “Reinsurance: Catastrophes and Capital Optimisation”. Covering the topics of “Catastrophes” and “Capital Optimisation considerations” respectively were Mr Frederic Boulliung and Mr Darren Ma. Mr Boulliung talked about natural catastrophes occuring around Asia Pacific that made a strong impact FIRST QUARTER ⁄ 2015 on the offshore industry due to substantial financial losses. He also shared with participants some ideas on mitigating substantial losses when managing an offshore portfolio. Mr Ma highlighted the many types of reinsurance and coverages, drivers of demand, balance of perspective and other influences that might help companies optimise the balance between profits, which gets ceded, against capital reduction The seminar attracted 49 professionals from the GI industry, and garnered a 100% satisfaction rating. GIA-PwC BUDGET SEMINAR In light of the Singapore Government’s Budget announcement in Feb 2015, the General Insurance Association of Singapore, with the support of PricewaterhouseCoopers Services LLP, conducted a seminar on 27 March 2015 to help the industry understand the implications of the announcement better. Ms. Yip Yoke Har, Partner, Ms. Goh Chiew Mei and Ms. Carrie Lim, Directors from PricewaterhouseCoopers Services LLP highlighted relevant budget changes and explained how these changes might affect the General Insurance industry and community. Content covered by the seminar included tax updates, compliance issues, transfer pricing and the implication of IRAS’ new guidelines, BBO, as well as how the Singapore Budget 2015 updates are relevant to insurers. The morning briefing was held at M Hotel, and was attended by 38 professionals from the industry and achieved a 100% satisfaction rating. GENERAL INSURANCE NEWSLETTER Nº33 11 GENERAL INSURANCE NEWSLETTER Nº33 FIRST QUARTER ⁄ 2015 INDUSTRY BULLETIN: ANNOUNCEMENT WELCOMING GIA’S 35th MEMBER GIA is pleased to announce that Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance Company will be joining the GIA family as our newest member with effect from 25 March 2015. The Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance Company will be the 35th addition to the GIA network of members. The ceremony was officiated at the GIA Annual Luncheon, where Mr Cher AK, GIA President, presented the member certificate to Mr Marc Breuil, Regional President Asia, Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance. Spearheading the company in Singapore is Chief Executive Officer, Mr Ben Xun-Yuan Liang. Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance provides commercial property, casualty, healthcare professional liability, executive and professional lines, surety, travel, programmes, and homeowners insurance. In Asia, it underwrites on the paper of Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance Company, which holds the financial strength ratings of A++ from AM Best, and AA+ from Standard & Poor’s. Based in Boston, Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance has regional underwriting offices in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Toronto, Hong Kong, Singapore and New Zealand. 12
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