Metastatic cancer support group

Life shrinks or expands
in proportion to one’s
— Anais Nin
Metastatic cancer
support group
A diagnosis of metastatic cancer can be frightening and may bring uncertainty
to your life. But some with metastatic cancer live far longer than expected, and it
Meets the second and fourth
Wednesdays of each month
can be a time of rich personal growth.
2 to 3:30 p.m.
The metastatic cancer support group is a safe environment where you can openly
share your worries and frustrations, and explore your hopes and dreams. It is a
good place to get support.
The group explores how to cope with metastatic cancer, talking with family
and friends, quality of life, self-care, accessing community services, end-of-life
concerns and advanced planning.
For information, please call facilitators:
Sarah Blanton, LCSW, OSW-C, 541-768-2375
Jeanette Hansen, MSW, CSWA, 541-768-6005
Samaritan Regional Cancer Center,
James R. Mol Library,
501 NW Elks Drive, Corvallis
2015 meeting dates:
March 11 and 25
April 8 and 22
May 13 and 27
June 10 and 24
July 8 and 22
Aug. 12 and 26
Sept. 9 and 23
Oct. 14 and 28
Nov. 11 and 25
Dec. 9 and 23